using of Custom Tabs with StackNavigator? - reactjs

I have list of users , each user has its display image in the list.
What I am trying is whenever user presses the display image , get redirected to his/her profile through stackNavigation .
const CustomTabView = ({ router, navigation }) => {
const { routes, index } = navigation.state;
const ActiveScreen = router.getComponentForState(navigation.state);
const routeNav = addNavigationHelpers({
state: routes[index],
const routeOptions = router.getScreenOptions(routeNav, 'tabBar');
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
state: routes[index]
StackNavigator: // goToProfile.js // also tried placing in index.anndroid.js but didnt found a way to export
const goToProfile = StackNavigator({
Profile: {
screen: Profile,
navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
title: `${} ${}`
custom tabs: //
const CustomTabRouter = TabRouter(
Chat: {
screen: Chats,
path: ""
Status: {
screen: Contacts,
path: "notifications"
Camera: {
screen: Camera,
path: "settings"
initialRouteName: "Chat",
const CustomTabs = createNavigationContainer(
Also my component :
onPress = { () => this.props.navigation.navigate('Profile', { item } ) } >
source={{ uri: item.picture.thumbnail }}

Your Stack Navigator will look like this:
const ChatStack= StackNavigator({
Chat:{screen: Chat,
navigationOptions: {
header: null,
Profile: {
screen: Profile,
navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
title: `${} ${}`,
tabBarVisible: false
// depending if you want to hide the tabBar on the profile page if not remove it.
Then Your customTab will take this shape:
const CustomTabRouter = TabRouter(
Chat: {
screen: ChatStack,
Status: {
screen: Contacts,
path: "notifications"
Camera: {
screen: Camera,
path: "settings"
With those changes you should be able to navigate to Profile screen with your
this.props.navigation.navigate('Profile', { item } )

You want to dispatch a navigation action, not render a new stack - Although I'm not sure your navigators are properly constructed for this to succeed...
_goToProfile = (person) => {
<goToProfile navigate={this.props.navigation} />
should be
_goToProfile = (person) => {
this.props.navigation.navigate('Profile', person)


how to logout from react navigation stacknavigation nested components

i want to logout from a component inside a stacknavigator and the stacknavigator is inside a bottomtabsnavigator which is finally inside a stacknavigator that houses two switchnavigator
i tried this.props.navigation.navigate(component) and it failed and several other ways i am a bit stuck and frustrated any help will be greatly appreciated as i am new to react native and react navigation
const AddContactTab = createStackNavigator({
AddContact: AddContactsActivity,
const ManageContactsTab = createStackNavigator({
ManageContacts: ManageContactsActivity,
viewContact: ViewSingleContactsActivity,
editContacts: EditContactsActivity
const Tabs = createBottomTabNavigator({
ManageContacts: ManageContactsTab,
AddContact: AddContactTab
}, {
tabBarOptions: {
style: {
// labelStyle:{
// color:'white',
// fontWeight: 'bolder',
// fontSize: 14
// }
defaultNavigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
tabBarIcon: () => {
const { routeName } = navigation.state;
let tabName;
tabName = routeName === 'AddContact' ? 'plus' : 'home';
return <Icon name={tabName} size={24}
color="grey" />
export default createAppContainer(Tabs);
const MainStack = createStackNavigator(
Home: { screen: HomeActivity },
Register: {screen: RegistrationActivity}
initialRouteName: 'Home',
const AuthStack = createStackNavigator(
Dashboard: { screen: DashboardActivity },
initialRouteName: 'Dashboard',
const RootStack = createSwitchNavigator({
initialLoading: InitialLoadingActivity,
auth: AuthStack,
all: MainStack,
initialRouteName: 'initialLoading',
now i want to logout from addcontactsactivity to the initialroute of the AuthStack stack navigator....please if i am not clear enough let me know so i can edit my question
Regarding documentation I guess you can try:
The popToTop action takes you back to the first screen in the stack, dismissing all the others.
You need to reset your present stack.
Set the present stack index to 0
Got to the parent stack which has access of all the screens
Navigate to that screen.
import { StackActions, NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation';
const resetAction = StackActions.reset({
index: 0,
actions: [NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'Profile' })],
Edit : Use this if it works for you.
type: 'Navigation/NAVIGATE',
routeName: 'GoToANavigator',
action: {
type: 'Navigation/NAVIGATE',
routeName: 'GoToAScreenInANavigator',
ref 2

