Assigning Ranges to Array - arrays

I have been struggling with this for quite some time, but the error dialogue box that pops up isn't exactly the most helpful. I'm trying to extract a list of names from the worksheet and assigning them to an array using the range function. I tried and tried, but I couldn't seem to get it to work, so I tried reading in the cells 1 by 1 instead, using the Do Until Loop. I didn't expect to be posting this here, so the code of what I was doing before, is already gone, but here's an example:
Dim RangeList As Variant
RangeList = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Plan").Range("H1:H132").Value2
I switched it to the next method in hopes that it would lead to a more straightforward approach:
ReDim ResourceList(ResourceLength - 1)
I = 1
Do Until ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Plan").Cells(I, 8).Value = ""
ResourceList(I) = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Plan").Cells(I, 8).Value
Workbooks("NEW PROJECT PLAN").Worksheets("Console").Cells(I, 2).Value = Resource
I = I + 1
The first one returns an empty range that 'Can't find any cells' and the second one gave me an array of empty strings 169 items long. I feel like I'm pounding my head against a brick wall on this one, any help would be appreciated.
Here is the entirety of the code that I'm trying to troubleshoot:
'Collects the List of Resources
Dim ResourceLength As Long, I As Integer
Dim ResourceList() As String
ResourceLength = ThisWorkbook.FinalRow(8, "Plan")
MsgBox ("Final Row is: " & ResourceLength) 'The Last row used in column 8
ReDim ResourceList(ResourceLength - 1)
I = 1
Do Until ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Plan").Cells(I, 8).Value = ""
ResourceList(I - 1) = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Plan").Cells(I, 8).Value
Workbooks("NEW PROJECT PLAN").Worksheets("Console").Cells(I, 2).Value = Resource
I = I + 1
ResourceList = ThisWorkbook.FilterArray(ResourceList)
Dim myCount As Integer
Dim Source As Variant
For Each Source In ResourceList
Worksheets("Console").Cells(myCount, 1).Value = Source
myCount = myCount + 1
Next Source
Here is the FilterArray Function:
Public Function FilterArray(UnsortedArray As Variant) As Variant
Dim Intermediate() As Variant
Dim UItem As Variant
' Runs through each item and compares it to the list of items found, if it finds repeats, it throws them out.
For Each UItem In UnsortedArray
If Not ArrayItemExist(Intermediate, UItem) Then
' The Item does not Exist
ReDim Intermediate(UBound(Intermediate) + 1)
Intermediate(UBound(Intermediate)) = UItem
End If
Next UItem
' Returns the Sorted Array.
FilterArray = Intermediate
End Function
Private Function ArrayItemExist(TargetArray() As Variant, TargetItem As Variant) As Boolean
'Searches an Array for TargetItem and returns a boolean stating whether it exists within the Array or not.
Dim ItemFound As Boolean
Dim SItem As Variant
ItemFound = False
For Each SItem In TargetArray
If TargetItem = SItem Then
ItemFound = True
Exit For
End If
Next SItem
ArrayItemExist = ItemFound
End Function
Public Function FinalRow(Column As Integer, Sheet As String) As Long
' Finds the last Row used in the spreadsheet.
FinalRow = Worksheets(Sheet).Cells(Rows.Count, Column).End(xlUp).Row
End Function
When I try to run the software, I receive an error that the For Loop is not initialized, which I traced back to the 'ResourceList' Array/Range being empty.
This function is used to prep an array of names that are extracted from a list of dropdown box resources. This list may contain multiple instances of the same name, so it's sent to the FilterArray function to sort the array into an array with just one instance of each name. Example:
Before and after sorting
After this, it's sent to a module that will inject each name into a dictionary with a corresponding amount of hours that the person is scheduled to work.


