I have a .bat file that would ask your name and save it in a .txt file. If the file already exists, I want it to say "Your Name is ____"
#echo off
if exist BatchfileOutput.txt (
FOR /F %%i IN (BatchfileOutput.txt) DO echo Your name is %%i
) else (
echo What is your name?
set /p %name%= )
echo %name% > BatchfileOutput.txt
It prints ECHO is off, probably due to #echo off at the top. If I manually add text to the file, it displays the text. Could anyone help me get around this?
You need
set /p name=
set /p %name%=
which would set the variable named the current contents of NAME
It is set /P name= but not set /P %name%=.
The command echo %name% needs to be moved into the else block too. For this to work, delayed expansion must be established:
#echo off
if exist "BatchfileOutput.txt" (
for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in ("BatchfileOutput.txt") do echo Your name is %%i
) else (
echo What is your name?
set /P name=
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
> "BatchfileOutput.txt" echo !name!
I moved the redirection part to the front in order to avoid a trailing SPACE to be output also.
To avoid delayed expansion, you could avoid the parenthesised else block by using goto :Label as the last command of the if block, then omitting else and the parentheses, and then placing :Label before pause:
#echo off
if exist "BatchfileOutput.txt" (
for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in ("BatchfileOutput.txt") do echo Your name is %%i
goto :Label
echo What is your name?
set /P name=
> "BatchfileOutput.txt" echo %name%
I quoted all file paths and therefore used the usebackq option of for /F in order to avoid trouble with such strings containing white-spaces. Furthermore, I stated the tokens=* option for the for /F loop to read the full line even in case the name consists of multiple words.
So, I'm trying to create a custom format image viewer in batch file witch reads from this file named image.ansii2 :
and the program (ansii2.bat) looks like this :
#echo off
for %%a in (%1) do (set ext=%%~xa)
if "%1" == "" (echo No file was specified&pause&exit /b)
if not "%ext%" == ".ansii2" (echo The file specified didn't have the expected extension [%ext%] -^> [.ansii2]&pause&exit /b)
title Ansii2 %1
echo [0m
for /f "delims== tokens=1,2" %%G in (%1) do set "%%G=%%H"
set loop=0
set /a loop+=1
set line=line%loop%
set "image=echo %!line!:[=[48;5;%"
set "image=%image:]=m%"
set "image=%image:(=[38;5;%"
set "image=%image:)=m%"
set "image=%image:-= %"
echo %line%
if %loop% == %lines% (goto exitloop)
goto :loop
timeout /t -1 >nul
goto 0
I think that the bug comes from the line 14 but I don't know what to do to fix it...
Could someone help me?
Your attempt at substitution is off, and the method by which you read the file can be improved upon:
All your variables are formatted in the source file, so a for loop can be used to read and assign them by splitting the string at the = delimiter
Delayed expansion is used to perform the substitution, using:
!varname:search=replace! ; where varname is referenced using the meavariable of the for loops first token.
#Echo off & CD "%~dp0"
Setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F %%e in ('Echo prompt $E^|cmd')Do Set "\E=%%e"
(For /f "usebackq Tokens=1,2 delims==" %%G in ("%~$Path:1")Do (
Set "%%G=%%H"
Set "%%G=!%%G:[=%\E%[48;5;!"
Set "%%G=!%%G:(=%\E%[38;5;!"
Set "%%G=!%%G:]=m!"
Set "%%G=!%%G:)=m!"
Set "%%G=!%%G:-= !"
If not "%%G" == "lines" <nul set /p "=!%%G!%\E%[0m%\E%[E"
)) > Con
Other notes:
In the event the supplied file cannot be found the following will be output:
The system cannot find the file .
<nul set /p "=!variable!" ; allows safe output of poison characters
%\E%[E ; Equivalent to Outputting a linefeed.
Data structure for your source file:
using single characters for substitution prevents them from being used as characters in the ascii art. use paired characters or unique strings to prevent this. Ie :
Simple question: why is ECHO is OFF/ON being printed in a .txt file instead of the users' input? I tried various solutions - none of them worked. Any and all help will be appreciated.
#echo off
del "test.txt"
set /p test_test = "> "
echo %test_test% >> test.txt
for /f "delims=" %%a in (test.txt) do (
set file = %%a
echo %file%
The ECHO command with no parameters outputs the status of ECHO, which in this case you've set to off. Because your %test_test% variable is empty, (due to you setting a variable named %test_test %), the ECHO command is being entered with no parameters.
#echo off
set /p "test_test= > "
(echo %test_test%)>test.txt
for /f "delims=" %%a in (test.txt) do (
set "file=%%a"
echo %file%
As you may have noted you werre also setting a variable named %file % too.