Moving screens, screen visible underneath

When navigating from my VideoPlayer screen to a screen in my NestedDrawer, using this.props.navigation.navigate("TestYourself", { id }).
I briefly see the HomeScreen, underneath the screen I'm navigating too.
Is there anyway I can hide the HomeScreen underneath?
screen: HomeScreen, // this is visible underneath
navigationOptions: ({ props }) => ({
header: props => <BasicHeader {...props} />
Drawer: {
screen: NestedDrawer, // navigate to screen in this stack
navigationOptions: ({ props }) => ({
header: () => null
VideoPlayer: {
screen: VideoPlayerScreen, //navigate from here
navigationOptions: ({ props }) => ({
header: props => <BasicHeader {...props} />
initialRouteName: "Home",
transparentCard: true
The yellow boxes and question text is from a screen in the NestedDrawer stack. The menu items behind it are on the HomeScreen. This lasts for about 3 seconds, then the screen behind disappears and it returns to normal:
const config = {
initialRouteName: "Home",
contentOptions: {
activeTintColor: "#e91e63",
itemStyle: {
flexDirection: "row-reverse"
drawerWidth: 300,
drawerPosition: "right"
const withHeader = (
screen: Function,
routeName: string,
): StackNavigator =>
[routeName]: {
navigationOptions: ({ routeName, props }) => ({
header: props => <Header {...props} />
transparentCard: true
const routes = {
TestYourself: {
screen: withHeader(TestYourselfScreen, "Test Yourself", DrawerHeader)
Search: {
screen: withHeader(SearchScreen, "Search", DrawerHeader)
const NestedDrawer = createDrawerNavigator(routes, config);
const MainStack = createStackNavigator(
Home: {
screen: HomeScreen,
navigationOptions: ({ props }) => ({
header: props => <BasicHeader {...props} />
Drawer: {
screen: NestedDrawer;,
navigationOptions: ({ props }) => ({
header: () => null
VideoPlayer: {
screen: VideoPlayerScreen,
navigationOptions: ({ props }) => ({
header: props => <BasicHeader {...props} />
initialRouteName: "Home",
transparentCard: true
export default createAppContainer(MainStack);

onpress event for icon in TabNavigator (react native with react-navigation)

I have an icon that i include in a tab navigator as per below:
const SearchTabBarIcon = ({ tintColor }) => (
onPress={() => console.log('HELP!!')}
....then my tabNavigator looks like this:
const SignedInTabNav = TabNavigator(
Profile: {
screen: Profile,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarLabel: 'Me',
tabBarIcon: ProfileTabBarIcon,
Search: {
screen: Search,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarLabel: 'Search',
tabBarIcon: SearchTabBarIcon,
tabBarComponent: TabBarBottom,
animationEnabled: false,
The console.log is fired when I click the icon, however the native functionality of the tabNavigator is lost.
How can I fire the onPress event but also maintain the navigation functionality?
Ive heard I should perhaps "add the props of navigation to my component in the render".
The render function of App.js looks like this:
render() {
const Layout = createRootNavigator(this.props.isAuthenticated);
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#F8F8FF' }}>
<Layout />
....and the function createRootNavigator looks like this
const createRootNavigator = (authenticated = false) =>
SignedInTabNav: {
screen: SignedInTabNav,
SignedOutStackNav: {
screen: SignedOutStackNav,
initialRouteName: authenticated ? 'SignedInTabNav' : 'SignedOutStackNav',
); where/how do I add the navigation prop in the render for App.js?...and will it be passed down through createRootNavigator.....and further through createSwitchNavigator....and finally passed into SignedInTabNav (TabNavigator) where the Search icon is referenced?
You can simply use tabBarOnPress callback to handle press events as an additional option, like this:
const SignedInTabNav = TabNavigator(
Profile: {
screen: Profile,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarLabel: 'Me',
tabBarIcon: ProfileTabBarIcon,
Search: {
screen: Search,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarLabel: 'Search',
tabBarIcon: SearchTabBarIcon,
tabBarOnPress: ({ navigation, defaultHandler }) => {
console.log('this will be fired just before nagivation happens')
defaultHandler() // if you omit this, navigation will not happen
tabBarComponent: TabBarBottom,
animationEnabled: false,
Solution was to use the 'didFocus' event from reactNavigation
componentDidMount() {
const { navigation } = this.props;
this.focusListener = navigation.addListener('didFocus', () => {
// The screen is focused
// Call any action

