Datetime format in MSSQL - sql-server

In my aplication I use a DateEdit control and show the date using this format dd/MM/yyyy so the date is save correctly when I use mssql-server 2014 (spanish) but whe I use mssql-server 2008 (english) the date is stored with this fomat MM/dd/yyyy so what I need to know is if there is a way to store the date with the format dd/MM/yyyy no matter the versiĆ³n of mssql-server I use or the lenguage I use?
EDIT: to explain better this is the problem, this text 03/07/2017 is stored in the sqlserver 2014 as july 3 of 2017 and in the sqlserver 2008 is stored as march 7 of 2017.


Check the defualt language on your MS SQL Server 2008, and if its possible, you can change to Spanish: How to change Date Format after installing SQL Server
Also, you can format your query output with the CONVERT function (#ZLK post the link) using the format 103: CONVERT (DATETIME,[YOURDATE],103)

Following solution has two options. You can use one as per your requirements.
INSERT INTO #Date VALUES('12/04/2016');
INSERT INTO #Date VALUES('10/01/2015');
INSERT INTO #Date VALUES('17/03/2017');
--Option 1
SELECT TRY_PARSE(val AS DATE USING 'en-gb') 'Option 1' FROM #Date;
--Option 2
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),TRY_PARSE(val AS DATE USING 'en-gb'),103) 'Option 2' FROM #Date;
And the outputs are:

As others said: SQL doe not store dates as we humans do. But thats another matter.
I think what you need is to inform SQL the format your date has.
The best option is to use ISO 8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mmm.
So, if before saving the date you just format it with this format, SQL (no matter the version or the language) will recognize it as begining with a year, followed by a month and so on. The key of this subject is using first 4 digits.
This way, 2017-01-03 will always be January 03, 2017 and never March 01, 2017. Hope this help you.

Using this you can change the date Format
select FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'dd/MMM/yyyy', 'en-us')


Date format in SQL Server 2012

I have the date in this format 2017-02-03 and I want that my date should be in this format 01-Mar-2016 while making select command.
I am using SQL Server 2012
Check this website. This will be helpful.
select replace(convert(varchar, getdate(), 106),' ','-')
What is done here is: First convert it into '01 Mar 2016' and then replace white spaces(' ') with '-'. Which will give desired output as '01-Mar-2016'
Use SQL Server Format function where you can specify .NET format string
For instance for current date
Also you can specify culture here if needed
SELECT FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'dd-MMM-yyyy', 'en-US');
If you dates are stored as string you'd better fix this but you can just CAST or CONVERT them instead. I.e.
SELECT FORMAT(CAST('2017-10-11' AS date), 'dd-MMM-yyyy');

Excel incorrectly converts Date into Int

I'm pulling the data from SQL database. I have a couple columns with date which need to be converted into Int type, but when I do this the date changes (-2 days). I tried Cast and Convert and it's always the same.
Converting to other type works fine and returns the correct date, but doesn't work for me. I need only the date part from datetime and it needs to be recognised as a date by Excel.
Why is this happening? Any ideas how to get it sorted?
I'm using the following query:
SELECT wotype3, CONVERT(INT,wo_date2 ,103), CAST(duedate AS int) FROM Tasks WHERE
duedate > DATEADD(DAY,1, GETDATE())
AND wo_date2>0
ORDER BY wotype3
I've had big problems with this, checking my SQL Server's calculation results with "expected results" which a user had created using Excel.
We had discrepancies just because of this 2-day date difference.
Why does it happen ?
Two reasons:
SQL Server uses a zero-based date count from Jan 1 1900, but Excel uses a 1-based date count from Jan 1 1900.
Excel has a bug in it (gasp!) which makes it think that the year 1900 was a leap year. It wasn't. SQL Server correctly refuses to let you have a date value containing "29-Feb-1900".
Combine these two discrepancies, and this is why all dates, from March 1 1900 onwards, are always 2-days out.
Apparently, this Excel bug is a known issue, to keep it in line with Lotus 1-2-3.
The Intentional Date Bug
Microsoft's own explanation
From now on, I think I'll justify bugs in my code with the same excuse.
For SQL Server 2008 and above, you can use the DATE datatype.
declare #dt datetime = '12/24/2013 10:45 PM' -- some date for example
SELECT #dt as OriginalDateTime, CAST(#dt as DATE) as OnlyDate
For versions prior to SQL Server 2008, you would need to truncate the time part using one or the other functions. Here is one way to do that:
declare #dt datetime = '12/24/2013 10:45 PM' -- some date for example
SELECT #dt as OriginalDateTime, CAST(FLOOR(CAST(#dt AS FLOAT)) as DATETIME) as OnlyDate

Search By Date in SQL Server 2012

We just upgraded to SQL Server 2012 from 2005. While I'm a novice, something this simple couldn't be this difficult. I used to be able to pull data from a table based on the date vs date and time. As it now stands I have:
Select * from receipts_table where receipt_cancel_date = '2013-09-20'
before we upgraded this would work fine. How can I run this and actually get the desired results as I know there's receipts with a cancel date of 2013-09-20.
If you are passing string for a date parameter, best format is ISO (yyyymmdd) format. Otherwise even though your string work in some servers it might not work in another depending on the culture of the server. ISO format is culture independent.
Also remove the time part from receipt_cancel_date column by converting it to a DATE (if DATETIME) for comparison purpose.
Try this:
Select * from receipts_table
where convert(date, receipt_cancel_date) = convert(date,'20130920')
Or use 120 style with your format:
Select * from receipts_table
where convert(date, receipt_cancel_date) = convert(date,'2013-09-20',120)

Why if I set "default language" in spanish the GETDATE() still formating the date in english?

why if I do this on my SQL-Server 2008:
EXEC sp_configure 'default language', 5
Where the date format is dd/mm/yyyy:
select * from sys.syslanguages where langid = 5
So if I do
select GETDATE()
I'm waiting for something like:
(no column name)
31/08/2013 13:20:44.590
but I get:
(no column name)
2013-08-31 13:20:44.590
I'm using SQL-Server 2008 Express compatibility mode 100
My real problem is that I need to pass to Stored Procedures dates in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm to DATETIME variables, but the parser is still waiting for yyyy-mm-dd although I change the default language.
Thank you
The following is going to be rendered by Management Studio, irrespective of server settings:
This is returning a datetime value to the client application, NOT A STRING. If you want a string, you can explicitly convert to a specific style:
As for the input to your stored procedures, please, please, please pass proper datetime parameters and not strings. There is no reason to allow users to enter freetext like 6/9/2013 when you really don't know if they meant September 6th or June 9th. The safe formats to pass to SQL Server are:
Anything else can be misinterpreted. Which is why you shouldn't handle these as strings anywhere except at the final step of presentation / display.
you can use like this
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(),103)+' '
+CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(),108) as now
the result is

How do I convert eg '22/03/2005' to a datetime in SQL Server

Its SQL Server 2000.
I am starting with a character string in the format DD/MM/YYYY
Here's the table:
select convert(datetime,'22/03/2005', 103)
SELECT CAST('22/03/2005' AS datetime)
SELECT convert(datetime,'22/03/2005', 103)
It depends your the context.
SQL Server understands '2010-06-21' as a date without requiring any convert/cast, so I would just use the string in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd' if that suits your needs.
Otherwise, the other responses using cast may be better if you need to compare with date fields containing hours as well.
