How do people handle scroll restoration with react-router v4? - reactjs

I'm experiencing some problems with scroll positions on the back button (history popstate) when using react-router. React router v4 doesn't handle scroll management out of the box because browsers are implementing some automatic scroll behavior. This is great except when the height of the browser window changes too dramatically from one view to another. I have implemented the ScrollToTop component as described here:
This works great. When you click a link and go to a different component, the browser scrolls to the top (like a normal server-rendered website would). The issue only happens when you go back (via the browser back button) to a view with a much taller window height. It seems that (chrome) tries to go to the scroll position of the previous page before react has rendered the content (and browser height). This results in the scroll only going as far down as it can based on the height of the view it's coming from. Picture this scenario:
View1: Long list of movies (window height 3500px).
(movie is clicked)
View2: Details view of the selected movie (window height: 1000px).
(Browser back button is clicked)
Back to view 1, but scroll position can't go further than 1000px, because chrome is trying to set the position before react renders the long movie list.
For some reason this is only a problem in Chrome. Firefox and Safari seem to handle it fine. I wonder if anyone else have had this problem, and how you guys generally handle scroll restoration in React.
Note: all the movies are imported from a sampleMovies.js — so I'm not waiting for an API response in my example.

Note that history.scrollRestoration is just a way of disabling the browser's automatic attempts at scroll restoration, which mostly don't work for single-page apps, so that they don't interfere with whatever the app wants to do. In addition to switching to manual scroll restoration, you need some sort of library that provides integration between the browser's history API, React's rendering, and the scroll position of the window and any scrollable block elements.
After not being able to find such a scroll restoration library for React Router 4, I created one called react-scroll-manager. It supports scrolling to top on navigation to a new location (aka history push) and scroll restoration on back/forward (aka history pop). In addition to scrolling the window, it can scroll any nested element that you wrap in an ElementScroller component. It also supports delayed/asynchronous rendering by using a MutationObserver to watch the window/element content up to a user-specified time limit. This delayed rendering support applies to scroll restoration as well as scrolling to a specific element using a hash link.
npm install react-scroll-manager
import React from 'react';
import { Router } from 'react-router-dom';
import { ScrollManager, WindowScroller, ElementScroller } from 'react-scroll-manager';
import { createBrowserHistory as createHistory } from 'history';
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.history = createHistory();
render() {
return (
<ScrollManager history={this.history}>
<Router history={this.history}>
<ElementScroller scrollKey="nav">
<div className="nav">
<div className="content">
Note that an HTML5 browser (10+ for IE) and React 16 are required. HTML5 provides the history API, and the library uses the modern Context and Ref APIs from React 16.

How do you handle your scroll restoration?
Turns out browsers have implementations of the history.scrollRestoration.
Maybe you can use that? Check these links out.
In addition, I found an npm module that might be able to handle scroll restoration in react with ease, but this library only works with react router v3 and below
I hope this can help.

my solution:save window.scrollY for every pathname with a Map (ES6)
import { FC, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
export function debounce(fn: (...params: any) => void, wait: number): (...params: any) => void {
let timer: any = null;
return function(...params: any){
timer = setTimeout(()=>{
}, wait);
export const pathMap = new Map<string, number>();
const Index: FC = () => {
const { pathname } = useLocation();
useEffect(() => {
if (pathMap.has(pathname)) {
window.scrollTo(0, pathMap.get(pathname)!)
} else {
pathMap.set(pathname, 0);
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
}, [pathname]);
useEffect(() => {
const fn = debounce(() => {
pathMap.set(pathname, window.scrollY);
}, 200);
window.addEventListener('scroll', fn);
return () => window.removeEventListener('scroll', fn);
}, [pathname]);
return null;
export default Index;
function App() {
return (
You can also use pathMap.size === 1 to determine if the user entered the app for the first time

