I have user ngEcharts (angularjs plugin of Echarts). When i implement bar chart yaxis labels are cutting off.
can anyone point me on the direction to how to prevent this or increase yAxis label area or decrease chart area?
After Ovilia's link i was able to remove cut off using it's grid property.
It has containLabel property.
Once i set containLabel it to true, i didn't need to set grid size. it worked!
Here is the recharts - Bar chart sample I have tried. https://codesandbox.io/s/simple-bar-chart-forked-8tu41b?file=/src/App.tsx
When width is lesser, Yaxis label is not started from the first, it seems to be cutoff like below. Example full email is "longnametestuser#testdomain.com" but it is starting from "user#testdomain.com". (Note: Even if we add tickFormatter to add ellipse after certain characters in label, it is not aligning unless we give proper width meaning it is cut off at the start. I could not understand it. Please help me to understand and align it.)
And when viewing the chart in the Large and Small mobile screens, chart bars are overriding the labels like this,
I have wrapped the chart inside the responsive container still chart bars and labels are not fitting properly. Any suggestions for this problem would be very helpful.
Thank you in advance.
With Apache ECharts, is it possible to change the size of an y-axis, like on the screenshot below?
I was checking the API but couldn't find a way to do this.
Echarts has option Grid (https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#grid). It's the same as layer. You can make multiple grids and attach each axis to each grid. Next you should define grid coordinates on canvas and set height (https://echarts.apache.org/examples/en/editor.html?c=dataset-series-layout-by)
I am using live-chart to plot some series. I also want to add a border to chart area so I added it as a new series. but when I want to show the legend of the main series the legend of border will be appear at chart. Is there any solution to disable this specific legend?
You can change the visibility of a series by changing the Visibility Attribute
series.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
Not sure If that already solves your problem, since I'm not sure if I understood you correctly. You can also change the z index of a series by using the SetZIndex Method
System.Windows.Controls.Panel.SetZIndex(series, 0);
I make Chart Report using SSRS
I have problem is my long series label not show whole text For Example
if label is "Personal Computer" it's show "Personal C......"
see image below
and this is whole Chart area
it's have more space between legend and series label I want to use this space to show whole text like this
How to fix this problem ?
Thank you.
Kindly Add the Legend on Right side of the Bar chart and Check
You need to fix the Chart Area height so that it is approximately half the height of the chart. This then allows sufficient space for the x axis labels.
You also nee to set the minimum and maximum font sizes for the x-axis.
I suggest between 6 and 8 pt.
Try setting the label rotation to 90 degrees instead of 45 also make sure the x axis interval is set to 1 and not auto.
[ Also have a look at this article ]
I'm trying the telerik bar chart in my mvc application. The texts on the x-axis labels can sometimes be very long and then they overlap.
How can i solve this? can i use a tooltip for this? and how to set the tooltip text for each bar?
Thanks in advance.
You can add a tooltip by adding Tooltip(true) like so:
.Series( series => series
.Bar( /*data*/)
.CategoryAxis( axis => axis
.Categories( /*data*/)
This will display the value of the Series (x-axis) on hover.
I know you can rotate the labels on the category axis by doing something like this:
.CategoryAxis( axis =>
axis.Categories( /*data*/ );
axis.Labels(labels => labels.Rotation(45));//this rotates 45 degrees (you can use whatever value you want)
but I don't think the Label method is available on the Series. You may consider flipping the Series and the Axis (if that would still make sense for your data). You may also consider formatting (abbreviating) the x-axis labels and adding your own legend.