Using a method on a custom named (IE named at runtime) property within Bucklescript - ffi

So, I'm trying to program an AI for the game Screeps, whose docs are found here.
I'm trying to write my AI in OCaml, which I'm then compiling to Javascript via Bucklescript, whose docs are found here.
Anywho, within Screeps' API is the method Game.spawns.SPAWN_NAME.createCreep, in which SPAWN_NAME corresponds to the name of the 'spawn' object in question. It takes in a string array corresponding to the various body parts of the 'Creep' it is helping to spawn, and given a correct function call (with enough energy reserves), your Creep will spawn in game.
An example call (in JS) would be Game.spawns['Spawn1'].createCreep(["body","move"]);
I already have code which gives me a string array of all the spawns in OCaml. That code is:
let spawns : string array = [%bs.raw{|Object.keys(Game.spawns)|}]
let spawnsArray : string array = spawns
Lets say that I have one spawn called Spawn1, and that I also have a string array for the body composition in OCaml:
let spawnName : string = "Spawn1"
let body : string array = [|"body","move|]
I then iterate over each string within that array, using a for loop like the one below:
for i=0 to Array.length spawns - 1 do
I just can't, for the life of me, figure out how to format the Bucklescript bindings so that I can dynamically call the createCreep function with body : string array and spawnName : string. Any help would be amazing. I know there are the bs.get and bs.set methods described briefly within the Bucklescript docs, but I don't know how to use them.
Thanks in advance for the help.
I managed to 'work around' the issue by writing my own 'interfacing' functions in a Javascript module which I can then call via the bs.module Bucklescript binding.
IE I wrote a function
function spawnCreepHelper(spawnName, body) {
which I'm then able to call via
external spawnCreepHelper : string -> string array -> unit = ""
[##bs.module "./supplemental", "Supplement"]
Seems kind of hacked together to me, so if anyone has another way of approaching it that doesn't involve rewriting their API myself, please let me know.

You probably want the bs.get_index attribute:
type spawn
type spawns
external spawns : spawns = "" [##bs.val] [##bs.scope "Game"]
external getSpawn : spawns -> string -> spawn = "" [##bs.get_index]
external createCreep : spawn -> string array -> unit = "" [##bs.send]
let _ =
let spawn = getSpawn spawns "spawn1" in
createCreep spawn [|"body"; "move"|]
compiles to
var spawn = Game.spawns["spawn1"];
spawn.createCreep(/* array */[
You can then get the keys by providing your own typed external to Object.keys:
external keys : spawns -> string array = "" [##bs.val] [##bs.scope "Object"]
let _ =
spawns |> keys
|> Js.Array.forEach Js.log
which will compile to
Object.keys(Game.spawns).forEach((function (prim) {
return /* () */0;
Alternatively, you could type spawns as a spawn Js.Dict and use the functions already provided by BuckleScript to access and manipulate it:


Export Struct-like objects for arrays

I have been bashing my head about this and can't seem to figure it out. In another engine, I could make a struct, then make an array of that struct that I could then edit in the inspector. There seems to be no way of doing this that I can find in Godot.
I want to have a Resource that holds the starting Value and Type of multiple faces on a dice. For example, one side could have "2 Damage" while another has "Heal 3." (this is a first-time godot experiment inspired by Slice&Dice). Every tutorial I watch however makes it seem like, if I want to do so, I'd have to make a completely new Resource for each combination of Value and Type (Damage 1 Resource, Damage 2 Resource, etc.)
class_name DiceResource extends Resource
class DiceFaceData:
export var BaseValue = 0
export(Resource) var Type = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
func _init():
Type = 2
BaseValue = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
export(Array) var Faces = []
I cannot get DiceFaceData to show up in the Inspector's array, or be on the list of object types for an array. Extending Object doesn't work. Extending Node means I have to instantiate it, which I don't want to do for an editor-only Resource.
I find it hard to imagine Godot doesn't have anything like this available. Is there anything I can load in the inspector as just data and not have to instantiate it? Another option is create two arrays, one with int and another Resource, but that seems inconvenient to fill out. Or should I just give up with Resources and make everything a Node attached to a Node attached to a Node? Thanks!
Godot version 3.4.3
EDIT: If you're someone coming from Unity or Unreal, what you're looking for is Resource. While compared to ScriptableObjects or DataAssets from those other engines, that's not the complete answer. You would think, because of the way those game engines handle it, you can only create custom SO or DA as assets in the filesystem/content browser, but you can also use Resources as instanced classes. Instead of creating a new Resource in the filesystem, you can use
export(Resource) var n = preload("res://").new()
In the inspector, you can choose from the list New MyResourceScript and create it. You won't be referencing an externally made Reference file, you'll be creating a custom one right there. And look at the below answer as well on good tips for using Resources in cool ways.
First of all, I want to say that I sympathize. Custom resources and the inspector do not work well. There is a solution on the work… However that does not mean that the only thing we can do is keep Waiting For Godot.
Observations on your code
About your code, I want to point out that DiceFaceData is not a resource type. You could write it like this:
class DiceFaceData extends Resource:
export var BaseValue = 0
export(Resource) var Type = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
func _init():
Type = 2
BaseValue = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
And… That solves nothing.
And, also, by the way, I remind you can put it on its own file:
class_name DiceFaceData
extends Resource:
export var BaseValue = 0
export(Resource) var Type = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
func _init():
Type = 2
BaseValue = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
And… That is not the solution either.
Something else I want to point out is that GDScript has types. See Static typing in GDScript. Use them. To illustrate…
This is a Variant with an ìnt value
var BaseValue = 0
This is an int, typed explicitly:
var BaseValue:int = 0
And this is an int, typed implicitly with type inference:
var BaseValue := 0
And if you were using types Godot would tell you that this is an error:
BaseValue = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
Because BaseValue is an int, and you setting a resource to it.
The Array of Resources problem
First of all, this is a Variant that happens to have an Array value, and it is exported as an Array:
export(Array) var Faces = []
Let us type it as an Array:
export(Array) var Faces := []
And sadly we cannot specify the type of the elements of the arrays in Godot 3.x (we need Godot 4.0 for that feature). However we can specify how we export it.
So, this is an Array exported as an Array of Resource:
export(Array, Resource) var Faces := []
See Exporting arrays.
Before you could not get your custom resource type to show up. And now you have the opposite problem: all the resource types show up. And this includes your custom resource type, if it in its own file.
You would guess that we need to specify the resource type we want:
export(Array, DiceFaceData) var Faces = []
And that would be correct if it were a build-in resource type. But it is a custom one. We are expecting this to be fixed in a future version. Meanwhile we will have to leave it with export(Array, Resource).
Mitigating the problem with an addon
To alleviate the pain of having all the possible resource types, consider using the addon "Improved resource picker" by MakovWait. You can find it on itch, or on github.
A proper solution
Anyway, we can do better. But you are going to need to make your script a tool script (you do that by putting tool on the top of the script, and it means that the code from the script can and will run on the editor).
We are going to define a setter with setget, and in there we are going to make sure the elements are of the correct type:
export(Array, Resource) var Faces = [] setget set_faces
func set_faces(new_value:Array) -> void:
Faces = []
for element in new_value:
element = element as DiceFaceData
if element == null:
element =
Now, in the inspector panel when you increase the size of the array, Godot will insert a new null element to the array, which makes the setter we defined run, which will find that null and convert it to a new instance of your custom resource type, so you don't have to pick the resource type in the inspector panel at all.
A "hacky" solution
As you know, this does not work:
export(Array, DiceFaceData) var Faces = []
