Nested array inside variable in for loop - arrays

I'm beginning in Bash and I try to do this, but I can't.
array=("/dev/sda1" "/dev/sdb1")
for i in "${array[#]";do
space=$(df -H | grep ${array[1]})
or this:
for i in ("/dev/sda1" "/dev/sdb1")
space=$(df -h | grep (($i++)))
Is this possible?

You can directly feed the array into df like below and avoid using for-loop like
df -H "${array[#]}"
However, if this is a venture to study the for-loop in bash then you can do the same like below
for i in "${array[#]}"
df -H "$i"
# Well, "${array[#]}" expands to everything in array
# and i takes each value in each turn.
And if you wish to access the array using index, then
for ((i = 0; i < ${#array[#]}; i++)) # This is a c-style for loop
df -H "${array[i]}" # Note the index i is not prefixed with $
To check if the usage is more than, say, 10GB
# We will usage file which we would use to fill the body of mail
# This file will contain the file system usage
# But first make sure the file is empty before every run
cat /dev/null > /tmp/diskusagereport
for i in "${array[#]}"
usage=$(df -H "$i" | awk 'END{sub(/G$/,"",$3);print $3}')
if [ "${usage:-0}" -gt 10 ]
echo "Filesystem : ${i} usage : ${usage}GB is greater than 10GB" >> /tmp/diskusagereport
#finally use the `mailx` client like below
mailx -v -r "" -s "Disk usage report" \
-S smtp="" -S smtp-auth=login \
-S smtp-auth-user="your_auth_user_here" \
-S smtp-auth-password='your_auth_password' \ </tmp/diskusagereport


return nvme list as array using jq and loop thru it

This is how I am grabbing all the NVME volumes:
all_nvme_volumes=$(sudo nvme list -o json | jq .Devices[].DevicePath)
This how the output looks like:
"/dev/nvme0n1" "/dev/nvme1n1" "/dev/nvme2n1" "/dev/nvme3n1" "/dev/nvme4n1" "/dev/nvme6n1"
How do I loop thru them process them individually?
I tried for r in "${all_nvme_volumes[#]}"; do echo "Device Name: $r"; done but the output is Device Name: "/dev/nvme0n1" "/dev/nvme1n1" "/dev/nvme2n1" "/dev/nvme3n1" "/dev/nvme4n1" "/dev/nvme6n1"
which is one string instead of each element of array:
Populating a bash array with mapfile from null delimited raw output from jq:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
mapfile -d '' all_nvme_volumes < <(
sudo nvme list --output-format=json |
jq --join-output '.Devices[].DevicePath + "\u0000"'
A solution for bash < 4.4:
IFS=$'\t' read -r -a all_nvme_volumes < <(
sudo nvme list -o json | jq -r '[ .Devices[].DevicePath ] | #tsv'
note: device paths shouldn't be escaped by #tsv, so you won't need to unescape the values, but in case you use this trick for other purposes, you can unescape a value with printf -v value '%b' "$value"
How do I loop thru them process them individually?
Well, once you have the array, you can loop though its elements with:
for nvme_volume in "${all_nvme_volumes[#]}"
# process "$nvme_volume"
But, if you only need to loop though the nvme volumes without storing them then you can use #LĂ©aGris null delimiter method with a while loop:
while IFS='' read -r -d '' nvme_volume
# process "$nvme_volume"
done < <(sudo nvme list -o json | jq -j '.Devices[].DevicePath + "\u0000"')

