Redirect users based on the user group or access level after login in Joomla 3 - joomla3.0

i want Redirect users based on the user group or access level after login in Joomla 3 . For example (sarah is a Customer: after login redirect to CustomerManagment page) and (ted is a admin : after login redirect him to siteManagment page). What extension should I use?

The free or paid version of Redirect on Login will do this for you.
I haven't used it but it looks like Redirect After Login (not free) does this too.
You can likely find other similar extensions in the Joomla Extensions Directory.


how to use wagtail admin page edit interface by normal user

I'm planning to create a website, and the pages contents will be created by both Admin and normal(logged in) users.
Is wagtail admin page supposed to be only for the admin users to create page contents ?
Is it a bad idea to give normal users the admin access with limited permissions to allow them to create their page contents?
If it is a bad idea, is it still possible to use the awesome admin page editor interface for the normal user?
I'm wondering how other people handles the page creation by the normal users in wagtail..
It depends how you're defining "admin user". By the most literal definition, as soon as you give a user access to the Wagtail admin, they're an admin user...
Wagtail is designed to support multiple user roles - through features like the permission system and the "submit for moderation" option, so that you can give people access to edit pages without giving them total control over the site. For example, the Royal College of Art - the site that Wagtail was originally built for - gives students limited-permission accounts on Wagtail so that they can create and submit pages about their work in the RCA Now section, without giving them edit access to the rest of the site.
If you want to give normal user to wagatil admin access than you have to give below permission as mentioned in photo.
You can see this in
wagtail admin > settings > groups > other permissions > check "can access wagtail admin"
And might be clear that you have'nt given Admin Access Role.

Every user is logged in as the admin user whatever the user role/username

I have a serious login problem with my new (and first ever) Drupal 7 site.
I have two different users so far, which of one is the admin which was created while installing Drupal. If, I log in with the other user's username and password, still, the hovering admin menu will and the menu shows the username of the admin user. This happens, if I log in to both accounts from the same computer, but now I tested the non-admin account from a computer that have never been used to log in the particular site before, and the problem
I am using the current 7.34 core of Drupal 7. The login module is the built-in one of the core.
How is this possible and what can be done about it?
Remove cookies from your browser for this site
Make sure your second user has not admin role.

Drupal user redirected to MoneyScript checkout page after registration

We are registering users in our Drupal system via REST services call from 3rd party system.
What happens is that the user is redirected to "ms/checkout" after successful registration and gets a 403-Forbidden message. Any thoughts on why this might be happening and how to fix this?
May be its issue of permission. Go to Permissions page and allow annonymous user to access Cart, Checkout page.

What is the 'sign-on url' in a Windows Azure Active Directory application?

I have configured my first application in Windows Azure Active Directory and everything works fine: I can login using accounts in my directory.
However, I'm not entirely clear on all the concepts yet, especially the sign-on url. The tooltip says:
The URL where users can sign in and use your app. You can change this later.
But users sign in somewhere on and furthermore, it doesn't matter what I enter here, authentication keeps working. So what is this 'sign-on url'?
If you visit, you'll find a long list of applications that have access to your account. If you click on these apps, you should be redirected to a home page where the sign-in process could be initialized. However, if the app doesn't declare a signInUrl in its manifest, you'll get an error that says the app is misconfigured.
something went wrong...
You cannot access this application because it has been misconfigured. Contact your IT department and include the following information:
Undefined Sign-On URL for application "BlahBlahBlah"
In the new Azure portal UI, the "SIGN-ON URL" is now called "Home page URL", which you can find under Branding in the app registration configuration.
I can see why this may be confusing. I think you can look at this as the URL where the whole sign-in process starts (i.e. your app's URL, which, if they're not logged in, will sends them to
Also, even if for now you might be able to enter anything and authentication still works, I'd try to make it point to the right place just in case things change in the future.
It appears to me that It has significance with respect to wsFederation realm value when user sign out and redirected to Active directory sign in page.
When you add your application to azure ad, it gives you client id and key. When you use that in MVC webappp, you will see that there is an entry like below in web.config:
<cookieHandler requireSsl="true" />
<wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true" issuer="{some guid}/wsfed" realm="https://localhost:44304/" requireHttps="true" />
Copy the value of user to sign-on url.

User permission check steps in CakePHP

I want to understand the sequence of steps how it is verified that a user has permission to particular application page ('Acl', 'Auth', 'Security' components are used). For example, a visitor clicks a link on another site that directs him to my application. What is the sequence of steps that my application does to verify that this user has access to the page? What controllers/classes and methods are called?
if Auth is required on that page,
your app checks if a user is logged
if not, it redirects to login page
if yes, your app should check
normally, it checks your user group
to see if that group has permission
on that page
if it does, it checks that username
to see if that user has permission
on that page
logics for 3,4 and 5 should be done in app_controller
thats my take on it.
