Compare Two Objects Properties and Obtain Missing Items - arrays

I'm attempting to compare two object properties called "name" and that contain the same type of data, in this case server host names. The objects are not identical AKA do not have the same properties. In short, I'm attempting to compare two lists of server names and determine where (which object) they are missing from.
I'm looking to find the items (server host names) that are missing from each object. When something is found I'm hoping to obtain all related properties for the item in the given object that it was found in. I can do the compare-object successfully, but don't know how to get the results I'm looking for.
I'm thinking two new objects could be created for each, that list the items that were not found in the other object maybe? Or do I somehow reference the previous objects with the output from compare-object and produce some formatted output?
This code currently produces a blank file.
Data Format:
name,ip,class,,windows server
name,date,ip,general,device type,,random info,linux server
Code Example:
$compare = compare-object $SNObject $QRObject -property Name |
foreach {
if ($_.sideindicator -eq '<=')
{$_.sideindicator = $PathToQRReport }
if ($_.sideindicator -eq '=>')
{$_.sideindicator = $PathToSNReport}
$compare |
select #{l='Value';e={$_.InputObject}},#{l='File';e={$_.SideIndicator}} |
Out-File -FilePath C:\Temp\MissingOutputs1.txt

Ahh... just thought of an alternative that may give you exactly what you're looking for but in a slightly different way:
## Join both arrays into single array and then group it on the property name that has a shared value, 'name'
$all = #()
$group = #($SNObject + $QRObject)
$group | Group-Object -Property name | % {
## Create a custom object that contains all possible properties plus a directionality indicator ('source')
$n = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
'name' = ''
'date' = ''
'ip' = ''
'general' = ''
'platform' = ''
'source' = ''
if ($_.Count -eq 1) {
## Loop through the grouped results and determine their source and write properties based off of their source
foreach ($i in $_.Group) {
if (#($i | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name) -contains 'date' ) {
## This value came from $QRObject which apparently is the only dataset that contains a date property
$n.source = 'QRObject'
$ = $
$n.general = $i.general
$n.platform = $i.'device type'
} else {
## This object does not contain the 'date' property, therefore it came from $SNObject
$n.source = 'SNObject'
$n.platform = $i.class
## write out common properties
$ = $
$n.ip = $i.ip
## add the custom PSObject back to a master array with all formatted properties
$all += $n
$all | out-whereever-you-want


