Reusable component using React Redux mapStateToProps - reactjs

A React component OilBarrel connected my redux store to create a container OilBarrelContainer:
// ---- component
class OilBarrel extends Component {
render() {
let data =;
// ---- container
function mapStateToProps(state) {
let data =;
const OilBarrelContainer = connect(mapStateToProps)(OilBarrel)
// ---- reducer
const oilbarrel = (state = {}, action) => {
let data =;
const storeFactory = (server = false, initialState = {}) => {
return applyMiddleware(...middleware(server))(createStore)(
combineReducers({oilbarrel, otherReducer1, otherReducer2}),
I find it strange that mapStateToProps() receives the top level state object (the entire state of the application), requiring me to traverse, when the reducer (conveniently) only receives the branch of the state that belongs to this component.
This limits the ability to reuse this container without knowing where it fits into the state hierarchy. Am I doing something wrong that my mapStateToProps() is receiving the full state?

That is the mapStateToProps behavior. You have to think redux state as a single source of truth (by the way, that is what it really is) independently of the components you have in project. There is no way out, you have to know the exactly hierarchy of you especific data in the state to pass it to your container component.

No this is intentional, because you may want to use other parts of the state inside your component. One option is to keep the selector (mapStateToProps) in a separate file from your component, which will help you reuse the selector, if you app is very large and complex you can also checkout libraries such as reselect which helps you make your selectors more efficient.

Dan Abramov offers a solution for this in his advanced redux course under Colocating Selectors with Reducers.
The idea is that for every reducer, there is a selector, and the selector is only aware of it's reducer structure. The selectors for higher level reducers, wrap the lower level reducer, with their part of the state, and so on.
The example was taken from the course's github:
In the todos reducer file:
export const getVisibleTodos = (state, filter) => {
switch (filter) {
case 'all':
return state;
case 'completed':
return state.filter(t => t.completed);
case 'active':
return state.filter(t => !t.completed);
throw new Error(`Unknown filter: ${filter}.`);
In the main reducer file:
export const getVisibleTodos = (state, filter) =>
fromTodos.getVisibleTodos(state.todos, filter);
Now you can get every part of your state without knowing the structure. However, it adds a lot of boilerplate.


Use `requestAnimationFrame` in redux for multiple components

I'm building a web application for paper trading, so i have a lot of charts that rendered using canvas, and these components basically takes a same state time from my redux store so that they can render based on data between time - 1day and say time
I sort of understand how requestAnimationFrame works, but not sure if I could just treat time as a normal redux state, have requestAnimationFrame to dispatch action to increment it, and different components will just repaint properly?
class App extends React.Component {
loop(time) {
type: TICK,
timeDelta = time - this.lastTime;
this.lastTime = time; = requestAnimationFrame(this.loop.bind(this));
componentDidMount() {
this.lastTime = 0;
const timeReducer = (state, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
case TICK:
return {...state, currentTime: currentTime + action.timeDelta }
return state;
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
data : - 1d, state.currentTime)
const Chart = ({data}) => {
// this.canvas draws based on data prop
const ChartContainer = connect(mapStateToProps, null)(Chart);
In my opinion, your assessment is correct. You should be treating "now" as a snapshot of time in your store so that other components have a single source of truth to render based on.
The alternative approach is using the actual time in your components. The problem with this is that there is no way for the components to synchronize and confirm that they are all using the same time. Redux takes care of this for you, as each component will listen for tick dispatches and update accordingly.
Make sure that you get the time once, in one line of code, for all of your components. Once you know the time according to your application, then you should tell everything about it via dispatch.
You also want to make sure you have impure functions (such as "Get me the current timestamp") in your action creators and not your reducers.

Using component prop inside function body of reselect?