I wound up using localStorage to track the scroll position - not sure this would handle all situations.
In this example, there's a Company page with a set of Stores, and each Store has a set of Display cases. I needed to track the scroll position of the display cases, so saved that to a 'storeScrollTop' key. There were 6 lines of code to add.
// click on a store link
const handleClickStore = (evt) => {
window.localStorage.removeItem('storeScrollTop') // <-- reset scroll value
const storeId =
// initialize store page
React.useEffect(() => {
// fetch displays
getStoreDisplays(storeId).then(objs => setObjs(objs)).then(() => {
// get the 'store' localstorage scrollvalue and scroll to it
const scrollTop = Number(window.localStorage.getItem('storeScrollTop') || '0')
const el = document.getElementsByClassName('contents')[0]
el.scrollTop = scrollTop
}, [storeId])
// click on a display link
const handleClickDisplay = (evt) => {
// save the scroll pos for return visit
const el = document.getElementsByClassName('contents')[0]
window.localStorage.setItem('storeScrollTop', String(el.scrollTop))
// goto the display
const displayId =
The trickiest part was figuring out which element had the correct scrollTop value - I had to inspect things in the console until I found it.

This component scroll to up if page is new but if page seen before restore the scroll.
scroll-to-top.tsx file:
import { useEffect, FC } from 'react';
import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
const pathNameHistory = new Set<string>();
const Index: FC = (): null => {
const { pathname } = useLocation();
useEffect((): void => {
if (!pathNameHistory.has(pathname)) {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
}, [pathname]);
return null;
export default Index;
app.tsx file:
<ScrollToTop />
<App />

Use this library
React Router does not provide out of the box support for scroll restoration and as it currently stands they won't either, because browsers are implementing some automatic scroll behavior


React - Bootstrap: Offcanvas with embedded mapped tabs content disappearing on Re-Render

I have a React application that includes a Bootstrap Offcanvas component with embedded Tabs. For the Tabs and Content, they are created from an array of Table components which is mapped to create them dynamically. These Table components take a container as input, which I used a Ref to bind them to the dynamically generated Tabs. The first render works perfectly, however; when I close the Offcanvas and open it again, the Tab content is now empty. I'm assuming this is an issue with the Ref.
Here is the code for the Tab component.
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import Tabs from "react-bootstrap/Tabs";
import Tab from "react-bootstrap/Tab";
function LayerResults({featureTables, mapView, placeFeatureTables}) {
const resultRef = useRef( => React.createRef()));
useEffect(()=> {
if (featureTables.length) {
}, [mapView])
return (
<Tabs defaultActiveKey={featureTables[0].layer.title} className="tableResults">
{featureTables &&, i) => {
return (
<div ref={resultRef.current[i]}></div>
And here's the code for the placeFeatureTables() function from an even higher component that the useEffect uses which updates the featureTables state with the container / Ref.
const placeFeatureTables = (containerRefs) => {
setFeatureTables(prev => {
const placedTables =, i) => {
table.container = containerRefs.current[i].current;
return table;
return placedTables;
I feel like this is most likely the issue area and the Containers / Refs are not being updated properly on re-render and I should be using something other than useRef. The thing that's really bugging me though, is that I swear this was working earlier.
Note1: The FeatureTables come from ESRI ArcGIS Javascript API. Although, it's just the Ref being passed, so I don't think it's necessary to know about them. FeatureTable Documentation
Note2: If I console.log the featureTables. The first time, the container highlights the area where it's at. Once I close and re-open and then click on the new featureTables container, it says the node does not exist.

