App Engine access service(s) with custom domain and HTTPS - google-app-engine

I have a GAE app set up to use a custom domain, let's call it mycustomdomain. This naked domain is working fine over HTTP and HTTPS. I also have a service called api, it can be accessed successfully by going to (custom domain convention).
However, I can't access the api service over HTTPS. I uploaded a SSL for, but I got an error (site can't be reached) for trying to accessing the api service over HTTPS. My question is do I need to purchase the SSL in order to access the api service over HTTPS? I don't have much experience dealing with SSL certs and GAE custom domain, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Edit: updated information for GCP Console configurations.
My app setup in the Console contains the following:
Services: default, api
Custom domain setup:
SSL uploaded: (NOT the wildcard version), (unable to be enabled for custom domain, none matching)
More detail: The problem is when I map both and, they are both mapped to the default service. I want api. to point to the API service. If I only map, that allows me to access api service at the api subdomain, but then the api SSL can't be applied to api. subdomain because it's not listed as a subdomain.
07/24/17 Update: I believe this is a limitation with the App Engine Settings after trying out several scenarios via GAE Console. We have a custom domain set up for and enabled the SSL cert for this domain. The domain is pointing to the default service. We have a second service set up called API. Google's routing rules for any service set up is via HTTP:// service-id.custom-domain, which in our case is However, when I upload the SSL for the api subdomain, Console couldn't find matching domains because the api subdomain is not specified via the Console. Now if I set up as a custom domain, I'm able to enable the SSL for api subdomain. Problem then becomes api subdomain is now pointing to the default service instead of the api service. If I remove the api mapping, I'm able to browse to the api service again, but no HTTPS! I don't believe there is a way to get this set up correctly without a wildcard SSL enabled for all subdomains. Please let me know if I'm missing anything. I have tried everything I can think of via the Console. Thanks.

You don't necessarily need a "wildcard" cert, per se. But, you do need to get a cert that covers all the subdomains. For example:
It's a standard solution, and not difficult to do. Certbot (Let's Encrypt) makes it easy.

If you choose to get a wildcard certificate installation is pretty straight forward:
You upload the certificate in the developer console (in App Engine -> Settings -> SSL Certificates -> Upload a new certificate). May require a bit of effort, see also Google App Engine SSL with Let's Encrypt "could not be inserted".
Once it's visible in the certificate table you can click on its name and you'll end up in the certificate edit screen where you can select which custom (sub)domains it applies to (from the list of all custom domains mapped in the app), looks like this:
Note: these are the corresponding custom domain mappings:
If you have another app (under the same admin account) which is also mapped to subdomains of the same domain you can activate the certificate on it as well in a similar manner (the console automatically shows the certificate in the list when you switch apps, no need to upload it again).


Azure AD App Registration error: The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application

Sorry that my question might be repetitive but none of the solutions provided in other links have resolved my issue. Below is my situation
We have ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web application to which we are trying to use Azure AD so that users can login with our Enterprise Credentials. We started with ASP.CRORE MVC default template and enabled to Use Organization credentials and Authentication is working in our Local environment. We are now trying to deploy this app to other internal environments. So we have deployed this to two of our internal servers and configured IIS to refer this website with http IP's assigned. I was able to create Azure App registry for this application and was able to add the http IP's through Manifest, added the clientId to the appsettings.json file and the authentication is working if we refer the website using the http IP's. I have also tried by assigning https IP's assigned to the same websites and added them to Azure App Registry and again the authentication is still working if we refer the website with either of the 2 https IP's.
Now we have decided to create URL something like which resolves to either of the http IP's using F5 Load balancer. I was able to add the URL to the azure app registry and using the same clientId in appsettings.json in the same way how the app is working with http or https IPs. But somehow when we refer the website URL we are getting the error as mentioned in the title of the question and I did observed after I hit the URL, its getting redirected as redirect_uri=httpXXXX instead of https which I thought may be the reason of the issue but unable to resolve. I have googled it and tried with various solutions but none resolved and so I am posing it again hoping for a luck if someone can provide me a solution.
Following are the links which appeared close to my situation but didn't work for me
Thanks in advance.
I looked at the sample you provided, and it does not provide the redirect_ url key in appsettings.json. So, based on my experience, it should have a built-in redirect_ url. Otherwise, the aadsts50011 error will not be reported.
To deal with this kind of problem, you can try a general solution:
When you visit the application url , you will be redirected to the login page. Decode the authorization request url, you will find redirect_url, copy the value of redirect_url and paste it into the azure portal, and try again.
For the redirect URL, it should start with https, if you need to start with http, you must configure it as http://localhost.