Honestly, after hours of research, I totally don't understand reselect, so I just ask why I need it, and if it can help.
Selectors are efficient. A selector is not recomputed unless one of its arguments changes.
It's a bit unclear, what do we mean as argument here, but I assume that not the redux state, because otherwise there wouldn't be any point in reselect.
My goal is to not calculate the whole list every time something happens, because it can contain thousands of elements.
First question is that if for an example the value of state["2"] changes to 4 for an example, it will run through the whole list?
//for an example, in the next list, the key is the child,
//and the value is it's parent
const state = {
1: 5,
2: 5,
3: 2,
4: 1,
5: 10,
1000: 342
//and we have to find all children of a specific element,
//what we get from the component's own props
const getState = (
props //okay, I can access it here
) => state;
const getChildren = createSelector(
state => Object.keys(state).filter(child => {
const parent = state[child];
return parent === //but I need it here
const mapStateToProps = (state, props) = ({ children: getChildren(state, props) });
And the main question: how can I access the props inside the function body?
You can pass the props argument directly to the other selector getChildren and you don't need the first getState like this:
const getChildren = createSelector(
state => state,
props => props
], (state, props) => {...}
About clarifying the use cases for reselect:
it does recompute if the state or the props changes (any argument indeed). So why using it? I use it for 2 reasons
you can combine parts of state coming from multiple reducers and build up what we can call a 'meta-reducer' and pass that to your component. In that way you place that code only in one place (the selector) and you can reuse it across different components. Imagine each reducer like a database table and the selector like a query result. You can query anything from your state and you want to keep the result cached for performance.
instead of running this logic on the mapStateToProps which is run every time that a component renders (no matter if the state has changed), you run it only 1 time per state change and you get the cached version if the component rerenders. This happens for example if a child component renders only because its parent rendered but the state portion related to its selector didn't change. So I like to use selectors all the times instead of accessing the redux state directly.
Here's the typical flow.
You'll have some ConnectedComponent that's hooked into connect, and its mapStateToProps calls out to a selector with both state and ownProps.
You have individual selectors for both the getting of id off of props and your objects from state.
Using ConnectedComponent
<ConnectedComponent id="123" />
mapStateToProps (ConnectedComponent)
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
import {getMyObjectSelector} from './selectors';
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
myObject: getMyObjectSelector(state, ownProps)
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Component)
const getIdFromProps = (state, props) =>
const getMyObjectsFromState= state => state.myObjects;
export getMyObjectSelector = createSelector(
(objects, id) => objects[id]
export const Component = ({myObject}) => (
// Do stuff

Redux pass up/refresh state from current page

I have a react app (repo) that I want to use redux to store the state universally, so the root app can access it.
For example: one page has a GET API call that populates the page. That works fine and all, but I'm confused as to how to do a couple things.
How can I use variables in the redux action, to give the action say the ID of the model and have it return the model (API returns json).
How can I then pass that state up so that a higher ordered component (such as the base App.js) can access the state, so that I can use variables from the current page in the navigation.
What/when is the best way/time to update the redux state so that the changes reflect across anywhere using the redux state?
Specifically (in this project): If you are on localhost/spells/X with X being the model ID, how can I pass the state up from that page's container component (in this case LayoutSpellView) up to MaterialUIApp
|--LayoutSpellView (pass state up to MaterialUiApp)
With Redux you don't pass the state up or down. You update the global state with your action creators and reducers. Wherever you need to reach the state you connect your components to the state and use it. You have a store and it includes a global state. That global state may contain multiple different states.
You can use payload or any other name, variable with your action creator. In your reducer you can get those with action.payload,, etc.
As I explained in the first paragraph, you update your state whenever you need. After that you connect any component to your state wherever you need.
There is no best time or best way to do that. This is up to your code and app logic.
Of course there are some best practices but we can't talk about them so broad. After you are getting involved with Redux you will see some of them around. For example I said "we don't pass up or down the state with Redux". This is true but sometimes to avoid so many connects around components we use container apps, connect that app to store (you reach state via store actually) and then pass the related state parts to the related components.
I recommend Redux's own documentation as starting point:
To help you see the data flow, here's a sketch of how everything ties together. In my example code below, this is the data flow:
Clicking the "Load Comments" button dispatches a thunk with the parameter userId. (A thunk is an async action.)
The thunk uses the userId to make its async call, and then dispatches an action setComments(comments) with the received comments as its payload.
The Comments reducer catches that action and updates the Redux state with the comments array.
The Container to updates comments in mapStateToProps
The Component receives the updated comments, and displays them in the <ul>
// actions.js
export const SET_COMMENTS = "MyApp/setComments";
export const setComments = comments => ({
payload: comments
// thunks.js
import { setComments } from './actions';
export const getCommentsAsync = id => dispatch => {
return axios
.then(comments => dispatch(setComments(comments)));
// reducer.js
import { SET_COMMENTS } from './actions';
const initialState = {
comments: []
export const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
const comments = action.payload;
return {
return state;
// components.js
export default function CommentsList({ comments, loadComments, userId }) {
return (
{ => <li key={}>{comment.body}</li>)}
<button onClick={() => loadComments(userId)}>Load Comments</button>
// containers.js
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import { getCommentsAsync } from "./thunks";
import CommentsList from "./components";
mapStateToProps = state => ({
comments: state.comments,
mapDispatchToProps = {
loadComments: getCommentsAsync
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(CommentsList);

