WPF UserControl Event Handler Memory Loss - wpf

I have a form which references a UserControl
<Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" >Item Category</Label>
<PO:ItemCategorySelector Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="3" x:Name="usrItemCategoryId" SelectedValueChanged="usrItemCategoryId_SelectedValueChanged"
IsOptional="True" Width="250" />
The event is defined as follows:
#region events
public delegate void SelectedValueChangedDelegate(object sender, SelectedValueChangedEventArgs e);
protected event SelectedValueChangedDelegate _SelectedValueChanged;
public event SelectedValueChangedDelegate SelectedValueChanged
if (this._SelectedValueChanged == null)
this._SelectedValueChanged += value;
if (this._SelectedValueChanged != null)
this._SelectedValueChanged -= value;
protected void RaiseSelectedValueChanged(modItemCategory pItemCategory)
if (this._SelectedValueChanged != null)
var evt = new SelectedValueChangedEventArgs(pItemCategory);
this._SelectedValueChanged(this, evt);
I have put break points on the Add and Remove properties of the event.
When the form loads the Add property triggers.
When I close the form the Remove property never triggers.
This must contribute to the memory leaks I am finding.
Surely if a control is defined in XAML and it links in the event handler it should be responsible for removing that handler? If not how would you set about removing it?
What am I missing?

Surely if a control is defined in XAML and it links in the event handler it should be responsible for removing that handler?
No, there is no one unsubscribing from the event handler for you.
But this shouldn't be an issue as long as the publisher of the event (the ItemCategorySelector) and the subscriber of the event (the UserControl) have equal lifetimes.
The ItemCategorySelector instance will be eligible for garbage collection as soon as the parent UserControl instance is. So if you are experiencing any memory leaks, it is probably not because of this event handler.
If not how would you set about removing it?
You could for example handle the Unloaded event and remove the event handler using the -= syntax:
private void usrItemCategoryId_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
usrItemCategoryId.SelectedValueChanged -= usrItemCategoryId_SelectedValueChanged;


Where to unsubcribe from an event for a custom control

I am wondering at what point do I unsubscribe from an event, up to this point I was usually unsubscribing on the line before subscribing (or most of the time the event was called from xaml, which then is handled by xaml and there is no need to do any extra work).
But now I'm in a situation when I want to subscribe at the constructor so, where do I unsubscribe? I tried to do it inside unloaded event,
but my control is often unloaded and then loaded again without recreating it.
To make it clear I want to unsubscribe when the object is not needed anymore, I was hoping that there is Dispose method I can override or something like this.
Any ideas?
Sample code
public class MYListBox : ListBox
public MYListBox()
SelectionChanged += MYListBox_SelectionChanged;
Unloaded += MYListBox_Unloaded;
private void MYListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
private void MYListBox_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
SelectionChanged -= MYListBox_SelectionChanged;
Unloaded -= MYListBox_Unloaded;
<UserControl x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
<wpfApplication1:MYListBox />
</UserControl >
So sometimes, I will allow the user navigate somewhere else and then allow it to comeback to the same instance. Another time when the user navigates when he comes back it will be a new instance. So at the second situation I thought I need to unsubcribe from that event.
Thank you :)
It looks like you've used ListBox as a base class, is there a reason you can't just override the SelectionChanged event and not deal with the event subscriptions?
protected override void OnSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
// Do custom work.
// Call base class implementation.

