I am trying to make a program that will check if the user enters a valid double number.
I know how to make it check a valid integer by doing:
if (scanf("%d%c", &inter, &newLine) != 2 || newLine != '\n')
but when it coming to checking a double type it doesn't work.
I tried:
if (scanf("%d%c", &inter, &newLine) != 2.00 || newLine != '\n')
if (scanf("%d%c", &inter, &newLine) != 2.000000 || newLine != '\n')
none of those to seem to work
here is a full example of how it checks a valid integer type;
do {
num = inter % 1;
if (scanf("%d%c", &inter, &newLine) != 2 || newLine != '\n') {
printf("Invalid integer, please try again: ");
} else {
x = x + 1;
} while (x == 0);
the function that its calling if its invalid is simply a to clear the buffer
Yet another scanf thread. Don't use scanf for this, read the line with fgets and then parse it with sscanf or strtok, etc. See Why does everyone say not to use scanf? What should I use instead?
Besides, scanf returns the number of input items successfully matched and assigned.
// edit: use strtod for things like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char line[1024];
double d;
char *pEnd;
// here you should check if fgets returns NULL
fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin);
int len = strlen(line);
if(line[len-1] == '\n')
line[len-1] = 0;
d = strtod(line, &pEnd);
if(*pEnd == 0 && len > 0)
printf("Double: %lf\n", d);
return 0;
printf("Wrong format, try again\n");
return 0;
I am doing a lab for an intro programming class
I have to make sure that an integer is entered. I thought this would do it but when I put in a letter it repeats in an endless loop.
I found this solution in another post
int num;
char term;
if (scanf("%d%c", &num, &term) != 2 || term != '\n')
printf("valid integer followed by enter key\n");
But im not sure what I did wrong. Why is it not working in my code?
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int oneVar;
char term;
double numOne;
double numTwo;
double sum;
double dif;
double quo;
double mult;
int checker = 1;
printf("Please choose one of the following:\n""1) Add\n""2) Subtract\n""3) Divide\n""4) Multiply\n""5) Quit\n");
if (scanf("%d%c" , &oneVar ,&term) != 2 || term != '\n')
printf ("This is not valid input\n\n");
checker = 1;
else if (oneVar == 5)
printf("Thank you. Goodbye.\n");
checker = 0;
else if (oneVar != 1 && oneVar !=2 && oneVar != 3 && oneVar != 4)
printf("This is not a valid input\n\n");
checker = 1;
printf("Please enter the first number:\n");
if (scanf("%lf%c" , &numOne ,&term) != 2 || term != '\n')
printf ("This is not valid input\n\n");
checker = 1;
printf("Please enter the second number:\n");
if (scanf("%lf%c" , &numTwo ,&term) != 2 || term != '\n')
printf ("This is not valid input\n\n");
checker = 1;
else if (oneVar == 1)
sum = numOne + numTwo;
printf("The sum is: %.2lf\n" ,sum);
checker = 0;
else if (oneVar == 2)
dif = numOne - numTwo;
printf("The difference is: %.2lf\n" ,dif);
checker = 0;
else if (oneVar == 3)
quo = numOne / numTwo;
printf("The quotient is: %.2lf\n" ,quo);
checker = 0;
else if (oneVar == 4)
mult = numOne * numTwo;
printf("The product is: %.2lf\n" ,mult);
checker = 0;
else if (oneVar == 5)
printf("Thank you. Goodbye.\n");
checker = 0;
} while (checker == 1);
My prof posted this Im not sure how it helps but I thought it might help someone
To make sure that a user-input number is an integer you can use the notion of casting. Casting is a way to tell C to treat a variable as if it were a variable of a different type.
so, if I have something like this:
double myDouble;
myDouble = 5.43;
printf ("%d", (int) myDouble);
It will tell C to print myDouble, but to treat it like an integer. Only the 5 will be printed and you won't get any type mismatch errors. You can use casting to check to see if an input number is an integer by comparing the input to the (int) cast of the number. Something like this should work:
if(inputNum == (int) inputNum)
You'll still get 1.0 and 2.0 passing as valid numbers, but that is ok for now.
Why complicate things?
char x = 0;
scanf("%c", &x);
if (x >= 0x41 && x <= 0x7A)
printf("you entered a letter");
In ASCII table, letters have values between 0x41 ("A") and 0x7A ("z").
So, you just need to check the ASCII value of the input. :)
Using the %c to "consume" the end of line is not a good solution. If the user enters say:
123 abc<newline>
num will be 123, but term will be the space character. If you enter a letter rather than a number, the scan will stop without consuming any of the characters, the next input call will return due to the already buffered line, and may still consume nothing. Your program loops continuously because every input statement is failing to consume the newline and returns immediately. The standard input functions wait for a complete line before returning, if the line is not read completely, input functions do not need to wait.
