How to handle dynamically changing ID's on refresh? [closed] - selenium-webdriver

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How to handle dynamically changing ID's on refresh?

It's very common question but i would like to answer this question.
If id's are dynamic the you can go with any other locator techniques which ever is suitable in case of your app.
e.g. Name , className.
Mostly use of advance css or Xpath should work in your case. but you need to find unique set of properties / attribute values to locate.
Keep this in mind - just ignore on the part which is changing...focus on the part which is not changing and try to use that in any locator you choose.


How to make bot change all of the members nicknames? [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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I have a question can't seem to find a way to do it, *I am new. My question is how can the bot change all of the members nick names? I searched ton of stack overflow sites but they didn't gave me the answer.
I have searched a ton of pages that I don't even remember.
Here is the picture =picture=
This will get all members and change there nicknames
message.guild.members.cache.forEach((member) => member.setNickname("yo").catch(() => false))
I forgot guild ^^"

React does not recognize the `classNameName` prop on a DOM element? [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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at div
at ReviewSection
at div
at Home
at Routes (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:81213:5)
at div
at App
at Router (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:81146:15)
at BrowserRouter (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:79955:5)
You probably are writing 'className' as 'classNameName'.
PS: Format your questions properly and write proper details before posting. None of what you posted is useful in knowing what your actual problem is.

Using AI generators to ask questions to provoke thinking instead of giving answers? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have a use case that I want to use to help independent creators talk about their interests on Twitter using their experiences.
It goes like this:
You have an interest you want to talk about Entrepreneurship
You have an experience like Pain
Is there a way for an AI (like GPT) to generate prompts that uses these two words to create a list of open-ended questions that provoke thoughts such as these:
If entrepreneurship wasn't painful, what would it look like?
What do you know about entrepreneurship that is painful that starters should know?
How can you lower the barrier to entrepreneurship so that it's a less painful opportunity for a person to take?
If so, how will it work, and what do I need to do?
I've explored Open AI's documentation on GPT-3, I'm unclear if it solves this problem of generating prompts.
You should provide some samples so that the GPT-3 can see the pattern and produce a sensible response from your prompt.
For example, see the following screenshot from your case. Note that the bold text is my prompt. The regular text is the response from GPT-3. In that example, I was "priming" the GPT-3 with relevant pattern: First line, the general description, then the Topics, followed by Questions. This should be enough for booting up your ideas and customizations.

How to add a collection of input.value to a state hook? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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why am I only adding a password? How to add all values ​​to a "data"? (auth/signIn) (my form)
What you're doing is using a useState hook that's an object with multiple keys, but you're updating only one key. If you change:
setData({, []:});
It'll basically spread whatever the state is AND update the key/value pair of what you're passing in. That way, your data contains both values. As a side note, next time, maybe post a piece of your code instead of a link to the sandbox. Just makes things easier!
Some reading material:
Spread Operator

Edit xml property in node [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How do i edit an XML nodes property?
I have tried using xmlNewProp, however, that does not overwrite the property. It just adds a new one.
So I was wondering if there is a way to either remove that property, or edit the propery.
I understand that some people did not quite get what I was trying to do. Well, the thing was that I needed a way in C using libxml2 to update a nodes properties. I tried using xmlNewProp, however that did not work.
Someone suggested xmlSetProp, and that worked fine. My problem were that the documentation for lxml were huge, and it was difficult to locate the needed functions.
Based on libxml documentation, you can use xmlSetProp to set an attribute from a node.