Create an array with device logical name based on list of serial numbers

I'm tying to identify disks based on a list of UUID I get out of an api call.
The list of devices on the linux VM is following:
NAME="sda" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_5_0_70509_a07b6add_60c9_4758_8b27_0afe77820dbd"
NAME="sdb" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_625_ae748138_9bc0_4499_8068_d00a84a800b6"
NAME="sdc" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_626_8a082956_a2be_42ca_a14b_7d21ed3d5a2d"
NAME="sdd" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_627_6185353f_5c13_47ab_af58_b72d4d07106b"
NAME="sde" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_628_fbeed366_6956_4de1_a217_487d75fd003c"
NAME="sdf" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_629_019dcefb_0e1b_4086_96a9_982ae52fd88a"
NAME="sdg" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_630_5d0b55e8_d0bd_4ee4_a2be_0bef88d94732"
NAME="sdh" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_631_823beaed_1c2e_4203_ab5f_be294382d0c5"
NAME="sdi" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_632_e4ee8620_5b53_4187_8f8c_7123ee8d3486"
NAME="sdj" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_633_41551a1b_7dd9_4fd4_95bc_1fcdebb9dc85"
NAME="sdk" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_634_12d517fc_e726_4512_b176_5d4075d0ecfe"
NAME="sdl" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_635_d682eee4_cec0_4809_9efe_97aec7bf15d0"
NAME="sdm" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_636_59ea679e_cbd3_4cf5_a974_67409b719391"
NAME="sdn" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_637_5523c88e_310a_4fb6_b76f_48f624d1ce1f"
NAME="sdo" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_638_0e189f7a_785d_46f1_bb56_8f422d421ecb"
NAME="sdp" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_639_9143ba87_d742_4130_bbe0_2084e8ebad3f"
NAME="sdq" SERIAL="NUTANIX_NFS_18_0_640_3b823817_c2b6_49af_9a55_fc4706216501"
The list of drives I want to identify is in this format:
I need to identify the logical name for only the UUIDs on that list in order to create a LVM volume group out of them. But I'm don't understand how to proceed from there. Anyone can propose an example ?
After removing the 's from you list of UUIDs (can be done with tr) you could use simply grep to extract the corresponding lines from your list of devices. To extract only the values of NAME="..." from these lines use cut.
grep -Ff <(tr -d \' < fileListOfUUIDs) fileListOfDevices | cut -d\" -f2
If the inputs you showed us are not stored in files but generated by commands you can use
commandListOfDevices | grep -Ff <(commandListOfUUIDs | tr -d \') | cut -d\" -f2
You are trying to extract field values from match results generated by a set of tokens. sed or awk can do the trick.
To extract the value of a field called NAME from one of the match results simply do this:
josh#linux ~ $ result='NAME="sda" FSTYPE="ext4" SERIAL="NUTANIX_...dbd"'
josh#linux ~ $ echo $result | sed -e 's/.*NAME="//; s/".*//;'
To extract the value of a field called FSTYPE from the same match result:
josh#linux ~ $ echo $result | sed -e 's/.*FSTYPE="//; s/".*//;'
What if the order of the field changes? ..well the same code works.
josh#linux ~ $ result='FSTYPE="ext4" NAME="sda" SERIAL="NUTANIX_...dbd"'
josh#linux ~ $ echo $result | sed -e 's/.*NAME="//; s/".*//;'
With this in mind, extraction of field values from all match results can then be processed in a loop. I have created a small script to automate the process and I am posting it here in the hope that it would be useful.
# usage: doodle -F <file-containing-pattern(s)>
# doodle -P <pattern(s)>
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo 'invalid argument...'; exit;
if [ "$1" == "-F" ]; then
if [ ! -r $2 ]; then
echo "unable to read - $2"; exit
pattern=$(cat $2)
elif [ "$1" == "-P" ]; then
echo 'invalid argument...'; exit;
if [ -z "$pattern" ]; then
echo 'invalid argument...'; exit;
declare -a buffer
readarray buffer
if [ ${#buffer[*]} -gt 0 ]; then
for token in $pattern; do
for i in ${!buffer[*]}; do
match=$(echo ${buffer[i]} | sed -n "/$token/=");
if [ -n "$match" ]; then
##### Option 1 ##############################################################
# Uncomment the next line to print the same result that 'grep' would print.
#echo -e $(echo ${buffer[i]} | sed "s/$token/\\\\e[91m$token\\\\e[0m/");
##### Option 2 ##############################################################
# Uncomment the next line to print characters before the first [:space:]
#echo ${buffer[i]} | awk -F' ' '{ print $1 }';
##### Option 3 ##############################################################
# Uncomment the next line to email device-id to NSA
##### Option 4 ##############################################################
# Uncomment the next line to extract value of 'NAME' field
echo ${buffer[i]} | sed -e 's/.*NAME="//; s/".*//;'
##### Additional Option #####################################################
# Uncomment the next line (break command) to process one match per token
unset buffer
To use this script, simply:
Copy the text in the above snippet into a file called doodle.
Open terminal and type:
josh#linux ~ $ chmod a+x doodle
To process tokens saved in a file called device-id.txt:
josh#linux ~ $ lsblk -nodeps -no name,serial -PS /dev/sd* | ./doodle -F device-ids.txt
To process tokens supplied as a single string:
josh#linux ~ $ lsblk -nodeps -no name,serial -PS /dev/sd* | ./doodle -P 'ae748138_9bc0_4499_8068_d00a84a800b6
The script is very generic and you an can easily adapt it for use in related problems. You will find lots of tutorials on bash, sed and awk on the internet. There is also a comprehensive bash reference at