C# WPF class property to label

I have the following class:
class MyTimer
class MyTimerInvalidType : SystemException
class MyTimerNegativeCycles : SystemException
private Timer timer = new Timer(1000);
private int cycles = 0;
public int Cycle
return this.cycles;
if(value >= 0)
this.cycles = value;
throw new MyTimerNegativeCycles();
private void timer_Tick(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
this.Cycle = 0;
public MyTimer()
this.Cycle = 20;
timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Tick);
In my MainWindow class I have a List I add a MyTimer to when a button is pressed:
private List<MyTimer> timers = new List<MyTimer>();
private void testbtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
timers.Add(new MyTimer());
I tried to pass a label to the MyTimer class as a ref and update it but that won't work (can't access UI elements from another thread).
What is a good way to show the MyTimer.Cycle in a label so that it updates everytime the value is changed?
I must be able to "bind" each MyTimer to a different label from the code (or not bind it to a label at all).
You should use the BeginInvoke or Invoke method of the Dispatcher property of your label to change anything on your label or call any of it's methods:
private void timer_Tick(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
this.label.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(
() => { label.Text = this.Cycle.ToString(); } ));
this.Cycle = 0;
See Remarks section of the Dispatcher class or Dispatcher property.
The easiest solution to your problem is to use DispatchTimers. Dispatch timers use the windows message queue instead of a thread to dispatch timer tick events. This will make it so you don't have cross threading issues. Just keep in mind you are no longer working on a different thread and could lockup the UI if you do anything computationally expensive. Also due to the nature of dispatching on the message queue the timing is less accurate.
In WPF, you'd have a ViewModel (C#) associated with your View (XAML).
Read up on this if you're not familiar with MVVM.
Then the ViewModel would expose a property (let's call it Cycle) on which the View would bind:
<Label Content="{Binding Cycle}" />
Then if the value in the ViewModel has to be updated from another thread, do it like this:
Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
//Update here
That will execute the update logic on the UI thread.
If you're new to WPF I'd strongly suggest that read a bit about DataBinding and Data Templating.
To start, the simplest way do display windows data in older UI models (like Windows Forms) has always been to have code in the code-behind set some property of the UI. This has changed drastically with WPF and the goal now is to have the UI look at business objects (like your MyTimer) and set the UI accordingly.
First we need to expose your business objects to the xaml of your application.
Me.DataContext = new MyTimer();
This sets the data context for the Window/UserControl to be the a new MyTimer(); Because the DataContext property is automatically based from a parent UI element to a child UI elelement (unless the child defines it's own DataContext), every element in your Window/UserControl will now have a DataContext of this object.
Next we can create a binding to a property of this object. By default all bindings are relative to the DataContext of the control from which it's located.
<Label Content="{Binding Cycle}" />
So in the previous example the binding was on the content property of the label. So in this case it will automatically set the Content to the value of the "Cycle" property from the DataContext (MyTimer)!
There is however one catch. If you run this sample as is WPF will take the value when the form loads but it won't update the label ever again! The key here to updating the UI is to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
This interface simply tells any listeners whenever a property (such as your Cycles) changes. The great thing is that Bindings automatically support this interface and will automatically propagate changes when your source implements INotifyPropertyChanged.
public class MyTimer : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private int cycles;
public int Cycles
return cycles;
if (cycles < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "Cycles cannot be set to a number smaller than 0.");
else if(value <> cycles)
cycles = value;
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(Me, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Cycles"))
//insert your constructor(s) and timer code here.
And voila! Your timer will now update the UI with it's cycles property.
You however also noted that you were storing your MyTimer objects in a list. If you were to instead put them inside an ObservableCollection (the default implementation of INotifyCollectionChanged - the collection variant of INotifyPropertyChanged) you can do other neat tricks:
In your Window/UserControl constructor:
ObservableCollection<MyTimer> timers = New ObservableCollection<MyTimer>();
timers.Add(New MyTimer());
DataContext = timers;
Then you can display them all at once in your xaml:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding StringFormat='Cycles Remaining: {0}'}" />

Silverlight: How to Prevent Routing a MouseMove Event from a Child Canvas to Its Parent Canvas

I have my XAML code:
<Canvas x:Name="mainCanvas" Width="200" Height="150" Background="LightGray"
<Canvas x:Name="topCanvas" Width="200" Height="100" Background="LightBlue"
and its code behind:
private void topCanvas_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true; // This can prevent routing to the mainCanvas
private void mainCanvas_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
private void topCanvas_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// How to prevent routing to the mainCanvas?
// e.Handled = true does NOT exist in MouseEventArgs
private void mainCanvas_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
My question is already in the comments.
How to prevent routing the MouseMove event from the topCanvas (the child canvas) to the mainCanvas (parent canvas)?
Try setting the IsHitTestVisible property of your Canvas. With that property set accordingly mouse events will go either "through" your control or will be caught by it.
Hope this is what you need.
You can try comparing e.OriginalSource in mainCanvas's MouseMove Event and exit the Sub if it wasn't originated from the mainCanvas.
private void mainCanvas_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (sender != e.OriginalSource)
In replying to your comment in a little more detail. According to the UIElement.MouseMove Event MSDN link.
Controls that inherit MouseMove can provide handling for the event
that acts as handler for all instances, by overriding the OnMouseMove
method. As with direct handling of the event, there is no Handled
property available, so OnMouseMove cannot be implemented in such a way
that it suppresses further handling of the event through the Handled
and this link states:
This event creates an alias for the Mouse.MouseMove attached event for
this class
Which brings us to this link on AttachedEvents which states.
Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) defines a language
component and type of event called an attached event. The concept of
an attached event enables you to add a handler for a particular event
to an arbitrary element rather than to an element that actually
defines or inherits the event. In this case, neither the object
potentially raising the event nor the destination handling instance
defines or otherwise "owns" the event.
So as I see it, your only option is to code around it.
The functionality is called "Event Bubbling". You can stop it using below code:
Ref: http://api.jquery.com/event.stopPropagation/
You can also try below code:
e.stopPropagation(); //to prevent event from bubbling up
e.preventDefault(); //then cancel the event (if it's cancelable)
Ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1967537/how-to-stop-event-bubbling-with-jquery-live
Ravi Verma