However, we can replace an export with _get_property_list. What happens is that Godot asks the object what properties it has to show up in the inspector panel. Godot does this by calling get_property_list And it will statically report the ones it found while parsing (the ones with export). However, Godot also defines a function _get_property_list where we can add more at run time.
See also Advanced exports.
Which begs the question, could we possibly make it work with _get_property_list? Kind of. The The code like this:
var Faces := []
func _get_property_list() -> Array:
return [
name = "Faces",
type = TYPE_ARRAY,
hint = 24,
hint_string = "17/17:DiceFaceData"
It will show up on the inspector as an array where the elements can only be of your custom resource type.
The issue is that it causes some error spam. Which you might or might not be OK with. It is your project, so it is up to you.
I know it looks like voodoo magic in part because we are using some undocumented stuff. If you want an explanation of that 24 and that 17/17: see How to add Array with hint and hint_string?.
About the sub-resources
Every tutorial I watch however makes it seem like, if I want to do so, I'd have to make a completely new Resource for each combination of Value and Type (Damage 1 Resource, Damage 2 Resource, etc.)
I'm not sure what you are getting to with "a completely new Resource", but yes. A resource is an instance of a resource type. And each of those combination would be a resource.
Perhaps "Damage", "Heal" and so on are resources too. Let us see… I'm guessing that is what the Type is for:
export(Resource) var Type = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
Godot would be showing all the resource types it is aware of, which is a pain. I'm going to suggest a different approach than those above for this: Make an String enumeration.
export(String, "Damage", "Heal") var Type:String
That will show up as a drop down list on the inspector panel, with the options you specified.
Why String and not int? Ah, because you can then do this if you so desire:
var type_resource := load("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/" + Type + ".tres")
I'm assuming that those have the code that actually does damage or heal or whatever.
Alright, but when you add a new type of dice face, you would have to come here and update it… Or do you? With the power of tool scripts we are going to update that list to reflect the files that actually exist!
First of all, we are not going to use export, so it will be just:
var Type:String
And now we can export it from _get_property_list. There we can query the files. But before we do that, so we are clear what we have to do, the following code is equivalent to the export we had before:
func _get_property_list() -> Array:
return [
name = "Type",
hint_string = "Damage,Heal"
No undocumented stuff here.
Our task is to build that hint_string with the names of the files. And that looks like this:
const path := "res://"
func _get_property_list() -> Array:
var hint_string := ""
var directory :=
if OK != or OK != directory.list_dir_begin(true):
push_error("Unable to read path: " + path)
return []
var file_name := directory.get_next()
while file_name != "":
if not directory.current_is_dir() and file_name.get_extension() == "tres":
if hint_string != "":
hint_string += ","
hint_string += file_name
file_name = directory.get_next()
return [
name = "Type",
hint_string = hint_string
Ah, yes, set the path constant to the path of the folder where the resources types you have are.
Addendum post edit
I want to elaborate on this example:
export(Resource) var n = preload("res://").new()
Here we are exporting a variable n as a Resource, which will appear in the Inspector panel. The variable is currently a Variant, we could type it Resource:
export(Resource) var n:Resource = preload("res://").new()
And then we don't need to tell Godot to export it as a Resource, because it is a Resource:
export var n:Resource = preload("res://").new()
Something else we can do is preload into a const. To be clear, preloads are resolved at parse time. Like this:
const MyResourceScript := preload("res://")
export var n:Resource =
This way, if you need to use the same script in multiple places, you don't need to repeat the path.
However, you might not need the path at all. If in the script res:// we add a class_name (at the top of the script):
class_name MyResourceScript
Then we don't need to use preload at all. That name will be available everywhere, and you can just use it:
export var n:Resource =
Where is that resource stored?
Potentially nowhere. Above we are telling Godot to create a new one when our it initializes our object (e.g. which could be a Node, or another Resource - because, yes, Resources can have Resources) and those would only exist in RAM.
However, if you modify the Resource from the Inspector panel, Godot needs to store those changes somewhere. Now, if you are editing a Node, by default they go to the scene file. If you are editing another Resource, then it goes to wherever that Resource is stored. To be clear, scenes are resources too (PackedScene). And, yes, that means a file can have multiple Resources (A main resurce and sub-resources). You could also tell Godot to store the Resource in its own file from the Inspector panel. The advantage of giving a file to a Resource is in reusing it in multiple places (multiple scenes, for example).
So, a Resource could be stored in a file, or not stored at all. And a resource file could have a Resource alone, or it could also have sub-resources as well.
I'll take a moment to remind you that scenes can have instances of other scenes inside. So, there is no line between scenes and the so called "prefabs" in Godot.
… Did you know?
You can save the resources you created in runtime, using ResourceSaver. Which could be a way to save player progress, for example. You can also load them using load or ResourceLoader (in fact, load is a shorthand for ResourceLoader.load).
In fact, if you can use load or preload on something, it is a Resource. Wait a minute, we did this above:
const MyResourceScript := preload("res://")
Yep. The Script is a Resource. And yes, you can create that kind of resources in runtime too. Create a GDScript object (, set its source_code, and reload it. Then you can attach it to an Object (e.g. a Node) with set_script. You can now start thinking of meta-programming, or modding support.

