How to use <webview> methods inside a react component - reactjs

I am building a dashboard that links to various servers using ReactJS and electron. Now in a page I have a button and when it is clicked it renders a "webview" in the application using tag but i do not get the whole page as it needs some additional headers like langauge. I saw in the official documentation here that for using webview methods we first have to load the webview element but I tried all the possibilities that I had in my mind but couldnt come up with a solution.
Please if anyone can let me know where and how should I load the webview element and how to use the webview methods inside the component, really appreciated.

Keep the ref of webview and initially don't load any url
<WebView autosize={true} ref={(input) => { this.webview = input; }} src="data:text/plain" />
in your componentDidUpdate() load url with extra headers
if (this.webview) {
this.webview.loadUrl(url, {
extraHeaders: ""


How to pass image url array ["url1","url2"] to InitialState props in React Upload Gallery

I'm trying develop feature of adding/removing images in my system using React Upload Gallery. But I was unable to render the component with initial state. I'm looking help for this.
I have a predefined images in form of array. the state look like this:
images = ["imageURI1","imageURI2"]
The url is returning images and its working. So I wanted to assign this array into the component initialstate props so that the component will render with these images on first load but could find way to do it.
I've tried
initialState={[{source: this.state.images[0], name: 'image1'}]}
But seem not to be working.I received the error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'onCreated' of undefined
Here is the code snippet
source={response => response}
initialState={[{source: this.state.images[0], name: 'image1'}]}

How to refresh the facebook like url in reactjs (using facebook-sdk CDN)

I am using Facebook's like button as generated by facebook's like button configurator. However in order to get facebook-sdk to finish loading before the Like button, I had to use something called react-load-script and make a my own wrapper component for the like button html I got from the configurator.
my like button
class Like extends React.Component {
state = {
facebookLoaded: false
handleFacebookLoaded = () => this.setState({
facebookLoaded: true
FacebookSDK = () => <>
<div id="fb-root"></div>
async defer crossOrigin="anonymous"
render() {
return <>
<this.FacebookSDK />
? <div class="fb-like" data-href={this.props.url} data-width="" data-layout="button_count" data-action="like" data-size="large" data-show-faces="true" data-share="true" />
: null}
In my code all the script loading stuff actually happens in App.jsx, but I moved it into one class just to show a simple version.
This part seems to work fine, the issue lies when changing the url passed to data-href.
I checked the react dom in the browser and the data-href is actually being updated properly, however this does not affect the actual url that is being used by the like button, unless I do a full page refresh. I'm assuming this has to do with how the data-href is being used by facebook-sdk. (edit: after testing I'm not sure anymore)
I've found many questions about this on Stack Overflow, however none of them seem to be based off the CDN version of facebook buttons
From what I understand, the div containing the href needs to be placed out and back into the DOM in order for the facebook-sdk to detect a change, but I don't know how to do this in react without a full page refresh. Also I'm not certain this is even the right solution.
-- Update --
I just noticed something else that seems like useful information. If I navigate to the page with the like button, then it doesn't show up. It will only show up if the page refreshes. I tested it by moving the part that loads the script into the like component (like in the example shown above) and that didn't change the behavior at all.
-- more experimenting --
I wrote an event handler that takes all the facebook related jsx out of the dom and back in (by toggling a button) However when all the code goes back into the dom (both jsx and html), the UI for the button does not come back. I'm really now sure how this is possible as I'm literally reloading the script and everything facebook related so this should be equivalent to a page refresh no?
I fixed the issue thanks to misorude. The part I was missing was calling window.FB.XFBML.parse(). I didn't realize I could access FB the same way using the CDN. If anyone is looking for a react solution here is the working code:
class Like extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
url: props.url,
handleChangePage() {
let likeBtn = document.createElement('div');
likeBtn.className = "fb-like";
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-href", this.props.url);
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-width", "");
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-layout", "button_count");
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-action", "like");
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-size", "large");
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-show-faces", "true");
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-share", "true");
let likePanel = document.getElementById("like-panel");
this.setState({ url: this.props.url });
componentDidMount() {
render() {
if(this.props.url !== this.state.url)
return <div id="like-panel">
? <div className="fb-like" data-href={this.props.url} data-width="" data-layout="button_count" data-action="like" data-size="large" data-show-faces="true" data-share="true" />
: null}
I moved the CDN out of this component so that it only loads the sdk once for the whole app.

