I need to convert multiple PDFs, and image files (JPG, GIF, etc.) within a certain folder to TIFF and then move the TIFF to a different folder and put the original in an "ARCHIVE" folder (within the first folder). This will run every 5-10 minutes using a scheduled task within Windows.
I have been using a program called Ghostscript which works great, the command line I am using for converting a PDF for example is:
gswin64.exe -o test03.tiff -r720x720 -g6120x7920 -sDEVICE=tiffg4 test.pdf
Can anybody help me out with a script to do the above?
To convert image to tiff without external binaries you can use convImg.bat.It still not completed (I need to add help message and some checks) but it is working.Accepts two arguments source image and the target one and the format is taken by the extension:
call convImg.bat "C:\putin_gay_clown.jpg" "C:\putin_gay_clown.tiff"
To complete your script you can use:
#echo off
set "pics=c:\pics"
set "tiff_folder=c:\tiffs"
for %%a in ("%pics%\*jpg" "%pics%\*gif" "%pics%\*png" "%pics%\*bpm") do (
call convImg.bat "%%~fa" "%tiff_folder%\%%~na.tiff"
As for the converting a pdf to tiff I don't think this is possible without external tool.
I am using the following command within a batch script to, hopefully, eventually programmatically create simple video slideshows with transitions:
melt 131.jpg 132.jpg 133.jpg ttl=75 -attach crop center=1 -filter luma cycle=75 duration=25 -transition mix -consumer avformat:out.mp4 frame_rate_num=30 frame_rate_den=1
Most of this command is an adaptation for Windows of this command on the MLT website blog (with the exception of the part that scales and transforms the image). For some reason when I run this, however, the output video file is 25 minutes long!
I have two main questions:
a. How do I properly control the duration of each image in the video? I have experimented quite a bit with changing the parameters and I have a semi-decent understanding of what they all mean (I am a newbie to MLT but I figured that there's no way to do something like this easily in FFMPEG alone). The only way I have found to decrease the duration with any amount of control is to increase the output framerate to absurd numbers (which, of course, is not ideal as it's a massive waste of time and energy and still doesn't really solve the issue).
b. How do I use a wildcard to input all the .jpg files in a folder on Windows? I tried adding *.jpg but that didn't work and I don't know how else to do it within a batch script (I tried using the following code to get the file names as a variable, but I wasn't able to get string concatenation working correctly because it only outputs the final file name)
set files=
for /r %%i in (*.jpg) do (
echo %%i
set files=%files% "%%i"
echo %files%
Thank you for any suggestions!
When you specify a .jpg file, melt automatically chooses a producer internally. Depending on your environment and version, that producer will either be the qimage or pixbuf producer.
Both producers offer a "ttl" parameter to specify the duration of the image (in frames) for image sequences
In the example you linked, an image sequence is created by using the special syntax: photos/.all.jpg ttl=75
In your example, you specify a specific file name. So an image sequence is not created. Instead, a new producer is created for each file. The default length for a producer is 15000 frames.
The length can be specified in the command line.
melt 131.jpg length=100 132.jpg length=100 133.jpg length=100
set files=%files% "%%i"
CALL set "files=%%files%% "%%i""
This uses a subsidiary process to concatenate your filenames.
I have no idea about the solution to your other question.
I need to store data in a file in this format
word, audio, jpeg
How would I store that all in one file? Is it even possible do would I need to store links to other data files in place of the audio and jpeg. Would I need a custom file format?
1. Your own filetype
As mentioned by #Ken White you would need to be creating your own custom file format for this sort of thing, which would then mean creating your own parser type. This could be achieved in almost any language you wanted but since you are planning on using word format, then maybe C# would be best for you. However, this technique could be quite complicated and take a relatively large amount of time to thoroughly test your file compresser / decompressor, but may be best depending on your needs.
2. Command line utilities
Another way to go about this would be to use a bash script to combine all of the files into one file, and then decompress it at the other end. For example the steps could involve:
Combine files using windows copy / linux cat command on command line
Create a metdata file of your own that says how many files are in this custom file, and how much memory each one takes up (could be a short XML or JSON file for example...)
Use the linux split command or install a Windows command line file splitter program (here's just one example) to split the file back into whatever components have made it up.