Passing a parameter from a screen in SwitchNavigator to another in a TabNavigator

I have been having some problems passing parameters from a screen in a switchNavigator to another in a TabNavigator
this.setState({profile :response})
this.state.navigate('Navigators',{profile: profile})
The profile contains a JSON object of profile details. The navigation sends the date to the 'Navigators' screen which is just a TabNavigator
const Navigators = createAppContainer(Userstack);
export default RootStack = createSwitchNavigator(
Home: {
screen: Login
Register: {
screen: Registration
Navigators: {
screen: Navigators
initialRouteName: 'Home'
How the TabNavigator is created.
export default Userstack = createBottomTabNavigator(
User: {
screen: Profile
Discovery: {
screen: DiscoveryNavigator
defaultNavigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => {
const { routeName } = navigation.state;
let IconComponent = Ionicons;
let iconName;
if (routeName === 'User') {
iconName = `md-contact`;
IconComponent = HomeIconWithBadge;
} else if (routeName === 'Discovery') {
iconName = `md-search`;
return <IconComponent name={iconName} size={27} color={tintColor} />;
tabBarOptions: {
activeTintColor: '#00FA9A',
inactiveTintColor: 'black',
The screen I wish to access the profile information is
export default class Profile extends Component {
this.State = {
profile: this.props.navigation.params.profile
Did you try this.props.navigation.state.params?
According to Reference:,
You can also directly access the params object with this.props.navigation.state.params. This may be null if no params were supplied, and so it's usually easier to just use getParam so you don't have to deal with that case.

How to get title of screen in custom header component?

Hope it's ok.
I Can't understand how custom header it's supposed to work.
I just want to send static properties to my Header depending on which route is selected.
I have:
export default AppNavigator = StackNavigator({
screen: BottomNavigator,
navigationOptions: {
header: AppHeader,
And my BottomNavigator is:
const BottomNavigator = TabNavigator({
TabMenu1: {
screen: () => <Text> Resumé </Text>,
navigationOptions: {
title: 'Resumé'
TabMenu2: {
screen: () => <Text> Sells </Text>,
navigationOptions: {
title: 'Sells'
tabBarComponent: BottomNavigation
I'm expecting {props.title} in my custom header, is that right?
Additional info: My full route stack is:
AuthNavigator have a wrapper that is connected to redux and have:
const AuthNavigator = StackNavigator({
SignedIn: {
screen: MainNavigator
initialRouteName: 'SignedIn'
const MainNavigator = StackNavigator({
Drawer: {
screen: DrawerNav
}, {
const DrawerNav = DrawerNavigator({
Menu1: {
screen: AppNavigator
}, {
contentComponent: DrawerNavigation,
drawerWidth: 300
AppNavigator and BottomNavigator are described above
for React Navigation 5 this works
You can specify title like this :
screen: RouteScreen,
navigationOptions: ({navigation}) => ({
title: navigation.state.params.title || 'StaticTitle'
Where navigation.state.params.title is the title you send as a params when you navigate (so if you want to add a variable for exemple). If you just want to use a static title, just use title: 'StaticTitle'
export const Navigator = StackNavigator(routes, {
headerMode: 'screen',
navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
header: props => <Header {...props} />,
I did find a work around but it seems pretty verbose for what seems to be a common use case..
// Header.js
render() {
const { getScreenDetails, scene } = this.props
const details = getScreenDetails(scene)
return (
Resolved with a code extracted of Header.js file of react-navigation:
The right way to get the title inside a custom header is:
const sceneOptions = props.getScreenDetails(props.scene).options;
const sceneTitle = sceneOptions.title;
Thanks all!
