Backbone collection.reset function returns array - backbone.js

I have the following code in backbone view:
getAccounts: function() {
var filteredCollection = this.view.collection.reset(this.view.collection.where({ AccountStatus: 'Open' }));
return filteredCollection;
And I assume that this code returns me collection according to doc link
But it returns an array. What is wrong here?

The documentation says
Returns the newly-set models
This means you get an array containing newly set models. It doesn't say it returns the collection itself. There is no reason to return the collection itself because you just performed this action on the collection and you already have access to it.
You can just do return this.view.collection instead.


Backbone model which I see in success callback and error callback is different. #Backbone save

I have a backbone model which has Backbone Collections in it. When I save the model and if it is success then my model object is properly structured as it was. But when error occurs (say validation error), in error callback the model object is modified (Collections inside model object are converted into Array). As a result all my functions defined for that Collections are now "undefined" and gives me error.
save : function() { || {}, this.model
.toJSON()), {
success : this.onSaveSuccess,
error: this.onSaveError,
include : []
onSaveSuccess : function(model) {
//Here the model is properly structured
onSaveError : function(model, response) {
// Here the model is modified, all collections are now array
//I have to explicitly call my parse method to re structure it.
model = model.parse(model.attributes);
I would like to know why is this happening. Am I doing something wrong here ?
For the sake of this example, let's assume the attribute of the model that holds the collection is called "people". It isn't clearly documented, but actually behaves like:
Here's the relevant annotated source of save(...). What your code is doing is first setting the "people" attribute to the array of people, then attempting to save it. When the save fails, your model has the array, not the collection, as the value of "people".
I suspect your end point is returning the full representation of the model on success, and your model is correctly parsing that representation & re-building the Collection at that point. But your error handler won't do that automatically.
As an aside, in my experience Models that contain Collections are hard to manage & reason about. I've had better luck having a Model that contains an array of data, and then having a method on that Model to build a Collection on the fly. Something like:
var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
// ...
getPeople: function() {
// See if we've previously built this collection
if (!this._peopleCollection) {
var people = this.get('people');
this._peopleCollection = new Backbone.Collection(people);
return this._peopleCollection;
This removes the Collection concept from the server communication (where it's pretty unnecessary), while also providing a smarter data layer of your application (smart Models are a good thing).
The solution for this is passing wait:true in options. This will not modify until and unless server returns a valid response.
save : function() { || {}, this.model
.toJSON()), {
success : this.onSaveSuccess,
error: this.onSaveError,
include : []

Backbone Collection method return subset of self

Hi I am using Backbonejs, I have a example collection
var MyCollection=Backbone.Collection.extend({
The problem is I want to add this myfilter function, that filter out the collection, and return the same type "myCollection", so that I can then call getPageNumber(). like this:
The default filter function in backbone return a simple array, not the Backbone.Collection Object. so is the underscorejs.filter.(which essensially is the same as Backbone.collection.filter). I am wondering if there is an easy way to do it.
you can refresh your original collection using reset
var result = yourFilterLogicHere...
return this;

