Load and call content of md-tab when it's clicked or selected from md-tabs (angular 1.5) - angularjs

I'm using following HTML structure in parent.html page (and have corresponding Controller for this parent HTML Page)
<md-tabs md-dynamic-height class="report-tabs" layout-align="center stretch" md-no-pagination="true">
<span class="tab-label">Tab 1</span>
<div ng-include="tab1-page-URL"></div>
<span class="tab-label">Tab 2</span>
<div ng-include="tab2-page-URL"></div>
Currently when I load this parent.html page, All contents of all tabs are getting loaded at beginning.
Don't we have lazy loading where contents of tab are loaded when it's active (when selected/clicked upon) ?
If we don't have such provision, How can I call function of child tab's controller, when particular tab is selected ? Currently all functions of all child tab's controllers are getting called - which is time consuming and not needed where user will see first tab only when page completes compiling and rendering ?
I've tried calling Child-tab controller functions on parent.html page, but unless all md-tab contents are not loaded, nothing from child-controller is accessible. Only accessible part in this page will be parent.html's own controller functions.
Let me know if any other way I can proceed, Or am I missing completely something here ? Thank you.

From the official doc, for using md-tab , there are no lazy loading contents.
If we don't have such provision, How can I call function of child
tab's controller, when particular tab is selected ? Currently all
functions of all child tab's controllers are getting called - which is
time consuming and not needed where user will see first tab only when
page completes compiling and rendering ?
My method is by using the button only tabs, then using dynamic ng-include, and setting the reladed view during selecting the tab, by md-on-select
something like:
<md-tab label="Tab #1" md-on-select="onTabSelected(1)"></md-tab>
<md-tab label="Tab #2" md-on-select="onTabSelected(2)"></md-tab>
<md-tab label="Tab #3" md-on-select="onTabSelected(3)"></md-tab>
<md-content class="md-padding">
<ng-include src="'templates/tabs/'+ tabId +'.html'"></ng-include>
controller :
$scope.tabId = 1; //default template loaded
$scope.onTabSelected = function(tabId) {
//you can add some loading before rendering
$scope.tabId = tabId;
templates directory:

You could try something like:
<md-tabs md-dynamic-height class="report-tabs" layout-align="center stretch" md-no-pagination="true">
<md-tab md-on-select="onSelect(tab)" ng-repeat="tab in tabs">
<span class="{{tab.class}}">{{tab.label}}</span>
<div ng-if="selectedTab === tab.id" ng-include="{{tab.url}}"></div>
and in controller:
$scope.tabs = [
{id: 1, label: "label for tab 1", url: "url-tab-1.html"},
{id: 2, label: "label for tab 2", url: "url-tab-2.html"}
$scope.onSelect = function(tab) {
$scope.selectedTab = tab.id;


changing md-selected with md-tabs and using md-button (prev, next)

I am experiencing a strange behavior when switching tabs using different methods of changing the tab index. I can change md-selected using the $scope.changeQuestion function with ng-click. I can also use the built in clicking of the md-tab to change md-selected. The issue lies when I click the md-tab and then try to click my prev or next buttons that utilize the $scope.changeQuestion function. If I click the tabs and then try to use my buttons to change the index, the buttons don't change the tab index anymore. They do log the appropriate index I want to switch to, however.
$scope.changeQuestion = function(index){
$scope.selectedQuestion = index;
<md-tabs md-selected='selectedQuestion' md-stretch-tabs md-dynamic-height md-border-bottom>
<md-tab ng-repeat='question in assessment.questions | toArrayKeepKeys | orderBy: "order"'>
{{question.order}} <i class="fas fa-fire fire" ng-if='question.bonus'></i>
<div class='question-tab-content'>
<question class='margin-top-1em' details='question' answer='answers[question.key]'></question>
<md-button ng-click='changeQuestion($index - 1)' ng-hide='question.order === 1' class='md-primary md-raised no-left-margin'>Previous</md-button>
<md-button ng-click='changeQuestion($index + 1)' ng-hide='question.order === _.size(assessment.questions)' class='md-primary md-raised no-left-margin'>Next</md-button>
Here is the example of the behavior:
I was able to get a working example in codepen but can't seem to get it to work in my project.
Tried putting a $watch on $scope.selectedQuestion and it doesn't fire if I click the tabs. It's like the md-selected='selectedQuestion' and $scope.selectedQuestion are different but only after I click a tab.
Found Solution: scope inheritance
Changing $scope.selectedQuestion = 0; to $scope.selectedQuestion = { selected: 0 }; and updating other references did the trick.
Unexplained: why the codepen example works without the modifications from the solution