Powershell nested JSON to csv conversion

I have a rather peculiar nested JSON where in some instances a key - value pair occurs as normal, but in others the type of the key appears in a further nesting.
{"metadata":{"systemId":"da1895","legalEntity":"A0"},"recordContent":{"positionDate":"2019-04-08 00:00:00.0","account":{"string":"G32"},"seg":{"string":"S"},"strike":{"double":4.4}}}
{"metadata":{"systemId":"45364d","legalEntity":"5G"},"recordContent":{"positionDate":"2019-04-08 00:00:00.0","account":{"string":"G81"},"seg":{"string":"S"},"strike":{"double":5.0}}}
In the example you can see metadata's fields are straightforward key-value pairs, but underneath recordContent, we have positionDate which is a straightforward key-value but "account":{"string":"G32"} and "strike":{"double":4.4} are not.
I'd like to ditch the type information and arrive at a CSV structure as follows:
systemId, legalEntity, positionDate, account,seg,strike
da1895, A0, 2019-04-08 00:00:00.0,G32, S, 4.4
4536d, 5G, 2019-04-08 00:00:00.0,G81, S, 5.0
Any ideas on how to convert such a structure to CSV using Powershell?
Here's what I tried:
$TemplateParametersFile = "c:\data\output.json"
$JsonParameters = Get-Content $TemplateParametersFile | ConvertFrom-Json
$metadatafields = $JsonParameters.metadata[0].PSObject.Properties.Name
$recordcontentfields = $JsonParameters.recordContent[0].PsObject.Properties.Name
$oData = New-Object PSObject
$metadatafields |
ForEach {
Add-Member -InputObject $oData -NotePropertyName ($_) -NotePropertyValue $JsonParameters.metadata.($_)
$recordcontentfields |
ForEach {
Add-Member -InputObject $oData -NotePropertyName ($_) -NotePropertyValue $JsonParameters.recordContent.($_)
This gave me:
systemId : {da1895, 45364d}
legalEntity : {A0, 5G}
positionDate : {2019-04-08 00:00:00.0, 2019-04-08 00:00:00.0}
account : {#{string=G32}, #{string=G81}}
seg : {#{string=S}, #{string=S}}
strike : {#{double=4.4}, #{double=5.0}}
I'm a bit stuck now and the above doesn't convert to csv.
Note that other than metadata and recordContent, I've not hardcoded any fieldnames and I'd like to maintain that flexibility in case the JSON structure changes.
I suggest collecting the property-name-value pairs iteratively in an ordered hashtable ([ordered] #{}), which can then be cast to [pscustomobject] to convert it to a custom object.
No property names are hard-coded in the following solution, but the object-graph structure is assumed to follow the pattern in your sample JSON, which is limited to one level of nesting - if you need to process arbitrarily nested objects, this answer may be a starting point.
Reflection (discovery of the property names and values) is performed via the intrinsic .psobject property that PowerShell makes available on all objects.
# Parse sample JSON into an array of [pscustomobject] graphs.
$fromJson = ConvertFrom-Json #'
{"metadata":{"systemId":"da1895","legalEntity":"A0"},"recordContent":{"positionDate":"2019-04-08 00:00:00.0","account":{"string":"G32"},"seg":{"string":"S"},"strike":{"double":4.4}}}
{"metadata":{"systemId":"45364d","legalEntity":"5G"},"recordContent":{"positionDate":"2019-04-08 00:00:00.0","account":{"string":"G81"},"seg":{"string":"S"},"strike":{"double":5.0}}}
# Initialize an aux. ordered hashtable to collect the property-name-value
# pairs in.
$oht = [ordered] #{}
$fromJson | ForEach-Object {
# Loop over top-level properties.
foreach ($topLevelProp in $_.psobject.Properties) {
# Loop over second-level properties.
foreach ($prop in $topLevelProp.Value.psobject.Properties) {
if ($prop.Value -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]) {
# A nested value: Use the value of the (presumed to be one-and-only)
# property of the object stored in the value.
$oht[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value.psobject.Properties.Value
else {
# A non-nested value: use as-is.
$oht[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value
# Construct and output a [pscustomobject] from the aux. ordered hashtble.
[pscustomobject] $oht
} |
ConvertTo-Csv # Replace this with Export-Csv to export to a file.
The above yields:
"da1895","A0","2019-04-08 00:00:00.0","G32","S","4.4"
"45364d","5G","2019-04-08 00:00:00.0","G81","S","5"
A few years ago, I wrote a reusable Flatten-Object function for this.
The only difference is that it combines the (sub)property names with the parent property names as they might not be unique:
$JsonParameters |Flatten-Object |Format-Table
metadata.systemId metadata.legalEntity recordContent.positionDate recordContent.account.string recordContent.seg.string recordContent.strike.double
----------------- -------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------------
da1895 A0 2019-04-08 00:00:00.0 G32 S 4.4
45364d 5G 2019-04-08 00:00:00.0 G81 S 5
Try this:
$data = ConvertFrom-Json #"
{"metadata":{"systemId":"da1895","legalEntity":"A0"},"recordContent":{"positionDate":"2019-04-08 00:00:00.0","account":{"string":"G32"},"seg":{"string":"S"},"strike":{"double":4.4}}},
{"metadata":{"systemId":"45364d","legalEntity":"5G"},"recordContent":{"positionDate":"2019-04-08 00:00:00.0","account":{"string":"G81"},"seg":{"string":"S"},"strike":{"double":5.0}}}
$data | Select-Object -Property #{l="systemId"; e={$_.metadata.systemId}}, #{l="legalEntity"; e={$_.metadata.legalEntity}},
#{l="positionDate"; e={$_.recordContent.positionDate}}, #{l="account"; e={$_.recordContent.account.string}},
#{l="seg"; e={$_.recordContent.seg.string}}, #{l="strike"; e={$_.recordContent.strike.double}} | Export-Csv
This should work with any nested psobject.
$json = #'
{"metadata":{"systemId":"da1895","legalEntity":"A0"},"recordContent":{"positionDate":"2019-04-08 00:00:00.0","account":{"string":"G32"},"seg":{"string":"S"},"strike":{"double":4.4}}}
$obj = ConvertFrom-Json $json
$obj.recordContent | gm -MemberType NoteProperty | % {
$prop = $
if ($obj.recordContent.$prop.GetType().name -eq 'pscustomobject') {
$obj.recordContent.$prop = $obj.recordContent.$prop.psobject.Members | where membertype -eq noteproperty | select -ExpandProperty value
$obj.metadata | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $prop -Value $obj.recordContent.$prop
$newobj = $obj.metadata

