How do I set the ComboBox width to fit the largest item - combobox

I would like that my ComboBox has to adapt its width to the longest String Item of my list.
Code Example:
ComboBox {
model: [ "Banana", "Apple", "ThisIsTheLongestWordThatIHave,"Coconut" ]
Any idea of how to do it?

There is no built-in mechanism for this in Quick-Controls-2 combobox (at the time of writing, Qt 5.9), so you have to do it yourself. Something like this...
MyComboBox {
id: comboBox1
sizeToContents: false
model: [ "Banana", "Apple", "ThisIsTheLongestWordThatIHave", "Coconut" ]
MyComboBox {
id: comboBox2 comboBox1.bottom
sizeToContents: true
model: [ "Banana", "Apple", "ThisIsTheLongestWordThatIHave", "Coconut" ]
ComboBox {
id: control
property bool sizeToContents
property int modelWidth
width: (sizeToContents) ? modelWidth + 2*leftPadding + 2*rightPadding : implicitWidth
delegate: ItemDelegate {
width: control.width
text: control.textRole ? (Array.isArray(control.model) ? modelData[control.textRole] : model[control.textRole]) : modelData
font.weight: control.currentIndex === index ? Font.DemiBold : Font.Normal
font.pointSize: control.font.pointSize
highlighted: control.highlightedIndex === index
hoverEnabled: control.hoverEnabled
TextMetrics {
id: textMetrics
onModelChanged: {
textMetrics.font = control.font
for(var i = 0; i < model.length; i++){
textMetrics.text = model[i]
modelWidth = Math.max(textMetrics.width, modelWidth)
Note that if you change the model type from a QML List to a different type, such as C++ QStringList, QList<QObject*> or QAbstractListModel, then you migth need to modify this line textMetrics.text = model[i] to retrieve the text from the model items in a slightly different way.

As of Qt 6, this is now possible by setting the ComboBox's implicitContentWidthPolicy to either ComboBox.WidestText , which will update whenever the model changes, or ComboBox.WidestTextWhenCompleted, which will check just once, when the ComboBox is loaded. (Keep in mind that the latter might not work as expected if the model isn't already available at the instant the ComboBox is loaded.)

#Mark Ch - MyComboBox doesn't work with Controls 2; the width of the indicator is not taken into account so it is too narrow if the indicator has any width.
It worked for me by replacing the assignment for width: with the following:
width: sizeToContents
? (modelWidth + leftPadding + contentItem.leftPadding
+ rightPadding + contentItem.rightPadding)
: implicitWidth

Here's a different approach which is less dependent on internals, works with any kind of model, and with alternate ComboBox styles e.g. "material":
The idea is to just set currentItem to each possible value and let the ComboBox internals do their thing; then observe the resulting widths. ComboBox.contentItem is a TextField, and TextField.contentWidth has what we want. We don't have to know how to iterate the model or emulate what a delegate might do to change formatting. The desired ComboBox width is the max of those contentWidths, plus padding and indicator width.
The calculation can not be directly bound to width because a binding loop would occur. Instead, width is calculated and set statically when the onCompleted signal occurs.
Note: The following code doesn't yet handle dynamically updated models. I may update this post later...
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import "ComboBoxHacks.js" as CBH
ComboBox {
id: myCB
Component.onCompleted: width = CBH.calcComboBoxImplicitWidth(myCB)
And here is the javascript code:
/* ComboBoxHacks.js */
function calcComboBoxImplicitWidth(cb) {
var widest = 0
if (cb.count===0) return cb.width
var originalCI = cb.currentIndex
if (originalCI < 0) return cb.width // currentIndex → deleted item
do {
widest = Math.max(widest, cb.contentItem.contentWidth)
cb.currentIndex = (cb.currentIndex + 1) % cb.count
} while(cb.currentIndex !== originalCI)
return widest + cb.contentItem.leftPadding + cb.contentItem.rightPadding
+ cb.indicator.width

