WebExtension Firefox - Disable temporarily other add-ons - firefox-addon-webextensions

I'm looking to disable (for a few seconds) other add-ons installed on the browser, then to re-enable them.
My option right now:
Management API (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/management) - doesn't work on Webextensions Firefox.
Are you familiar with a method of either :
a. Disabling a specific add-on for a short time.
b. Opening a new window with all add-ons disabled.

There is no way to accomplish what you desire from a WebExtension. Even in Firefox 55, where management.setEnabled() exists, that API is only permitted to enable and disable themes, not regular extensions.
You can accomplish this from other types of Firefox extensions, but not a WebExtension.

If your purpose is debugging/testing an addon, then here is two ways to achive
b. Opening a new window with all add-ons disabled
1. using web-ext tool
There is a command line tool called web-ext to help develop web-extensions for Firefox. This tool allows run your addon on a temporary default profile. Since a default profile does not have any user-installed extensions, it is what you could use.
Install web-ext
Go to your addon directory cd <your_addon_directory>
Run web-ext web-ext run
From MDN:
web-ext run Builds and then temporarily installs an extension on Firefox so it can be tested. By default, this will also watch all extension source files and reload the extension in Firefox as files change.
More info about using web-ext on Mozilla Developer Network: Getting started with web-ext
2. Manually
With this option you need to run a default profile manually using Firefox Profile Manager. Here you can read instruction how to work with Firefox profiles. You can create a separate profile specially for testing your addons. After starting Firefox with that profile go to about:debuggingpage and load your addon.


Start pgAdmin4 in different browser Ubuntu 18

Can't find where to change the default startup browser on Ubuntu. When I start pgAdmin4 the default browser opens, but I would like to start a different browser (eg: Firefox). In windows you can right click the service, but I'm stuck finding the way to change this on Unbuntu.
With the latest version of pgAdmin4, developers have added copy URL option on right click on tray icon, Download the latest version then right click on pgAdmin4 tray icon which will give you option to Copy URL, once you click that option then open your desired browser and paste the URL and hit Enter.
And you are good to go :)
Also, there is an option to run the custom browser command also.
In new chrome versions you can run pgAdmin 4 as "native" desktop app. While the pgAdmin v4 web server is running, right click the icon in the Windows System Tray and select Configure... In the Browser Command input add the following:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --app=%URL%
Note: Above path can change for you in Ubuntu.
If you want to run in chrome browser window, configure command like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" %URL%
Note: Above path can change for you in Ubuntu.
Hope this helps.
It is kind of a trick. It is quite fast to change the default browser in ubuntu, then run pg admin and change the default browser back. Did not found how to do it like in windows.

Chrome Netbeans Plugin only shows blank page

I'm learning AngularJS at the moment and thought I would install netbeans as it supports debugging in chrome via a plugin. Or claims to at least...
I have followed the user guides and tutorials that I've found and always seem to falter at the same point:
Install Netbeans
Install chrome plugin
Create a simple sample project
Set the default web browser to Chrome with Plugin
Click run
At this point I always see a blank page loaded in Chrome. I suspect that this is a bug as all of the resources online seem sure that I should be able to see the default index.hmtl page in my browser...
I'm running on a MAC:
And my plugin version is:
My Netbeans version:
My Default Browser in Netbeans:
Does anyone know of any issues with running this configuration? No matter what I do I just see a blank page with a mangled URL like so when I hit run:
When I open this file in VI I see one line in it:
<html :netbeans_temporary="true"></html>
This seemed to work as a workaround for me:
Open the project configuration and change the browser from Chrome with netbeans connector to Chrome
Run the project (the correct page should come up in Chrome)
Click on the Netbeans Connector in the upper right corner of the Chrome window
Select "Debug in Netbeans" (You should get the yellow information notice across the top of the window)
Go back to Netbeans and click on the 'debug main project' button.
My configuration is os/x High Sierra, Netbeans 8.2

