PuTTY PSFTP returning error: unknown command "´╗┐cd" - batch-file

HI I am running below command from my Windows server. I have got private key added so authentication wise it is fine. But when ever I am running the command getting a weird issue
psftp user#host -b FTPfile.txt
The file FTPfile.txt has only two lines.
cd /apps/scripts/batch/sln/input
put Test.txt
But I am getting error psftp: unknown command "´╗┐cd"
And I noticed any command given in the first line of the file returns a similar error.

The problem is that FTPfile.txt starts with a Unicode byte order mark (U+FEFF) encoded in UTF-8, which corresponds to the bytes 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF. psftp thinks those bytes are part of the command name. When it prints those bytes to the console as part of the error message, they're interpreted according to code page 850, which makes it look like ´╗┐.
To fix this, you need to get rid of the BOM. How did you create FTPfile.txt? Windows text editors usually have a setting to change the encoding of a file to "ANSI" (plain ASCII would also work).


Batch file dropping characters

I'm creating a simple batch file that uses Azure REST API to download data from a blob. If I type the request directly into the command prompt, it works perfectly and my data appears in the directory. However, when I run it as a batch file, it does not work and I can see in the command line that some characters from the blob connection string (acts as an access token) have been dropped. I cannot share the full access token, but can show that the drop happens at the end of the connection string, in what is known as the signature:
correct: "...5U%2BJgo%3D"
batch file output: "...5UBJgoD"
It appears the issue is with special characters and some numbers. There are no other special characters in the signature and other numbers in the rest of the signature are not affected.
Other notes:
The connection string is indeed entered within a "" string
I tried forcing the encoding to UTF-8 encoding by running chcp 65001 before the request line executes; didn't work
You should escape your percent sign (%) with double-percent sign (%%). For example you should type:
It is quite useful to search in the internet before you post here, on Stack OverFlow. So, check the links provided:
Special Characters in Batch File
Hope this helps!

Why are the contents of my batch file being interpreted as alt codes?

I'm using a batch file to execute some adb commands. When trying to do a longpress of the power key I use the following line:
adb -s <ipaddress>:5555 shell input keyevent --longpress 26.
If I type this command into cmd, it works without a hitch. Running it from the batch file, however, results in a short press. I created a single line batch file, with the above command as the sole contents. When running the batch file (I just type the file name in cmd), the command is printed as:
adb -s <ipaddress>:5555 shell input keyevent -ΓÇôlongpress 26
Is there a setting I may have unknowingly enabled that is causing this, or do I need some sort of escape character?
I'm rather embarrassed that I came across a solution to my issue only a few minutes after posting this, but I figure I should share and not waste anyone's time.
I've replaced the second hyphen in my command with its own alt code (i.e. alt 45) and it is now interpreted correctly in the batch file. The line still reads:
adb -s <ipaddress>:5555 shell input keyevent --longpress 26
I don't understand why this works, and would appreciate it if someone would shed light on the subject.
Edit: Based off the recommendation of the comment below, I looked up the differences between encoding schemes. If I understand it correctly, when encoding in ASCII or ANSI, characters are limited to 7 bits of data. This will keep characters in the first 128 members of the ASCII table, so the alt codes I saw previously couldn't be generated.

Copy table from txt file with Chinese Characters - Postgresql on Windows

I am trying to load a table from a txt file which has Chinese characters in it using the \copy command in PostgreSQL. I have a test table with only one columns Names Varchar(25) in it. When I run an insert statement from PSQL or PgAdmin like
insert into test values ('康狀態概');
it works and inserts the value correctly. When I put the same value in a txt file (say text.txt) and try to use the copy command and load the contents of test.txt
\copy test from 'D:/database/test.dat';
It throws an error ERROR: character with byte sequence 0xa6 0x82 in encoding "GBK" has no equivalent in encoding "UTF8" on WIndows only. I changed the locale and keyboard settings of the Windows server to Chinese BUT it does not work with or without changing the locale settings.
The same exercise works fine on Linux without any changes.
Can someone please suggest what needs to be done here?

Trouble with running words through text files and counting them

Python 3+
This is the error i get
This is my code
I want the user to input some words, then the program should run each word through my two textfiles, if the word exists in any of them, I want the program to add +1 to the positive/negative count list.
Thank you for your help :)
Seems like you have stumbled upon a Decoding error when trying to open one of the input files in the wordlist function. it is usually hard to determine the encoding used for a particular file. so you could :
1.Try opening the file with a different encoding such as ISO-8859-15,etc.
def OpenFile():
with open("My File.txt",mode="r",encoding="IS0-8859-15")
#do process My File
except UnicodeDecodeError:
print("Something went Wrong Try a different file encoding")
#everything was okay, return the required
# clean up here
2. Look it modules that try and determine the correct encoding for the file such as the chardet module
Install the
chardet module :
sudo pip3 install chardet
you can run it at the command line with your file as the Argument to determine the encoding
cd /path/to/File/
chardetect My\ File.txt
this should return the likely encoding for the given file
3.You can use the chardet module inside your python code however this is recommended in a case where you will be opening a file you do not have access to e.g at a clients computer whom wants to open another specified file
and reopening the same file and redetecting the encoding will cause your program to be slow.
First of all positive_count and negative_count should be integers and not lists. If you wish to count, adding 1 to the list isn't really what you're trying to accomplish.
Second of all, the UnicodeDecodeError is there because the encoding of the underlying file is not utf-8. Did you try utf-16 or utf-16-le? In case you're using Windows, utf-16-le is probably the encoding used unless you're using code-points in which case guessing will be a nightmare.

Foreign language characters replaced by "?"

I am working on a program which takes file/folder names as input. Currently when I try to run a file which has got foreign language character in its name it is replaced by a ? For each of its character. I am running my exe on command prompt so trying to run the particular file results in an error. When I am using DIR on command prompt it displays ? For each character of the file name. Is there any way to display the actual foreign language characters in command prompt as I believe that could be causing my exe not to work any of those files.
This is the text that I am trying to read - 科普書籍推展教案 which is being replaced by ? on the console.
The command prompt can only display characters in your current ACP. So, if you have files with names outside the ACP, you're going to see ?. You can use changecp to pick a different CP, but here is no code page for full Unicode in the DOS box.
Inside your code, you need to learn to use 'W' API to work with full unicode pathnames. The safest thing is to just #define _UNICODE and use it uniformly.