I was looking for a long time now for an answer to this, learned nice tricks from http://www.dostips.com/DtTutoPersistency.php and http://ss64.com/nt/for_cmd.html sites, but still - don't have a solution to the problem I've encountered in:
I have a BATCH file where I test the existence of specific folder (SendTo folder). In case I couldn't find it by the script - I want the user to enter the path to that folder - and keep the result in the BATCH file.
My narrowed BATCH file ("Some file.bat") looks something like:
#echo off
REM SomeNonsense
:: Win7/Vista
IF EXIST %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\NUL (
REM Do something
:: WinXP
REM Do something
:: Else
SET SendPath=
SET /P SendP="Please enter the path to the SendTo Folder:> "
IF EXIST %TMP%\SendPath.txt DEL %TMP%\SendPath.txt
FOR /F "usebackq TOKENS=* DELIMS=" %%A in ("%~0") DO (
ECHO %%A>>%TMP%\SendPath.txt
REM Later I want to change the value of SendPath with SendP,
REM And swap the file back to the original name
My problem right now is that the lines of the file actually being interpreted, when I want only to copy the text itself to a temp file (without using COPY, because I want to copy line by line in order to change SendPath value).
Another thing is that empty lines aren't copied.
Any solution?
This do what you want:
#echo off
rem Your previous Win7/Vista, WinXP testings here...
:: Else
call :defineSendPath
if defined SendPath goto continue
SET /P "SendPath=Please enter the path to the SendTo Folder:> "
rem Store the SendPath given into this Batch file:
echo set "SendPath=%SendPath%" >> "%~F0"
rem Place the rest of the Batch file here...
goto :EOF
rem Be sure that the following line is the last one in this file
As a proof of concept
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
call :persist.read
if not defined savedValue (
set /p "savedValue=Value to save:" && ( call :persist.write savedValue ) || (
echo Value not set, process will end
exit /b 1
echo Saved value = [%savedValue%]
goto :eof
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%a in ('
findstr /l /b /c:":::persist:::" "%~f0"
') do set "%%~b"
goto :eof
:persist.write varName
if "%~1"=="" goto :eof
for %%a in ("%temp%\%~nx0.%random%%random%%random%.tmp") do (
findstr /l /v /b /c:":::persist::: %~1=" "%~f0" > "%%~fa"
>"%~f0" (
type "%%~fa"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo(:::persist::: %~1=!%~1!
del /q "%%~fa"
goto :eof
The problem with a batch file that edits itself while running is that it keeps pointers to the character position in the file where the commands are being executed. You can only make changes in lines after the current executing one and this can also generate other problems. So, the safest (not the more elegant nor the fastest) generic approach could be to write the data as comments at the end of the file.
A while ago I made a function that you can call from the command prompt or any batch file (it was just for fun, I don't see how it could be useful). It basically just makes your (Microsoft) computer speak whatever you wrote in as the parameter.
I recently got some inspiration to add a switch to it where it would read the contents of a file. My standalone script worked, but when I added it to my function, it didn't work as I would have liked.
Here's the code:
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%~1"=="/?" (
echo TALK "Text" [Parameters]
echo Text - The phrase you want to be spoken.
echo [Parameters]:
echo /f - Read the contents of a file. "Text" changes to the file path.
exit /b
if "%~2 X" equ "/f X" (
if not exist %~1 (
echo File does not exist or cannot be found.
exit /b
set cont=
for /f "delims=" %%i in (%~1) do set cont=!cont! %%i
echo Set a = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice") > "Talk.vbs"
echo a.speak "%cont%" >> "Talk.vbs"
start /WAIT Talk.vbs
del Talk.vbs
exit /b
set text=%~1
echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") > "talk.vbs"
echo speech.speak "%text%" >> "talk.vbs"
start /WAIT talk.vbs
del Talk.vbs
exit /b
Unfortunately I don't have working function code (before I added the /f switch).
This is a last resort for me as I've edited it heavily and scoured the code for any give away as to what the problem might be.
Another bad thing is that I didn't take note of what I changed, so I can't exactly tell you what I've tried. I can tell you what the outputs are though.
The first time I tried, it gave the output The syntax of the command is incorrect.
It's now at the point where the original function (just converting text to speech) doesn't work anymore. The contents of the file Talk.vbs (which was made during the process) is a.speak "".
I'll keep updating my attempts, but knowing me it's something really simple that I've overlooked.
At the suggestion of someone, I put carats before the square brackets in the syntax section. Nothing changed.
Along with escaping the parenthesis you also had to surround if exist %~1 in quotes in case of a argument of "some words I want it to say". Also cleaned it up a bit. Code at the bottom, but first an explanation.
