SqlIaaSExtension.Service broken on Azure SQL Server 2016 VM - sql-server

Two month ago I deployed a new VM in Azure. I used the pre-configured "SQL Server 2016 SP1 Standard on Windows Server 2016" with 7 GB of RAM, and I chose the offered option to make backups automatically. Only other things I changed is add it to AD and put some databases (largest of ~2 GB size of backup file)
Now the server is running a service called SqlIaaSExtension.Service which I understand is for doing these backups as well as automated patching. You can find the services description here: MS service description
The problem is, it keeps on building up memory until after some weeks the SQL Server itself fails to execute larger queries. A restart of the SqlIaaSExtension.Service fixes the problem, but this is not at all a sustainable solution.
Does anybody know a working solution other then disabling the service and loosing the functionality altogether?
My setup (german):

I have meanwhile got some Information from Microsoft:
There seems to be an error in the SqlIaaSExtension.Service which is known to MS and will eventually be fixed.
Workaround is:
A: If you donĀ“t need the functionality - remove this service, as indicated in the service description.
B: If you want to keep the functionality - restart the service periodically. Possibly automate via Task-planner.
Updated info from MS 19/07/2017: Error is identified and should be fixed in the next 7-10 Days. A mitigation is restarting the service if necessary.
Updated info from MS 31/07/2017: Error should be fixed in Version This can be checked from the Azure Portal under "extensions" in the VM-Menu.


Excel connection to database, problem when shared in One Drive

Not sure if this is the correct forum but here goes. Very new to databases so apologies ahead of time if I don't provide enough info.
I have a Microsoft SQL Server Database created with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18, I connected Excel to it to analyse the data and saved that workbook in a shared One Drive folder. Works fine on my computer but the other users cannot refresh the data from the database. I've exhausted all my online search options to figure out how to fix this. I don't know if the database is on a cloud server or if that matters.
Error message is; [Datasource.Error] Microsoft SQL: A network related or instance specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider; SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
The database does allow for remote connections, I checked that.
I'm comfortable with Excel but I'm new to databases, only worked with Access in the past. Anyone know of the "best" way to have a database we can all (4 users currently) connect to while also connecting Excel to it.
I don't understand the pricing plans for Azure, AWS etc. plus they seem to be way more than what I need.
Doesn't have to be a free option but a set monthly fee with no surprises would work if a server is the issue. It's a relatively small amount of data, currently maybe 100 rows, 24 columns.
The option I last came across was Godaddy web hosting had a database option, don't if this is a good option or not. I signed up for Elephantsql but I haven't figured out how to use that to host the database, creating one in elephant itself seems to use only code rather than the way I created the database in Microsoft.
Thanks in advance for any help, going to go close my 25 google search tabs now.....
do you realy need an SQL-Server for dataset auf 100 rows and 24 columns?
I would try do store the date in a shared Excel-File in Onedrive an connect to this.
Best regards
If you want to connect to Private-OneDrive File you should use a WEB-Connector instead of a "File"-Connector.
Your Source should be like this:
=Excel.Workbook(Web.Contents("https://onedrive.live.com/download?resid=AAAXXXXAAA&authkey=BBBXXXXBBB&em=CCCXXXXCCC&app=Excel"), null, true)
You have to replace the AAAXXXXAAAA; BBBXXXXBBB and CCCXXXXCCC with informations from the embedded-link of your XLSX-File:
1) open OneDrive in WEB
2) Select you file and right-click
3) click "embedded"
4) in the right pane you find the embedded-link
5) find there the resid; authkey and em
OneDrive GetEmbeddedLink

Sql Server Reporting Service (SSRS) 2005 Operation timeout issue

I know similar questions have been asked before...
I am using SQL server 2005, with SSRS 2005 installed on the same box. (aka. production DB, Report DB/TempDB, Database engine, and SSRS all in the same box).
We have about 200 reports deployed in the box.
SSRS/DB is running on a W2k3 64-bit VM.
Now the problem...
Occasionally almost on a daily basis our users get the 'operation timeout' error (error in XML document....). At first I thought it was a report size problem, but then when I try the Report Manager URL (http://<>/reports), nothing appears on the browser. The only thing I can do is to recycle the Report server IIS pool and it will work again. Everytime when the 'operation timeout' happens, the Report Manager URL will not work, and I can't find any logs in IIS to indicate there's a problem.
I researched on the net and found that some people have put a dummy report as part of the SQL server agent job which runs every 10 minutes from 9-5 to 'warm up' the SSRS. The dummy report made a small connection to the DB on one row from a very small table. The operation timeout problem seems to have disappeared for 95% of time, but it still happens. Strange enough, when the operation timeout problem happens, I notice the dummy report job has also stopped working. In this case, I had to recycle the IIS pool, and start the SQL server job again, and then SSRS will work again (until the same problem happens next time)
The error I got from the SQL server job is:
System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
However I am totally confused by how the IIS issue on the report server somehow affects the SSRS job. Maybe I am on the wrong track but that's bizzare.
My observation so far is if it takes forever for the Report Manager URL (http://<>/reports) to appear it is a bad sign that something has gone terribly wrong on SSRS.
I have also added a new task which call the SSRS Report Manager http://<>/reports URL using PowerShell in order to 'warm-up' the IIS but it does not seem to make much difference.
Can someone point me to the right direction? Thanks. WM
In the past, after much research, I've found memory allocation for SSRS to be the root of many issues. You can try this.
Add the following into the <Service> node in the rsreportserver.config file
The file is typically in c:\program files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.iMIS\Reporting Services\ReportServer
This sets the maximum memory available for the report which also set the minimum memory to 60% of the maximum.

