Multiple objects with same FK in context.entity.local [Entity Framework] - database

I have some problems regarding entity framework and saving to the db.
As my current program works, it deserializes a json-object which results in a list with objects that matches the database. Each of these objectst looks like this:
Every object is a parent with a relation to one child-object.
Each child object have a relation to one or many parent-objects.
After the deserialization is complete each child-objects is created as new object for every parent (meaning I get several instances of the same object).
When i try to save the objects to the db, this offcourse doesn't work since I'm trying to insert many child-objects whith the same pk. I can clearly see that context.childentity.local contains many objects with the same pk.
Is there any easy way to solve this issue? Can I in some way tell EF to refer all duplicates to the same object?
Best regards Anton


Database Design: Multiple tables vs a single table for research related items [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can you represent inheritance in a database?
(7 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am making a research repository where there are different types of research items such as conferences, publications, patents, keynotes etc. The data will be inserted after getting from the relevant sources, processing it and then inserting in a batch from excel sheet. The main operation will be querying the data according to the logged-in user like researcher related information for an individual, department/unit related information (mainly summing up the rows) for the chairperson and so on.
Now when I approach this, I see two options:
Make two tables, one for the research item type and the other for the actual item
Make individual tables for all type of objects
The problem with the 1st structure is that I will a huge main table with empty/null columns. But it will allow me to easily add another research item in future, since I can simply add the new item in the "type" table and then add the actual data in the common table.
However, the second approach allows me to only query the relevant table to get the information, hence no empty/null values. The drawback is I will not be able to add new research item in this structure, and I need to add new table for the new item type.
If I may ask, which of the two strategies would you recommend and why?
The 1st one entails multiple database queries, and the second one entails a large single table.
If it helps, I am using MS SQL server.
The problem you're facing is the resolution of a hierarchy in an ER model.
You have a parent entity, or generalization (RESEARCH_ITEM) that can be instantiated in different ways (your child entities, like PUBLICATION, PATENT, and so on).
To implement this hierarchy in the physical layer (i.e. creating the tables) you have to consider which properties this hierarchy has. In particular, you have to ask yourself:
Overlap constraint: can an instance of the parent entity belong to more than one child entity?
Covering constraint: do the child entities cover all the possbile instances of the parent entity?
Combining this two criteria, we have four possbile cases:
Total disjoint: the child entities cover all the possibile instances
without overlap;
Partial disjoint: the child entities don't cover all the possibile
instances and there's no overlap;
Total overlapping: the child entities cover all the possibile
instances with potential overlap;
Partial overlapping: the child entities don't cover all the
possibile instances and there's possible overlap.
The resolution of the hierarchy depends upon the scenario. If your hierarchy is a total-disjoint one, the best thing to do would be to eliminate the parent entity and to incorporate its attributes in the child entities (faster queries, cleaner tables).
On the other hand, if there is overlapping, this solution is not optimal, because you'd have duplication of data (the same row in two child tables). In this case you could opt for the incorporation of the children in the parent, with possible NULL fields for child-specific attributes.
Moreover, in order to design the better implementation, you'd have to consider how the data are accessed (Is there a child that I know will be queried against very often? In this case a separate table would be good).