Using "comm" to find matches between two arrays

I have two arrays, I am trying to find matching values using comm. Array1 contains some additional information in each element that I strip out for the comparison. However, I would like to keep that information after the comparison is complete.
For example:
Array1=("abc",123,"hello" "def",456,"world")
declare -a Array1
declare -a Array2
I then compare the two arrays:
oldIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n\t'
array3=($(comm -12 <(echo "${Array1[*]}" | awk -F "," {'print $1'} | sort) <(echo "${Array2[*]}" | sort)))
Which finds the match of abc:
echo ${test3[0]}
However what I want is remaining values from array1 that were not part of my comm statement.
EDIT: For more clarification
The arrays in this example are populated with dummy data.
My real example is pulling information from server logs which I am saving into array1. array1 contains (userIDs,hostIPs,count) that I want to cross reference against a list of userID's (array2). My goal is to find out what userIDs exsist in array1 and array2 and save those ID's with the additional information from array1 (hostIPs,count) into array3
array1 is populated from a variable that is is the results of a curl command that generates a splunk search. The data returned looks like this:
I save the results of the splunk report as $splunk, and then decalare array1 with the results of $splunk - the header information since the results come back in csv format
array1=( $(echo $splunk | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sed 1d) )
array2 is generated from a master file that I have stored locally. That contains all the application ID's in our ecosystem. For example
I cat the contents of the master file into array2
array2=( $(cat master.txt) )
I then want to find what IDs from array1 exsist in array2 and save that as array3. This requires some massaging of the data in array1 to make it match the format of array2.
oldIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n\t'
array3=($(comm -12 <(echo "${array1[*]}" | sed 's/ /\n/g' | awk -F "\"," {'print $1'} | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/|/ /g' | awk -F$'=' -v OFS=$'=' '{ $1 = "uid" }1' | grep -i "OU=People" | sed 's/OU/ou/g' | sort) <(echo "${array2[*]}" | sort)))
array 3 will then contain lines that match in both arrays
However I am looking for something more along the line of
I would do it like this:
join -t, \
<(printf '%s\n' "${Array1[#]}" | sort -t, -k1,1) \
<(printf '%s\n' "${Array2[#]}" | sort)
Use the join command with , as the field delimiter. The first "file" is the first array, one element per line, sorted on the first field (comma delimited); the second "file" is the second array, one element per line, sorted.
The output will be every line where the first element of the first file matches the element from the second file; for the example input it's
This makes only one assumption, namely that no array element contains a newline. To make it more robust (assuming GNU Coreutils), we can use NUL as the delimiter:
join -z -t, \
<(printf '%s\0' "${Array1[#]}" | sort -z -t, -k1,1) \
<(printf '%s\0' "${Array2[#]}" | sort -z)
This prints the output separated by NUL as well; to read the result into an array, we can use readarray:
readarray -d '' -t Array3 < <(
join -z -t, \
<(printf '%s\0' "${Array1[#]}" | sort -z -t, -k1,1) \
<(printf '%s\0' "${Array2[#]}" | sort -z)
readarray -d requires Bash 4.4 or newer. For older Bash, you can use a loop:
while IFS= read -r -d '' element; do
done < <(
join -z -t, \
<(printf '%s\0' "${Array1[#]}" | sort -z -t, -k1,1) \
<(printf '%s\0' "${Array2[#]}" | sort -z)
I don't know how to do this with comm, but I do have a solution for you with sed and grep. The following commands match on the regex uid=X,, where the string/array is in the form of uid=x or (uid=x uid=y) respectively.
# Array 2 (B) is a string
$ A=("uid=1,,server1,1" "uid=2,,server2,1")
$ B="uid=1"
$ echo ${A[#]} | grep -oE "([^ ]*${B},[^ ]*)"
# Array 2 (D) is an array
$ C=(${A[#]} "uid=3,,server3,1" "uid=4,,server4,1")
$ D=(${B} "uid=3")
$ echo ${C[*]} | grep -oE "([^ ]*($(echo ${D[#]} | sed 's/ /,|/g'))[^ ]*)"
# Content of arrays
$ echo ${A[#]}
uid=1,,server1,1 uid=2,,server2,1
$ echo ${B}
$ echo ${C[#]}
uid=1,,server1,1 uid=2,,server2,1 uid=3,,server3,1 uid=4,,server4,1
$ echo ${D[#]}
uid=1 uid=3

bash script shuf and save in list

I have A numbers and I want to chose B of them without repeting and save into a list.
Like this:
a=$(gshuf -i 1-$B -n $A)
for i in ${a}
echo $i
How Can I do it?
A is a string in my code and I am using gshuf instead of shuf because I am in a mac
You may use process substitution:
while read -r i; do
echo "$i"
done < <(gshuf -i 1-$B -n $A)
If you want to save generated numbers in array then use:
while read -r i; do
done < <(gshuf -i 1-$B -n $A)
Check content:
declare -p arr

Pass multiple arrays as arguments to a Bash script?

