Please help me in finding the issue where Crashlytics' is saying the the dSYM is missing for a given UUID. I have searched all of my dSYM file but the given UUID is not found. I have used this command: mdfind "com_apple_xcode_dsym_uuids == <>" to check the UUID from crashlytics. There were 3 missing UUID Crashlytics reported. I have uploaded dSYMs for 2 of them, but struggling to find dSYM for last UUID.
I'm new to Yocto and Bitbake. I'm running my yocto machine through a qemu emulator on Ubuntu and attempting to use the meta-selftest layer to get a sense of how to install new layers. I have downloaded the meta-selftest files into the directory where the rest of the meta- directories are, and added the path to the meta-selftest directory to the bblayers.conf file. Running bitbake-layers show-layers command gives the output
layer path priority
meta /home/[my name]/Documents/poky/meta 5
meta-poky /home/[my name]/Documents/poky/meta-poky 5
meta-yocto-bsp /home/[my name]/Documents/poky/meta-yocto-bsp 5
meta-selftest /home/[my name]/Documents/poky/meta-selftest 5
however, when I try to run bitbake meta-selftest I get the error:
Loading cache: 100%
Loaded 1294 entries from dependency cache.
ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'meta-selftest'
Summary: There was 1 ERROR message shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
What does this error mean? I checked meta-selftest's dependencies, and it doesn't have any, so I get the sense this error isn't saying there is a dependency issue, but I can't find any clear documentation on what this error is telling me. I get the vague sense it means that bitbake can't find meta-selftest, but show-layers contradicts that by listing it with the correct path.
Any help would be deeply appreciated.
You don't bitbake a layer, you bitbake a recipe from that layer.
Try a bitbake test-empty-image for example. That is an image recipe provided by that layer.
Explore the meta-selftest directory and look for .bb files, the recipes. Those can be build using bitbake.
I recommend having a look at the quick start guide:
You don't need bitbake the layers name.
Please check in meta-selftest dir and try to find the *.bb file (it's recipes). And try again with " bitbake "
I am trying to install solr so that my data catalog could use it. To do so, I used these steps which are mentioned on the documentation of my data portal:
cd solr/solr-config
tar xvfz solr-6.0.0.tgz
solr-6.0.0/bin/solr start -c -p 8984
solr-6.0.0/bin/solr create -p 8984 -c catalog_srv -d src/main/solr-cores/catalog
accourding to these instructions I made a directory /opt/solr/solr-config the downloaded and unziped solr, and started it on port 8984. Now I don't understand how does the last command works. what should be the second path src/main/solr-cores/catalog? I thought I should generatet the directories src, main solr-cores and catalog inside my solr-config directory and then run this command. but I got errors that solrconfig.xml could not be found. after adding solrconfig.xml to /opt/solr/solr-config/src/main/solr-cores/catalog, now I get an error:
ERROR: Failed to create collection 'catalog_srv' due to: {$RemoteSolrException:Error from server at Error CREATEing SolrCore 'catalog_srv_shard1_replica1': Unable to create core [catalog_srv_shard1_replica1] Caused by: Can't find resource 'schema.xml' in classpath or '/configs/catalog_srv', cwd=/opt/solr/solr-config/solr-6.6.0/server}
what is schema.xml? is it something about data of my data portal? could you please explain the issue and how should I determine the path src/main/solr-cores/catalog to avoid these errors? what does exactly a default collection of solr do?
More info: my data portal is an opensource software called geonetwork and the documentation about solr is here:
I'm trying to build ct-ng in crosstool-ng-1.9.3 on my 64 bit ubuntu 13.04 but I repeatedly receive the following error during this command :
./ct-ng build
[INFO ] Retrieving needed toolchain components' tarballs
[ERROR] Could not retrieve 'cloog-ppl-0.15.10'.
[07:00] / make: *** [build] Error 1
Does anyone have any clue how to resolve it?
It's hard to say without seeing the full build.log file.
I'm going to guess and say it's failing at the point where it downloads that tar.
I would do the following (based on my assumption):
Delete the stump in /some/path/.../.build/tarfiles
Download the tar manually.
You can either place the tar file in that location or in ./ct-ng menuconfig
Tell it to look at a directory locally.
Django-Oscar tutorial.
It uses Solr. In the tutorial above there is a link to the Solr installation guide.
In the Solr guide, this is the line where I am stuck at:
ln -s <your_oscar_checkout>/sites/<sandbox|demo>/deploy/solr conf
That line gives me the error:
bash: /deploy/solr: No such file or directory
bash: your_oscar_checkout: No such file or directory
I tried searching for a solution but I couldn't find anything about those missing folders.
Any ideas on what could be wrong?
ln -s <your_oscar_checkout>/sites/<sandbox|demo>/deploy/solr conf
Essentially you are creating a link of solr directory from your oscar checkout to conf directory under solr-4.7.2/example/solr/collection1. Please check you have the correct replacement for <your_oscar_checkout> directory and <sandbox|demo>, which is why it has been put in angel bracket. Otherwise you can copy the content to solr-4.7.2/example/solr/collection1/conf path. But then if you need to update any properties for schema then you do it here not in oscar directory. Then just start the solr using java -jar solr-4.7.2/example/start.jar.
Hope this helps.
While using the Google code website, I have tried using the command prompt to follow their instructions:
First, determine which key you will
use to sign your application at
release and make sure of the path to
the keystore that contains it.
Next, run Keytool with the -list
option, against the target keystore
and key alias. The table below lists
the options you should use.
But I am continuously getting this error:
-list keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Keystore file
does not exist: C:\Documents and
also when I follow the next instruction on the site:
Here's an example of a Keytool command
that generates an MD5 certificate
fingerprint for the key alias_name in
the keystore my-release-key.keystore
Here is what I wrote and my error:
> C:\Program
> Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\bin>keytool
> -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore C:\Documents and
> Settings\\debug.keystore
> -storepass android -keypass android keytool error:
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Usage
> error, and is not a legal command
Am I not entering the correct "my-release-key"?
Can anyone help me get past this issue/what the error means?
Thank you!
C:\Documents a nd Settings
Is that extra space in "and" the problem, or did that get inserted while you were creating this question?
Maybe you need quotes around the path because it contains spaces?
Finally i solve the problem and the correct working script / Command is below: Please note the double quotes where they are placed please use as it is as this is the correct method. and off course please change the user name and as for the different versions of windows you people will have to change it accordingly. Please feel free to ask if you people have any questions.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25\bin>keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keys
tore "c:\documents and settings\user\.android\debug.keystore" -storepass android
-keypass android
I think you need a slash between nwashington and .android
I guess this is probably a little too late to be of help. The problem is probably the lack of quotes around the path - in Windows, a space is used as a separator between arguments, and so, your path will be treated as just "C:\Documents" instead of "C:\Documents and Settings\\debug.keystore"
That is why you get the error stating "and" is not a legal command, since it thinks the previous argument ended when it came across the space.