Designing a database with similar, but different Models

I have a system whereby you can create documents. You select the document type to create and a form is displayed. Data is then added to the form, and the document can be generated. In Laravel things are done via Models. I am creating a new Model for each document but I don't think this is the best way. An example of my database :
So at the heart of it are projects. I create a new project; I can now create documents for this project. When I select project brief from a select box, a form is displayed whereby I can input :
Project roles
Project Data
It's three text fields and a standard input field. If I select reporting doc from the select menu, I have to input the data for this document (which is a couple of normal inputs, a couple of text fields, and a date). Although they are both documents, they expect different data (which is why I have created a Model for each document).
The problems: As seen in the diagram, I want to allow supporting documents to be uploaded alongside a document which is generated. I have a doc_upload table for this. So a document can have one or more doc_uploads.
Going back to the MVC structure, in my DocUpload model I can't say that DocUpload belongs to both ProjectBriefDoc and ProjectReportingDoc because it can only belong to one Model. So not only am I going to create a new model for every single document, I will have to create a new Upload model for each document as well. As more documents are added, I can see this becoming a nightmare to manage.
I am after a more generic Model which can handle different types of documents. My question relates to the different types of data I need to capture for each document, and how I can fit this into my design.
I have a design that can work, but I think it is a bad idea. I am looking for advice to improve this design, taking into account that each document requires different input, and each document will need to allow for file uploads.
You don't need to have a table/Model for each document type you'll create.
A more flexible approach would be to have a project_documents table, where you'll have a project_id and some data related to it, and then a doc_uploads related to the project_documents table.
This way a project can have as many documents your business will ever need and each document can have as many files as it needs.
You could try something like that:
If you still want to keep both tables, your doc_upload table in your example can have two foreign keys and two belongsTo() Laravel Model declarations without conflicts (it's not a marriage, it's an open relationship).
Or you could use Polymorphic Relations to do the same thing, but it's an anti-pattern of Database Design (because it'll not ensure data integrity on the database level).
For a good reference about Database Design, google for "Bill Karwin" and "SQL Antipatterns".
This guy has a very good Slideshare presentation and a book written about this topic - he used to be an active SO user as well.
I have a don't have to have such a tight coupling on the doc_upload references. You can treat this actually as a stand alone table in your model that is not pegged to a single entity.. You can still use the ORM to CRUD your way through and manage this table..
What I would do is keep the doc_upload table and use it for all up_load references for all documents no matter what table model the document resides in and have the following fields in the doc_upload table
documenttype (which can be the object name the target document object)
documentid_fk (this is now the generic key to a single row in the appropriate document type table(s)
So given a document in a given table.. (you can derive the documenttype based on the model object) and you know the id of the document itself because you just pulled it from the db context.. should be able to pull all related documents in the doc_upload table that match those two values.
You may be able to use reflection in your model to know what Entity (doc type ) you are in.. and the key is just the key.. so you should be able.
You will still have to create a new model Entity for each flavor of project document you wish to have.. but that may not be too difficult if the rate of change is small..
You should be able to write a minimum amount of code to e pull all related uploaded documents into your app..
You may use inheritance by zero-or-one relation in data model design.
IMO having an abstract entity(table) called project-document containing shared properties of all documents, will serve you.
project-brief and project-report and other types of documents will be children of project-document table, having a zero-or-one relation. primary key of project-document will be foreign key and primary key of the children.
Now having one-to-many relation between project-document and doc-upload will solve the problem.
I also suggest adding a unique constraint {project_id, doc_type} inside project-document for cardinal check (if necessary)
As other answers are sort of alluding to, you probably don't want to have a different Model for different documents, but rather a single Model for "document" with different views on it for your different processes. Laravel seems to have a good "templating" system for implementing views:

Entity Framework inheritance and many to many mapping

This is tehnically two problems but I think I allready know the solution to the first but I'll post it here just to check.
I'm using Entity Framework 6, and am building the model database first way. In the database all significan interactions (inserting and modifying) are handled through stored procedures (mainly so I can do additional database side perimision checks).
First problem is that I'm trying to build a School's database. I have two tables Profesors and Students. I also have an aditional tabla called PersonalData that contains personal data info like names, surnames and such. Profesor and student tables are in 1:0.1 relationships with PersonalData, meaning for every single Profesor there has to be a PersonalData record. Same with the students. Not every record in PersonalData must be a student or a Profesor, some of them are parents.
At first I tried to implement this in EF as an TPT inheritance, but problems may arise if a Student becomes at some point a Professor. Due to the way EF handles inheritance the PersonalData collection could easily contain TWO entities with the same ID.
I have googled this a bit and have found out that using inheritance in these kind of cases is impossible, and that I'll probably need to go back to accessing Personal Data throgh relationships, but that will cause certain possible problem due to the fact that now I'll have to manually make sure a PersonalRecord is added for every Student/Professor. Unless anybody has any better idea?
Second problem is due to the fac that I'm using stored procedures for inserting and updating data. I also have fiew many to many relationships in the DB, and when I import the tables many to many related, I see no way to map that relationship (it's table) to a procedure.
So does anyone know how to map many to many relationships to stored procedures in the Model Designer?
As to Many to Many mapping to stored procedures, it seems that it's impossible for now. What you can is attach INSTEAD OF triggers to the JOIN table, or a view representing that table. The methid using a view causes problems however since EF treats views as readonly, so you'll need to manually edit the emdx and change the view's type from view to table. This will make EF treat view as a table. Also if you are using the view method, EF model designer won't turn the view representing cross table into an association automatically. You'll have to add the assoc manually, map it manually and than delete the view entity so it doesn't cause an error since two things would be mapping to the same object (association and the entity).

CakePHP model association based on field values?

