Remove empty option in the select using ng-model - angularjs

I am new to angular js. In my code user changes the value of radio buttons. And depending on the value of the selected radio button, a piece of code is loaded from the ng-switch
<body ng-app="">
<div ng-repeat="button in modes">
<input type="radio" ng-model="data.mode" value="{{button.value}}" ng-click="clearObjectIdModal()" name="e_modes">
<div ng-switch on="data.mode">
<div ng-switch-when="client">
<label for="e_selected_object_item_id">Select Client name: </label>
<select id="e_selected_object_item_id" name="e_selected_object_item_id" ng-model="currentDataItem.object_id" required>
<option ng-repeat="item in customersListArr" value="{{ }}">{{ item.Name }}</option>
<div ng-switch-when="agent">
// This part is similar to the previous one
Controller part:
$ = {};
$scope.setFile = function () {
if ($ == 'client')
return 'client';
else if ($ == 'agent')
return 'agent';
$scope.modes = [{
value: 'client',
label: 'Client'
value: 'agent',
label: 'Agent'
$scope.currentDataItem = data; // data is preloaded from inputs in form
There is also a ng-click="clearObjectIdModal()" that clears the model when switching radio buttons:
$scope.clearObjectIdModal = function() {
$scope.currentDataItem = "";
The problem is that every time when the radio button is switched to the select value, which dynamically changes, the value of the first option in it becomes equal to undefined. Because in the array from where these options are built there is no such object_id (This is the id that is not there, so an empty field is drawn).
That is, there are all works. But the first option in the select(after switching to another radio button) is rendered as an empty string.
There are thoughts, how it can be fixed?

I'm not sure if I understand you problem correctly but I would suggest a few improvements.
change your setFile function to as follows
$scope.setFile = function (){return $;}
I also do not see the closing brackets for your function in your code. Besides if your function will only return the data.mode then why need the function?
I would suggest initialize your data object properly like:
$ = {mode:'client'};
Change your clearObjectIdModal function as:
$scope.clearObjectIdModal = function(mode)
$scope.currentDataItem = "";
and in your HTML use it as ng-click="clearObjectIdModal(button.mode)"

So in function clearObjectIdModal() I wrote:
$scope.clearObjectIdModal = function() {
if ($scope.e_data["mode"] == 'client') {
if ($scope.customersListArr.length > 0) {
$scope.currentDataItem.object_id = $scope.customersListArr[0]['id'];
else if ($scope.e_data["mode"] == 'agent') {
if ($scope.agentsListArr.length > 0) {
$scope.currentDataItem.object_id = $scope.agentsListArr[0]['id'];
And after this when I change radio buttons the first option in current select(which every time is changed) will be not empty.
Also the problem with an additional empty option is possible to solve when you add a title as the first item in the list:
<option value="" disabled>Select</option>


Angularjs how to user ng-default with ng-repeat

I am having below data as input json,
{"_attributes":{"name":"data.comments"},"_text":"Defaults Comments"},
I am showing comments in my html page using this directive,
<b style="padding-top:5px;"> Comments:</b>
<span class="input">
<input class="inputtxt" type="text" ng-repeat="x in ValueArr" ng-if=" == 'data.comments'" ng-model="x._text">
which is working fine and showing as expected. But the problem is that sometimes, the comments node
{"_attributes":{"name":"data.comments"},"_text":"Defaults Comments"},
may not be present in array. like this,
In that case it shows only "Comments:" and blank screen after that. It does not show input box. In this case, I want to show empty input box. I tried ng-default and and ng-init but that didn't work. How to display input box for absence of matching condition ?
Not getting any idea, how to achieve that. Please suggest something.
The solution works with ng-init.
Just put it on the input like this:
<span class="input" ng-init="initValues()">
<input class="inputtxt" type="text" ng-repeat="x in values" ng-show=" == 'data.comments'" ng-model="x._text" ng-init="initInput(x)">
And add the function in the Controller:
$scope.initInputComments = function(x) {
if (!x._text || x._text == "") {
x._text = "Defaults Comments"
Note that you need to test that x._text exists/is defined.
$scope.initValues = function() {
var containsComment = false;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.values.length; ++i) {
if ($scope.values[i] == 'data.comments') {
containsComment = true;
if (!containsComment) {
"_attributes": {
"name": "data.comments"
Check the working fiddle