You just need to update the minimumWidth when the model changes.
import QtQml 2.12
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.5
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
ComboBox {
id: root
onModelChanged: {
var _maxWidth = 0
for(var i = 0; i < model.length; i++){
// TextMetrics does not work with Material Style
_maxWidth = Math.max((model[i].length+1)*Qt.application.font.pixelSize, _maxWidth)
Layout.minimumWidth = _maxWidth + implicitIndicatorWidth + leftPadding + rightPadding


how to bind property of visibility of dropdown

I want to change the color of label when dropdown is shown and return the color of label to normal when dropdown hides. How can I do it with binding?
so there will be a property
property: {
icon: {
check: Boolean,
apply: handleVisibility
this.handleVisibility = function(value) {}
my code
var label = new qx.ui.basic.Label("Default");
this.getRoot().add(label, {
left: 20,
top: 20,
// create a combo box
var comboBox = new qx.ui.form.ComboBox();
// fill the combo box with some stuff
for (var i = 1; i < 31; i++) {
var tempItem = new qx.ui.form.ListItem(
"2^ " + i + " = " + Math.pow(2, i)
// add the combobox to the documents root
this.getRoot().add(comboBox, {
left: 20,
top: 40,
I've appended about 20 lines to your code, here, to show how you might do it. You can plug this into to test it.
var label = new qx.ui.basic.Label("Default");
this.getRoot().add(label, {
left: 20,
top: 20,
// create a combo box
var comboBox = new qx.ui.form.ComboBox();
// fill the combo box with some stuff
for (var i = 1; i < 31; i++) {
var tempItem = new qx.ui.form.ListItem(
"2^ " + i + " = " + Math.pow(2, i)
// add the combobox to the documents root
this.getRoot().add(comboBox, {
left: 20,
top: 40,
// Get easy access to the textfield of the comboBox and its popup list
let textfield = comboBox.getChildControl("textfield");
let popup = comboBox.getChildControl("popup");
// When the popup's `visibility` property changes, modify the textfield's
// `backgroundColor` property. The value of the `visibility` property will be
// "hidden" or "visible". We use a `converter`, to convert the value
// from one of those, to the color to be used. (A color of `null`, used in
// this example when the popup is hidden, means use the default color.)
converter : function(data, model, source, target)
return data == "visible" ? "cyan" : null;

ExtJs Chart, How to get boundary dates from selection mask on 'Time' type axis

I have ExtJs 4 Area chart with Time serie. I'd like user to be able to horizontally select part of chart and then obtain higher density data from server adequately. Problem is I can't get boundary dates from selection. I've got:
var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
store: store,
enableMask: true,
mask: 'horizontal',
listeners: {
select: {
fn: function(me, selection) {
console.log(arguments); // selection = Object { height: 218, width: 117, x: 665, y: 123 }
But select listener provides only pixel data. Is there some way to get boundary axis data (e.g. { from: 2013-08-01, to: 2013-08-20 } or some way to unproject pixels to values? I'm desperade I would say it's such a basic thing but can't find solution anywhere. Thanks in advance.
Well.. it probably doesn't exists a method for this. After digging into source code I've utilized lines from chart.setZoom() method to create function for manual unprojecting of mask selection to X axis data:
var unprojectXAxis = function(chart, selection) {
zoomArea = {
x : selection.x - chart.el.getX(),
width : selection.width
xScale = chart.chartBBox.width,
zoomer = {
x : zoomArea.x / xScale,
width : zoomArea.width / xScale
ends = chart.axes.items[0].calcEnds();
from = ( - ends.from) * zoomer.x + ends.from;
to = ( - ends.from) * zoomer.width + from;
return { from: new Date(from), to: new Date(to) };

ExtJS CheckboxGroup label wrap

I have a problem with checkboxes. So these checkboxes are in columns, and the longer labels wrap under their checkboxes. Is there any sollution to setting the column width to the longest label? It must be dynamic width. Can you help me?
Here's something you can use to measure all the labels and apply the width of the widest one to all of them
Ext.define('DynamicLabelFormPanel', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
initComponent: function() {
// Need to create a hidden field to measure the text
var field = new Ext.form.field.Text({fieldLabel: 'Testing', value: 'whateves', renderTo: Ext.getBody(), hidden: true});
var metrics = new Ext.util.TextMetrics(field.labelEl);
var widths =, function(item) {
// Need to acount for the :
return metrics.getWidth(item.fieldLabel + ":");
var maxWidth = Math.max.apply(Math, widths);
for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
this.items[i].labelWidth = maxWidth;
This would probably be better as a plugin, but it shows you what needs to be done