Pagetransition before next page in Nextjs

Is there any way to archive a page transition that fits the following requirements:
I want to show a page transition when a page changes
The page transition should finish before the next page loads/shows
The page transition should run X seconds
The page transition is a component placed in _app.js
Currently, I do this in a gruesome way.
In NuxtJS, it is possible to archive it via the Javascript Hooks.
Thank you for the help :)
You can hook into Next.js Router events, but you can not set how much time the transition should take.
E.g. if you want the transition to be 3 seconds:
if the Next.js transition takes 1 second, you can wait 2 seconds, but
if the Next.js transition takes 4 seconds, you can't do anything about it.
And you can not know for sure how long the Next.js transition will take.
custom "routing"
Anyway, if you rely on the Next.js transition never taking more time than your animation, you would have to "store" the old page view somehow, and show it instead of the new page as long as the animation runs.
From Next.js perspective the new page should be shown. I think this would not work with Next.js routing, you would have to do the "routing" (display of content depending on the url) yourself, I guess. E.g. design your App to always have something like two pages at once, one is shown, one is hidden and might be loading. Then you can switch between these two pages whenever you want.
You might want to have a look at the experimental feature React "Suspense" (I don't know, I haven't used it).
wait before routing
If you want to wait a while before the transition starts, you might do something like this:
const startAnimation = () => {
return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
setTimeout( resolve, 3000 ); // <-- replace this line with your animation, and call resolve() when finished
} );
const routerWrapper = {
push: ( url ) => {
startAnimation().then( () => {
console.log('Next.js routing starts...');
Router.push( url );
// ...
routerWrapper.push( newUrl ); // <-- this instead of Router.push( newUrl )
stop animation when routing completed
If you want to start an animation when Route.push() is called, and stop it when the Next.js transition is completed, you can use Next.js routerevents, e.g.:
export default function App( props: AppProps ) {
const { Component, pageProps } = props;
const router = useRouter()
useEffect(() => {
const routeChangeStart = (url, { shallow }) => {
console.log('start animation');
const routeChangeComplete = (url, { shallow }) => {
console.log('stop animation');
};'routeChangeStart', routeChangeStart);'routeChangeComplete', routeChangeComplete);
return () => {'routeChangeStart', routeChangeStart);'routeChangeComplete', routeChangeComplete);
}, [])
// --
return (
<Component { ...pageProps } />
I have not personally done this yet, but it looks like you can do something like this with Framer Motion.
Destructuring props from the router in your main App component
function App({ Component, pageProps, router }) {
Then you can use the AnimatePresence component from Framer Motion to animate the route load and exit. You said you were familiar with the library in the comments so I won't talk about that component but here is what you add to the motion.div within the AnimatePresence component
<motion.div key={router.route}>
Below I will link a good article on how to do it and a good repo to use as an example. I did not write either of these but they are quite useful and descriptive.

React useEffect strange behaviour with custom layout component

I'm trying to use scroll position for my animations in my web portfolio. Since this portfolio use nextJS I can't rely on the window object, plus I'm using navigation wide slider so I'm not actually scrolling in the window but in a layout component called Page.
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import './page.css';
const Page = ({ children }) => {
useEffect(() => {
const scrollX = document.getElementsByClassName('page')
const scrollElement = scrollX[0];
scrollElement.addEventListener("scroll", function () {
return () => {
scrollElement.removeEventListener("scroll", () => { console.log('listener removed') })
}, [])
return <div className="page">{children}</div>;
export default Page;
Here is a production build :
At loading, there is only one Page component in DOM.
The behaviour is as follow :
first listener is added at first Page mount, when navigating, listener is also added along with a new Page component in DOM.
as long as you navigate between the two pages, no new listener/page is added
if navigating to a third page, listener is then removed when the old Page is dismounted and a new listener for the third page is added when third page is mounted (etc...)
Problem is : when you navigate from first to second, everything looks fine, but if you go back to the first page you'll notice the console is logging the scrollX value of the second listener instead of the first. Each time you go on the second page it seems to add another listener to the same scrollElement even though it's not the same Page component.
How can I do this ? I'm guessing the two component are trying to access the same scrollElement somewhat :/
Thanks for your time.
Cool site. We don't have complete info, but I suspect there's an issue with trying to use document.getElementsByClassName('page')[0]. When you go to page 2, the log for scrollX gives an HTMLCollection with 2 elements. So there's an issue with which one is being targeted. I would consider using a refs instead. Like this:
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import './page.css';
const Page = ({ children }) => {
const pageRef = useRef(null)
const scrollListener = () => {
useEffect(() => {
pageRef.addEventListener("scroll", scrollListener );
return () => {
pageRef.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollListener )
}, [])
return <div ref={pageRef}>{children}</div>;
export default Page;
This is a lot cleaner and I think will reduce confusion between components about what dom element is being referenced for each scroll listener. As far as the third page goes, your scrollX is still logging the same HTMLElement collection, with 2 elements. According to your pattern, there should be 3. (Though there should really only be 1!) So something is not rendering properly on page 3.
If we see more code, it might uncover the error as being something else. If refs dont solve it, can you post how Page is implemented in the larger scope of things?
also, remove "junior" from the "junior developer" title - you won't regret it