There are a number of solutions, many of which such as the one you used are flawed, the method below, forces the input buffer to be flushed up to and including the newline.
int check = scanf( "%d", &num ) ;
while( getchar() != '\n' )
// do nothing
if( check != 2 )
printf("valid integer followed by enter key\n");
If you use the %c format specifier at the end of the input, then a slightly different flush is necessary since the character input may be a newline:
int check = scanf( "%c", &ch ) ;
while( ch != '\n' && getchar() != '\n' )
// do nothing
I'm developing a chess game in C just for practicing. At the beginning of the game, the user can type 4 things:
ROW<whitespace>COL (i.e. 2 2)
'h' for help
'q' to quit
How can I use a scanf to expect 2 integers or 1 char?
Seems like it would be most sensible to read a whole line, and then decide what it contains. This will not include using scanf, since it would consume the contents stdin stream.
Try something like this :
char input[128] = {0};
unsigned int row, col;
if(fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin))
if(input[0] == 'h' && input[1] == '\n' && input[2] == '\0')
// help
else if(input[0] == 'q' && input[1] == '\n' && input[2] == '\0')
// quit
else if((sscanf(input, "%u %u\n", &row, &col) == 2))
// row and column
// error
It's better to avoid using scanf at all. It usually causes more trouble than what it solves.
One possible solution is to use fgets to get the whole line and then use strcmp to see if the user typed 'h' or 'q'. If not, use sscanf to get row and column.
This one is just using scanf
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char c;
int row, col;
scanf("%c", &c);
if (c == 'h')
return 0;
if (c == 'q')
return 0;
if (isdigit(c)) {
row = c - '0';
scanf("%d", &col);
printf("row %d col %d", row, col);
return 0;
int row, col;
char cmd;
char *s = NULL;
int slen = 0;
if (getline(&s, &slen, stdin) != -1) {
if (sscanf(s, "%d %d", &row, &col) == 2) {
// use row and col
else if (sscanf(s, "%c", &cmd) == 1) {
// use cmd
else {
// error
P.S.: those who did not read and understand my answer carefully, please respect yourself, DO NOT VOTE-DOWN AT WILL!
Beside "get the whole line and then use sscanf", read char by char until '\n' was entered is also a better way. If the program encountered 'h' or 'q', it could do the relevant action immediately, meanwhile you cloud also provide a realtime analysis for the input stream.
#define ROW_IDX 0
#define COL_IDX 1
int c;
int buffer[2] = {0,0};
int buff_pos;
while( (c = getchar())) {
if (c == '\n') {
//a line was finished
row = buffer[ROW_IDX];
col = buffer[COL_IDX];
buff_pos = 0;
memset(buffer , 0 , sizeof(buffer));//clear the buffer after do sth...
} else if (c == 'h') {
} else if (c == 'q') {
} else {
//assume the input is valid number, u'd better verify whether input is between '0' and '9'
if (c == ' ') {
//meet whitespace, switch the buffer from 'row' to 'col'
} else {
buffer[buff_pos%2] *= 10;
buffer[buff_pos%2] += c - '0';
Why in this code its doing an infinite loop without prompting again the user
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
void to_rot13(char* value);
int main(){
char word[1024];
printf("C ROT13\nSome data to code or decode\n");
while (1){
printf(": ");
scanf("%[^\n]s", word);
printf(": %s\n", word);
return 0;
void to_rot13(char* value){
unsigned int x;
for (x = 0; value[x] != '\0'; x++){
if ((value[x] < 'A') || (value[x] > 'Z' && value[x] < 'a') || (value[x] > 'z')){}
else if (tolower(value[x]) <= 'm'){value[x] = value[x] + 13;}
else{value[x] = value[x] - 13;}
I would like to prompt again the user
I can't be more precice.
scanf("%[^\n]s", word);
leaves the newline in the input buffer, so the next scanf immediately returns without reading any further input, since the first char left in the buffer is a newline. You need to remove the newline from the input buffer.
int c;
do {
c = getchar();
}while(c != '\n' && c != EOF);
if (c == EOF) {
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // input borked
Also, heed the compiler's warning and pass word instead of &word to to_rot13.
You're sending &word to to_rot13 (you should be sending word or &word[0])
I've searched in and out of these forums but am still having trouble. My understanding of C is still very basic. I'm creating a small program that takes 3 numerical values entered by the user and then calculates the highest. I nailed that.
I now want to ensure that the user enters only integer values. I managed to get the prog to keep prompting the user to re-enter the value until it is within the specified numerical range (for example, any number between 1 and 1000 inclusive, piece of cake) but that's not good enough. I used 3 while loops to test each value, but this only works as long as the input is of type integer.