Toggle true/false through radio buttons in AngularJS (inside of ng-repeat)

Hej, I've got an "almost" working fiddle. I have a list of items and I want to change their value if their radiobutton is selected. Here's the code:
<div ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="myController">
<div ng-repeat="food in foodList">
<input type="radio" ng-model="food.selected" name="radiofood" ng-value="true">
angular.module('myapp', []).controller("myController", myController)
function myController($scope) {
$scope.foodList = [
name: 'banana',
selected: 'false'
name: 'orange',
selected: 'false'
name: 'apple',
selected: 'false'
The problem:
A radiobutton once clicked, changes it's value to true but clicking another one does not change the previous one to false. So if you click each one of them, one by one, all of them will be true. I only want one to have the true value.
--- Edit 2016-03-31 ---
I was looking for a solution without writing a custom fuction but it turns out this can't be done. I've marked #Ankit Pundhir answer as the best one but it wasn't exaclty what i was aiming for.
Add method to controller file:
$scope.selectFood = function(selectedFood){
if(food != selectedFood){
food.selected = false;
and add ng-change="selectFood(food)" to radio button.
The most simple solution is to add ng-change event on the input and then write a function which takes selectedFood as param and do the following:
Iterates through foodList and changes every value to false
Toggle status of selectedFood (if true set false end vice versa)
Something like this:
$scope.toggleParam = function(selectedFood){
function loopThroughAndSetToFalse(){
for(var i=0; i<$scope.foodList.length; i++){
$scope.foodList[i].selected = false;
function findAndSetReverseValue(selectedFood){
for(var i=0; i<$scope.foodList.length; i++){
if($scope.foodList[i].name ==={
$scope.foodList[i].selected = !(selectedFood.selected);
And your html now will look like this:
<div ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="myController">
<div ng-repeat="food in foodList">
<input type="radio" ng-model="food.selected" name="radiofood" ng-change="toggleParam(food)" ng-value="true">

Angular Xeditable drop down e-ng-change is not working

I'm using Angular Xeditable api.I need to change the text field's value according to the value of the drop down.But it's not working.Could you tell me why ? Thanks.
<span editable-select="user.status" e-form="tableform" e-ng-options="s.value as s.text for s in statuses" e-ng-change="setName($data,user)">
{{ showStatus(user) }}
$scope.setName = function (id, user) {
var selected = [];
if (id) {
selected = $filter('filter')($scope.statuses, { value: id });
if (selected.length) { = selected[0].text;
Generated html : you can see that it has been changed text of the name filed as expected (status3).But it doesn't update the text box properly. In other words it doesn't show on the text box.Why ?
<!-- editable username (text with validation) -->
<span editable-text="" e-form="tableform" onbeforesave="checkName($data," class="ng-scope ng-binding editable editable-hide">
</span><span class="editable-wrap editable-text ng-scope"><div class="editable-controls form-group" ng-class="{'has-error': $error}"><input type="text" class="editable-input form-control ng-pristine ng-valid" ng-model="$data"><div class="editable-error help-block ng-binding" ng-show="$error" ng-bind="$error" style="display: none;"></div></div></span>
I have tried like this.But then it changes all the rows values.So how can I detect only the changed row ?
$scope.setName = function (id, user,form) {
var selected = [];
if (id) {
selected = $filter('filter')($scope.statuses, { value: id });
if (selected.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < form.$editables.length; i++) {
if (form.$editables[i].name === '') {
form.$editables[i].scope.$data ="sampath"
Here is the JsFiddle
I try with your old source code and it's works for me:
if (selected.length) { = selected[0].text;
May be i miss understand your problem.
If I understand it right, you just want to update the text on the textbox (which is bound to the user's name) depending on the status change, right?
If so, then your UPDATED code is too complicated. Just update the property directly on the user object passed to the setName function (like in your first example). It is already bound to the textbox, so you don't have to go all the way around and update the textbox directly. That's the whole point of using angular. You update the models on the scope and the rest happens automatically.
$scope.setName = function (id, user) {
if (!id || !user) {
// Do something to handle this...
var selected = $filter('filter')($scope.statuses, { value: id });
selected = selected.length ? selected[0] : null; = 'sampath (' + selected.text + ')';
Here is an udpated fiddle:

Angular ng-if how do i reset the value of the model, in an angular way

<div ng-app>
<form ng-controller='chip'>
<select data-ng-options="n for n in simOptions" data-ng-model="simQuantity"></select>
<div ng-if="simQuantity>=1">
<select name="sim" ng-model="formData.sim[0]" ng-options="sim for sim in sims" ></select>
<div class="suscriptor_fields" ng-if="simQuantity>=2">
<select name="sim"
ng-options="sim for sim in sims" ></select>
<div class="suscriptor_fields" ng-if="simQuantity>=3">
<select name="sim"
ng-options="sim for sim in sims" ></select>
<div class="suscriptor_fields" ng-if="simQuantity>=4">
<select name="sim"
ng-options="sim for sim in sims" ></select>
If in the first select i choose 2 to 4 and select a value in the second to fourth select options and then i reselect the first one with a lower value, the ng-if turns to false but the ng-model doesnt change i need to get it to null again, so if doesnt get sent when i submit the form. In a nutshell, if a user selects 2, will get two options, if he/she selects two options but then changes his/her mind and decides only wants 1, the field disappears but the value is still getting send when submit.
this is the fiddle
and the javascript part
function chip($scope) {
$scope.formData = {
'sim' : {
'0' : null,
'1' : null,
'2' : null,
'3' : null
$scope.simQuantity = 1;
$scope.simOptions = [1,2,3,4];
$scope.sims = [
You can clean the data during ng-change to remove the extra properties.
I have cleaned up your jsfiddle that was not working and implemented a solution:
$scope.clean = function(n) {
for (var i = 4; i >= +n; i--) {
delete $scope.formData.sim[i];

Edit object inside array - AngularJS
You can see here I have a pretty nice functioning Add/Remove/Edit functionality for removing objects from an array.
What I am struggling with is
Editing inline and pushing the changes back into the array.
Adding new input fields to the DOM in order to push new objects into the array.
app = angular.module("sparta", []);
window.CompetitionController = function($scope) {
$scope.activities = [{
id: 6431,
name: "Meeting",
points: 20
}, {
id: 6432,
name: "Deal",
points: 100
$scope.addNewActivity = function() {
//This function should create 2 new input fields
//The user should input the name and points
//We can ignore the id for now
//Then the object should be craeted and pushed in as you see below with the mock data.
var updatedActivities = {
id: 6433,
name: "Call",
points: 5
$scope.editActivity = function(activity) {
var selectedActivity = activity;
$scope.removeActivity = function(activity) {
activityId =; //the activity id
var i = 0;
for (var item in $scope.activities) {
if ($scope.activities[item].id == activityId)
$scope.activities.splice(i, 1);
The HTML is as follows:
<body ng-app="sparta">
<div class="container" ng-controller="CompetitionController">
<div ng-repeat="activity in activities">
{{}} - {{activity.points}}
<button ng-click="editActivity(activity)">Edit</button>
<button ng-click="removeActivity(activity)">Remove</button>
<div class="addNew">
<button ng-click="addNewActivity()">Add New</button>
I've tried to give as much as possible in the fiddle - what I would love is some guidance on the addNewActivity() function and the editActivity() function and how to inline edit the two input fields and save the changes back into the array.
Thanks in advance!
You can change your html from:
{{}} - {{activity.points}}
<input type="text" ng-model=""/> - <input type="text" ng-model="activity.points"/>
So you get 2-way binding.
Working example:
Here's another simple example:
Basically you hide input field until activity edit button is clicked, in which case you show input field and hide text:
<div ng-show="activity.isEdited">
<input type="text" ng-model=""/> - <input type="text" ng-model="activity.points"/>
<button ng-click="activity.isEdited = false">Ok</button>
<div ng-hide="activity.isEdited">
{{}} - {{activity.points}}
<button ng-click="activity.isEdited = true">Edit</button>
<button ng-click="removeActivity(activity)">Remove</button>
There's a lot of improvement possible, for example editing local copy of the activity and updating original attributes only when user presses Ok, and providing Cancel button as well.