How to run a UCMA 4.0 trusted application on a separate application server?

I'm not an Unified Communications developer and my head is thumping.
I have three virtual computers (Windows Server 2012 R2) that are joined to the domain. They are pingable among themselves and two Lync clients on VM#2 and VM#3 can talk to each other:
VM#2 Lync 2013 Server
VM#3 Application Server
The UCMA application is supposed to run on VM#3 that is also my development environment (Visual Studio and UMCA 4.0 SDK are installed). But then I can't start the collaboration platform with ProvisionedApplicationPlatformSettings since I get a ProvisioningFailureException that says that somebody was "unable to find the Sqld database".
I followed "General application activation" http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn466115(v=office.15).aspx step by step. Question 1: Do I have to execute these PowerShell cmdlets on VM#2 or VM#3?
I do not know what database the exception is talking about. Question 2: Is it looking for a local database that should be in sync with the Central Management Store on VM#2?
Question 3: I read about installing Central Management Store replication service by running Bootstrapper.exe /BootstrapLocalMgmt /MinCache. When do I need replication in my system? Is that an optional thing?
Post update:
When I execute the New-CsTrustedApplicationPool and Enable-CsTopology cmdlets on VM#2, Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus will display two entries:
UpToDate : True
ReplicationFqdn : LYNCSERVER.artus.demo
UpToDate : False
ReplicationFqdn : APPSERVER.artus.demo
Question 1.1: UpToDate should be set to True after executing Enable-CsReplica and Invoke-CsManagementStoreReplication cmdlets, shouldn't it? Does the second entry mean a Local Management Store that is located in VM#2?
Question 1.2: Are the following parameters correct?
New-CsTrustedApplicationPool -Identity trustedapps.artus.demo
-Registrar Registrar:LYNCSERVER.artus.demo -Site Site:DemoSite1 -ComputerFqdn APPSERVER.artus.demo;
Question 3.1: On what VM do I have to run Bootstrapper.exe /BootstrapLocalMgmt /MinCache. I think this was automatically done during Lync Server 2013 installation on VM#3 and I can't imagine that on VM#2 Lync Server 2013 core components have to be installed.
Thanks for answering.
Question #1: It Depends on the command. If you are referring to the new-csTrustedApplicationPool, new-csTrustedApplication,enable-cstopology and new-csTrustedApplicationEndpoint commands then they need to be run on vm#2 your Lync 2013 server. Request-CSCertificate needs to be run on vm#3 your application server.
(Response To Update) So I guess APPSERVER.artus.demo is the name of vm #3. You need to run the boot-strapper on it to allow replication to work.
**Question #2:**Yes it's the CMS Db, looking at question 3 it sounds as if you haven't run bootstrapper.
Question #3: Have never deployed a UCMA service without replication although it can be done. Have seen people try to turn off replication on the application pool and it fail. Regardless for a first time install it's not optional.

Named Pipes Provider error on classic ASP site in VM environment

I've recently moved a classic ASP site from a single-server IIS6 (Window Server 2003) and SQL Server 2005 setup, to a Hyper-V setup running Windows Server 2012 on the host and two VMs (single machine).
Here is a diagram of the current setup:
My problem is that I am getting the following error intermittently:
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53].
I've been told and was able to prove that the web-to-DB traffic never uses the physical NIC, so that should rule out any issues w/ the NIC or its drivers/configuration.
I've also made sure that there are no IP conflicts (the host and VM IPs are all different).
The only pattern I can detect is that it seems more likely to happen during peak periods. The odd thing is it can go 7 days without an error, and then on a single day, the error will happen on 50-100 requests, often within the same 30 seconds, or in groups of 30-second intervals.
I've been trying to figure this out for weeks -- since migrating to the new server over 3 weeks ago. If no one here can help, my last resort is to open a ticket with Microsoft. However, I'm not optimistic they will be able to help as I'm not able to reproduce it.
As a last resort, I'm considering moving them back to a single instance, which I'm trying my best to avoid.
Here is the connection string I'm using:
Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=[my DB VM IP address];Integrated Security=SSPI;"

Did Installing OneCare cause a "Generating user instances in SQL Server is disabled" error?

Did Installing OneCare cause a "Generating user instances in SQL Server is disabled" error?
The only change that I've made to my computer is uninstalling AVG and installing the trial for Microsoft OneCare. Did OneCare change the SQLServer installation somehow?
This is a very "odd" question but is something I would post on EE in hopes of someone having had the same issue and giving their solution.
I would look more at the uninstalling of AVG as the culprit. OneCare does not care or even notice SQL Server instances as far as I can tell where as AVG does.
I would look into your SQL Server instance and check the jobs. One or more may have been added by AVG. You should remove them. You might also want to drop the AVG database. Just to be sure.
Note: I have never uninstalled AVG. I just have notice some of what it did to my Database when my SysAdmin installed it. Being an Accidental DBA I haven't had the time to properly evaluate it's actions.
The problem is your connection string. When using SQLExpress you can set it to run user instances so that each application has its own instance of SQL Server. Just set the option to false on your connections string and the problem should dissappear.
I didn't see anything odd in the event viewer or any db's for avg in SQLServer. btw I installed SQL server after AVG. it's curious anyway. I'll just make a VM and do a fresh install of SQLExpress so I can finish a few projects.
it's been over a year so it's time for the annual reformat and reinstall ;-)
Thanks. I'll look at as well. Oddly enough though I didn't change the connection string at all. And when I created a new project and tried to drag-n-drop a DB into the LINQ to SQL diagram that error was raised then as well.
