Reward user for Installing App - mobile

My question is: How do i reward user for installing the app shown on the video add or banner? In other words how i keep track if a user downloads the app that i advertise and then reward him with points in game.

Typically you will put some kind of unique identifier in the links in your advertisement and you would to track this identifier and later user it when the app is installed.
You can also display some kind of code on the app download page that the user can enter into the app to get their reward.
Another option is to create a custom landing page for the user to download the app from and have the user register to download the app and associate the registration with the app.


Ionic additional app content (app in app)

Current situation
I have multiple ionic react apps for different purposes. Lets say: one is a recipe app, the second a restaurant reservation app and the third a restaurant rating app.
All apps are distributed as single apps to the app stores. They have their own splash screens, icons etc.
The situation I want
I would like to create a single base app where users can sign in to their account. The base app will show their homepage with greeting and a list of apps (modules) that are available for install.
Lets say i’m an user and I would like to use the reservation app. In my base app I click on the reservation app icon and the app is installed within my base app and ready for use. If I choose to removd the app, it will be removed from my base app.
With this concept, users can use multiple apps from one single app and with one account (all data is written to databases and connected to their signed in account).
Let’s say I host all modules (apps) on azure or whatsoever, each time I upload a new ionic app to azure, the new extra module is shown in the base app as downloadable content.
Why do I want this?
It might happen, that in the future, I have over 10 applications. I own all these apps under 1 name. It would be much more user friendly to make them available to my users via one base app rather than having 10 or more apps in the stores for download.
Also, it would be much easier to expand the content each time. In stead of making a new build, upload it to the stores etc.
Why not build all the apps in one code base?
The app simply would get too big over time. Also, i do not want to make new builds each time and add them for review to the stores. Third, the users can decide what modules / apps they want to download in app.
I can not find an existing example. Is this possible and if so, what would be the first steps?
I have not tried anything yet.

create an external install link for a PWA

I have converted my website into a PWA. Right now when the users visit my website they get an install prompt on the browser's search bar on the desktop device and on the mobile device screen, add to home screen prompt appears. What I want is to create an external link for the PWA for the respective devices, which one shared over any messaging system or email will directly let the users install the PWA on their devices. Or, I can create a button on a webpage that on click lets users install the PWA. Please guide me if it is possible by any chance.
Right now, one way that I have figured out is to publish it on the play store or apple store and then share the link. But I want to upload it to cloud storage like Google Drive/Dropbox, etc. and share the link.

How can I block screen shots and records only for third apps

How I can restrict sreenshots and records only of third apps?
My app needs record screen for audit activity but with setContentProtection the recording don't show the content of my app. Can I add my app id to a "whitelist" for allow this function?
I've searched about NSWindowSharing on mac, and found is possible differentiate between apps for this permission but i don't found this config on electron

How do I tag a react app on clients site?

I have a basic 6 question React Quiz App. My goal is to launch this App on a client's website. I want to add analytics tagging to record performance and engagement:
user views on questions and flow
user interactions clicks
user choices based on form inputs
user quiz results/completion conversion
other misc user data
With this app being loaded externally through clients tag manager, what would be the best approach/analytics service to track this data? Any services you guys recommend?

From the App ID of a deployed App in the Teams Tenant Custom App Store, how do we find the original Azure App ID that was in the Manifest file?

Once a custom Teams App is deployed in a tenant from an app package, it appears with a new App ID (the app store App ID). It appears that all traces of the Teams app package/ Manifest file used to upload are now lost to the Teams admin who uploaded the app package; at least there is no way to find the app package that was uploaded.
From the Manage App Listing in the Teams Admin Portal, how do we find the original Azure App ID that was in the Manifest file that was part of the app package used to create the published app?
If not from the Teams Admin Portal, is there a path to trace from the App Store App ID (available after app is published) via the Graph to the associated entries in Azure AD, to the original App ID, and thence the bot, that was in the Manifest file?
If you have a number of apps with similar names from the same publisher, it appears next to impossible to back track to which of the multiple Teams bot the published application is using.
Using Teams in the browser will give you a lot more info on this. For instance, when you go to a bot in a 1-1 chat, it will give an address like:[GUID1]/sections/conversations?slug=28:[GUID2]
[GUID1] is the app's ID as listed in the app's original manifest file. However, that only gives you the Team App Id, which is NOT the same as the Bot's ID. In some cases, the documentation suggests using the same Id for both your bot id and your team app id, but it's not a hard and fast rule at all.
To get the bot id you can try a similar trick though - use the browser tools, and in the bot 1-1 chat, use the inspect option to query the html. Look for an element called virtual-repeat. It will have a property called conversation-id which will look something like this:
[Guid1]_[Guid2]. [GUID1] is your own personal AzureAD ObjectId, [GUID2] is the bot's id.
However, you haven't stated why you need this bot id - perhaps explain what you're trying to do, and someone can help to approach that.
For those admins with access to PowerShell (Import-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams / Connect-MicrosoftTeams etc), the Get-TeamsApp commandlet will provide a list of all installed Tenant Apps as well as their External ID (which is the App ID listed in the Manifest file, which is the same as the Bot ID)
The item marked 1 is the External ID (Bot Application ID) and the Item marked 2 is the App Installation ID (as appears in the Teams Admin Portal -> Manage Apps, Select App, About-> App ID.
Microsoft should consider just displaying the two IDs alongside in the Teams Admin Portal itself.
