AngularJS migration to webpack - angularjs

My case is that we have application with stack: AngularJS and ES5 and we want to use webpack. Migration of all of the .js files (rewrite it to ES6 Classes etc.) is a big problem because of the size of the project. Is there any way to migrate it to webpack without making full refactor? The situation that we use webpack with new modules and the other modules are only plugged to webpack (somehow) with old dependency injection etc. would be satisfactory. Do you have any idea how to do it?


Integrating Webpack with angular.js

I am trying to migrate Angular.js app to the hybrid one. The code was really old so at first I changed all the controllers to the components and I would like to introduce Webpack for Angular.js now before I will use ng-upgrade tool.
I already installed webpack, created a config file but I am looking through some tutorials and they are working with export modules. The app we are changing is quite big so is there any way I could have Webpack but without exporting angular.js modules as es6 modules? Do I need to change all dependency into the import statements?
Yes. You will have to convert all that into import statements, though it does not require ES6-Modules (we chose CommonJS modules).
When we migrated our huge AngularJS App (bower, TypeScript, global namespaces) to webpack we also necessarily had to do the step of packing everything to exported modules and migrate from bower to npm.
However, the whole change was less effort than we feared before, and we never regretted our decision. :-)

excluding a library during bundle

I am new to npm, react and webpack but I have a question. In npm how do you prevent a library from being included production package file?
For example, I am just building a very small component in react and on the site where I am going to place my small component. The problem is Jquery library and bootstrap is already being called in the masterpage of the site and I didn't want to call the same library again in my small application production build but I still want to use them during development(because I am only testing it on local and jquery is not called there). TIA
Appreciate your time ready this and hope I got to learn more from you. By the way I created the app using create-react-app but I already 'ejected' it, so its using the webpack 3
Take a look at Webpack externals
You can have two webpack configs, on the dev config you include the package as normal, but for your production config add externals for jquery, so it uses the global one already on the page
The ability you're looking for is named Code splitting
React loadable may be a good option for you as well

Replace gulp with Webpack for static site

Here is my project structure
My goal is to generate stylus files into css, compile the jade files into HTML and image optimization. There is nothing much happening in the js folder, the js files need to be minified and in some instances, need to be combined into a single js file into dist/js folder. However I intend to use AngularJS, KendoUI and BrowserSync onto this project. I usually use Gulp to achieve the task. I would like to know if Webpack can make my life easier. Can I achieve the same using Webpack instead of Gulp. Is it worth the effort?
Yes you can use webpack!
Webpack can do much more then gulp, gulp is a only task runner on the other hand webpack is a bundler for modules. The main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.
I used gulp before webpack and i have to admit it did the job but was very complicated for with all those tasks and now i let webpack to do the hard job :-)
Learn more about webpack
Simple configuration from my seed

Refactoring with webpack

I'm trying to use webpack to refactor a backbone application that uses no modularization at all.
All the models and the views are added through script tags to index.html and are globally available.
I have read a couple of tutorials about refactoring with webpack but they only seem to take into consideration the use of webpack on applications that already use modules.
Do you know if there's a way of adding webpack to an app like mine without having to refactor every single js file?
You will have to modify each of your js files some, but Webpack will automatically treat each file as a module for you (similar to wrapping every file in an IIFE
What you have to do is define which modules have dependencies on other modules. Module's that have dependencies need to define those. Webpack supports many module syntax's, and comes with Commonjs and AMD out of the box. Commonjs is the recommended syntax for webpack. The best place to start is probably this guide:

Angular-meteor conflict with pbastowski:angular-babel and webpack:webpack

I'm trying to use webpack with my angular-meteor application. Unfortunately the meteor build fails with the following error:
While determining active plugins:
error: conflict: two packages included in the app (pbastowski:angular-babel and webpack:webpack) are both trying to handle *.js
The angular-meteor package has a dependency on pbastowski:angular-babel for ES2015 support, while webpack uses the babel-loader. Any idea how I can avoid this conflict?
This is a Meteor message that will appear when two Meteor packages try to add a Meteor compiler plugin for the same file extension, in this case ".js".
Option 1
Remove webpack:webpack from your project. Do you really need webpack in your Meteor project? Meteor bundles everything for you, so, there is no need to use webpack, as such. If you want to use ES6 modules then consider using pbastowski:systemjs.
meteor remove webpack:webpack
I don't know your reasons for using webpack, but I thought I'd mention this option.
Option 2
You can configure pbastowski:angular-babel to not compile ".js" files by adding the line below to babel.json in your Meteor project's root folder. However, if you do this, Babel will only compile ".es6.js" files and not ".js" files.
"extensions": ["es6.js"]
Some people here are trying to say that Webpack is useless but they really don't know much about it.
It can helps you bundle a lot better your assets.
You can bundle better your CSS and even have local CSS (css that is not applied globally but only in a section of your page)
You can do code splitting and not serve your entire app on the first page load
You can have hot-reloading with no page refresh (at least with React ;))
You can use angular and Webpack together without any problem. Here is what you need to do:
meteor remove angular
meteor add angular-meteor-data
meteor add angular-templates
The only missing piece then is ng-annotate and luckily, there is a few ways. You can use the ng-annotate-loader or ng-annotate-webpack-plugin in your Webpack config file.