The trick is I cant use built in functions. It needs to be manual (sorry, poor choice of words) I tried to use char variables and x = getchar(); to get the ASCII value and test it in a condition but I can't get it working in a loop. (while/ do-while)
I also tried using a "for loop" and array variables but once again am struggling to get it to keep prompting the user.
I've also tried to test the value returned by scanf to see if its integer but my knowledge level of correct C syntax is level: noob. Either my loops don't loop or they loop infinitely.
Here is some sample code:
int x, y, z =0;
printf("Enter the first number:\n");
scanf("d", &x);
while (condition) /* Here is where I need to determine that the entered val is false */
printf("Wrong input. Re-enter a valid value.\n");
x =0;
scanf("%d", &x); /*user re-prompted */
I'm getting the idea that I'll have to use ASCII and a loop, but I just can't get to it. Also, the values entered get sent to a function for comparing and are then returned.
Could someone give me some advice and a few tips please?
Much thanks
You would have to use something like fgets, and strtol:
long someValue;
char *bufEnd = NULL;
char buf[128]; // max line size
do {
printf("enter a value: ");
fgets(buf, 128, stdin);
someValue = strtol(buf, &bufEnd, 10); // base 10
} while (bufEnd == buf || *bufEnd != '\n');
printf("got value: %li", someValue);
What we are doing here is we are tapping into strtol's capability to tell us where it stopped parsing, by passing in bufEnd.
Then, we are making sure that bufEnd doesn't point to the beginning of buf (in which case, it didn't start with a number), and also checking to make sure that bufEnd points to \n, or the end of the line (making sure that the user didn't enter something like 123abc, which strtol would interpret as 123). You may wish to trim buf of whitespace characters first, however.
You're absolutely on the right track with "scanf()". Just check the return value. If you don't get the expected #/values, then you got invalid input:
char found = FALSE;
int ival;
double x;
while (!found)
printf("Please enter a valid integer: ");
if (scanf("%d", &ival) !=1) {
printf ("Invalid! Please re-enter!\n");
printf("Please enter a valid floating point number: ");
if (scanf("%lf", &x) !=1) {
printf ("Invalid! Please re-enter!\n");
found = TRUE;
Here's my solution. It safe against buffer overflow and straightforward .
#include <stdio.h>
#define LEN 10
int main() {
int a;
char str[LEN];
fgets( str, LEN, stdin );
while ( !sscanf( str, "%d", &a ) )
fgets( str, 10, stdin );
printf("Num is : %d\n", a);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int getInteger(int* err){
int ch;
int n;//int32
int takeNum, sign;
long long int wk;//long long int as int64
*err = 0;
takeNum = 0;//flag
sign = 1;//minus:-1, other:1
/* //skip space character
while(EOF!=(ch=getchar()) && (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n'));
ungetc(ch, stdin);
if(ch == '-'){
if(takeNum != 0){//in input number
*err = 1;
if(sign == -1){//already sign
*err = 2;
sign = -1;
if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'){//isdigit(ch) in ctype.h
if(takeNum == 0)
takeNum = 1;
wk = wk * 10 + (ch - '0')*sign;
if(INT_MAX < wk || INT_MIN > wk){//overflow
*err = 3;
if(ch != '\n'){//input other [-0-9]
*err = 4;
if(takeNum == 0){//not input number
*err = 5;
} else {
while(ch != '\n' && EOF!=(ch=getchar()));//skip to newline
return n;
int getValue(const char* redoprompt, int low, int high){
int num, err=0;
num = getInteger(&err);
if(err || low > num || high < num)
printf("%s", redoprompt);
return num;
#define max(x,y) ((x)>(y))? (x) : (y)
int main(){
const char *error_message = "Wrong input. Re-enter a valid value.\n";
int x, y, z, max;
x = getValue(error_message, 1, 1000);
y = getValue(error_message, 1, 1000);
z = getValue(error_message, 1, 1000);
max = max(max(x,y), z);
printf("max:%d\n", max);
return 0;
I want to have a user enter numbers separated by a space and then store each value as an element of an array. Currently I have:
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n')
if (c != ' ')
arr[i++] = c - '0';
but, of course, this stores one digit per element.
If the user was to type:
10 567 92 3
I was wanting the value 10 to be stored in arr[0], and then 567 in arr[1] etc.
Should I be using scanf instead somehow?
There are several approaches, depending on how robust you want the code to be.