VBA stop using temporary ranges

I'm new to vba so I need some help making my macro more efficient. It does return the desired outcome however I know there must be a much quicker way to do so I just do not have the vba experience to know how.
I have a column which contains names of people assigned to a project. Some are only one name, and others may be multiple, for example:
At the moment, my code goes through this column, separates the names by comma, and enters them individually into a new range like so:
I then use a collection for the unique names and enter them in the final desired list. The names must show up three times, blank row, next three rows are the next name, so on.It should look like this in the end:
Currently my code is the following
Sub FindUniques()
Dim Ws As Worksheet, Ns As Worksheet
Dim SubString() As String, m As Integer, k As Long, NameCount As Integer
Dim allNames As New Collection, tempRng As Range
Set Ns = Worksheets("Sheet2")
Set Ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
'Loops through the Assigned To column, separates and finds unique names
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To Ws.Range("A:A").End(xlDown).Row - Range("Assigned_to").Row
SubString = Split(Range("Assigned_to").Offset(i), ", ")
For j = 0 To UBound(SubString)
allNames.Add (allNames.count), SubString(j)
Next j
Next i
On Error GoTo 0
NameCount = allNames.count
For k = 1 To NameCount
For m = 1 To 4
Ns.Cells((k - 1) * 4 + m + 7, 2) = allNames.Key(k)
Range("Names").Offset((k - 1) * 4).ClearContents
End Sub
It works, however there must be some way that is more efficient than entering the names into a new range and then deleting the range. How can I use a collection or an array or something of the sort to make it quicker? Any ideas would be really appreciated
edit: I have now updated the code and it is using an collection, taking values from the substring. This enters the item (0, 1, 2, ...) in the cells instead of the keys (keys here are the names). How do I get it to return the key instead of the item number?
The slowest part of VBA are worksheet interactions so we should attempt to minimize that as much as possible.
Sub FindUniques()
Dim ws As Worksheet, ns As Worksheet
Dim splitStr() As String, nameStr As Variant
Dim dict As New Dictionary
Dim lastRow As Long, i As Long
Set ns = Worksheets("Sheet2")
Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Loops through the Assigned To column, separates and finds unique names
For i = 2 To lastRow
splitStr = Split(CStr(ws.Cells(i, 1).Value), ", ")
For Each nameStr In splitStr
If Not dict.Exists(nameStr) Then dict.Add nameStr , 0
Next i
i = 2
For Each nameStr In dict.Keys
ns.Cells(i, 1).Resize(3).Value = nameStr
i = i + 4
End Sub
Edited With #Toddleson & #BigBen 's suggestions
Good Luck!