Angular material md-tab conditional move on md-on-deselect response

I am trying to make wizard using md tab.How can i make the conditional move of the tab?.Ex- I want to call a service on tab change, tab should be change only when we get the success response. I have user md-on-deselect attr for that but tab moves before getting the response.
<md-tab label="1. Details" md-on-deselect="CampaignCtl.test()">
<md-content class="tabsContent">
<div data-ng-include=" 'app/view/advertiser/campaigns/campaigns-detail.html'"></div>
<md-tab label="2. Advertisement Media" md-on-deselect="CampaignCtl.test()">
<md-content class="tabsContent">
<div data-ng-include=" 'app/view/advertiser/campaigns/campain-advertiser-media.html'"></div>
I am trying to call a service from test method

Show different html files with md-tab

I'm new to angular material and my question is how i can show different html file for each md-tab. for example, i have 3 tabs: the first for catalog.html, the second for manage.html and the third for orders.html.
so i did this:
<md-tabs >
<md-tab label="Product catalog">
<div ng-include src="#"></div>
<md-tab label="Workers management">
<div ng-include src="employeesPage.html"></div>
inside index.html, but nothing is shown...
<md-tab label="Catalog">
<div ng-include src="'catalog.html'"></div>

Why does md-tab-body not span full length of the screen

I am trying to implement tabs in AngularJS using Angular Material.
I have some tabs. On clicking over a tab, the content specific to that tab should be displayed. But the problem I am facing is that, the content of that tab doesn't occupy the full device length.
<md-tabs md-selected="selectedIndex">
<md-tab md-on-select="onTabSelected(tab)" md-on-deselect="announceDeselected(tab)" ng-disabled="tab.disabled">
<p>Tab A</p>
<p>Content of tab A</p>
<div infinite-scroll="loadMore(tab.id)" infinite-scroll-disabled="busy">
<div ng-repeat="p in products">
<div class="well">
<div ng-show="busy">Loading more products....</div>
"md-tab-body" directive specifies the tab content.
In the above code, I just intend to implement ng-Infinite scroll as a part of tab content. But somehow, tab content occupies only a part of the page length.
Is there any solution by which I can make the tab content occupy full length of the page.
I am not sure if there are any other solutions for this problem, but the simplest one is to use md-dynamic-height attribute on md-tabs directive.
<md-tabs md-dynamic-height>
This is all that you need!

titles not showing correctly in angular material tabs

I'm using angular material tabs but there is something wrong with my implementation and it gives me this result (on Chrome and Firefox):
As you can see the tab titles are truncated.
Here is my implementation:
<md-tab ng-repeat="tab in tabs">
<div class="md-tabs-content">
content tab
var tabs = [];
for(i=0;i<3; i++){
titre: 'title'
$scope.tabs = tabs;
$scope.selectedTab = 0;
Added the plnkr:
Quoting from Angularmaterial docs for md-tab
Please note that if you use <md-tab-label>, your content MUST be wrapped in the <md-tab-body> tag. This is to define a clear separation between the tab content and the tab label.
So can you trying changing your code to:
<md-tab ng-repeat="tab in tabs">
<md-tab-body class="md-padding">
content tab