This way you only have to create a really small file type, and let the OS utilities handle the combining of them for you.
Example on Windows:
Copy all of the files in your current directory into one output file called 'file.custom'
copy /b * file.custom
Generate custom file format describing metadata (i.e. get the file size on disk in C# example here). This is just maybe what I would do in JSON. SO formatting was being annoying so here's a link (Copy paste it into an editor or online JSON viewer).
Use a decompress windows / linux command line tool to decompress each files to the exact length (and export it back to the exact name) specified in the JSON (metadata) file. (More info on splitting files on this post).
3. ZIP files
You could always store all of the files in a compressed zip file, and then just use a zip compressor, expander as and when you like to retreive any number of file formats stored within.
I found a couple of examples of :
Combining multiple files into one ZIP file in only C# .net,
Unzipping ZIP files in C#
Zipping & Unzipping with only windows built-in utilities
Zipping & Unzipping in Linux command line
Good Zipping/Unzipping library in Java
Zipping/Unzipping in Python
I have many many pdf files in a directory that I need to convert from pdf to png. Currently, I am using the ImageMagick command:
magick mogrify -format png *.pdf
Because, there are so many files, I would like to use ghostscript directly because there are several sources that suggest that I could achieve a 75% reduction in processing time by doing this.
However, I am having trouble finding a clean dos command example to accomplish the same thing as the ImageMagick command above. I believe I need to execute the gswin64c.exe module but I am unsure how to do this to accomplish what I need to get done. Can someone provide me with a clean example of the ghostscript that accomplishes what I'm doing in ImageMagick?
After much digging, what I discovered was that ghostscript does not really have a wildcard that would allow reference to all files of a certain pattern (like ImageMagick does). To convert all files in a directory that are pdf's to png's, a dos script like the following could be used:
for %%x in (*) do gswin64c.exe -sDEVICE=png16m -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -
SOutputFile="%%~nx.png" %%~nx.pdf
This can also be run from the command line by simply using single percentage signs (%) instead of the double percentage signs in the script above.
The terms are as follows:
gswin64c.exe: This is the dos command version of GhostScript. It should be used as opposed to gswin64.exe which will open a GhostScript window.
-sDEVICE=png16m This indicates the form of the output file. Is this case png.
-dBATCH -dNOPAUSE. These are GhostScript options and when employed will allow for continuous operation of the script (without them, the program will pause after each file converted).
-dQUIET - This suppresses notifications that display on stdout after each processed file.
SOutputFile="%%~nx.png" %%~nx.pdf This indicates the pattern for the input files and the output files. x is the loop variable. The % sign is used as a wild card. ~nx is a Dos convention which truncates the extension of an echoed file name.
There are many programs which help me write more efficient code (NirCmd etc.), but they can't run properly if they aren't installed in the computer. So is there a way to, for example, in the temp folder, extract the program from a batch program and use it.
I tried reading the executables with a hex editor, putting the hex code into another file and saving it as an executable. But this failed. So, is there any way to efficiently store an executable inside a batch file, create it and then run it?
Yes, there is one that I know of and works perfectly.
It is a program called bhx.exe (link to its site here).
It can also embed other file types.
The usage is quite simple:
(optional) Create a cabinet (.cab) file from the original .exe using this command: makecab yourexe.exe yourexe.cab. For better compression you can use the /D switch in this way: makecab /D CompressionType=LZX yourexe.exe yourexe.cab
CD to the directory bhx is in and do this: bhx yourexe.cab. Other switches are described in the website.
There you go, the mybin.cmd file is generated.
I am trying to drag a pdf onto a batch file which will then convert the pdf to a png, in the same directory. It all works well for a single page pdf, I get the right conversion to png format, the problem is when I am converting a pdf with multiple pages. The output says "Processing pages 1, 2, 3 etc... But what I end up with is only the first page of the pdf. Could anyone steer me in the right direction, I would be much appreciated.
I have created a batch file with the code below. Thank's in advance.
path=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\gs\gs9.20\bin\
cd %~dp1
gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sCompression=lzw -r300x300 -dBATCH -sOutputFile=%1.png %1
You have to use %d as part of the output filename to specify the pattern for the page number in the pngs. -sOutputFile=%1_%%d.png in that case.