Extract subarray from jagged array and use as 1d array

I'm trying to reduce redundancy in my macros but I'm struggling with getting an element from a jagged array and using it elsewhere.
The premise is a single workbook with many sheets being split by groups of sheet names into new documents that I can then send to the process owners so they only get their own data.
Previously I was selecting sheet names listed explicitly and pasting to a new document that was named explicitly, but I had to run 10 separate almost identical macros to do that and I have heard of select being a bad choice in many instances as well.
Below is my latest attempt, the first issue is at the printOut line I get a Type Mismatch.
Sub CopyOut()
Dim printOut, groupNames, Group1, groupArray() As Variant
Dim n, j As Long
Dim reNamed, fileName As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb1, wb2 As Workbook
groupNames = Array("Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3", "Group 4") 'other arrays left off for length
Group1 = Array("FA_1A Report", "FA_1A", "FA_2ACS Report", "FA_2ACS", "FA_2BCS Report", "FA_2BCS", "FANUCMED Report", "FANUCMED", "FA_RRTP1 Report", "FA_RRPT1")
groupArray = Array(groupNames, Group1)
For n = 1 To UBound(groupArray)
fileName = "CS Data Sheet" & " " & Format(Date, "mmmyy") & "-" & groupArray(n - n)(n - 1) & ".xlsm" 'concat file name string. this is not just tacked on the end of reName because i use it on it's own later
reNamed = "C:\Users\xx\Desktop\" & fileName 'concat save location string
Set wb1 = ThisWorkbook
Set wb2 = Workbooks.Add 'create a new workbook, wb2
wb2.SaveAs fileName:=reNamed, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled 'save with that name and location
printOut = Join(Application.Index(groupArray, n, 0), ",")
wb1.Sheets(printOut).Copy Before:=Workbooks(fileName).Sheets(1) 'copy the sheets for the group and paste into the newly created document
End Sub
If I nix printOut altogether and put in a specific worksheet name instead it does work for just that one sheet (of course) but I need it to copy multiple to each new document.
I have also tried:
For n = 1 To UBound(groupArray)
for j= LBound(groupArray(n)) To UBound(groupArray(n))
wb1.Sheets(groupArray(n)(j)).Copy Before:=Workbooks(fileName).Sheets(1)
to iterate through the subarray and copy a sheet at a time, but it gives subscript out of range. With this version I tried various methods of making the groupArray(n)(j) value into a string or into a "worksheet" type to set as a variable and use the variable in the sheets().copy, to no avail.
Any idea where I could be going wrong?
thanks so much
I got my above code working by wrapping it in split (was trying to use printOut as an array when it was only a string) and fixing the arguments of Index as below, however the resulting code still needs work, since if a sheet is missing it won't run.
printOut = Split(Join(Application.Index(groupArray(n), 1, 0), ","), ",")
In my experience, if you find yourself hard-coding values like sheet names, group names, and other data directly in your code it tends to become difficult to maintain. Adding more groups, or re-shuffling the sheets in each group becomes problematic. My recommendation is to create a (possibly hidden) worksheet that maps your worksheet names into groups. Then you have a small set of code that operates directly on that.
My example data is set up like this:
Next, in its own code module, I created a few methods to work directly with this group map data. The main idea here is to move the group map data into a memory-based array. While in general I rarely use module-level global variables, I have one in this example to illustrate how to work with the data by only reading it into the array once every time the macro is executed.
(These are Subs and Functions. For my own code, I likely would have created a VBA class to handle the data in an object-oriented way.)
So there is a Private Sub to get the data:
Option Explicit
Private groupData As Variant
Private Sub GetGroupData()
Const GROUP_WS_NAME As String = "GroupMap"
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(GROUP_WS_NAME)
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim lastCol As Long
With ws
'--- how many columns of groups?
lastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
lastRow = .UsedRange.Find("*", , , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
groupData = .Range("A1").Resize(lastRow, lastCol).Value
End With
End Sub
Now it's easy to figure out how many groups there are:
Public Function NumberOfGroups() As Long
If IsEmpty(groupData) Then GetGroupData
NumberOfGroups = UBound(groupData, 2)
End Function
And how many items in a particular group:
Public Function NumberInGroup(ByVal groupNumber As Long)
If IsEmpty(groupData) Then GetGroupData
'--- count the number of array values that have data
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(groupData, 1) To UBound(groupData, 1)
If groupData(i, groupNumber) = vbNullString Then
'--- we found the first empty cell in this array, we're done
Exit For
NumberInGroup = NumberInGroup + 1
End If
Next i
'--- subtract one to discount the header value
NumberInGroup = NumberInGroup - 1
End Function
The easiest of all is getting the value of any group:
Public Function GetGroupValue(ByVal groupNumber As Long, _