The most straightforward is to use scanf with the %d conversion specifier:
while (scanf("%d", &a[i++]) == 1)
/* empty loop */ ;
The %d conversion specifier tells scanf to skip over any leading whitespace and read up to the next non-digit character. The return value is the number of successful conversions and assignments. Since we're reading a single integer value, the return value should be 1 on success.
As written, this has a number of pitfalls. First, suppose your user enters more numbers than your array is sized to hold; if you're lucky you'll get an access violation immediately. If you're not, you'll wind up clobbering something important that will cause problems later (buffer overflows are a common malware exploit).
So you at least want to add code to make sure you don't go past the end of your array:
while (i < ARRAY_SIZE && scanf("%d", &a[i++]) == 1)
/* empty loop */;
Good so far. But now suppose your user fatfingers a non-numeric character in their input, like 12 3r5 67. As written, the loop will assign 12 to a[0], 3 to a[1], then it will see the r in the input stream, return 0 and exit without saving anything to a[2]. Here's where a subtle bug creeps in -- even though nothing gets assigned to a[2], the expression i++ still gets evaluated, so you'll think you assigned something to a[2] even though it contains a garbage value. So you might want to hold off on incrementing i until you know you had a successful read:
while (i < ARRAY_SIZE && scanf("%d", &a[i]) == 1)
Ideally, you'd like to reject 3r5 altogether. We can read the character immediately following the number and make sure it's whitespace; if it's not, we reject the input:
#include <ctype.h>
int tmp;
char follow;
int count;
while (i < ARRAY_SIZE && (count = scanf("%d%c", &tmp, &follow)) > 0)
if (count == 2 && isspace(follow) || count == 1)
a[i++] = tmp;
printf ("Bad character detected: %c\n", follow);
If we get two successful conversions, we make sure follow is a whitespace character - if it isn't, we print an error and exit the loop. If we get 1 successful conversion, that means there were no characters following the input number (meaning we hit EOF after the numeric input).
Alternately, we can read each input value as text and use strtol to do the conversion, which also allows you to catch the same kind of problem (my preferred method):
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char buf[INT_DIGITS + 3]; // account for sign character, newline, and 0 terminator
while(i < ARRAY_SIZE && fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin) != NULL)
char *follow; // note that follow is a pointer to char in this case
int val = (int) strtol(buf, &follow, 10);
if (isspace(*follow) || *follow == 0)
a[i++] = val;
printf("%s is not a valid integer string; exiting...\n", buf);
Suppose your user is one of those twisted QA types who likes to throw obnoxious input at your code "just to see what happens" and enters a number like 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 which is obviously too large to fit into any of the standard integer types. Believe it or not, scanf("%d", &val) will not yak on this, and will wind up storing something to val, but again it's an input you'd probably like to reject outright.
If you only allow one value per line, this becomes relatively easy to guard against; fgets will store a newline character in the target buffer if there's room, so if we don't see a newline character in the input buffer then the user typed something that's longer than we're prepared to handle:
#include <string.h>
while (i < ARRAY_SIZE && fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin) != NULL)
char *newline = strchr(buf, '\n');
if (!newline)
printf("Input value too long\n");
* Read until we see a newline or EOF to clear out the input stream
while (!newline && fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin) != NULL)
newline = strchr(buf, '\n');
If you want to allow multiple values per line such as '10 20 30', then this gets a bit harder. We could go back to reading individual characters from the input, and doing a sanity check on each (warning, untested):
while (i < ARRAY_SIZE)
size_t j = 0;
int c;
while (j < sizeof buf - 1 && (c = getchar()) != EOF) && isdigit(c))
buf[j++] = c;
buf[j] = 0;
if (isdigit(c))
printf("Input too long to handle\n");
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n') // clear out input stream
/* empty loop */ ;
else if (!isspace(c))
if (isgraph(c)
printf("Non-digit character %c seen in numeric input\n", c);
printf("Non-digit character %o seen in numeric input\n", c);
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n') // clear out input stream
/* empty loop */ ;
a[i++] = (int) strtol(buffer, NULL, 10); // no need for follow pointer,
// since we've already checked
// for non-digit characters.
Welcome to the wonderfully whacked-up world of interactive input in C.
Small change to your code: only increment i when you read the space:
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n')
if (c != ' ')
arr[i] = arr[i] * 10 + c - '0';
Of course, it's better to use scanf:
while (scanf("%d", &a[i++]) == 1);
providing that you have enough space in the array. Also, be careful that the while above ends with ;, everything is done inside the loop condition.
As a matter of fact, every return value should be checked.
scanf returns the number of items successfully scanned.
Give this code a try:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int arr[500];
int i = 0;
int sc = 0; //scanned items
int n = 3; // no of integers to be scanned from the single line in stdin
while( sc<n )
sc += scanf("%d",&arr[i++]);