How to execute a collection of statements in Tiberius?

I could not figure out how to iterate over a collection and execute statements one by one with Tiberius.
My current code looks like this (simplified):
use futures::Future;
use futures_state_stream::StateStream;
use tokio::executor::current_thread;
use tiberius::SqlConnection;
fn find_files(files: &mut Vec<String>) {
fn main() {
let mut files: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
find_files(&mut files);
let future = SqlConnection::connect(CONN_STR)
.and_then(|conn| {
conn.simple_exec("CREATE TABLE db.dbo.[Filenames] ( [Spalte 0] varchar(80) );")
.and_then(|(_, conn)| {
for k in files.iter() {
let sql = format!("INSERT INTO db.dbo.Filenames ([Spalte 0]) VALUES ('{}')", k);
I got the following error message
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `conn`
--> src/
20 | .and_then(|(_, conn)| {
| ---- move occurs because `conn` has type `tiberius::SqlConnection<std::boxed::Box<dyn tiberius::BoxableIo>>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
23 | &conn.simple_exec(sql);
| ^^^^ value moved here, in previous iteration of loop
I'm new to Rust but I know there is something wrong with the use of the conn variable but nothing works.
There are actual two questions here:
The header question: how to perform multiple sequential statements using tiberius?
The specific question concerning why an error message comes from a specific bit of code.
I will answer them separately.
Multiple statements
There are many ways to skin a cat. In TDS (the underlying protocol Tiberius is implementing) there is the possibility to execute several statements in a single command. They just need to be delimited by using semicolon. The response from such an execution is in Tiberius represented a stream of futures, one for each statement.
So if your chain of statements is not too big to fit into one command, just build one string and send it over:
fn main() {
let mut files: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
find_files(&mut files);
let stmts = vec![
"CREATE TABLE db.dbo.[Filenames] ( [Spalte 0] varchar(80) )")]
format!("INSERT INTO db.dbo.Filenames ([Spalte 0]) VALUES ('{}')", k)))
let future
= SqlConnection::connect(std::env::var("CONN_STR").unwrap().as_str())
.and_then(|future| future)
.for_each(|_| Ok(())));
There is some simple boilerplate in that example.
simple_exec returns an ExecResult, a wrapper around the individual statement's future results. Calling `into_stream() on that provides a stream of those futures.
That stream of results need to be forced to be carried out, one way of doing that is to call and_then, which awaits each future and does something with it.
We don't actually care about the results here, so we just do a noop for_each.
But, say that there is a lot of statements, more than can fit in a single TDS command, then there is a need to issue them separately (another case is when the statements themselves depend on earlier ones). A version of that problem is solved in How do I iterate over a Vec of functions returning Futures in Rust? .
Then finally, what is your specific error? Well conn is consumed by simple_exec, so it cannot be used afterwards, that is what the error tells you. If you want to use the connection after that execution is done you have to use the Future it returns, which is wrapping the mutated connection. I defer to the link above, on one way to do that.

How do I create a Flow with a different input and output types for use inside of a graph?

I am making a custom sink by building a graph on the inside. Here is a broad simplification of my code to demonstrate my question:
def mySink: Sink[Int, Unit] = Sink() { implicit builder =>
val entrance = builder.add(Flow[Int].buffer(500, OverflowStrategy.backpressure))
val toString = builder.add(Flow[Int, String, Unit].map(_.toString))
val printSink = builder.add(Sink.foreach(elem => println(elem)))
The problem I am having is that while it is valid to create a Flow with the same input/output types with only a single type argument and no value argument like: Flow[Int] (which is all over the documentation) it is not valid to only supply two type parameters and zero value parameters.
According to the reference documentation for the Flow object the apply method I am looking for is defined as
def apply[I, O]()(block: (Builder[Unit]) ⇒ (Inlet[I], Outlet[O])): Flow[I, O, Unit]
and says
Creates a Flow by passing a FlowGraph.Builder to the given create function.
The create function is expected to return a pair of Inlet and Outlet which correspond to the created Flows input and output ports.
It seems like I need to deal with another level of graph builders when I am trying to make what I think is a very simple flow. Is there an easier and more concise way to create a Flow that changes the type of it's input and output that doesn't require messing with it's inside ports? If this is the right way to approach this problem, what would a solution look like?
BONUS: Why is it easy to make a Flow that doesn't change the type of its input from it's output?
If you want to specify both the input and the output type of a flow, you indeed need to use the apply method you found in the documentation. Using it, though, is done pretty much exactly the same as you already did.
Flow[String, Message]() { implicit b =>
import FlowGraph.Implicits._
val reverseString = b.add(Flow[String].map[String] { msg => msg.reverse })
val mapStringToMsg = b.add(Flow[String].map[Message]( x => TextMessage.Strict(x)))
// connect the graph
reverseString ~> mapStringToMsg
// expose ports
(reverseString.inlet, mapStringToMsg.outlet)
Instead of just returning the inlet, you return a tuple, with the inlet and the outlet. This flow can now we used (for instance inside another builder, or directly with runWith) with a specific Source or Sink.