React Navigation - Get next screen name for another navigator

I have React Native app with React Navigation. I want to log screen name every time when it changes.
In my app I already have several stackNavigator's and one switchNavigator to combine them.
Now I've just added next onTransitionStart property to all stackNavigator's:
export default createStackNavigator(
onTransitionStart: transitionProps => {
console.log('move to: ', transitionProps.scene.route.routeName);
Mostly it helps and do it just I wanted. However, it doesn't work in cases when I move from one stackNavigator to another. Where it is a better way to leave the callback to know that we moved to another stackNavigator and get its first screen?
You can actually try the below method:
import { NavigationEvents } from 'react-navigation';
render() {
onWillFocus={() => {
Quoted from documentation
NavigationEvents is a React component providing a declarative API to subscribe to navigation events. It will subscribe to navigation events on mount, and unsubscribe on unmount.
For me helped next one: createAppContainer creates the container with onNavigationStateChange property. It takes a function with previous and next navigation state as arguments. Both of them have enough data to understand which screen was previous and which will be next one. Since I have this app container in my main App component, it looks next way:
/* ... */
/* ... */
onNavigationStateChange={(prevState, newState, action) => {
if (action.type === 'Navigation/NAVIGATE' || action.type === 'Navigation/BACK') {
const currentNavigator = newState.routes[newState.index];
const screenName = currentRoute.routes[currentNavigator.index].routeName;
console.log('Current screen is: ', screenName);
/* ... */
Both state objects store the index and routes properties. They represent chosen stackNavigator index and the list of stackNavigator's respectively. So we can get the number of chosen navigator and get the index of current route for it.

How to make react router replace component only after the matched route asynchronously loaded..?

So here's the situation - When a Link is clicked the nprogress bar will start and I want react-router to only replace the current component with the matched route once that's done loading asynchronously.. just like in instagram..
But I am only getting this -
Here's my HOC to load component asynchronously --
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import nprogress from "nprogress";
import "nprogress/nprogress.css";
export default importComponent => props => {
const [loadedComponent, setComponent] = useState(null);
// this works like componentwillMount
if (!nprogress.isStarted()) nprogress.start();
if (loadedComponent) nprogress.done();
useEffect(() => {
let mounted = true;
mounted &&
({ default: C }) => mounted && setComponent(<C {...props} />)
// componentUnMount
return () => (mounted = false);
}, []);
// return the loaded component
const Component = loadedComponent || <div style={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>..</div>;
return Component;
I didn't find a solution to this anywhere on the internet.. so I am asking this question here in stackoverflow. I am hoping someone here can solve this.
Edit: 15-Nov-2021
The old approach doesn't work with routes that uses route params or query such as useLocation, useRouteMatch, etc.
The one I am using now is to use React.lazy, React.Suspense and updating the fallback prop whenever a page is rendered. So when the next page is being loaded, the fallback will be shown which is basically the same component instance as current page. Moreover, with this new approach, you can render the next page whenever you like; after fetching data from backend, or after animation, etc.
Here is a demo and source code.
