Method 'DUMPSETSET_GET_ENTITYSET' not implemented in data provider class - sap-gateway

I created a function module and gateway service that reads data from SNAP_BEG table which is stores DUMP issues. There is no any error except that.
When I try to use link as /DumpsetSet I get
"Method 'DUMPSETSET_GET_ENTITYSET' not implemented in data provider class"
I found that how to redefine implementation but what code should I write in it? I cant find an example for this. Function module code is.
Or I just need to use something else?
What type of link should I use. I got one more project someoneelse done and I cant see difference in implementation from mine.
Edit: I can get firs record that program find by /DumpsetSet('username'). But it is not giving me all datas anyway.

Did you map the GetEntitySet to a data source from SEGW - SAP Gateway Service Builder, under the Service Implementation part. After this operation you should generate runtime objects.
There is a good blog for this, here.


Mono embed API modifying method body at runtime

Is it possible to modify a method body at runtime using mono embed API. Is there is a way to access method's body and signature. I know it's a little bit complicated but I really need it for a school project.
I was able to do this with the .Net framework. I found out that the .Net framework resolves all the methods at the managed code and there is an external method called SetmethodIL which I had to call using refelection and It worked but mono takes a different route. Mono takes the unmanaged code choice which calls an external method called create_runtime_class that gets the job done.
Thank you for your support.
I found out by examining the reflection_methodbuilder_to_mono_method method that a MonoMethod must have a MonoMethodHeader which contains information about the method.
At the line 3014 you will see how they were able to set the code of the method by passing the array address as a guint8.
As far as I know the code contains the CIL Instructions which is an array of bytes.
By using the method called mono_method_get_header you will be able to get the header of any method and by using technique above you will be able to modify the code. But I'm not sure if this gonna work or not It may only works with dynamically generated methods.
If you call an internal call with a byte array parameter to c Maybe we could get it right.

Q: Is the password hash in $user not beplaced by *

In my old cakephp 2.x Applications, the password hash was hidden by '*' when I retrieved the data from the User Model. I am not a hundret percent shure, but I think this was done automaticly by Cake.
Now testing Cakephp3.0, I am surprised finding the complete hash when retrieving data from the User Model.
I got a few questions concerning this password-hash-hiding:
Am I right with my opinion this was a function in cakephp2?
Does anyone know, why this function was not implemented in Cakephp3 and why?
If I am wrong by assuming this was included in cake, where is the place to implement this functionality in cake2 and cake3?
Thank you very much for your help.
Am I right with my opinion this was a function in cakephp2?
Yes, in Cake 2.x this is part ot the Debugger, the data itself however is not being touched, just some of the content is being masked when outputting the data.
Does anyone know, why this function was not implemented in Cakephp3 and why?
It is still implemented, but it has been moved. The whole point of this masking thingy was to avoid accidental exposure of datasource credentials (mainly in error messages/pages), it never really had something to do with possible user model data, this is just a side effect for data that happens to use keys like password.
So in 3.x this functionality has been moved to \Cake\Database\Connection::__debugInfo()
This ensures that you'll still end up with masked credentials when for example debugging connection objects, being it explicitly, or implicitly on error pages, while it doesn't obstruct debugging other data anymore.
[...], where is the place to implement this functionality in [...] cake3?
This highly depends on your use case, if you'd for example wanted to have it masked in debug output, then you could implement it in an overriden __debugInfo() method in your user entity class, similar to how the Connection class is doing it.
Of course this would only work for entities, not for non-hydrated data (array data).

Angular $resource: update self from get

Is there any built-in method or conventionally correct approach to this? I'm not asking about issuing an update, but rather, requesting one. I could query for it again, but the goal is that the object reference stay the same.
The approach I've taken so far is to define an instance method called "refresh" that gets the same resource instance by ID and then iterates over its properties, copying them over to the original object (how I love thee _.extend). But it seems like something that might already be included functionality in ngResource and I just can't find it. If not, does Angular provide a means to make such a "refresh" method default to all $resources the same way save, delete, etc already are?
So I actually found the answer as I was writing the question, but I'm going to post it and answer anyway in case it might help someone else.
While writing that and looking stuff up, I realized that get is not restricted to being a static method of the resource. What threw me here was that on an instance, it's named $get. And lo, $get does exactly what I wanted. However it does not seem to be documented on Angular's site -- in fact the site says that only non-GET actions are instance methods, so who'd have thought? I mean, aside from that it seems totally obvious now.

How to throw a custom error from a dart extension dll?

I am trying to create an extension to wrap an existing DLL without extensive knowledge of C/++. I have used the sample extension as a base and everything seems to work fine, what I would like to do is have some error handling inside my dll.
Is there a way of sending custom errors back to dart if something inside the dll fails? Would it just be a case of sending lets say an array with the first parameter being a bool as to whether it failed or not and the second parameter being a string for the error if there is one. Or is there an actual way to throw errors from the dll itself?
Hope this made sense,
You should take a look inside dart_api.h file, it contains a lot of comments about Dart native stuff.
I have found Dart_ThrowException function there, but also a comment saying that Dart_NewUnhandledExceptionError should be used instead.
Both functions need a Dart exception object handle. It seems that Dart team uses their own Dart Util library to create them:
Dart_ThrowException(DartUtils::NewDartArgumentError("error message"))

Apache access the server_rec for a module

I want to get at the value in server_rec.module_config. Does request_rec have any sort of reference to the server_rec? I am not seeing one in the httpd.h file but I could be missing it.
Basically I want to access the configuration file for the module while in my handler and I know I can do that with ap_get_module_config(). However I don't think request_rec.request_config or request_rec.per_dir_config store what I need.
Help is appreciated! And yes I have looked through the Apache guide to making modules (found here).
After more looking around I finally managed to come across it.
In the request_rec there is a variable called server which is a server_rec*. So to access the config file you would use
ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config, &my_module)
where r is the request_rec passed into the handler.