Codenameone Bluetooth APIs not working on android

I have downloaded BluetoothDemo from https://github.com/chen-fishbein/bluetoothle-codenameone. I created APK file using codename one build server and install it on my android mobile. Its not working. Is there any way to fix it?
Can I run the same from netbeans using AVD manager or something similar to that so that I can debug it myself?
If I started bluetooth manually, following is error on mobile phone on click of initialize or start scan option-
Error snapshot attached
You need to also add the https://github.com/shannah/CN1JSON/ cn1lib and install it using the codenameone-refresh cn1libs action
If you are running Android 7.x. you will also need to make sure that 'Location' is enabled in the App settings, otherwise the behaviour will be exactly the same as described in the question. See this comment. Codenameone provides a setting for permissions in their build hints with ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION but that does not seem to work on my Nexus 6P with Android 7.1. I had to enable it manually.

Enable Sencha Touch 2.2.1 Offline

I'm currently toying around with Sencha Touch 2.2.1 and am trying to get it to run offline using an HTML5 cache.manifest. Anyone know how to get this to work? I can only find old guides from the last version which no longer seem to work. After some fiddling I have my manifest as follows:
But this seems to throw errors in the development.js script when it attempts to send fetch the app.json file. Are there some Sencha settings I have to adjust for offline mode? Thank you for your help.
After some hunting around it seems this feature is present in Sencha Touch 2.0 but still a bit incomplete. To get it to work, do as follows:
You must have the Sencha command line installed (which you probably
already have since it's required to make a Sencha project in the
first place).
Navigate to your project's parent directory in command line
Use the sencha app build production command to "compile" your project into a single file
Navigate to your production directory in YourApp/build/YourApp/production
Chane the extension of cache.appcache to cache.manifest
Edit the index.html file's html tag so that manifest="cache.manifest"
Ensure your server is configured to serve .manifest files correctly
Now your production code should have a working cache manifest. Note you only need to change the extension so that the app works on iOS, it seems to work in browser (or at least Chrome where I tested this) with the .appcache extension.
Compiling to production appears to be the only way to generate a cache manifest file but you can use this same file in a testing build if you don't want all the code minified for debugging. Of course you'll have to copy your manifest over and ensure it's referenced in your testing build's html tag.
All in all Sencha clearly needs to update their documentation here but I'm glad I found this out. I only tested this with a super basic, static, two page application. Hoping it scales decently.
Instead of changing manually your production package, you should change in app.json lines after 'appCache'. Here is what will be generated by Sencha CMD and will work just fine after running sencha app build production.
You can see a live example here https://github.com/flrent/ConfMate/blob/master/app.json#L79

Is it possible to connect Selenium-IDE to ChromeDriver

I;m just starting to test my app with Selenium and I have downloaded Selenium-IDE and wrote a few test cases. They run nice in Firefox and all pass. I also need to test my app in Chrome and IE. Is it possible to connect the IDE to the Chrome web driver so I can run them there as well?
You can export the scripts as Wedbriver scripts and run it against other browser.
Now you can,
from How to run tests from Selenium IDE in Chrome :
Ever wondered if you could use Selenium IDE for Chrome? You’ve probably heard that the IDE only runs in Firefox, which means Google’s much-famed browser is out of reach. Actually, there’s a neat little feature that lets you run Selenium IDE in Chrome.
The feature is called WebDriver Playback. Here’s how you can use it:
Launch Selenium IDE.
Go to ‘Options’ and select “Options…” in the drop-down menu.
In the Options menu, select the “WebDriver” tab.
Check the “Enable WebDriver playback” checkbox.
Find the “Browser choices” input field right below the checkbox. Below the input field, you will see browser options. These include “android, chrome, firefox, htmlunit, internet explorer, iPhone, iPad”.
Substitute “firefox” with “chrome”. Note that both variants are lowercase.
Download the Selenium standalone JAR file and ChromeDriver. Add both files to the same folder on your local computer.
Use Terminal to navigate to the folder with the downloaded files.
Start Selenium server and ChromeDriver server via Terminal: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.43.1.jar -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=chromedriver.exe
Open Selenium IDE and run the test script. Note that the script will run in one of the more or less recent versions of Chrome.
