Issue loading-data-from-multiple-db-to-another-server-using-ssis - sql-server

I am facing issue in loading-data-from-multiple-db-to-another-server-using-ssis
I have referred the below link
Loading data from multiple db to another server using SSIS
SSIS Package FLow :
Unfortunately i am getting the error in "Execute SQL Task" as below:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: There is an invalid number of result
bindings returned for the ResultSetType: "ResultSetType_Rowset".
Appreciate if you could help me with the solutions.

Based on the comments, to solve your issue
1. Evaluate your SQL Statement. For instance :
2. Once your variable query is evaluating, move to Execute SQL Task. It should look like this:
3. Next the resultSet should look like this (object_variable is of object type)
Why are we not using anything in parameter mapping ?
Answer: If we had a SQL query like Select col1, col2 from table1 where col3 = ?, Then we would be replacing ? with either a parameter or a variable.
In your case, delete everything inside parameter mapping.
Updated : Also, since you're query is Select * into tbl2 from tbl1, ResultSet property should be None instead of any other thing.

You have 2 Execute SQL Tasks
1, First Execute SQL Task, get list of tables and schema, it expects a Full Result set and map it to a object type variable.
2, Foreach loop container, ADO Enumerator, ADO source is the object type variable. Variable Mappings to 2 string type variables, 1 is for table name and 1 is for schema name.
Second Execute SQL Task, it has no Full Result set, no parameter mapping. Because table name/schema name changes are taken care of by Foreach loop container.


Dynamically Create Views from parameters/variables SQL SSIS

I have a table that contains just under a million rows. I'm building a form using SSIS that asks for user input and uses the values as parameters to build a view from source data. I'm having trouble getting SSIS to create the view from a variable.
The purpose of this 'tool' is to provide a dialogue that programmatically builds a view and later an update statement based upon parameters defined via a form that will execute an SSIS package. A number of the ppl on my team know 0 SQL. Therefore this circumvents any SQL knowledge. Creating an entirely standalone app is not ideal as it would require too much additional overhead on my side and would deviate from a number of our existing processes that currently use SSIS/SQL to achieve similar results.
With that here is what I've tried/trying.
I have an SSIS package that contains 'Execute SQL Task'
This task brings up a form with 5 inputs (variables)
some vars are strings others are doubles, ints etc... (they all vary)
You populate the fields and hit okay.
These variables are passed to an 'Execute Package Task'.
Inside this package (Package B)
the vars are used in an 'Execute SQL Task'.
This task is attempting to take the users input and create a view with a where clause containing 4 other variables.
Create View ? AS Select col1,col2,col3,col4 WHERE
col1 = ?
AND col2 =?
AND col3 =?.........
First it appears that using ? in the create view is invalid.
The error being:
Error: 0x0 at Build_Query: Incorrect syntax near '#P1'.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Build_Query, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "CREATE VIEW ? as Select * from S_t_equip_template
..." failed with the following error: "The batch could not be analyzed because of compile errors.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established
Task failed: Build_Query
If I use the create view variable as an expression and remove the variables/paramerters for the where statements, I can create the view no problem.
However the where statements throw errors once I add them back in. I've tried evaluating these as an expression in the 'Execute SQL Task' but as these are of various types I get the error:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "
P.label,P.uniq..." failed with the following error: "The metadata could not
be determined because statement 'CREATE VIEW testingagain AS SELECT
P.label,P.uniqueid,C.label as Child_Label,C.uniqueid as Child_uni' does not
support metadata discovery.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the
query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly,
or connection not established correctly.
No idea what is going on. Any help would be appreciated
I've googled the error and found some info but the other use-cases are so different that it's difficult to understand the actual cause, or another work around.
AS requested (simplified example):
I've created a package variable (datatype string) called: View_Name
Execute SQL Task:
* from table1
where col1 = 100;
Specifically it does not like that I use a variable here.
If I set the View name everything works until: I move on to my Where clauses that contain variables.
Create a variable called type (datatype int)
I map the variable/parameter in my sql task
* from table1
where col1 = ?;
This won't work, same error.
If i attempt to do the above via an expression or expressions I get the following error
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "CREATE VIEW test_45678 AS SELECT P.label,P.uniquei..." failed with the following error: "Must declare the scalar variable "#".". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Generally having to due with the variables cannot be evaluated this way. I'm guessing I'd need to evaluate each piece individually and build the expression piece by piece. That's fine but very inefficient and not maintainable.
I had some fundamental misunderstanding in my attempt to evaluate my expressions. Specifically syntax issues and having to cast each variable to a string.
My SQLstatement variable
C.width >="+(DT_WSTR, 8)#[User::Width] +"-"+ (DT_WSTR, 8)#[User::Range]+........
The final expression looks like so:
"Create View "+#[User::View_Name] + " AS SELECT " + #[User::SQLStatement]