Pub/sub push subscription to an endpoint API URL

Since it is mandatory to register non app-engine endpoints as mentioned here,I can't register my endpoint and it shows the error: Invalid property URL; please specify a site or directory URL, not a page URL.Screenshot here
What can be the alternative?
Make sure you have:
A HTTPS server.
A valid SSL certificate.
Register the endpoint domain with the GCP project.
Register the https:// version of your site URL.
Configuring HTTP Endpoints
You need a publicly accessible HTTPS server to handle POST requests in order to receive push messages. The server must present a valid SSL certificate signed by a certificate authority and routable by DNS. You also need to validate that you own the domain (or have equivalent access to the endpoint). Finally, you must register the endpoint domain with the GCP project. Note that these steps are considerably simplified on App Engine, where SSL certificates are provided and verification requirements can be relaxed.
Step 1: Verify you have access to the domain
Complete the site verification process using Search Console. Be sure to register the https:// version of your site URL. For more details, see the site verification help documentation.

How to add https trusted certificate to AWS instance

I have made an app with Spring Boot on backend and UI in AngularJS. UI is separate from the backend. UI is deployed in Firebase and my backend in deployed in AWS (via boxfuse). I want to add a trusted https certificate to my backend but Certificate Manager does not let me create a trusted certificate for Amazon owned domain. How can I add a certificate to the backend (with Let's Encrypt)? Does my UI also need a trusted certificate?
First of all, If you are using public domain of EC2 instance, I would advice not to use because whenever you start and stop instance, It will change the domain. If you are doing with let's encrypt than you should do it in the server which having apache configured. Let's encrypt provide you the ACME client, most recommended is certbot. Choose your OS and Web server. It will provide you the script, Run that script in your server and it will ask for required detail which needed to get SSL Certification. Rest of the things script will do it for you. Please read the documentation before you perform this things.
You should consider the domain type as well either you are using single domain or wildcard according to your application.
Below link is useful for me, If you want you can get more detail about this.

Is it possible to use custom domains without owner verification with appengine?

I have an application hosted by Google Appengine and I need to serve it using custom domain. Is it possible to use custom domains without owner verification?
In order for a custom domain to serve your GAE app, Google must verify that you are indeed an owner of the domain (DNS entries often need to be added, etc.)
If you DNS provider can do a 301/302 HTTP redirect, you can set it up to redirect to your app's underlying URL, but the user would be seeing it after the first page load in the browser address bar.
Without validation though, you won't be able to host a site directly.

Naked and www custom domains with Google App Engine

I have added two custom domains to Google Developers Console for a Google App Project. One, a naked domain with A and AAA records set on the third party DNS manager as specified by Google. Two, a www domain with a Cname record set on the third party DNS manager, as specified by Google.
The www is serving, but the naked domain is not! The A records ip addresses timeout on my local machine but I get results when using
Obviously you can use more than one custom domain but is there something I'm missing here?
Update: custom naked domain mapping is now supported directly in GAE, see How to use Google app engine with my own naked domain (not subdomain)?.
[Old answer follows]
If it's acceptable for you to use custom domains through Google Apps then you can use the Google Admin console to:
map your naked domain to Google Apps
redirect the naked domain to a certain (sub)domain of your choice
I find several advantages of going this way:
you can change the naked domain redirect without any change in the
GAE apps domain configs
the direct domain mapping of GAE apps (without using Google Apps) is
still very young, documentation is far from exhaustive
you can use SSL with your custom domains, according to the docs:
"To add Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption (i.e., an HTTPS
address) to your App Engine app, you must use the SSL service
provided with Google Apps".