I've got three tables (there's actually several more, but I only need the three for this problem). Applications, Appattrs and Appcats. In CakePHP parlance (as best as I can since I'm still learning the framenwork) Applications hasMany Appattrs and Appattrs belongsTo Applications. Easy.
The problem comes when I want to associate Appattrs and Appcat - the association is predicated on a field value and a corresponding foreign key in Appattrs. For instance:
If appattrs.type = 'appcatid' then appattrs.value would point to a record in the Appcat table.
The appattrs table holds static data appattrs.type='dateadded' and value='201201011300' as well as foreign key references. I'd rather not get into a discussion as to why data is stored this way, I just want to figure out how to create associations that will let me pull an application record, the associated attr records and then an attr record with its associated row from the appropriate table. Dynamically.
It seems to me that I should be able to create a model based on a query and then associate that model - I just can't seem to figure out how to do that.
If I need to post schema for the three tables, I can. I can also post my current model code, but honestly, right now it's just association variables so I don't think it'll get anyone anywhere.
Thow I do not understand the logic behind this design, I thing what you are looking for
is Creating and Destroying associations on the fly.
On this section of CakePHP Docs, it describes how you can associate models from within the corresponding controller.
So, for example, when you want to save specific data to Appattr model you can do some data checking and create your association using bind() method.
A very abstract approach to the above would be something like this
public function yourmethod() {
if ($this->request->data['Appattr']['type'] == 'sometype') {
array(/*Your association*/ => array(/* Your attributes...*/)
/* Rest of the logic follows */
This way you get your job done, but it's very possible to end up having very complicated
data in your database and thus having very complicated code.
I hope this helps

Database design rules to follow for a programmer

We are working on a mapping application that uses Google Maps API to display points on a map. All points are currently fetched from a MySQL database (holding some 5M + records). Currently all entities are stored in separate tables with attributes representing individual properties.
This presents following problems:
Every time there's a new property we have to make changes in the database, application code and the front-end. This is all fine but some properties have to be added for all entities so that's when it becomes a nightmare to go through 50+ different tables and add new properties.
There's no way to find all entities which share any given property e.g. no way to find all schools/colleges or universities that have a geography dept (without querying schools,uni's and colleges separately).
Removing a property is equally painful.
No standards for defining properties in individual tables. Same property can exist with different name or data type in another table.
No way to link or group points based on their properties (somehow related to point 2).
We are thinking to redesign the whole database but without DBA's help and lack of professional DB design experience we are really struggling.
Another problem we're facing with the new design is that there are lot of shared attributes/properties between entities.
For example:
An entity called "university" has 100+ attributes. Other entities (e.g. hospitals,banks,etc) share quite a few attributes with universities for example atm machines, parking, cafeteria etc etc.
We dont really want to have properties in separate table [and then linking them back to entities w/ foreign keys] as it will require us adding/removing manually. Also generalizing properties will results in groups containing 50+ attributes. Not all records (i.e. entities) require those properties.
So with keeping that in mind here's what we are thinking about the new design:
Have separate tables for each entity containing some basic info e.g. id,name,etc etc.
Have 2 tables attribute type and attribute to store properties information.
Link each entity (or a table if you like) to attribute using a many-to-many relation.
Store addresses in different table called addresses link entities via foreign keys.
We think this will allow us to be more flexible when adding, removing or querying on attributes.
This design, however, will result in increased number of joins when fetching data display all "attributes" for a given university we might have a query with 20+ joins to fetch all related attributes in a single row.
We desperately need to know some opinions or possible flaws in this design approach.
Thanks for your time.
In trying to generalize your question without more specific examples, it's hard to truly critique your approach. If you'd like some more in depth analysis, try whipping up an ER diagram.
If your data model is changing so much that you're constantly adding/removing properties and many of these properties overlap, you might be better off using EAV.
Otherwise, if you want to maintain a relational approach but are finding a lot of overlap with properties, you can analyze the entities and look for abstractions that link to them.
Ex) My Db has Puppies, Kittens, and Walruses all with a hasFur and furColor attribute. Remove those attributes from the 3 tables and create a FurryAnimal table that links to each of those 3.
Of course, the simplest answer is to not touch the data model. Instead, create Views on the underlying tables that you can use to address (5), (4) and (2)
1 cannot be an issue. There is one place where your objects are defined. Everything else is generated/derived from that. Just refactor your code until this is the case.
2 is solved by having a metamodel, where you describe which properties are where. This is probably needed for 1 too.
You might want to totally avoid the problem by programming this in Smalltalk with Seaside on a Gemstone object oriented database. Then you can just have objects with collections and don't need so many joins.
