How to get UWP control's source code? - wpf

I want to learn the solution in UWP to fix bug in wpf that I used the DotPeek to decompilate the UWP ListView control but I got the result without source code.
How to get the uwp control's source code?
I use some tool software to decompilate the control of uwp but I cant get the source code.
What I want is I can get the source code that can run in VisualStudio or you can support me a site like that can see some source code.
As we know, WPF cant do some thing well but UWP can that I want to learn it.

Unlike .NET, UWP is not open-sourced as of now so there is no where to get the uncompiled source code.
You will have to somehow decompile the assemblies if you want to take a look at the code. Decompiling native code is tough though.

Now we can find some source code in Windows UI Library repo.


Is it Possible to Reflect the XAML Markup for VS2012?

I have been looking at some components Microsoft use for VS2012, attempting to learn and use there approaches to extensible component design. Despite being able to decompile the C#, I cannot seem to find any way of looking at the XAML mark-up, is this possible?
Note. I have attempted using Snoop but this does not seem to be able to provide the relevant XAML.
Thanks for your time.
You could use a commercial Reflector with BAML Viewer to convert BAML resource of assembly to XAML.
Also you could use a free dotPeek decompiler. Since 1.1 version it has a feature to view BAML resources without any additional plug-ins.
At last you could use a open source ILSpy decompiler to solve the same problem.

Loading a WPF form into a MFC application without /clr

I am trying to integrate WPF into a legacy MFC application. I am unable to include the /clr switch to mix managed and unmanaged due to the restrictions of other projects in the solution. I need the WPF window open up as a child window in the main MFC application. I have been investigating different ways for the past two weeks but have hit roadblock with every implementation try. If anyone has successfully integrated this type of implementation, I would appreciate some direction. I have been able to integrate with a Win32 app, but could not translate this to an MFC app. Thanks everyone.
I believe that WPF requires .NET, therefore what you need is to create a separate DLL or EXE for the WPF parts. hat new project could be the container for .NET code and your main MFC would launch this separate project.
You can write a WPF front end that launches C++ apps with the desired command like switches, similar to what Visual Studio 2010 is doing to compile your code and show the results in the output pane. In this way you can avoid having to hack message loop code to support both frameworks .
You may show your Dialog using a COM interface

Is it possible to use Kit3D in WPF? If so, how?

I have a Silverlight application that uses Kit3D and I want to convert it to WPF.
How would I do that?
Should I do that?
You could try downloading the source code from its Codeplex repository and recompiling with WPF as the target. No guarantees this will work without modifications, though, since WPF is not a complete superset of Silverlight. But according to the author's description on his web page, Kit3D is modeled after WPF's built-in Media3D namespace, so you could just use that directly rather than bother with a 3rd-party library.

Exception when add Silverlight dll in WPF application

When i added the silverlight dll in the wpf application , i got the following exception.
Could not load file or assembly "System.Core, Version=". The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the
assembly reference.
This is happening only in VS 2010 professional Beta 2.
You cannot use Silverlight directly in a WPF application, as they do not use the same version of the .NET Framework, thus the error message
Could you give some more details on your scenario ?
If you have a WPF app, you have more than what Silverlight can give to you.
If you are building a solution with multiple products, and one is WPF for the desktop, one is Silverlight for the Web, you need to create 2 different projects in VS.
Take a look at the source tree here:
Specifically, the Expression.Samples.Interactivity.Design branch.
This shows a few examples of how to put in property editors for use with Blend. I'm not sure if the same concept is transportable to the Cider design surface, but heck, Blend is nicer for pure XAML editing anyways. :)

Can I use a custom control in a stand-alone XAML file?

Quick intro: I have some Silverlight 1 content that people have been editing and putting into HTML pages. Unfortunately, this means a lot of repetative creation of Storyboards, etc. We can use Silverlight 2, but not everyone here is familiar with C#/has Visual Studio. What I would like to do is create some custom controls in C#, output to a DLL, then reference the DLL in the XAML file (just as if it was part of a Silverlight project in VS).
I've tried adding this:
in the Grid tag that is my root. I know the path to MyControl.dll is correct. When I actually try and use it, though (I add <mycontrol:MyControl></mycontrol:MyControl> to the grid) and I get a parser error. It all seems OK if I don't add the control, even if I leave in the xmlns.
I suppose on some level, this makes sense--looking for an assembly is useful if you are going to build something, and since this XAML isn't in VS, it isn't actually building anything. Is there another way that I can reference, and use a custom control in SL2 in a stand-alone XAML file?
Let me first make sure that I understand you correctly: You have a Silverlight app that doesn't use any managed code and is not packaged in a .xap file. The <object> tag refers to a loose xaml file.
This is the Silverlight 1 app model and can still be used in SL 2, and such apps are referred to as "v1-style apps" (even though they target SL 2 and may use features not present in v1). When an application in this form is used, the Silverlight plugin does not load any of the managed components of the runtime (e.g. the CLR, etc.), so referencing a dll from a v1 style app is not going to work.
However, there might be work-arounds to the challenge you are facing here. One solution might be to use a v2 style app that is packed into a .xap and uses managed assemblies. One of the reasons you gave for not doing this is that other developers one the team are not familiar with C#. This should not be an issue as C# is not a requirement for building apps in SL, you can continue to program against it in JavaScript. And if you are just writing JavaScript code, Visual Studio is not a requirement, since there is nothing to compile. They can just edit the .html/.js files and use the .xap/.dll files that were already compiled. Does this make sense?