React reposinveness + bootstrap

React responsiveness
I just wanted to know how the responsiveness in to the react is possible ?
There are different ways to achieve responsive like
css-grid bootstrap-grid react-bootstrap
could some let me know what is the preferred way to do the responsive into react?
Just use plain JS, that's the beauty of React. I personally do this:
class Responsive extends Component {
state = { isMobile: false };
componentDidMount() {
// use css media quries
this.isMobile = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)");
// test on first run
this.handleIsMobile({ matches: this.isMobile.matches });
// listen to changes after first run
componentWillUnmount() {
// stop listening when unmounted
handleIsMobile = ({ matches }) => this.setState({ isMobile: matches });
render() {
if (this.state.isMobile) return <div>MOBILE</div>;
return <div>DESKTOP</div>;
First refer this, Bootstrap webpack
This is one way of using bootstrap in reactjs projects.
The advantage of this is that u get access to latest bootstrap css.
The disadvantage of using this is its complicated to use jquery plugins in reactjs. Hovewr if you are only interested in css, then its perfect.
Using this u can directly use bootstrap classes from documentation and get more control.
Just use className instead of class
If u want simple setup , then u can use reactstrap link
Other frameworks include react-bootstrap link

Link in Infobox using react-google-maps causes page reload

I'm not able to put a react-router-dom Link inside of a react-google-maps InfoBox without causing a full page reload.
Here's the code for my InfoBox:
import InfoBox from 'react-google-maps/lib/components/addons/InfoBox'
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
class MyInfoBox extends Component {
const options = {
position: new google.maps.LatLng(loc.latitude, loc.longitude)
return (
<InfoBox options={options}>
<Link to={`/location/${}`}>Go To Location</Link>
All Links in my app work correctly, except for this one.
When the "Go To Location" link is clicked, a full-page reload is caused. I've tried to diagnose by following this issue:, but I really don't know enough about the react router v4 to find out if the context contains the router object. Changing the value of enableEventPropagation does not change the behavior.
If anyone can help me understand why the Link is causing a page reload, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you in advance!
Try removing onClick prop in <GoogleMap> component and add enableEventPropagation: true to <InfoBox> options.
For me the issue was that <GoogleMap> onClick event was used to remove <InfoBox> when user clicks outside it. But turns out it is called also inside <InfoBox> so basically it was removing <InfoBox> with the <Link> inside it, before handling <Link> click.

React + Material Design Lite - How to close navigation drawer when menu link is clicked?

so I am unsure of how to best go about closing the MDL drawer when a link is clicked inside the drawer. From similar questions I have gathered you simply need to remove the is-active class from both the div with a class of mdl-layout__obfuscator, and the div with a class of mdl-layout__drawer.
What is the best way to go about this in React? I am not using React-MDL by the way, I am using the CDN version if that matters or helps...
Sorry I am new to both React and MDL.
In most of the cases, we can use react state to handle the show/hide the component. But in this case, we cannot do as we dont have access to have state in react-mdl inbuilt component. So i would suggest to manipulate the react-mdl component.
What manipulate DOM? :O Really?
Yes. We are not doing DOM manipulation for our code, we are just manipulating react-mdl so I think this should not be a issue.
class Navbar extends Component {
hideToggle() {
var selectorId = document.querySelector('.mdl-layout');
render() {
return (
<Link to={routes.XXX} onClick={() => this.hideToggle()}> XXX</Link>
This should solve your issue.
Ref: Github source
Thank you.
