I need to consume this credential?
url": "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/conversation/api",
"username": "xxxxxx",
"password": "yyyyyy"
What libraries or somebody has developed a script to consume watson service?
A number of SDKs are built for easily working with Watson developer cloud.
Here is the python one. It has examples which show you how to use it.
Like #Simon says, for call the API Conversation from IBM Bluemix, you will use the SDK watson-developer-cloud, check the Python SDK here.
But, I saw you need to call the conversation API, I really recommend you check the API Reference. This page has a lot of references for use Conversation with Java, Node, Curl and Python. IF you don't find some what you like to do with Python, try to see other language example and do the same logic for your purpose.
For your purpose, and call the conversation API with Python, you will need to do something like:
Install the SDK library:
pip install --upgrade watson-developer-cloud
And the code for call the API:
from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1
conversation = ConversationV1(
See one project from IBM Developers with Conversation (Python).
I am planning to integrate Coinbase API in an application. Can I get a developer account created in Coinbase for testing. I do not want to use my own Coinbase account that has gone through KYC.
Can someone point me to developer Coinbase registration?
Coinbase used to have a public API endpoints, but they are now requiring authentication for most of their endpoints (including websockets).
You could use a third party API that offers a connection to Coinbase. Cryptowatch and Shrimpy are two examples of API's that would allow you to do that (there are many more).
However, your IP address along with the information you use to sign up for these third party API's will be tracked for KYC as well. This should not matter to you unless you intend on doing something malicious.
if you are working with node then it has library even for python you can simply install libraries and send requests through your api key and api secret.
npm install coinbase
pip install coinbase
but these libraries are deprecated while ago but still in use
refer for coinbase docs for more info
I want to develop a Java Web App to consume some Microsoft Graph Services. According to Azure Portal's "Quick Start" tab, they recommend MSAL to authenticate and call the services (com.microsoft.aad.msal4j.*).
On the other hand, I've found https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-java-auth, which offers a nice API to use the services, but the last uptade is from more than a year.
Which should I use? I'm a bit afraid the SDK gets deprecated.
If you have a look at the dotnet version of this library, you'll see it uses MSAL. Whenever the Java msgraph auth library was started, MSAL Java wasn't ready. There's work that needs to be done to align the Java auth library with the dotnet one so it uses MSAL as well. I'd say go ahead and use the Java auth library keeping in mind a few things:
It will change as the required work gets done
Auth libraries for msgraph SDKs are all in preview and might change in the future
There's currently a limitation addressed by this pull request and that you can workaround as documented here
I want to make a chatbot using IBM Watson for Skype. I am not getting any tutorial to integrate it with Skype. I am confused with various tools and platforms like botkit, chatfuel, IBM Conversation Middleware etc. Anyone can show light on it?
Watson Conversation is one REST API endpoint, so you can build some Skype app for call the Watson endpoint with code.
You can use botkit-framework, have support with Microsoft Bot Framework, including Skype, but you would have to adjust for the new botkit additions by writing some of your own custom code.
Obs.: Try to talk with Skype people professionals to see how to connect one bot API, in this case, Watson Conversation Service.
Reference: Mitch Mason
I want to integrate salesforce with box via api not the default package.
Answered my own question since it took a while to discover all parts and might be useful for somebody else.
Install https://github.com/box/box-salesforce-sdk on a sandbox as an unmanaged pack.
Use BoxPlatformApiConnection class to authenticate, don't try to build your own tokens in apex.
Use https://superdry.apphb.com/tools/online-rsa-key-converter if you need to quickly switch between C# generated keys (RSACryptoServiceProvider) and openssl .pem formats.
This is my first time with google apis and I am having trouble implementing the email settings api in eclipse .Please tell me exactly which jar files are to be included and how ? I am getting GmailSettingsService class not found error.Please Help
Thank you
From here:
Didn't you ever want some kind of tool to create new Google Data projects in seconds? Google Data Java Client Eclipse
Plug-in is now available for use.
Using this plug-in you can create a new Java project to interact with
any Google Data API of your choice. Now, you don't need to worry about
setting up the dependencies for your Google Data project. This plug-in
handles all the dependencies and also provides you with an option to
download the external dependencies. It also creates a boiler plate
code to interact with the API that you are interested in. This will
give a quick start to all the newbies.