SSIS Data Types

I have an execute sql task ( Task 1 ) which runs sql to returns a column called Note from Table A and stores it as a String SSIS variable type. In Table A, Note is defined as varchar(2000).
I then have an execute sql task ( Task 2) to run a stored procedure. The input parameter is Note varchar(max).
I run these 2 task in SSIS and get the following error:
DECLARE #..." failed with the following error: "The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid for local variables.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
I have tried several solutions with no success. How can you get round this error and get SSIS to store the variable and feed it to the SP ?
On sql server 2012 SSIS and hitting an old 2008 database where the SP resides.
You are somehow mapping a text type column in your tsql code. Before you return from your tsql proc convert the text column to a varchar column with select cast (textval as varchar(max)) and make sure your output variables are defined as varchars.
You need to make sure the Task 1 should only return one row.
example capture
Otherwise you need to use an Object variable. And use a For each loop container to loop thru that object.

SSIS: passing derived column variable to execute sql task

I followed the post from bilinkc as mentioned here
how to load extracted file name into sql server table in SSIS
I use this extracted file name in a variable called FileName in a data task within a For Each container. But when I want to use the same variable in a consecutive Execute SQL task it is throwing up the error
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "
..." failed with the following error: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Parameter settings : Data Type is VARCHAR Parameter name is 0 and Parameter length is 1000.
Is there anyway to get around this error. WHen i checked on other posts they say it is related to a TEXT length error but I am not able to get my head around this solution for my scenario.
The full query is as given below:
This is the full query :
For the parameter variable, I have a package level variable defined which depends upon this expression:
REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(#[User::varFilePath],#[User::varSourceFolder],""),"\",""),"My File",""),".xlsx","")
But when I evaluate this expression nothing happens. Could this variable be the issue?
Thank you in advance for your time and help.

Generate UniqueIdentifier GUID in SSIS

I am using a GUID for a batch identifier in SSIS. My final output goes to SQL Server.
I know how I can generate one using Select NewId() MyUniqueIdentifier in Sql Server - I can generate one using a query and an Execute SQL task.
I am however looking to do this within a SSIS package if possible without SQL Server available.
Can I generate a GUID within SSIS?
I had a similar problem. To fix it, I created an SSIS "Composant Script" in which I created a "guid" output. The script VS C# code was the following :
Row.guid = Guid.NewGuid();
Finally, I routed the output as a derived column into my database "OLE DB Destination" to generate a guid for every new entry.
Simply do it in an Execute SQL Task.
Open the task
Under General -> SQL Statement, enter your query Select NewID() MyID in the "SQLStatement" field
Under General -> Result Set, choose "Single row"
Under Parameter Mapping, Enter your User::myID in Variable Name, "Input" as direction, 0 as Parameter Name, and -1 as Parameter Size
Under Result Set, enter "MyID" for your Result Name and type the variable in Variable Name
-Click OK
Done. Note that "MyID" is a value you can choose. EDIT: "User::myID" corresponds to the SSIS variable that you create.

Execute sql task mapping variables in ssis

INSERT INTO [DEV_BI].dbo.[DimAktivitet]([Beskrivning],[företag],[Projektnummer],[Aktivitet],
FROM [?].dbo.[v_ProjCostTrans_ProjEmplTrans] a
LEFT OUTER JOIN [DEV_BI] .dbo.[DimAktivitet] b ON a.MID_ACTIVITYNUMBER = b.Aktivitet
AND a.DataAreaID = b.företag
AND a.ProjID = b.Projektnummer
WHERE b.Aktivitet_key IS NULL
I have this above sql code in execute sql task and in the parameter mapping i have mapped a variable named user::connectionstring with data type nvarchar , parameter name = 0. Im getting this following error.
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "insert into [DEV_BI].dbo.[DimAktivitet]([Beskrivni..." failed with the following error: "Invalid object name '?.dbo.v_ProjCostTrans_ProjEmplTrans'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
please someone help me to solve this.
It appears you are trying to change the database based on a variable. The Execute SQL Task can only use parameters as filters in the WHERE clause. This behavior is described in this TechNet article. For instance, you could do this:
insert into [DEV_BI].dbo.[DimAktivitet]([Beskrivning],[företag],[Projektnummer],[Aktivitet],loaddate)
[DEV_BI].dbo.[v_ProjCostTrans_ProjEmplTrans] a
left outer join
[DEV_BI] .dbo.[DimAktivitet] b
on a.MID_ACTIVITYNUMBER = b.Aktivitet AND a.DataAreaID = b.företag AND a.ProjID = b.Projektnummer
where b.Aktivitet_key is null
AND b.SomeFilterCriteria = ?;
If you really want to vary the database based on a variable, then you have three options:
Vary the Connection Manager connection string to your database connection based on an expression as described in a blog post. This is the best solution if you are only changing the database and nothing else.
Generate the entire SQL code as a variable and execute a variable as the SQL command instead of passing variables to the Execute SQL Command. This is described in this blog post under the section "Passing in the SQL Statement from a Variable".
Create a stored procedure, pass the parameter to the stored procedure, and let it generate the SQL it needs on the fly.
