DMN Decision Table Output - angularjs

I am new to decision table so please forgive me if I asked a very basic question. I am working on an angular web app that uses decision table.
Could we change the table header 'Output' to something else?
Unfortunately, I cannot find any such label neither in the HTML nor in the controller.

For future reference:
It cannot be done through CSS. therefore following is my solution.
Inspect the code that either the dmn table is using modeling module or some other bpmn table features. In my case, it is using modeling. I override the following module by inheriting from it, to make the Input header cell dynamic and output fixed or change the label as well.


How to make drill down tables in Zeppelin?

I am trying to make each value in one of the column of table as clickable so that I can develop drill down functionality using Zeppelin Table. But following sample code is not working at all.
a\tb\n%html <button>x</button>1\t2\n%html <button>y</button>3\t4
It will take quite some effort to make this work.
The basic idea is converting a data source (e.g. Spark DataFrame) to a complete and self contained HTML section and which is interpreted by Zeppelin. Hide and show need to be handled by javascript library.
Zeppelin using Bootstrap, so we shall use bootstrap library directly. This SO might help Bootstrap cllapse. Perhaps need more styling.
If you are just wanna drilldown function while not strictly with table. And if you are using Spark, it might be a bit easy with spark-highcharts to implement the feature like Highcharts column drill down
Finally my code worked. The issue seems to be if you have html tag in the first column, it will not work. However, it works in all the other columns. Just add one more cols in the front and it worked.
dummy\ta\tb\np1\t%html <button>x</button>1\t2\np1\t%html <button>y</button>3\t4

Scout create Table page out of database table

I heard that scout eclipse can create table page - AbstractPageWithTable out of database table properties, without manually adding columns for it.
Is this true, and if it is is somebody knows how to do it?
Dynamic UI Components:
I am not sure I understand your question correctly. Can I rephrase it like this:
How can I add a column dynamically (without having to define them as inner class)?
Here some pointers on the Scout Forum:
Is possible to create a dynamic PageView and Form ?
How to create UI fields at runtime?
My personal opinion is that the scout philosophy is to have a declarative UI defined with inner classes. I am not sure I would recommend someone to use this dynamic approach...
Scaffoling for Eclipse Scout:
From your comment, I now understand your question like this:
Given an existing database, is it possible to generate some elements of the application like TablePages?
I am afraid there is no open-source tool doing this for the moment. In our company, we have some developers, having a series of scripts to do something like what you are describing.
There is a project called SAML (Scout Application Modeling Language) where the user interface is described with a DSL and the Scout entities are generated. This is more a prototype that was built for the Kepler version of scout (3.9). For the moment there is no active development on it.
I have also started some builder where you do something like:
SimpleApplicationBuilder app = SimpleApplicationBuilder.create("myapp", "simple.myapp", "");
IScoutFormBuilder formBuilder = ScoutBuilders.form("MyFirstForm", "simple.myapp.client.ui.forms", "")
The idea is to have a Java model of the application source code. It should allows to be able to do modifications or to add new entities and then to generate or modify the code. My tool is not open source for the moment (it is not finished yet and I do not have enough time to work on it).
I definitively think that scaffolding for Eclipse Scout would be great. I have published a master thesis proposal to work with a student on this topic. I hope we will be able to move forward.
Here some pointers in the Eclipse Scout forum:
Scout usage from command line
Form Generator based on DB Table layout
Let me know if you are interested in those topics.

List style article in drupal 7

I'm trying to create a content type that allows me to post multiple images from an external database in this sort of style:
In an ideal world this is what I would like my group of fields to look like in the article creation screen.
Any idea how I would achieve this using best practices? To post articles like this I'm currently using a piece of php code but it's confusing for my contributors, so would like to use fields. I've never made a module or custom field before.
Thank you!
I have done something similar using the Field Group module, you may give it a try.

Drupal: How is this component named?

I would like to create a table that looks/behaves like the one to manage fields when editing content types.
How is this one named? Is this form API?
If you're looking for the drag and drop sorting behavior, then you should look at the documentation for drupal_add_tabledrag.
And perhaps this tutorial might help:
I would implement it using Forms API together with a table.
If you are new to forms API, this step by step introduction is really good:

ATK4 How to use treeview

How to use treeview e. g. as sidebar?
There are no standard element. You can build your own View. Look in other projects for some implementation or use jsTree
It seems there is an add on that is exactly for what you are looking for listed on the website.
At least it seems that way according to the description.
Its located under development and add-ons.
I'm thinking about trying the framework myself so I have no idea if this will work for you or not.
I noted there is a file atk4/lib/TreeView.php which extends Lister
It appears to be a bit old as it has hardcoded paths to the icon images for + and - as amodules3/templates/kt2/ which in agiletoolkit 4.1.1 is /atk4/templates/shared/images but maybe you can try adding this to a page and see what it does.
From the comments at the top, looks like it needed a mysql table with a primary key called ID and another column in the same table called parent_id which would provide the values and probably in order to display text strings would probably need another column called name in the same way refModel works.
If you decide to try and get it working, maybe you can post it back to Romans to update in ATK4.1
Please check newest ATK4 addons source:
* * addon "hierarchy"
* * addon "tree"