Selector being called even when I don't mutate what its mapPropsToState

I have a React app that does some simple recording. I have a Component Recorder which connects to my redux store like this:
export default connect(
state => ({
recordings: state.recordings,
recordingSelector: selectRecordingBufferWithID(this.recordingID)
dispatch =>
The problem I'm having is that selectRecordingBufferWithID in my redux code is firing too often. Part of my reducer code looks like this:
function samplesReducer(state = [], action) {
switch (action.type) {
return [...action.samples];
return state
function recordingsReducer(state = [], action) {
switch (action.type) {
return newRecording(state, action.recordingID);
return stopRecording(state, action.recordingID);
return state
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
const store = createStore(rootReducer);
export { store };
So, while I want selectRecordingBufferWithID to be utilized only when a START/STOP_RECORDING action occurs, it is called for each time MORE_SAMPLES is called.
My understanding of react-redux is that the selector is part of the mapStateToProps function that the connect function accepts. And somehow, connect cause my component to render and for its props to be updated with the mapped state from the redux store. the selectRecordingBufferWithID selector will also be called each time this happens so I can do a refined getter into the store.
So to summarize, my recordingSelector is firing more often than I expect. My only theory is that my reducers are somehow mutating the state of state.recordings each time it tries to reduce state.samples which makes react-redux render my component with it mapped to state.recording.
But otherwise, I'm stuck.
connect does not work the way you think it does. What it really does is:
Subscribe to the store. This subscription will be triggered after every dispatched action.
Execute your mapStateToProps to inject the initial set of props to your Sample Recorder component.
When any action dispatches, the subscription kicks in, and connect applies again your mapStateToProps to new global state.
If your selector returns the same props as before, it won't render your SampleRecorder again.
So the misunderstanding is that your selector shouldn't be called. But the fact is that connect needs to call your selector to decide when to re-render and when not.
The summary of this is that your selector should be either simple, or memoizable using reselect to avoid expensive calculations. You didn't show you selector code so we can't tell from here. :)

Using class properties in React render()

Consider this example:
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.person = new Person("Tim", 23);
this.state = {
changeName() {
render() {
return (
<div>Your name is: {}</div>
<div>Your age is: {this.person.age}</div>
<div><button onClick={this.changeName.bind(this)}>Change Name</button></div>
What I'm querying here is when a variable should be added to the state. In this example, although this works age isn't in the state.
I run into this a lot when working with objects, I'm not sure if it's best practise to add any rendered object property to the state, or if I should only worry about adding properties to the state if they're potentially going to be updated. I'm quite sure what I'm doing in this example would be bad, as age is updating, but isn't being reflected in the state.
Any ideas on the "correct" way to do this?
React doesn't dictate how you manage your data. If you're using an object with getters/setters, then it might be simpler to store the entire object in state:
changeName() {
this.setState({person: this.person});
In this manner, your object continues to be responsible for the data, and whatever internal processing this implies, while the resultant object itself is stored in the component state.
That said, using data objects like Person, while possible, is not idiomatic React. I would recommend using something like Redux, and setting up unidirectional data flow. This means creating a reducer to manage your state, and using action creators to communicate with the Redux store.
You can initialize your object's default values in the reducer. This is returned by default from the Redux store.
Your reducer would listen for an UPDATE_PERSON action, which would carry the payload for the entire updated Person object. This would be stored in state, as below:
const initialState = {
name: "Tim",
age: 23
const personReducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return {
return state;
Your action creator is a simple function with a type property and some kind of payload:
(presumably) actions/person.js
export const updatePerson(data) {
return {
payload: data
You then connect the Redux store to your component, and use the action creator to dispatch the action to the store:
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import * as PersonActionCreators from '../actions/person';
class App extends Component {
changeName() {
this.props.updatePerson({name: "Jane", age: 22});
render() {
return (
<div>Your name is: {}</div>
<div>Your age is: {this.props.person.age}</div>
<div><button onClick={this.changeName.bind(this)}>Change Name</button></div>
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
person: state.person
const mapDispatchToProps = {
updatePerson: PersonActionCreators.updatePerson
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App);
The above code assumes you have a root reducer in the following format:
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import personReducer from './reducers/person';
const appReducer = combineReducers({
person: personReducer
const rootReducer = (state, action) => appReducer(state, action);
export default rootReducer;
You will need to create the store and connect your root reducer to it. Details on that can be found here.
The combineReducers function simply helps to construct the root reducer:
The combineReducers helper function turns an object whose values are
different reducing functions into a single reducing function you can
pass to createStore.
This is more boilerplate, but it is the established and most popular way of handling application state in React. It may seem like a lot to wrap your head around at first, but once you become familiar with reducers, action creators, and the connect function, it becomes very straightforward.
Redux uses a uni-directional data-flow, which means data streams downwards from the top-level components to child components. Stateful components are kept to a minimum; but where state is required, the connect function provides it. When a component needs to modify state, it does so through an action creator. The reducers listen to actions and update state accordingly.
See Dan Abramov's free egghead courses on this topic for an excellent introduction to Redux:
Getting started with
Building React Applications with Idiomatic
It's simple. The right way is using state for properties you want to display.
In this case, your code should be
age: this.person.age
Why? Well, it's best practice, and using this.state is encouraged in docs. Attaching properties on the component (this), is generally usual for methods.
Also, consider the component methods shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState), componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState), componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState).
Obviously, if you need their arguments, you will not be able to retrieve the old/new properties you change, if them're not on state or props.