I've looked, but have only seen answers to one array being passed in a script.
I want to pass multiple arrays to a bash script that assigns them as individual variables as follows:
./ ${array1[#]} ${array2[#]} ${array3[#]}
such that: var1=array1 and var2=array2 and var3=array3
I've tried multiple options, but doing variableName=("$#") combines all arrays together into each variable. I hope to have in my bash script a variable that represents each array.
The shell passes a single argument vector (that is to say, a simple C array of strings) off to a program being run. This is an OS-level limitation: There exists no method to pass structured data between two programs (any two programs, written in any language!) in an argument list, except by encoding that structure in the contents of the members of this array of C strings.
Approach: Length Prefixes
If efficiency is a goal (both in terms of ease-of-parsing and amount of space used out of the ARG_MAX limit on command-line and environment storage), one approach to consider is prefixing each array with an argument describing its length.
By providing length arguments, however, you can indicate which sections of that argument list are supposed to be part of a given array:
./myScript \
"${#array1[#]}" "${array1[#]}" \
"${#array2[#]}" "${array2[#]}" \
"${#array3[#]}" "${array3[#]}"
...then, inside the script, you can use the length arguments to split content back into arrays:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
array1=( "${#:2:$1}" ); shift "$(( $1 + 1 ))"
array2=( "${#:2:$1}" ); shift "$(( $1 + 1 ))"
array3=( "${#:2:$1}" ); shift "$(( $1 + 1 ))"
declare -p array1 array2 array3
If run as ./myScript 3 a b c 2 X Y 1 z, this has the output:
declare -a array1='([0]="a" [1]="b" [2]="c")'
declare -a array2='([0]="X" [1]="Y")'
declare -a array3='([0]="z")'
Approach: Per-Argument Array Name Prefixes
Incidentally, a practice common in the Python world (particularly with users of the argparse library) is to allow an argument to be passed more than once to amend to a given array. In shell, this would look like:
./myScript \
"${array1[#]/#/--array1=}" \
"${array2[#]/#/--array2=}" \
and then the code to parse it might look like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -a args array1 array2 array3
while (( $# )); do
case $1 in
--array1=*) array1+=( "${1#*=}" );;
--array2=*) array2+=( "${1#*=}" );;
--array3=*) array3+=( "${1#*=}" );;
*) args+=( "$1" );;
Thus, if your original value were array1=( one two three ) array2=( aye bee ) array3=( "hello world" ), the calling convention would be:
./myScript --array1=one --array1=two --array1=three \
--array2=aye --array2=bee \
--array3="hello world"
Approach: NUL-Delimited Streams
Another approach is to pass a filename for each array from which a NUL-delimited list of its contents can be read. One chief advantage of this approach is that the size of array contents does not count against ARG_MAX, the OS-enforced command-line length limit. Moreover, with an operating system where such is available, the below does not create real on-disk files but instead creates /dev/fd-style links to FIFOs written to by subshells writing the contents of each array.
./myScript \
<( (( ${#array1[#]} )) && printf '%s\0' "${array1[#]}") \
<( (( ${#array2[#]} )) && printf '%s\0' "${array2[#]}") \
<( (( ${#array3[#]} )) && printf '%s\0' "${array3[#]}")
...and, to read (with bash 4.4 or newer, providing mapfile -d):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
mapfile -d '' array1 <"$1"
mapfile -d '' array2 <"$2"
mapfile -d '' array3 <"$3"
...or, to support older bash releases:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -a array1 array2 array3
while IFS= read -r -d '' entry; do array1+=( "$entry" ); done <"$1"
while IFS= read -r -d '' entry; do array2+=( "$entry" ); done <"$2"
while IFS= read -r -d '' entry; do array3+=( "$entry" ); done <"$3"
Charles Duffy's response works perfectly well, but I would go about it a different way that makes it simpler to initialize var1, var2 and var3 in your script:
./ "${#array1[#]} ${#array2[#]} ${#array3[#]}" \
"${array1[#]}" "${array2[#]}" "${array3[#]}"
Then in
declare -ai lens=($1);
declare -a var1=("${#:2:lens[0]}") var2=("${#:2+lens[0]:lens[1]}") var3=("${#:2+lens[0]+lens[1]:lens[2]}");
Edit: Since Charles has simplified his solution, it is probably a better and more clear solution than mine.
Here is a code sample, which shows how to pass 2 arrays to a function. There is nothing more than in previous answers except it provides a full code example.
This is coded in bash 4.4.12, i.e. after bash 4.3 which would require a different coding approach. One array contains the texts to be colorized, and the other array contains the colors to be used for each of the text elements :
function cecho_multitext () {
# usage : cecho_multitext message_array color_array
# what it does : Multiple Colored-echo.
local -n array_msgs=$1
local -n array_colors=$2
# printf '1: %q\n' "${array_msgs[#]}"
# printf '2: %q\n' "${array_colors[#]}"
local i=0
local coloredstring=""
local normalcoloredstring=""
# check array counts
# echo "msg size : "${#array_msgs[#]}
# echo "col size : "${#array_colors[#]}
[[ "${#array_msgs[#]}" -ne "${#array_colors[#]}" ]] && exit 2
# build the colored string
for msg in "${array_msgs[#]}"
coloredstring="$coloredstring $color $msg "
normalcoloredstring="$normalcoloredstring $msg"
# echo -e "coloredstring ($i): $coloredstring"
# echo -e "colored string : $coloredstring"
# echo -e "normal color string : $normal $normalcoloredstring"
# use either echo or printf as follows :
# echo -e "$coloredstring"
printf '%b\n' "${coloredstring}"
Calling the function :
normal=$(tput sgr0)
declare -a text=("one" "two" "three" )
declare -a color=("$white" "$green" "$cyan")
cecho_multitext text color
Job done :-)
I do prefer using base64 to encode and decode arrays like:
local array=($#)
echo -n "${array[#]}" | base64
echo -n "$#" | base64 -d
local arr1=($(decode_array $1))
local arr2=($(decode_array $2))
local arr3=($(decode_array $3))
echo arr1 has ${#arr1[#]} items, the second item is ${arr1[2]}
echo arr2 has ${#arr2[#]} items, the third item is ${arr2[3]}
echo arr3 has ${#arr3[#]} items, the here the contents ${arr3[#]}
a1=(ab cd ef)
a2=(gh ij kl nm)
a3=(op ql)
some_func "$(encode_array "${a1[#]}")" "$(encode_array "${a2[#]}")" "$(encode_array "${a3[#]}")"
The output is
arr1 has 3 items, the second item is cd
arr2 has 4 items, the third item is kl
arr3 has 2 items, the here the contents op ql
Anyway, that will not work with values that have tabs or spaces. If required, we need a more elaborated solution. something like:
for item in "$#";
echo -n "$item" | base64
done | paste -s -d , -
local IFS=$'\2'
local -a arr=($(echo "$1" | tr , "\n" |
while read encoded_array_item;
echo "$encoded_array_item" | base64 -d;
echo "$IFS"
echo "${arr[*]}";
local IFS=$'\2'
local -a arr1=($(decode_array $1))
local -a arr2=($(decode_array $2))
local -a arr3=($(decode_array $3))
unset IFS
echo arr1 has ${#arr1[#]} items, the second item is ${arr1[1]}
echo arr2 has ${#arr2[#]} items, the third item is ${arr2[2]}
echo arr3 has ${#arr3[#]} items, the here the contents ${arr3[#]}
local a1_2="$(echo -en "c\td")";
local a1=("a b" "$a1_2" "e f");
local a2=(gh ij kl nm);
local a3=(op ql );
resp=$(test_arrays_step1 "$(encode_array "${a1[#]}")" "$(encode_array "${a2[#]}")" "$(encode_array "${a3[#]}")");
echo -e "$resp" | grep arr1 | grep "arr1 has $a1_size, the second item is $a1_2" || echo but it should have only $a1_size items, with the second item as $a1_2
echo "$resp"
Based on the answers to this question you could try the following.
Define the arrays as variable on the shell:
array1=(1 2 3)
array2=(3 4 5)
array3=(6 7 8)
Have a script like this:
echo "arg1 array=${arg1[#]}"
echo "arg1 #elem=${#arg1[#]}"
echo "arg2 array=${arg2[#]}"
echo "arg2 #elem=${#arg2[#]}"
echo "arg3 array=${arg3[#]}"
echo "arg3 #elem=${#arg3[#]}"
And call it like this:
. ./ "array1[#]" "array2[#]" "array3[#]"
Note that the script will need to be sourced (. or source) so that it is executed in the current shell environment and not a sub shell.
