Create button to move WPF window - wpf

I have a borderless WPF window that I am using this answer to move at the moment: Move a borderless window in wpf
But I would really like to have have a button that when you click and hold lets you drag the window around. Is that possible?
Thank you.

Just attach a PreviewMouseDown event to the Button and use similar code
<Button PreviewMouseDown="Move" />
or CodeBehind
Button button = new Button();
button.PreviewMouseDown += Move;
private void Move(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// "window" is the name of the window
e.Handled = true;


WPF WebBrowser inside a Popup

I want to have Popup with WebBrowser in it that appears when I click on window created with WinForms. I created user control that contains DockPanel with WebBrowser. I put this control in Popup and then when I click on window whole Popup appears except for WebBrowser. To check my control I put it directly to window - and it works. Is this problem because of mixing WPF and WinForms or WebBrowser just will not work in Popup?
<WebBrowser Navigate="..." />
Popup foo = new Popup()
Child = MyControl
void OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
foo.IsOpen = true;

Wpf not all windows are maximized from taskbar

I have three windows. FirstWindow, SecondWindow and ThirdWindow. FirstWindow has button and click on this button opens the SecondWindow. Analogously, SecondWindow has button and click on this button opens the ThirdWindow. Owner property of the SecondWindow is set as FirstWindow and Owner property of the ThirdWindow is set as SecondWindow. The scenario discribing problem:
Open all windows in a row. It will be looked like this:
Then minimize all windows by click on corresponding icon at top right corner of ThirdWindow.
If you will try to maximize all windows by clicking on FirstLevelWindow or ThirdLevelWinow in taskbar - all will be ok, three windows will be maximized. But if you will click on SecondWindow you will see this:
How can I fix it, or it is just WPF bug? I can give archived expample project if it helps.
Minimize window - click "_" icon, left icon in iconbar of the window. All windows are modal, i.e it opens with ShowDialog() method, not with Show() method. So if you minimize third window - all the windows will be minimized.
Here the code if you don't want download project by link:
FirstWindow XAML:
<Button Click="OpenChildWindow"
FirstWindow .cs:
private void OpenChildWindow(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var window = new SecondLevelWindow();
window.Owner = this;
SecondWindow XAML:
<Button Click="OpenChildWindow"
SecondWindow .cs:
private void OpenChildWindow(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var window = new ThirdLevelWindow();
window.Owner = this;
ThirdWindow is empty window without any content.
Here link to example project
I've just found, that bug is not reproduced if property ResizeMode of ThirdWindow is set to "NoResize". Mb it will be usefull information.
Well, I admit I have no idea what is going on. Did you try to add a fourth window? This become even stranger: the second window bring back the third, but the fourth is still not back.
Anyway, If I had to manage this problem, I would keep a reference of my childWindow in each parent Window. This way on any interesting event (like activate on the second window in your example) I could manage the state of my child as required (WindowState.Normal in your case).
It could be something like that: in xaml of secondWindow:
And then in code behind:
private ThirdLevelWindow _window;
public SecondLevelWindow()
private void OpenChildWindow(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
_window = new ThirdLevelWindow ();
_window.Owner = this;
public void SecondLevelWindow_OnActivated(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_window != null)
_window.WindowState = WindowState.Normal;
This is a start, but you could also inspect your current state to define the state of your child.
Hope it helps.

how to get Tabcontrol's Tab focus in WPF

I am New in WPF
I have one form on which I put one datagrid as well as there is one "Add New" button to add new item in grid
so is there any way to know about tab lost focus when click on Add new button and again get focus on tab control ? Lostfocus event of tab control does not work.
You can make use of the TabControl.SelectionChanged Event
void TabControl_TabSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Source is TabControl)
// do something

Click event in UserControl- WPF

I have a UserControl in my WPF application.
I want to call a click event and do some things when the user clicked the UserControl.
The problem is- the UserControl doesn't have a click event.
I searched on the web and found that you can use the MouseLeftButtonUp event.
I tried it- but it doesn't respond to my clicks.
You didn't write what you are trying to do but if you need a click event maybe you are writing some kind of button (the Button class is actually "something you can click" with the visual representation in a control template you can replace)
If you need a button with complex content inside - put your user control inside a button
If you need a button that doesn't look like a button write a custom control template for button
If you need a button with extra functionality subclass button, add the extra data/behavior in code and put the display XAML in a style.
I think for your needs PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(Down) event is more suitable. Then you need to handle ClickCount for counting amount of clicks and then raise your own event, on which other controls will know, that your control is clicked. There are much more methods on handling click event. You should look at this msdn article and this
UPDATE to handle both Click and DoubleClick
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
_myCustomUserControl.MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(_myCustomUserControl_MouseLeftButtonUp);
_myCustomUserControl.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseButtonEventHandler(_myCustomUserControl_MouseDoubleClick);
bool _doubleClicked;
void _myCustomUserControl_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
_textBlock.Text = "Mouse left button clicked twice";
_doubleClicked = true;
e.Handled = true;
void _myCustomUserControl_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (_doubleClicked)
_doubleClicked = false;
_textBlock.Text = "Mouse left button clicked once";
e.Handled = true;
To test this example name your control as _myCustomUserControl and add a TextBlock named _textBlock to your MainWindow.xaml
Why not just use MouseDown?
Put the event in the User Control and simply do this:
private void MyControl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)

Is it possible to set a mouselistener in WPF?

Can i set a mouselistener (Clicked) in WPF?
Just a Click attribute to your xaml control
Assign it a handler
Define the handler in your xaml.cs
In your xaml,
<Button Click="Button_Click"></Button>
In your xaml.cs,
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//What should be done when you click the control
There are loads of mouse events available. Check MSDN for the list of mouse events supported in WPF
If te user clicked where?
If you have a button(or window or pretty much anything else) you simpy add the MouseDown() eventhandler....