Not all properties displayed

When we're trying to export data to other functions via the pipeline, we observe some strange behavior in PowerShell.
Example code:
$Array = #()
$Obj1 = [PSCustomObject]#{
Member1 = 'First'
Member2 = 'Second'
$Obj2 = [PSCustomObject]#{
Member1 = 'First'
Member2 = 'Second'
Member3 = 'Third'
$Array = $Obj1, $Obj2
$Array | Out-GridView -Title 'Not showing Member3'
$Array = $Obj2, $Obj1
$Array | Out-GridView -Title 'All members correctly displayed'
In the example above you can see that when the first object only contains 2 properties, the Out-GridView CmdLet (and others) only show 2 properties, even though the second object has 3 properties. However, when the first object in the array has 3 properties it does display them all correctly.
Is there a way around this? Because it's not possible to predict up front how many properties on an object there will be and if the object with the most properties will be the first one in the array.
I had the same experience once and created the following reusable 'Union' function:
# 2021-08-25 Removed Union function
$Obj1, $Obj2 | Union | Out-GridView -Title 'Showing all members'
It is also supposed to work with complex objects. Some standard cmdlets output multiple object types at once and if you view them (e.g. Out-GridView) or dump them in a file (e.g. Export-Csv) you might miss a lot of properties. Take as another example:
Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/hp/instrumentedBIOS -Class hp_biosSetting | Union | Export-Csv ".\HPBIOS.csv"
Added 2014-09-19:
Maybe this is already between the lines in the comments $Array | Select * | … will not resolve the issue but specifically selecting the properties $Array | Select Member1, Member2, Member3 | … does.
Besides, although in most cases the Union function will work, there are some exceptions to that as it will only align the first object with the rest.
Consider the following object:
$List = #(
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Id = 2}
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Id = 1}
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Id = 3; Name = "Test"}
If you Union this object everything appears to be fine and if you e.g. ExportTo-CSV and work with the export .csv file from then on you will never have any issue.
$List | Union
Id Name
-- ----
3 Test
Still there is a catch as only the first object is aligned. If you e.g. sort the result on Id (Sort Id) or take just the last 2 (Select -Last 2) entries, the Name is not listed because the second object doesn’t contain the Name property:
$List | Union | Sort Id
Therefor I have rewritten the Union-Object (Alias Union) function`):
# 2021-08-25 Removed Union-Object function
$Array | Union | Out-GridView -Title 'All members correctly displayed'
Update 2021-08-25
Based on az1d helpful feedback on an error caused by equal property names with different casing, I have created a new UnifyProperties function.
(I will no longer use the name UnionObject for his)
function UnifyProperties {
$Names = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::new([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)
$InputCollected = #($Input)
foreach ($Name in $_.psobject.Properties.Name) { $Null = $Names.Add($Name) }
$inputCollected | Select-Object #($Names)
[pscustomobject] #{ one = 1; two = 2; three = 3 },
[pscustomobject] #{ ONE = 10; THREE = 30; FOUR = 4 } |
one two three FOUR
--- --- ----- ----
1 2 3
10 30 4
See also: #13906 Add -UnifyProperties parameter to Select-Object

Generically Transpose PowerShell Array Rows into Columns

There are quite a few posts on SO that address PowerShell transposition. However, most of the code is specific to the use case or addresses data being gathered from a text/CSV file and does me no good. I'd like to see a solution that can do this work without such specifics and works with arrays directly in PS.
Example data:
Customer Name: SomeCompany
Abbreviation: SC
Company Contact: Some Person
Address: 123 Anywhere St.
ClientID: XXXX
This data is much more complicated, but I can work with it using other methods if I can just get the rows and columns to cooperate. The array things that "Name:" and "SomeCompany" are column headers. This is a byproduct of how the data is gathered and cannot be changed. I'm importing the data from an excel spreadsheet with PSExcel and the spreadsheet format is not changeable.
Desired output:
Customer Name:, Abbreviation:, Company Contact:, Address:, ClientID:
SomeCompany, SC, Some Person, 123 Anywhere St., XXXX
Example of things I've tried:
$CustInfo = Import-XLSX -Path "SomePath" -Sheet "SomeSheet" -RowStart 3 -ColumnStart 2
$b = #()
foreach ($Property in $CustInfo.Property | Select -Unique) {
$Props = [ordered]#{ Property = $Property }
foreach ($item in $CustInfo."Customer Name:" | Select -Unique){
$Value = ($CustInfo.where({ $_."Customer Name:" -eq $item -and
$_.Property -eq $Property })).Value
$Props += #{ $item = $Value }
$b += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Props
This does not work because of the "other" data I mentioned. There are many other sections in this particular workbook so the "Select -Unique" fails without error and the output is blank. If I could limit the input to only select the rows/columns I needed, this might have a shot. It appears that while there is a "RowStart" and "ColumnStart" to Import-XLSX, there are no properties for stopping either one.
I've tried methods from the above linked SO questions, but as I said, they are either too specific to the question's data or apply to importing CSV files and not working with arrays.
I was able to resolve this by doing two things:
Removed the extra columns by using the "-Header" switch on the Import-XLSX function to add fake header names and then only select those headers.
$CustInfo = Import-XLSX -Path "SomePath" -Sheet "SomeSheet" -RowStart 2 -ColumnStart 2 -Header 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 | Select "1","2"
The downside to this is that I had to know how many columns the input data had -- Not dynamic. If anyone can provide a solution to this issue, I'd be grateful.
Flipped the columns and headers with a simple foreach loop:
$obj = [PSCustomObject]#{}
ForEach ($item in $CustInfo) {
$value = $null
$name = $null
if ($item."2") { [string]$value = $item."2" }
if ($item."1") { [string]$name = $item."1" }
if ($value -and $name) {
$obj | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $name -NotePropertyValue $value
I had to force string type on the property names and values because the zip codes and CustID was formatting as an Int32. Otherwise, this does what I need.