ByVal groupIndex As Long) As Variant
If IsEmpty(groupData) Then GetGroupData
'--- always add one to the index to account for the header value
GetGroupValue = groupData(groupIndex + 1, groupNumber)
End Function
Notice the check for If IsEmpty(groupData) Then GetGroupData at the beginning of each method. This makes sure the groupData array is always loaded if necessary.
This example gives it a quick test (in a different code module):
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim totalGroups As Long
totalGroups = NumberOfGroups()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
For i = 1 To totalGroups
Dim totalInGroup As Long
totalInGroup = NumberInGroup(i)
For j = 1 To totalInGroup
Debug.Print "group " & i & " = " & GetGroupValue(i, j)
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Here's the whole group data code module in a single block:
Option Explicit
Private groupData As Variant
Private Sub GetGroupData()
Const GROUP_WS_NAME As String = "GroupMap"
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(GROUP_WS_NAME)
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim lastCol As Long
With ws
'--- how many columns of groups?
lastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
lastRow = .UsedRange.Find("*", , , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
groupData = .Range("A1").Resize(lastRow, lastCol).Value
End With
End Sub
Public Function NumberOfGroups() As Long
If IsEmpty(groupData) Then GetGroupData
NumberOfGroups = UBound(groupData, 2)
End Function
Public Function NumberInGroup(ByVal groupNumber As Long)
If IsEmpty(groupData) Then GetGroupData
'--- count the number of array values that have data
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(groupData, 1) To UBound(groupData, 1)
If groupData(i, groupNumber) = vbNullString Then
'--- we found the first empty cell in this array, we're done
Exit For
NumberInGroup = NumberInGroup + 1
End If
Next i
'--- subtract one to discount the header value
NumberInGroup = NumberInGroup - 1
End Function
Public Function GetGroupValue(ByVal groupNumber As Long, ByVal groupIndex As Long) As Variant
If IsEmpty(groupData) Then GetGroupData
'--- always add one to the index to account for the header value
GetGroupValue = groupData(groupIndex + 1, groupNumber)
End Function
If I got this right, you have one master workbook with n sheets and you want to group some of them, then create a new workbook for each group and paste in its assigned sheets.
I think an approach where you keep a "config" file in your master workbook for setting up groups and sheets, is more suitable rather than editing into code. Example:
The below code will create a file using the names from column A and copy all the sheets defined on their respective row.
Option Explicit
Sub CopyOut()
Dim groupArr() As Variant
Dim wb2 As Workbook
Dim lastRow As Long, lastCol As Long, highestNumOfSheets As Long, i As Long, j As Long, arrColumns As Long
Dim reNamed As String, fileName As String, configSheet As String
Dim removedSheet1 As Boolean
' Modify the sheet name here
configSheet = "config"
' Build an array from sheet defined groups
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(configSheet)
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To lastRow
lastCol = .Cells(i, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
If lastCol > highestNumOfSheets Then highestNumOfSheets = lastCol
Next i
groupArr = .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(lastRow, highestNumOfSheets)).Value2
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = LBound(groupArr) To UBound(groupArr)
fileName = "CS Data Sheet " & Format(Date, "mmmyy") & "-" & groupArr(i, 1) & ".xlsm"
reNamed = Environ("UserProfile") & "\Desktop\" & fileName
removedSheet1 = False ' Reset this on each new workbook created
Set wb2 = Workbooks.Add
' Pick all the sheet names for the current group
For j = 2 To UBound(groupArr, 2)
' Skip empty values from array (if it's the case) and skip missing sheets
If Trim(groupArr(i, j)) <> vbNullString And SheetExists(groupArr(i, j)) Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(groupArr(i, j)).Copy Before:=wb2.Worksheets(1)
' Remove Sheet1 from the new Workbook
If removedSheet1 = False Then
With Application
.DisplayAlerts = False
removedSheet1 = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
End If
End If
Next j
' Here you might need an error handler if you think you're going to run the macro multiple times in the same day
' If the file exists already this will throw an error
' A quick lazy way is to add time (including seconds) when you define the file name above
wb2.SaveAs fileName:=reNamed, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
If Not wb2 Is Nothing Then Set wb2 = Nothing
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function SheetExists(ByVal sheetName As String) As Boolean
Dim ws As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetName)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not ws Is Nothing Then
SheetExists = True
Set ws = Nothing
End If
End Function
Of course it can be tweaked around, with error handling and other checks (depending on what you want to achieve entirely) but it should give you an alternative view of your code.
EDIT: Added a function to check if sheet exists.

