Arrays of interface instances in SystemVerilog with parametrized number of elements - arrays

I'm using SystemVerilog for synthesis. I fought with the fact that arrays of interfaces are not really arrays in SystemVerilog and the index has to be a constant value, but got over it using at lot of boilerplate generate for and assign statements to overcome what is really a language limitation (if I can emulate the effect using more code, the language could just do The Right Thing(tm) itself).
For the following pseudo-code, I leave out much of what's there in the real code (modports, tasks, etc) for clarity.
I have an interface:
interface i_triplex();
logic a; // input wire
logic b; // output wire
logic [127:0] data; // output wires
And I am passing an array of these interfaces to a module which looks like
module roundrobin_triplex#(
parameter int NUNITS = 8
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
i_triplex t[NUNITS]
always_ff #(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
// insert code to initialize the "data" member
// in all interface instances in the array.
else begin
// ...
What would your preferred way to use all interface instance in the array uniformly -- regardless of the value of NUNITS? I have some suggestions, but I am eager to learn what other engineers can come up with.
Suggestion 1:
Suggestion 2:
Scrap the interface and do it oldschool Verilog-style, as in
module roundrobin_triplex#(
parameter int NUNITS = 8
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
// This was once a proud i_triplex array
input wire i_triplex_a[NUNITS],
input wire i_triplex_b[NUNITS],
input wire [127:0] i_triplex_data[NUNITS],
always_ff #(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
for (int i = 0; i < NUNITS; i++)
i_triplex_data[i] <= '1;
else begin
// ...
Suggestion 3:
Use a struct for input wires and a struct for output wires instead of the interface.
Suggestion 4:
Use a preprocessor-like system that unrolls generate for loops inside processes (what the language should do anyway!), so the resulting code looks like (preprocessed with NUNITS=4):
module roundrobin_triplex#(
parameter int NUNITS = 8
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
i_triplex t[NUNITS]
always_ff #(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin[0] <= '1;[1] <= '1;[2] <= '1;[3] <= '1;
else begin
// ...
Suggestion 5:
Use the generate for / assign solution:
module roundrobin_triplex#(
parameter int NUNITS = 8
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
i_triplex t[NUNITS]
wire i_triplex_a[NUNITS];
wire i_triplex_b[NUNITS];
wire [127:0] i_triplex_data[NUNITS];
genvar i;
// The wires of the interface which are to be driven
// from this module are assigned here.
for (i = 0; i < NUNITS; i++) begin
assign t[i].b = i_triplex_b[i];
assign t[i].data = i_triplex_data[i];
always_ff #(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
for (int i = 0; i < NUNITS; i++)
i_triplex_data[i] <= '1;
else begin
// ...

Arrays of module or interface instances cannot be treated as regular arrays because parameterization, generate blocks, and defparam statements can make elements of the array instance non-unique. That cannot happen with arrays of variables/wires.
My suggestion would be a modification of your suggestion 2; put arrays of variables/wires inside a single interface instance.

how about suggestion #6, use parameterized interface:
interface I #(NPORTS = 8);
logic clk;
logic a[NPORTS];
logic b[NPORTS];
logic [127:0] data [NPORTS];
endinterface //
module roundrobin#(NUMPORTS = 8) (I t);
logic [127:0] data[NUMPORTS];
always_ff #(posedge t.clk) begin
data <=;
endmodule // roundrobin
Note, that you do not need the loop in system verilog. you can use array assignments:
data <=;
and for the sake of convenience you can add functions or statements to the interface itself, i.e.
interface I #(NPORTS = 8);
logic clk;
logic a[NPORTS];
logic b[NPORTS];
logic [127:0] data [NPORTS];
function logic [127:0] getData(int n);
return data[n];
endfunction // getData
endinterface // I
and use
data[i] <= t.getData(i);
Sorry, the above example is probably not very useful, but it might give you an idea.

Suggestion 1: VHDL may be a practical. However, it seems to become marginal in industry.
Suggestion 2: In my opinion, Interfaces are relevant if you intent to reuse it widely and implement verification/protocols into it. If you can unpack your interface like this, while keeping your sanity, then I do not see a justification for an interface in the first place.
Suggestion 3: I never tried to synthesise struct, it may be a good idea.
Suggestion 4: Simple solution,although quite verbose .
Suggestion 5: I used something similar for one of my project. However, I wrote a sort of adapter module to hide the assigns.
Actually, when I need something like that, I try to write an atomic module which operates on a fixed number of interfaces. Then, I use for generate structures to generalize it on an interface array.

