New angularjs project is created inside Documents not where I wish - angularjs

When I run this command , the new project angular is created inside Documents not inside workspace/first-app
asus#asus-X541UJ:~/Documents/workspace/first-app$ sudo yo angular

Removing the .yo-rc file in the parent directory fixed this problem.


For sencha app build , do we need to include all js files related to view in main.js(portal.js)?

I am using sencha cmd 6 for building my application.
my folder structure is
production build process execution is successful but when i load that build its giving .js file not found error.
So i include all js files in folder structure into main js portal.js then .js error is removed and build works.
But i dont want to include all these list of files in one single js, so can we skip the js include part from portal.js and use any property or attribute to include all js files ?
You can specify with * like 'Ext.chart.*' in requires section of
Hope this helps.

Create new Project in Angular-js

I am new to AngularJs. I want to create a new project in angular-js . So , How can i create it using command prompt ?
I have tried ng new myProject. But it is giving some error like
ng new myProject
? Select project blueprint: (Use arrow keys)
> Default template
Ui Router template
Your own template from git
How can i create it ?
Take a look at there are plenty of project template for angular.
You need node and npm for runn it
This are just options to choose.
You can choose between the Default Project Setup, a Setup with ui-router configured or you can provide some own template from git.
I you are new to Anggular you may should try the Default Template. This will give you some impressions on best practices and how to structure you application

Add new library

I'm trying to figure out the right way to add any eventual new library (for example I need angularJS ui-router) in an onsen app.
I installed bower and then downloaded ui-router.
Since I do not know exactly the way Gulp is used, I got confused on what I'm suppose to do.
At the moment, I have the following folders:
bower_components, hooks, merges, node, modules, platforms, plugins, www
The index.html has the following reference:
What I suppose to do, now?
manually copy the ui-router js files in /www/lib/
configure gulp to copy the files automatically
change the script tag src and make the reference to the bower_component folder
change the Bower default folder
could you please guide me on sort it out?
At the end I chose the option 2.
I edited the file gulpfile.js adding a new custom task supposed to copy the missing bower libraries.
var mainBowerFiles = require('main-bower-files');
gulp.task('copy-bower-libs', function() {
return gulp.src(mainBowerFiles())
.pipe(gulp.dest(__dirname + "/www/lib/bower/js"))

how to add angular files on yeoman generator ionic

I'm using generator-ionic from link, and It made well, but I want to know how to add angular controllers or directives files.
It's not like app when I made with 'yo angular'
there is no views folder and files neither.
'yo angular:directive myDirective' not work.
do I have to make all files and folders by myself?
I found that the Angular Generator works fine with a project created by yo ionic. You are correct that the folder structure is different, but that may not a problem for you. You could always start with a completely blank ionic template, and then start adding the pieces you need. Your app.js and index.html files will be where the Angular Generator expects them to be.

sencha cmd extjs build does not include MVC controllers

When I 'compile' my extjs MVC app (version 4.1.1a, CMD ver, an all-classes.js file gets created however none of my custom code (controllers, views etc) gets included. They get dynamically loaded when I load the html page. I have another app that works fine. I can't post my hundreds of lines of code. What can I look for?
I tried the CMD build in debug mode and it seems to process and find all my app files, it just doesn't include in all-classes.js.
I tried
sencha -d app build
sencha compile -classpath=app/app.js,app,ext/src page -in=index.html -out=build/index.html
I used 'sencha generate app' to create the original directory structure etc.
I have exactly the same issue.
Maybe as a hint, I've got another project where I generated the whole application, and the build. And here, with the build-impl.xml, I've got everything I need in all-classes : my controllers, models, etc
Not sure why but it seems if I explicitly do a 'requires' on my controllers in my app.js file then the compile works
Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true });
, 'AM.controller.myController2'