ExtJS 4 > Row Editor Grid > How to Change "Update" Button Text

Is there any way to change the text of "Update" button in ExtJS-4 Row Editor Grid ?
Good question, I had a look through the source code and whilst there is nothing inside the RowEditing plugin, in the class it extends 'RowEditor.js' there is the following:
Ext.define('Ext.grid.RowEditor', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
requires: [
saveBtnText : 'Update',
cancelBtnText: 'Cancel',
So I'd assume you'd just need to override the 'saveBtnText' in your instance of 'Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing' as it calls the parent constructor with callParent(arguments) in the RowEditing class
Not that easy and not without hacking in undocumented areas. The problem is, that the Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing directly instantiates the Ext.grid.RowEditor without allowing you to pass in configuration options. So in general you have to override the initEditor() method in the plugin and instantiate your own row editor:
// ...
plugins: [{
ptype: 'rowediting',
clicksToEdit: 2,
initEditor: function() {
var me = this,
grid = me.grid,
view = me.view,
headerCt = grid.headerCt;
return Ext.create('Ext.grid.RowEditor', {
autoCancel: me.autoCancel,
errorSummary: me.errorSummary,
fields: headerCt.getGridColumns(),
hidden: true,
// keep a reference..
editingPlugin: me,
renderTo: view.el,
saveBtnText: 'This is my save button text', // <<---
cancelBtnText: 'This is my cancel button text' // <<---
// ...
For ExtJS 4
Ext.grid.RowEditor.prototype.cancelBtnText = "This is cancel";
Ext.grid.RowEditor.prototype.saveBtnText = "This is update";
This solution is to define the prototype of rowEditors. that means that this config is than general.
If you want to change it just for one editor, or if you want to get different configs , the prototype is definitely not the solution.
look at source code :
initEditorConfig: function(){
var me = this,
grid = me.grid,
view = me.view,
headerCt = grid.headerCt,
btns = ['saveBtnText', 'cancelBtnText', 'errorsText', 'dirtyText'],
bLen = btns.length,
cfg = {
autoCancel: me.autoCancel,
errorSummary: me.errorSummary,
fields: headerCt.getGridColumns(),
hidden: true,
view: view,
// keep a reference..
editingPlugin: me
for (b = 0; b < bLen; b++) {
item = btns[b];
if (Ext.isDefined(me[item])) {
cfg[item] = me[item];
return cfg;
this method inits the rowEditor, and there's a loop on btns Array:
btns Array :
btns = ['saveBtnText', 'cancelBtnText', 'errorsText', 'dirtyText']
for (b = 0; b < bLen; b++) {
item = btns[b];
if (Ext.isDefined(me[item])) {
cfg[item] = me[item];
In this loop foreach string in btnArray it's searched if exists in cfg the same string property, if it's found it's added to config. You just have to manage that this loop finds what you want to modify:
Example: we want to change the text of save button:
the property saveBtnText which is the first item of btns Array must exists in cfg:
if (Ext.isDefined(me[item])) {
cfg[item] = me[item];
this search if property exists : if (Ext.isDefined(me[item]))
if saveBtnText already exists in rowEditor properties then:
cfg[item] = me[item];
and the additional config property will be set!!

extjs rowexpander how to expand all

I'm using Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander
var expander = new Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander({
tpl : new Ext.Template(
it's used in my grid:
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: store,
columns: [
Now i want all expander rows to be expanded by deafult.
I'm trying to use expander.expandRow(grid.view.getRow(0)); (i think if i make it, i'll be able to use a for loop :) but i get an error
this.mainBody is undefined # ***/ext/ext-all.js:11
Please, help me to expand all rows of my grid! Thanks!
You can do this with a loop, it's quite simple...
for(i = 0; i <= pageSize; i++) {
Where pageSize is the number of records per page in your grid. Alternatively you could use the store's count (probably a more scalable solution)...
for(i = 0; i <= grid.getStore().getCount(); i++) {
In 4.1.3 i use this method
function expand() {
var expander = grid.plugins[0];
var store = grid.getStore();
for ( i=0; i < store.getCount(); i++ ) {
if (expander.isCollapsed(i)) {
expander.toggleRow(i, store.getAt(i));
If your Grid uses a DirectStore or some other RPC mechanism, you may want to listen for the store's load event:'load', function() {
var expander = grid.plugins;
for(i = 0; i < grid.getStore().getCount(); i++) {
Btw: It should be "i < ..." instead of "i <= ...".
You can declare a grouping object and then call it from within your GridPanel:
// grouping
var grouping = Ext.create('Ext.grid.feature.Grouping',{
startCollapsed: true, // sets the default init collapse/expand all
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: store,
columns: [
Then add this code in the body of you GridPanel:
// collapse/expand all botton
tbar: [{
text: 'collapse all',
handler: function (btn) {
text: 'expand all',
handler: function (btn) {
It will add two buttons that expand/collapse all the groups.
If you want everything to be expanded/collapsed by default notice the 'startCollapsed' variable above.