Maybe I'm missing something by why not putting all yours code from roundrobin_triplex into generate (you do not need extra assigns)
interface i_triplex();
logic a; // input wire
logic b; // output wire
logic [127:0] data; // output wires
initial $fmonitor(1,data);
module roundrobin_triplex#(parameter int NUNITS = 8)
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
i_triplex t[NUNITS]
genvar i;
for( i=0; i<NUNITS; i++)begin
always_ff #(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
t[i].data <=0;
else begin
t[i].data <=t[i].data+1;
module top;
parameter P=4;
bit clk,rst;
i_triplex ii[P]();
roundrobin_triplex #(P)uut(clk,rst,ii);
initial begin
repeat(2) #(posedge clk);
repeat(10) #(posedge clk);
always #5 clk =~clk;


syntax error in accessing 2d register array in verilog code to synthesize in leonardo tool

I made a simple cache with verilog code in ISE tool, and used a 2d array of registers as my cache memory, simulating testbench on it in Modelsim done well and no syntax errors and no mistake in desires output signals, but in Leonardo tool when I tell Leonardo read it in library ams600nm it return syntax error near first line that I accessed my 2d array (cache), do you have any idea?
module Cache(clk , wr
input clk;
input wr;
input [3:0] din;
input [3:0] adr;
output [3:0] dout;
output hit;
reg [8:0] cache [3:0];
reg h;
reg [3:0] out;
***cache[0][8] = 1'b0; -----here-----
cache[1][8] = 1'b0; -----also here for sure-----
cache[2][8] = 1'b0;
cache[3][8] = 1'b0;***
You don't have output hit in module port list.
You don't have endmodule keyword.
Some software allow to access only all bits in array's row. I don't have access to your software, so I can't test it, but you should try something like that:
temp = cache[0];
cache[0] = {1'b 0, temp[7:0]};
This is equivalent to:
cache[0][8] = 1'b0;
temp should be declared as reg [8:0] temp; (same width as cache).

how to preset the register arrays in Verilog?

I am trying to define a register file, 32-bit wide 32-bit deep, in Verilog. How to preset all the values to zero or to any value I want with/without a for loop?
Here's my code, I tried but failed:
module register_file(rna, rnb, qa, qb);
input [4:0]rna;
input [4:0]rnb;
output [31:0]qa;
output [31:0]qb;
genvar i;
reg [31:0]registers[0:31];
assign registers[0]=32'b0;
A usual way to preset register values is done using clocks and a reset signal. For example:
reg [31:0]registers[0:31];
integer i;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
for (i = 0; i < 31; i = i + 1)
registers[i] <= 0;
else begin
// do some real work with registers here
in some cases you might want to do some initial setting in your testbench initial block
initial begin
for (i = 0; ...) registers[i]= 0;
The above is not usually synthesizable.
There are few other ways available in System Verilog.

reading multiple block ram indexes in one write clock cycle

I have an application where I'm continuously writing to a block ram at a slow clock speed (clk_a) and within this slow clock cycle need to read three indexes from the block ram at a fast clock speed (clk_b) to use these values as operands in a math module, the result being written back to the block ram on the next slow clock. These three indexes are the current address written to at posedge of the slow clock, plus the two immediate neighbouring addresses (addr_a -1 and addr_a +1).
What is an efficient way to synthesize this? My best attempt to date uses a small counter (triplet) running at fast clock rate that increments the addresses but I end up running out of logic as it looks like Yosys does not infer the ram properly. What is a good strategy for this?
here is what I have:
module myRam2 (
input clk_a,
input clk_b,
input we_a,
input re_a,
input [10:0] addr_a,
input [10:0] addr_b,
input [11:0] din_a,
output [11:0] leftNeighbor,
output [11:0] currentX,
output [11:0] rightNeighbor
parameter MEM_INIT_FILE2 = "";
if (MEM_INIT_FILE2 != "")
$readmemh(MEM_INIT_FILE2, ram2);
reg [11:0] ram2 [0:2047];
reg [1:0] triplet = 3;
reg [10:0] old_addr_a;
reg [11:0] temp;
always #(posedge clk_a) begin
ram2[addr_a] <= din_a;
always#(posedge clk_b)
if (old_addr_a != addr_a) begin
triplet <= 0;
old_addr_a <= addr_a;
if(triplet < 3) begin
triplet <= triplet +1;
always #(posedge clk_b) begin
temp <= ram2[addr_a + (triplet - 1)];
always #(posedge clk_b) begin
0: leftN <= temp;
1: X <= temp;
2: rightN <= temp;
reg signed [11:0] leftN;
reg signed [11:0] X;
reg signed [11:0] rightN;
assign leftNeighbor = leftN;
assign currentX = X;
assign rightNeighbor = rightN;
Regarding the efficiency the following approach should work and removes the need for a faster clock:
module myRam2 (
input wire clk,
input wire we,
input wire re,
input wire [10:0] addr_a,
input wire [10:0] addr_b,
input wire [11:0] din_a,
output reg [11:0] leftNeighbor,
output reg [11:0] currentX,
output reg [11:0] rightNeighbor
reg [11:0] ram2 [2047:0];/* synthesis syn_ramstyle = "no_rw_check" */;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(we) ram2[addr_a] <= din_a;
if(re) {leftNeighbor,currentX,rightNeighbor} <= {ram2[addr_b-1],ram2[addr_b],ram2[addr_b+1]};
The synthesis keyword helped me in the past to increase the likelyhood of correctly inferred ram.
EDIT: removed second example suggesting a 1D mapping. It turned out that at least Lattice LSE cannot deal with that approach. However the first code snipped should work according to Active-HDL and Lattice LSE.