Accessing promise's elements which are objects and not simple types

I have a study, which has multiple cases and multiple executionMessages. Also each case has multiple executionSteps. I am able to access the study, the case and even each case's executionSteps. I cannot figure out why I cannot access the complete executionMessages. By that I meant each executionMessage has a type, message which are accessible but any objects inside executionMessage is not accessing. Here it the code
StudyService.studies.get({id: $routeParams.studyIdentifier}).$promise.then(function(study) {
$ = study;
$ = executionMessages;
for(var i=0;i<study.cases.length;i++){
var callback = callbackCreator(i);
StudyService.executionstepsForCase.get({id: $routeParams.studyIdentifier,caseId:study.cases[i].id})
function callbackCreator(i) {
return function(executionSteps) {
$[i].executionSteps = executionSteps;
It looks like you are using $resource for your service types (a guess at the .get().$promise pattern you are using), From the docs:
...invoking a $resource object method immediately returns an empty reference (object or array depending on isArray). Once the data is returned from the server the existing reference is populated with the actual data. This is a useful trick since usually the resource is assigned to a model which is then rendered by the view.
So your code can be simplified like this:
// get() returns an object that will "fill-in" with the attributes when promise is resolved
$ = StudyService.studies.get({id: $routeParams.studyIdentifier})
$$promise.then(function(study) {
// again, executionMessages gets a placeholder that will be filled in on the resolved promise
$ = StudyService.executionMessagesForStudy.get({id:});
angular.forEach(study.cases, function(case, idx) {
// again, executionSteps is a placeholder that will be filled in on the resolved promise
var executionSteps = StudyService.executionstepsForCase.get({id: $routeParams.studyIdentifier, caseId:})
// not sure if ordering is important, the service calls can return in any order
// so using push can produce list with elements in any order.
You still need to use the study.$promise to get the nested data after the first service call resolves.

Get collection length

Using backbone.js and trying to get data from postsList array I got this in chrome console.log
d {length: 0, models: Array[0], _byId: Object, _byCid: Object, constructor: function…}
_byCid: Object
_byId: Object
length: 9
models: Array[9]
__proto__: f
When I'm trying to use console.log(postsList.length) I get 0, but there are 9 models inside. I don't know how to get number of them.
Yes, this is strange behaviour :)
Chrome displays object preview immediately after you have used console.log.
When you entered console.log(collection) it was empty (probably you have fetched model from the server). But at the moment when you expand the object in console Chrome displays actual object params at current moment.
Try this in console:
var object = {key1:{prop:true}};
object.key2 = true;
To get collection length use this way:
collection.fetch({context:collection}).done(function() {
No-no-no :)
Use this.length instead of this.lenght.
collection.fetch({context:collection}).done(function() {
// equals to this.length
// get all models from collection (array of Backbone.Models)
// get all models from collection (like simple array of objects)
// get model with index 1
// get model data with index 1
// get model with id `some-id`
// get models data where property `id_str` equals to `292724698935070722`
For more information look here:
I think Vitaliys answer is a little bit dangerous, because the passed option {context: collection} is:
a) not mentioned in backbones documentation
b) handled deep down in jQuery when fetch triggers some Ajax-call.
Instead the length of the fetched collection can be easily checked in the success- and error- callback of fetch, e.g.:
success: function(collection) { // the fetched collection!
if (collection.length) {
// not empty
} else {
// empty

Why does the backbone.js where function return an array of models?

When I use the Backbone.Collection.where function to filter the collection I get an array of models as return value but not an other filtered collection object. So I can't use other collection functions with that.
What is the purpose of such behavior?
where isn't the only method that returns an Array. where returns a new Array because you definitely don't want it mutating your existing Collection automatically. Also, many times you may want the result in Array form.
For whatever reason, the BB devs decided that it was better to return a new Array rather than a new Collection. One thought could be that, perhaps the returned data would be used in a different type of Collection. Another reason could be so that you always know what is returned from one of these methods. 2+ types of collections will ALWAYS return Arrays from these types of methods rather than having to try and inspect via instanceof or something else that isn't very reliable.
In addition, you COULD make your collections behave in a manner where you return new Collections. Create a base Collection to do something like this:
// Override the following methods
var override = ["where","find",...];
var collectionProto = Backbone.Collection.prototype;
BaseCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({});
for (var key in collectionProto) {
if (collectionProto.hasOwnProperty(key) && override.indexOf(key) > -1) {
BaseCollection.prototype[key] = function () {
return new this.constructor(collectionProto[key].apply(this, arguments);
Instead over extending off Backbone.Collection, extend off BaseCollection.
Note that you can still use most of the underscore utilities on arrays. Here's how to use each() after a filter()
_.each( MyCollection.filter( filter_fn() {} ), each_fn() {} )