SWIG R wrapper not setting class properly/Create R object from C memory pointer

I have a SWIG generated R wrapper which contains the following setClass operations:
prototype = list(parameterTypes = c('_p_parameters', '_p_chromosome', '_p_dataSet'),
returnType = '_p_f_p_struct_parameters_p_struct_chromosome_p_struct_dataSet__double'),
contains = 'CRoutinePointer')
prototype = list(parameterTypes = c('_p_parameters', '_p_p_chromosome', '_p_p_chromosome', '_int', '_int'),
returnType = '_p_f_p_struct_parameters_p_p_struct_chromosome_p_p_struct_chromosome_int_int__void'),
contains = 'CRoutinePointer')
These operation do not appear to be behaving as expected. When I call a function with the output being the creation of a _p_parameters object (defined above), I get the following error:
Error in getClass(Class, where = topenv(parent.frame())) :
“_p_parameters” is not a defined class
The setClass therefore seems to be not doing it's thing.
I tried to manually set the _p_parameters class via:
p_parameters<-setClass(Class="_p_parameters", representation = representation(ref = "externalptr"))
But this does not seem to work as when I try and modify other parameters (or even print parameters via an inbuilt function) the terminal crashes and hangs.
For reference, the final lines in initialiseParameters (the function which initially own _p_parameters) are calling the native C function via .Call then assigning the external pointer to a new object of class _p_paramters as follows:
;ans = .Call('R_swig_initialiseParameters', numInputs, numNodes, numOutputs, arity, as.logical(.copy), PACKAGE='cgp');
ans <- new("_p_parameters", ref=ans) ;
I've read various R doc on new(), setClass, S3/S4 classes but nothing seems to clarify what I'm meant to be doing here.
Any suggestions on where to start or tutorials that would give a good heads up would be most welcome.
Please keep in mind the C code is not mine (but is freely available under GNU), I am not a C programmer and am only weakly-moderately proficient in R. So please be gentle :)
PS: If I call the function in R terminal via .Call it works as expected (so it doesn't seem to e a C function error)
I thought I should post the solution I have to this. The least I could do for a 'tumbleweed' medal haha.
The only solution I could find to this is to comment out the following line:
ans <- new("_p_parameters", ref=ans) ;
in all function that try to create an R object.
The resulting memory pointer is then assigned to an R object at function call.
It's dirty, but I couldn't work out how to create an object from a memory pointer (at least from within the functions themselves).
It seems to work so I guess it will do.

How can I pass a Swift array as an argument to a thread?

I'm trying to spawn a new thread to do some background processing, based on a String that I've broken down into an array of characters. Here's what my code looks like:
var testString : String = NSString(data:data!, encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding)
var testStringArray : Array<Character> = []
for character in testString
NSThread.detachNewThreadSelector("fillKeysFromArray:", toTarget: self, withObject: testStringArray)
I get a compiler error telling me that "Array does not conform to protocol AnyObject".
Short of writing an object wrapper for my array, or setting it as an instance variable (both of which seem like overkill), is there any way I can get this array passed through to the new thread?
Using Grand Central Dispatch is going to be much easier in the long run. You can run your function on a background thread with something like:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
[weak self] in // This is so that we don't create a reference cycle
You can read up on Grand Central Dispatch and all the nice things it provides when it comes to threading and concurrency in Apple's Concurrency Programming Guide.
The root cause is that detachNewThreadSelector can only accept a NSMutableArray for the withObject parameter. If you make testStringArray a variable of type NSMutableArray you can get rid of the compiler error message.
Having said that, you should seriously consider the advices from Bryan Chen and Mike S to switch to GCD.