How to handle child event in parent control

In my main window, I have a child control(user control) which contains a text box . How can I handle the textchange event of the text box of child control in main(parent) window.
Please provide me some example with code as I am new to routing of events.
You should just be able to hook the event from the parent control. But since your parent control doesn't have a TextChanged event of its own, you'll need to use attached-property syntax:
<Window ...
and in your codebehind:
private void ChildTextBoxChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs args)
You don't have to put the TextBox.TextChanged= on the Window specifically -- just any control that's a parent of the TextBox, i.e., any control that's a parent of your UserControl. The event will bubble up to each parent in turn, all the way up to the top-level Window, and can get handled anywhere along the way.
(Note that if anyone hooks the event and sets e.Handled = true, the event won't bubble past that point. Useful to know if you have handlers at multiple levels.)
this also helped me. I will have a event in the container of the child control and define the event in the code behind file. The event will handle all the text changed events for all the children.
<StackPanel TextBoxBase.TextChanged="test_TextChanged" Name="test">
Create a event in your childcontrol -
public event TextChangedEventHandler TextChanged;
now add a handler for TextChanged event of TextBox in childcontrol -
private void TextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs args)
if (TextChanged != null)
TextChanged.Invoke(this, args);
also update XAML for this handler -
<TextBox ... TextChanged="TextBox_TextChanged" ... />
Now, you have created a event in your childcontrol that fires when the Textbox's textchanged fires.
Now you only to add a handler for this event in mainwindow -
private void ChildControl_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs args)
//TODO: Add your further code here.

Why is the TreeViewItem's MouseDoubleClick event being raised multiple times per double click?