ExcelVBA - Converting from an array to a collection, then insertion of said collection into combobox list

I have Sheet1.ComboBox1 that I would like to fill with an array of values. This array is stored on Sheet2. This array is a list of all customers to be used in the excel file. All customers are listed in one single column.
Some customers appear more than once in the column. It varies by how many part numbers a customer has.
I would like to fill a Sheet1.ComboBox1 with this array, however, I don't want duplicate values.
I read online that I can convert the array into a collection which will automatically weed out duplicates.
I would like to take this collection and input it into the Sheet1.ComboBox1, however, upon some research, I've found that collections are read-only...(am I wrong in this conclusion?)
One strategy I saw was to convert the customer array into a collection and then back into a new simplified array. The hope is to store this new array into Sheet 3, then pull this array into ComboBox1.List. I've posted my code below of this attempt.
'Converts collection to an accessible array
Function collectionToArray(c As Collection) As Variant()
Dim a() As Variant: ReDim a(0 To c.Count - 1)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To c.Count
a(i - 1) = c.item(i)
collectionToArray = a
End Function
Sub PopulateComboBoxes()
Dim ComboBoxArray As New Collection, customer
Dim CustomerArray() As Variant
Dim newarray() As Variant
Dim i As Long
CustomerArray() = Sheet2.Range("A5:A2000")
On Error Resume Next
For Each customer In CustomerArray
ComboBoxArray.Add customer, customer
newarray = collectionToArray(ComboBoxArray)
Sheet3.Range("A1:A2000") = newarray
Sheet1.ComboBox1.List = Sheet3.Range("A1:2000")
I used ' CustomerArray() = Sheet2.Range("A5:2000") ' not because there are that many rows full of values in Sheet 2, rather, that I cover all bases when more customers are eventually added to the list. The total size of my Sheet 2 is currently A1:A110, but I want to future proof it.
When I run the code, the Array is successfully reduced and the new array is placed into Sheet3 with no duplicates. However, the first Customer entry is repeated after the last unique customer value is defined. (A46 is last unique customer, A47:A2000 its the same customer repeated)
Additionally, Sheet1.ComboBox1 remains empty.
Is anyone able to explain how to restrict the number of rows filled by 'collectionToArray' , instead of filling all 2000?
Also, where am I going wrong with filling the ComboBox1? Am I missing a command/function to cause the box to fill?
You don't need that function to make a New Array, seems Excessive to me.
Assigning to CustomerArray will take care of Future Additions in column
You can directly pass on the Collection value to ComboBox
You are missing On Error Goto 0 in your code after addition to Collection. That is making all to errors after that invisible and hard for you to identify which part of code is causing problems.
Here Try this:
Sub PopulateComboBoxes()
Dim ComboBoxArray As New Collection
Dim CustomerArray() As Variant
Dim newarray() As Variant
Dim i As Long
With Worksheets("Sheet2")
CustomerArray = .Range("A5:A" & .Range("A5").End(xlDown).row).Value
End With
On Error Resume Next
For i = LBound(CustomerArray) To UBound(CustomerArray)
ComboBoxArray.Add CustomerArray(i, 1), CustomerArray(i, 1)
On Error GoTo 0
For Each Itm In ComboBoxArray
Worksheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.AddItem Itm
End Sub
First, you should assign your range dynamically to CustomerArray...
With Sheet2
CustomerArray() = .Range("A5:A" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Value
End With
Then, you should disable error handling after you've finished adding the items to your collection. Since you did not do so, it hid the fact that your range reference in assigning the values to your listbox was incorrect, and that you didn't use the Value property to assign them. So you should disable the error handling...
On Error Resume Next
For Each customer In CustomerArray
ComboBoxArray.Add customer, customer
On Error GoTo 0
Then, when transferring newarray to your worksheet, you'll need to transpose the array...
Sheet3.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(newarray) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(newarray)
Then, as already mentioned, you should assign the items to your listbox with Sheet3.Range("A1:A2000").Value. However, since newarray already contains a list of the items, you can simply assign newarray to your listbox...
Sheet1.ComboBox1.List = newarray
So the complete code would be as follows...
Sub PopulateComboBoxes()
Dim ComboBoxArray As New Collection, customer As Variant
Dim CustomerArray() As Variant
Dim newarray() As Variant
With Sheet2
CustomerArray() = .Range("A5:A" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Value
End With
On Error Resume Next
For Each customer In CustomerArray
ComboBoxArray.Add customer, customer
On Error GoTo 0
newarray = collectionToArray(ComboBoxArray)
Sheet3.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(newarray) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(newarray)
Sheet1.ComboBox1.List = newarray
End Sub
it could be achieved in a number of ways. using collection or dictionary object. i am just presenting simple method without going through collection or dictionary since only 5000 rows is to be processed. it could be further shortened if used directly with combo box without using OutArr. As #Domenic already answered it with explanations, may please go along with that solution.
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim InArr As Variant, OutArr() As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long, Cnt As Long
Dim have As Boolean
InArr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet2").Range("A5:A2000")
ReDim OutArr(1 To 1)
Cnt = 0
For i = 1 To UBound(InArr, 1)
If InArr(i, 1) <> "" Then
have = False
For j = 1 To UBound(OutArr, 1)
If OutArr(j) = InArr(i, 1) Then
have = True
Exit For
End If
Next j
If have = False Then
Cnt = Cnt + 1
ReDim Preserve OutArr(1 To Cnt)
OutArr(Cnt) = InArr(i, 1)
End If
End If
Next i
Sheet3.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(OutArr)).Value = Application.Transpose(OutArr)
Sheet1.ComboBox1.List = OutArr
Debug.Print Sheet1.ComboBox1.ListCount
End Sub

