Not able to access a port on ec2 instance for an Angular app - angularjs

I am working on an angular app using the angular cli to set things up. Running the ng serve command spawns a server at this address <my_ec2_host_name>:4200. When I try to access the page on the browser it doesn't work (connection timed out error). I believe this is because of security reasons so I added the following rule to my security groups for the ec2 instance:
Port 4200 should now be accessible but I still can't get the page to load. Can someone think of how to get this to work?

Start angular with below command.
ng serve --host= --disable-host-check
it will disable host check and allow to access with IP

You can set up the host option like this:
ng serve -host

The steps you are doing are correct for opening a port via Security Groups in the EC2 console. Make sure you are modifying the correct security group, and make sure that your changes have been saved.
Your container may have additional firewalls in place, so you will want to check the OS documentation. For Example, RHEL uses iptables as a further security measure:

That looks correct. Are you sure that your server is running and listening for connections?
You should ssh to that server and verify that the page can be loaded locally. Eg:
curl http://<YOUR HOST IP ADDRESS>:4200
eg: curl
You should be careful to use the public ip address (eg: IPv4 Public IP when you're in the EC2 console). I've run into problems in the past where I've got a server listening on one IP address (often localhost) and not the public ip address.
Also maybe a problem: Is your host inside a VPC of some sort?


Access host variable from virtual machine

I have a react-app, I set up my app to run on a custom url using the HOST variable when starting the app, something like:
"scripts": {
"start": " ..."
I need to access this url from a windows virtual machine to test it on IE11, before setting up the HOST variable I was able to access it simply from my IP address (192.168.X.XX:3000), having changed the HOST variable this doesn't work anymore.
Does anyone know how I can access it from a virtual machine?
Thank you in advance
I suggest to set environment variables in separate .env file like described in dicumentation.
In .env file set to change host (it's unclear why official doc recommends prefixing all env variables with REACT_APP_)
Web site name mapping to IP address of server (192.168.X.XX:3000 in your case) is done using DNS. This relate to networking and not to frameworks you use. So to be able to access your site by name you have to establish mapping between name of the site and IP address
I terms of DNS this mapping will look like A 192.168.X.XX
But for testing purpuses you can use simplified approach (I don't think that you have established DNS server in place). On Windows you can use hosts file which is located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder. File is named hosts. Open it with any text editor (like notepad) and add string
IP address goes first, name last. Dont include port number (:3000) as it not related to DNS. hosts file should be changed on you test (client) PC, not on the PC where your app run.
You may also modify hosts on PC where you app runs to check if host has been configured correctly.
To check that everything is correct you may use ping like this
IP address should be printed if you configured everything correctly.
If you run your app on Windows host there may be problem with firewall configuration. If your app open on the same PC where it is started but not on another PC, most probaly that firewall blocks traffic. It can be WIndows Firewall or antivirus software if you have any.

Reactjs Script Server not available

"React-scripts", a series of scripts from create-react-app starter pack allows me to use "react-scripts-start" to initialize a server.
Everything works fine, the server turns on and I can access it on localhost:3000 or by using the IP:3000
The problem is when I use other devices from my house. I try to connect to the IP:3000 and it doesn't work. I'm getting "Server not found".
Is it a Windows access problem or am I supposed to set up the server?
I managed to solve my issue. For me, it was not in the firewall, not in the configuration files. Instead, it was the router.
Since I live in UK, I have Hub 3.0 from Virgin Media.
The solution is:
1) Navigate to Connected Devices and copy the IP address for your device. In my case it was xx.xx.0.16/24 so I copied "xx.xx.0.16"
2) Navigate to Advanced Settings > Security > Port Forwarding
3) Click on "Create new Rule". For Local IP will be your IP address, local start port & end port 3000; external start port & end port 3000; Protocol choose both; Enabled on
4) Apply changes
Now here is the trick. When I run the command
npm run start
I'm getting a message which says:
You ca now view your project in the browser:
Local: http://localhost:3000/
On Your Network: http://xx.xx.37.1:3000/
I can navigate to that IP address : 3000 on the hosting laptop however if I want to make other devices access it, I must use the IP address set up in the router which for me is xx.xx.0.16:3000