If you looked at talk.vbs before it was deleted you would see this:
a.speak "!cont! contents of the file here"
This is because of this code:
for /f "delims=" %%i in (%~1) do set cont=!cont! %%i
echo Set a = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice") > "Talk.vbs"
If you turned echo on and watched the code you would see the last unescaped ) was taking the contents of the for loop and including it in the redirect.
Corrected and cleaned code:
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%~1"=="/?" (
echo TALK "Text" [Parameters]
echo Text - The phrase you want to be spoken.
echo [Parameters]:
echo /f - Read the contents of a file. "Text" changes to the file path.
exit /b
set text=
if [%2]==[/f] (
if exist "%~1" (
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (%1) do set text=!text! %%i
) else (
exit /B
if [%2]==[] set text=%~1
echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject^("SAPI.spVoice"^) > "talk.vbs"
echo speech.speak "%text%" >> "talk.vbs"
cscript //NoLogo //B talk.vbs
del Talk.vbs
exit /b
Edit: fixed the for statement pointed out by Andriy M
In your echo statements that contain parentheses, try escaping the parentheses with carats. I suspect especially the echo within the if statement is partially getting evaluated literally.
One other minor suggestion, I would also replace
start /WAIT Talk.vbs
cscript /nologo Talk.vbs
It's not that I think the start /wait is causing the error, but it does cause a second console window to appear temporarily for no good reason -- or it will whenever your script executes that far, anyway.
I made a few other suggested changes here, such as eliminating the need for a /f switch. If "%1" is the name of a file that exists, read it. Otherwise, treat it as text to read. And instead of having a separate subroutine for reading a file versus getting text from input, all that needs to happen is a variable has a different value.
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%1"=="/?" ( goto usage )
if "%1"=="" ( goto usage )
if "%1"=="--help" ( goto usage )
if exist "%1" (
set txt=
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (%1) do set txt=!txt! %%i
) else (
set txt=%1
echo Set a = Wscript.CreateObject^("SAPI.SpVoice"^) > "talk.vbs"
echo a.speak "%txt%" >> "talk.vbs"
cscript /nologo talk.vbs
del talk.vbs
goto :EOF
echo TALK ["text"^|filename]
echo talk filename -- speaks the contents of filename
echo talk "text" -- speaks the supplied text
goto :EOF
There is a folder which contains some random files:
How to SIMPLY display exe files connected with numbers like this:
1. file2.exe
2. file4.exe
And then I enter the number of the file, which I want to delete.. If it is even possible to do this simply..
Shortest bullet proof solution I can come up with. Like Anders, the DEL statement is disabled by the ECHO command. Remove the ECHO to make the menu functional.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims==" %%A in ('set menu 2^>nul') do set "%%A="
for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in ('dir /b *.exe 2^>nul ^| findstr /n "^"') do (
set menu%%A=%%B
echo %%A. %%B
if not defined menu1 exit /b
set "delNum="
set /p "delNum=Delete which file (enter the number): "
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if defined menu!delNum! echo del "!menu%delNum%!"
The only thing I can think of that could go wrong is part of the menu could scroll off the screen if there are too many entries.
Additional messages can easily be incorporated. and an ELSE condition could be appended to the input validation to deal with invalid input.
A few subtle points of the code:
FINDSTR /N provides incrementing file number. Avoids need for delayed expansion or CALL within menu builder loop. Delayed expansion should not be enabled when expanding a FOR variable containing a file name because it will corrupt names containing !.
: is a safe FOR delimiter because a file name cannot contain :.
delNum is cleared prior to SET /P because SET /P will preserve existing value if <Enter> is pressed without entering anything.
Checking for the existence of the variable is the simplest way to validate the input. This is why it is critical that any existing MENU variables are undefined prior to building the menu.
Must use delayed expansion in IF DEFINED validation, otherwise space in input could crash the script (thanks Anders for pointing out the flaw in the original code)
DEL target must be quoted in case it contains spaces, even when delayed expansion is used.
Added test to make sure at least one menu entry exists before continuing. There may not be any .exe files left to delete.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set i=0
for %%f in (*.exe) do (
set /A i+=1
set file[!i!]=%%f
echo !i!. %%f
set i=0
set /P i=File to delete:
del !file[%i%]!
Not exactly pretty but it gets the job done
#echo off
goto main
set /A end=end + 1
set %end%=%~1
echo %end%. %~1
goto :EOF
set end=0
for %%A in ("*.exe") do (
call :addit "%%~A"
if "%end%"=="0" goto :EOF
echo.&set idx=
set /P idx=Delete (1...%end%)
if not "%idx"=="" if %idx% GEQ 1 if %idx% LEQ %end% (
for /F "tokens=1,* delims==" %%A in ('set %idx% 2^>nul') do (
if "%idx%"=="%%~A" (
echo.Deleting %%~B...
rem del "%%~B"