<TreeView Name="GroupView" ItemsSource="{Binding Documents}">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TreeViewItem}">
<EventSetter Event="MouseDoubleClick" Handler="OnTreeNodeDoubleClick"/>
private void OnTreeNodeDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs mouseEvtArgs)
Console.WriteLine("{3} MouseDoubleClick Clicks={0} ChangedButton={1} Source={2} Handled={4} ButtonState={5}",
mouseEvtArgs.ClickCount, mouseEvtArgs.ChangedButton, mouseEvtArgs.OriginalSource,
mouseEvtArgs.Timestamp, mouseEvtArgs.Handled, mouseEvtArgs.ButtonState);
I find that for one double click, the event handler is called multiple times. I'm trying to open up a document in tab on a double-click on the corresponding tree node; so I'd need to filter out the extra calls.
23479156 MouseDoubleClick Clicks=1 ChangedButton=Left Source=System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock Handled=False ButtonState=Pressed
23479156 MouseDoubleClick Clicks=1 ChangedButton=Left Source=System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock Handled=False ButtonState=Pressed
In my slightly-complicated app, it is being raised 4 times per double-click. On a simple repro-app, it is being raised 2 times per double click. Also all the event argument parameters are the same too, so I can't distinguish the last one of a set.
Any ideas why this is the way it is?
I know this is an old question, but as I came across it in my searches for the solution, here are my findings for any future visitors!
TreeViewItems are recursively contained within each other. TreeViewItem is a HeaderedContentControl (see msdn), with the child nodes as the Content. So, each TreeViewItem's bounds include all of its child items. This can be verified using the excellent WPF Inspector by selecting a TreeViewItem in the visual tree, which will highlights the bounds of the TreeViewItem.
In the OP's example, the MouseDoubleClick event is registered on each TreeViewItem using the style. Therefore, the event will be raised for the TreeViewItems that you double-clicked on - and each of its parent items - separately. This can be verified in your debugger by putting a breakpoint in your double-click event handler and putting a watch on the event args' Source property - you will notice that it changes each time the event handler is called. Incidentally, as can be expected, the OriginalSource of the event stays the same.
To counter this unexpected behaviour, checking whether the source TreeViewItem is selected, as suggested by Pablo in his answer, has worked the best for me.
When a TreeViewItem is double clicked, that item is selected as part of the control behavior. Depending on the particular scenario it could be possible to say:
TreeViewItem tviSender = sender as TreeViewItem;
if (tviSender.IsSelected)
I've done some debugging and it appears to be a bug in WPF. Most answers already given are correct, and the workaround is to check if the tree view item is selected.
#ristogod's answer is the closest to the root problem - it mentions that setting e.Handled = true the first time handler is invoked doesn't have the desired effect and the event continues to bubble up, calling parent TreeViewItems' handlers (where e.Handled is false again).
The bug seems to be in this code in WPF:
It receives the MouseLeftButtonDown event (which is handled by the child control already), but it fails to check if e.Handled is already set to true. Then it proceeds to create a new MouseDoubleClick event args (with e.Handled == false) and invokes that always.
The question also remains why after having set it to handled the first time the event continues to bubble? Because in this line, when we register the handler Control.HandleDoubleClick:
we pass true as the last argument to RegisterClassHandler:
which is handledEventsToo.
So the unfortunate behavior is a confluence of two factors:
Control.HandleDoubleClick is called always (for handled events too), and
Control.HandleDoubleClick fails to check if the event had already been handled
I will notify the WPF team but I'm not sure this bug is worth fixing because it might break existing apps (who rely on the current behavior of event handlers being called even if Handled was set to true by a previous handler).
private void TreeView_OnItemMouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (e.Source is TreeViewItem
&& (e.Source as TreeViewItem).IsSelected)
// your code
e.Handled = true;
This is not actually a bubbling issue. I've seen this before. Even when you tell the event that you handled it, it continues to keep bubbling up. Except that I don't think that it's actually bubbling up, but rather firing the node above's own double click event. I could be totally wrong on that. But in either case, it's important to know that saying:
e.handled = true;
Does nothing to stop this from happening.
One way to prevent this behavior is to note that when you are double clicking, you are first single clicking and that the selected event should fire first. So while you can't stop the Double Click events from occurring, you should be able to check inside the handler to see whether the event logic should run. This example leverages that:
TreeViewItem selectedNode;
private void MouseDoubleClickEventHandler(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if(selectedNode = e.Source)
//do event logic
private void TreeViewSelectedEventHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
selectedNode = (TreeViewItem)e.Source;
Sometimes however you have situations where the nodes are being selected by other beans than through the TreeView SelectedItemChanged event. In that case you can do something like this. If you happen to have a TreeView with a single declared top node, you can give that node a specific name and then do something like this:
bool TreeViewItemDoubleClickhandled;
private void MouseDoubleClickEventHandler(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (!TreeViewItemDoubleClickhandled)
//do logic here
TreeViewItemDoubleClickhandled = true;
if (e.Source == tviLoadTreeTop)
TreeViewItemDoubleClickhandled = false;
e.Handled = true;
Regardless of the method you use, the important thing is to note that for whatever reason with TreeViewItem double clicking that you can't stop the events from firing up the tree. At least I haven't found a way.
I have a little bit more elegant solution than checking for selection or creating flags:
A helper method:
public static object GetParent(this DependencyObject obj, Type expectedType) {
var parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(obj);
while (parent != null && parent.GetType() != expectedType)
parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(parent);
return parent;
And then your handler:
public void HandleDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (e.OriginalSource is DependencyObject)
if (sender == (e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject).GetParent(typeof(TreeViewItem)))
// sender is the node, which was directly doubleclicked
This is the wonderful world of event bubbling. The event is bubbling up the node hierarchy of your TreeView and your handler is called once for every node in the hierarchy path.
Just use something like
// ...
if (sender != this)
// Your handler code goes here ...
args.Handled = true;
// ...
in your handler code.
There are some pretty major problems with this solution, but it could work in case someone needs to solve this problem in multiple places and I did find a scenario where the accepted solution doesn't work (double clicking on a toggle button that opens up a popup, where the toggle button is inside another element that handles double click.)
public class DoubleClickEventHandlingTool
private const string DoubleClickEventHandled = "DoubleClickEventHandled";
public static void HandleDoubleClickEvent()
Application.Current.Properties[DoubleClickEventHandled] = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(1);
public static bool IsDoubleClickEventHandled()
var doubleClickWasHandled = Application.Current.Properties[DoubleClickEventHandled] as DateTime?;
return doubleClickWasHandled.HasValue && !IsDateTimeExpired(doubleClickWasHandled.Value);
private static bool IsDateTimeExpired(DateTime value)
return value < DateTime.Now;
public static void EnableDoubleClickHandling()
Application.Current.Properties[DoubleClickEventHandled] = null;
public static bool IsDoubleClickEventHandledAndEnableHandling()
var handled = IsDoubleClickEventHandled();
return handled;
Use DoubleClickEventHandlingTool.HandleDoubleClickEvent()
inside the inner/low level element eg:
private void OnPreviewMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
{if (e.ClickCount == 2) DoubleClickEventHandlingTool.HandleDoubleClickEvent();}
High level double click event then only performs it's action when:
if (!DoubleClickEventHandlingTool.IsDoubleClickEventHandledAndEnableHandling())
The most likely reason is that the doubleclick handler is installed multiple times, so each instance of the handler is being called once for each click.