Exposing multiple ports from within a ManagedVM

I'm using the Managed VM functionality to run a WebSocket server that I'd like to expose to the Internet on any port (preferably port 80) through a URL like:
I'm not having much success yet.
Here are the relevant parts of various files I'm using to accomplish this:
EXPOSE 8080 8081
At the end of the Dockerfile, a Python app is started: it responds to health checks on port 8080 (I can verify this works) and responds to WebSocket requests on port 8081.
module: mvm
version: 1
runtime: custom
vm: true
api_version: 1
forwarded_ports: ["8081"]
I deploy this app to the cloud using:
$ gcloud preview app deploy .
In the cloud console, I make sure TCP ports 8080 and 8081 are accepted for incoming traffic. I also observe the IP address assigned to the GCE instance (mvm:1) is: x.y.z.z.
$ curl http://x.y.z.z:8080/_ah/health
$ curl
Repond both with 200 OK.
Connecting the WebSocket server using some JavaScript works as well:
new WebSocket('ws://x.y.z.z:8081');
So far so good. Except this didn't work (timeout):
new WebSocket('ws://');
I'd like to know why the above WebSocket command doesn't work.
Perhaps something I don't understand in the GAE/GCE port forwarding interaction?
If this could be made to work somehow, I envision the following would be the last steps to finish it.
# Send all websocket traffic to the ManagedVM module.
- url: "*"
module: mvm
I also setup the GAE custom domain CNAME at
Connecting the WebSocket server using JavaScript should then work like:
new WebSocket('ws://');
It may very well be that port forwarding from isn't performed, given that prior to the (relatively recent) release of managed VMs, the only traffic that went to was on port 80 or 443. I'd suggest using the IP-of-instance method you found to work.
If you don't find that fully satisfying, you should go to the public issue tracker for app engine and post a feature request to have the router detect whether a request is heading for a module that corresponds to a managed VM and attempt the port forwarding in that case.
The thing is, putting the raw port on the end of the domain like that means that your browser will use the port you specified as a connection parameter to, not as a query param, so will have to listen on all ports and redirect if valid. This could be insecure/inefficient, so maybe the port number could be a query param or part of the domain string, similar to how version and module can be specified...
At any rate, given the way in which ports work, I would highly doubt, if your very simple example caused a fail, that app engine's domain was even set up to handle port forwarding to managed VM containers at all at present.

Ruby: hide WEBrick httpd version

I'm using OpenVZ Web Panel to manage my VPS servers and when I scanned my server with nmap I saw:
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 6.0p1 Debian 4 (protocol 2.0)
135/tcp filtered msrpc
139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds
3000/tcp open http **WEBrick httpd 1.3.1 (Ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-08))**
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:kernel
How do I hide the **WEBrick httpd 1.3.1 (Ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-08))**?
Late to the party as I am, I encountered this question so I might as well answer it. I don't find your requirements entirely clear, so I'll give a conditional answer:
If you don't want WEBrick to be visible at all, remove or comment its virtual host entry
If you don't want WEBrick to be running on :3000, you have two choices:
Change the virtual host entry so that it listens on :80 instead
Put nginx in front of it, proxying somedomain:3000 to and change WEBrick's virtual host entry so that it listens on (you will need a domain name pointed at this machine)
If you want WEBrick to be running but only accessible locally, change its virtual host entry so that it listens on
You cannot have WEBrick running and publicly accessible without nmap being able to discover it, because nmap discovers it the same way any client discovers it: by attempting to establish a connection with the indicated IP address and port.

How to respond requests with the windows host file?

Using the windows host file located in
Is it possible to respond a request from an application like when it is offline(not connected to the Internet)? Could you please give an example of this is done.
The hosts file only lists aliases for ip-addresses. For example: foo bar
If that line is in the hosts file, then you can use the host-names foo, bar, and to reach the computer with ip-address
If the computer, or the service you want to reach on that address, is not online, you can't reach it no matter what you have in your hosts file.
If you are willing to map your local development environment to a domain name, you can edit the domain name in hosts file and map it to, which is the loopback address.
That way, any requests done to that particular domain will fallback to your local machine.
You can also assign different LAN/WAN IP addresses.
When your development phase is done, you can remove the entry.
I would not recommend doing so, stick with the localhost and just make use of that to test virtualhosts setup or some sort of domain based configurations.
If there is anything else I can answer, please don't hesitate to post further comments on my answer.
If you mean to respond to HTTP requests then you need a Web Server configured to respond to any host (or that specific host name) on port 80. If you are not using it for anything else IIS can do this1 – configure it to return 404 (not found) or some other relatively neutral fail response.
1 If IIS is already being used then things get much harder, later versions of IIS are more flexible either with a combination of using HTTP.SYS to allow other applications to respond to certain URLs or using different Web Sites in IIS (until Windows 7, or maybe Vista, only available on Server editions of Windows).