Sometimes can't assign to array and sometimes can

I have the next code:
Function findRanges(keyword) As Variant()
Dim foundRanges(), rngSearch As Range
Dim i, foundCount As Integer
i = 0
foundCount = 0
ReDim foundRanges(0)
Set rngSearch = ActiveDocument.Range
Do While rngSearch.Find.Execute(FindText:=keyword, MatchWholeWord:=True, Forward:=True) = True
Set foundRanges(i) = rngSearch.Duplicate
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve foundRanges(UBound(foundRanges) + 1)
rngSearch.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
ReDim Preserve foundRanges(UBound(foundRanges) - 1)
findRanges = foundRanges
End Function
Sub test()
Dim rngIAM_Code() As Range
Dim rngIAM_Title() As Range
rngIAM_Code = findRanges("IAM_Code")
rngIAM_Title = findRanges("IAM_Title")
End Sub
What is very confuding is that sometimes the compiler says "Can't assign to array" and sometimes it works fine. For example, when I only try to search one value and populate one array, the code works. When I try to populate both array, there is an error "Can't assign to an array". I can then switch lines of code like this:
rngIAM_Title = findRanges("IAM_Title")
rngIAM_Code = findRanges("IAM_Code")
And then the error happens with another array. The error can happen anywhere: on the first line, in the middle, or in the end, but it is consistent as long as I don't move lines. And again, if I leave only one-two lines of code with arrays in sub "test"everything works fine.
The following works for me.
In this code, every object variable is explicitly assigned a type. In VBA, every variable must be typed, else it's assigned the type Variant by default. In the following declaration line, for example, foundRanges() is of type Variant because it's not followed by As with a data type. The same with i in the next line of code in the question.
Dim foundRanges(), rngSearch As Range
And since the arrays in the calling procedure are of type Range the function should return the same type.
I also took the liberty of passing the Document object to the function as, conceivably, some day the document in question might not be ActiveDocument but a Document object assigned using Documents.Open or Documents.Add. If this is not desired it can be changed back, but not relying on ActiveDocument is more reliable...
Additionally, I added the Wrap parameter to Find.Execute - it's always a good idea to specify that when executing Find in a loop to prevent the search from starting again at the beginning of the document (wdFindContinue).
Sub testRangesInArrays()
Dim rngIAM_Code() As Range
Dim rngIAM_Title() As Range
rngIAM_Code = findRanges("You", ActiveDocument)
rngIAM_Title = findRanges("change", ActiveDocument)
End Sub
Function findRanges(keyword As String, doc As Word.Document) As Range()
Dim foundRanges() As Range, rngSearch As Range
Dim i As Integer, foundCount As Integer
i = 0
foundCount = 0
ReDim foundRanges(0)
Set rngSearch = doc.content
Do While rngSearch.Find.Execute(findText:=keyword, MatchWholeWord:=True, _
Forward:=True, wrap:=wdFindStop) = True
Set foundRanges(i) = rngSearch.Duplicate
ReDim Preserve foundRanges(UBound(foundRanges) + 1)
i = i + 1
rngSearch.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
findRanges = foundRanges
End Function
Here is an alternative based on a Collection instead of an Array:
I used also included Cindys Input regarding passing the document and adding wrap.
I don't exactly know what the you use the return value for, but in general a collection is a bit more flexible than an Array.
I also removed the underscores since they indicate a function of an implemented Interface and may cause problems later down the line. are used when implementing an Interface (improves readability).
As explained here you can use wrap or collapse to prevent a continuous Loop.
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim rngIAMCode As Collection
Dim rngIAMTitle As Collection
Set rngIAMCode = findRanges("IAM_Code", ActiveDocument)
Set rngIAMTitle = findRanges("IAM_Title", ActiveDocument)
Debug.Print "Code found : " & rngIAMCode.Count & " Times."
Debug.Print "Title found : " & rngIAMTitle.Count & " Times."
End Sub
Function findRanges(ByVal keyword As String, doc As Document) As Collection
Set findRanges = New Collection
Dim rngSearch As Range
Set rngSearch = doc.Content
With rngSearch.Find
.Text = keyword
.MatchWholeWord = True
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
While .Execute
findRanges.Add rngSearch.Duplicate
rngSearch.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
End With
End Function

adding values to variable array VBA

I am trying to loop through a table that has a column for "customers" and "dollar amount". If my loop finds a customer called "greg" or "henry" I want to add his "dollar amount" to an array of an unknown size.
Can someone please help me?
If by unknown size, you mean that number of elements is unknown, you could use a dynamic array.
Dim aArray() As Single ' or whatever data type you wish to use
ReDim aArray(1 To 1) As Single
If strFirstName = "henry" Then
aArray(UBound(aArray)) = 123.45
ReDim Preserve aArray(1 To UBound(aArray) + 1) As Single
End If
Ubound(aArray) throws an error if the array hasn't been dimensioned, so we start by adding an element to it. That leaves us with an empty element at the end of the text, so your code should account for that. aArray(Ubound(aArray)-1) will give you the last valid element in the array.
Private Sub ArrayMy(DataRange)
Dim DataIndex() As String
i = 0
On Error Resume Next
ReDim DataIndex(0)
For Each c In DataRange
DataIndex(i) = c
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve DataIndex(i)
End Sub
I think is better to use the listArray object:
Dim list, name as variant
Set list = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
For i = 1 to Last then ''Loop in the range
If strName = "Henry" then
list.Add ValueToAdd ''add to the list
End if
and then you can loop in the list
For Each name in List
Msgbox name