Implementing a closed loop in verilog

I'm trying to implement a loop without using loop instructions in verilog so i made a counter module and the simulation went perfectly but when i tried to implement it on the FPGA i got a lot of errors in the mapping , like this one
ERROR:MapLib:979 - LUT4 symbol
"Inst_Count/Mcompar_GND_1105_o_xcount[7]_LessThan_25_o_lut<0>" (output
signal=Inst_Count/Mcompar_GND_1105_o_xcount[7]_LessThan_25_o_lut<0>) has
input signal "Inst_Count/Madd_x[9]_GND_1105_o_add_0_OUT_cy<0>" which will be
trimmed. See Section 5 of the Map Report File for details about why the input
signal will become undriven.
These errors only occurred when i replaced this module with the loop instruction module so does anyone no what's the problem with this one ?
Thanks for giving this your time :)
module average( input rst , output reg [7:0]
reg [7:0] count;
reg [7:0] prv_count;
reg clk;
count = 8'd0;
always # (posedge rst)
clk = 1'b0;
always # (clk)
prv_count = count ;
count = prv_count + 1'b1;
always # (count)
if (count == 8'd255)
G_count= count;
clk = ~clk;
G_count= count;
Oh, this is just plain wrong. I don't really think anybody can help here without giving you a lecture on Verilog, but... some things that are noticeable right away are:
You have an obvious syntax error in your module parameter list where you do not close it (i.e. ) went missing).
Clock should be an input to your module. Even if you depend on reset input only and use a register as a "clock", it won't work (logically and you have combinatorial loop that must be broken or else...).
Do not use initial block in the code that should be synthesizable.
prv_count is useless.
No need to manually take care of the overflow (check for 255? 8'd255 is exactly 8'b11111111 and it resets to 0 if you add 1'b1, etc).
And tons of other things, which raise the obvious question — have you tried reading some books on Verilog, preferably those covering synthesizable part of the language? :) Anyhow, what you are trying to do (as far as I can understand) would probably look something like this:
module average(input clk, input rst, output reg [7:0] overflow_count);
reg [7:0] count;
always #(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin
if (~rst) begin
count <= 8'b0;
overflow_count <= 8'b0;
end else begin
count <= (count + 1'b1);
if (count == 8'b0)
overflow_count <= (overflow_count + 1'b1);
Hope it helps and really suggest you take a look at some good books on HDL.

Way to initialize synthesizable 2D array with constant values in Verilog

in VHDL, I can easily do this:
constant cmdbytes : bytearray(0 to Total) := (x"05", x"00", x...};
I want synthesizable constants so that when the FPGA starts, this array has the data I supplied. These registers are wired to VCC or ground to represent 1 or 0. I can then use them to generate a waveform. Also I would like to have 2D byte array which is 3D in verilog world.
If you're just using the array to pull out one value at a time, how about using a case statement? Granted, it's a long-winded way of doing it, but you could always write a script to write the RTL for you.
reg [7:0] value;
reg [7:0] i;
always #(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
i <= 8'd0;
i <= i + 1;
always #(*) begin
8'h00: value = 8'd0;
8'h01: value = 8'd34;
Another way is to use an initial statement. As far as I'm aware, FPGA synthesis tools will allow you to set initial values for arrays in the following manner. Again, a script to write this may be the way to go.
reg [0:35][7:0] my_array;
initial begin
my_array[0] = 8'd45;
my_array[1] = 8'd26;
And if your FGPA synthesis tools support some SystemVerilog, you'll be able to initialise the array like so:
reg [0:34][7:0] my_array = '{ 8'd90, 8'd34, ... }; // note the '{
module test (
input [7:0] p1_sa, // i
input [7:0] p1_sb, // i
output [7:0] p3, // o
output [7:0] p3b // o
logic [7:0] array2d [7:0] = {99,124,119,123,242,107,111,197};
assign p3 = array2d[p1_sa];
assign p3b = array2d[p1_sb];
I tried the above system verilog code and it is working fine in modelsim and Vivado.
An alternative to the case statement approach is to use a function to access values.
Example for an "array" of size 4 containing 8 bit constants:
function [7:0] cmdbytes;
input [1:0] index;
reg [7:0] t[0:3];
} = {
8'h05, 8'h00, 8'h5b, 8'h45
cmdbytes = t[index];
One can access the constants like so:
wire [7:0] value0;
wire [7:0] value1;
wire [7:0] value2;
wire [7:0] value3;
assign value0 = cmdbytes(2'd0);
assign value1 = cmdbytes(2'd1);
assign value2 = cmdbytes(2'd2);
assign value3 = cmdbytes(2'd3);
Verilog 2005 doesn't allow array initialization. Though your FPGA vendor should have a means to generate a ROM.