Update object array over multiple iterations

I have an array of custom objects:
$report = #()
foreach ($person in $mylist)
$objPerson = New-Object System.Object
$objPerson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $person.Name
$objPerson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EmployeeID
$objPerson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PhoneNumber
$report += $objPerson
Note that I haven't set values for the last two properties. The reason I've done this is because I'm trying to produce a matrix where I'll easily be able to see where these are blanks (although I could just set these to = "" if I have to).
Then, I want to iterate through a second dataset and update these values within this array, before exporting the final report. E.g. (this bit is pretty much pseudo code as I have no idea how to do it:
$phonelist = Import-Csv .\phonelist.csv
foreach ($entry in $phonelist)
$name = $entry.Name
if ($report.Contains(Name))
# update the PhoneNumber property of that specific object in the array with
# another value pulled out of this second CSV
# Create a new object and add it to the report - don't worry I've already got
# a function for this
I'm guessing for this last bit I probably need my if statement to return an index, and then use that index to update the object. But I'm pretty lost at this stage.
For clarity this is a simplified example. After that I need to go through a second file containing the employee IDs, and in reality I have about 10 properties that need updating all from different data sources, and the data sources contain different lists of people, but with some overlaps. So there will be multiple iterations.
How do I do this?
I would read phonelist.csv into a hashtable, e.g. like this:
$phonelist = #{}
Import-Csv .\phonelist.csv | ForEach-Object { $phonelist[$] = $_.number }
and use that hashtable for filling in the phone numbers in $report as you create it:
$report = foreach ($person in $mylist) {
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property #{
Name = $person.Name
EmployeeID = $null
PhoneNumber = $phonelist[$person.Name]
You can still check the phone list for entries that are not in the report like this:
Compare-Object $report.Name ([array]$phonelist.Keys) |
Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' } |
Select-Object -Expand InputObject
I would iterate over the $phonelist two times. The first time, you could filter all phone entities where the name is in your $myList and create the desired object:
$phonelist = import-cse .\phonelist.csv
$report = $phonelist | Where Name -in ($mylist | select Name) | Foreach-Object {
Name = $_.Name
PhoneNumber = $_.PhoneNumber
EmployeeID = ''
The second time you filter all phone entities where the name is not in $myList and create the new object:
$report += $phonelist | Where Name -NotIn ($mylist | select Name) | Foreach-Object {
#Create a new object and add it to the report - don't worry I've already got a function for this

How to create and populate an array in Powershell based on a dynamic variable?

I've been struggling with this for a couple of days, and I'm not sure how to conquer it. I need to do the following:
Import a csv of users with the following values:
ID, Name, Region
Create an array based on the Region values that I can then use to populate with ID's and Names with that region, ie.
AA_SCOM, Adam Andrews, SEA
BB_SCOM, Bob Barker, OAK
Here's the code I've got right now:
$list2 = ipcsv .\TSE_Contact_List.csv | sort-object BU
$arraylist =#()
foreach ($vitem in $list2)
$arraylist += New-Object PsObject -Property #{'Array' = "Array_" + $vitem.bu}
foreach ($varray in $arraylist)
$arr = new-variable -Name $varray
$arr.value += $varray.array
This produces the following error for records with a duplicate regions:
New-Variable: A variable with name '#{Array=Array_SCA}' already exists.
I'm also getting the following when it tries to add values:
Property 'value' cannot be found on this object; make sure it exists and is settable.
I get that I'm not actually creating arrays in the second section, but I'm not sure how to pass the output of the variable to an array name without turning the variable declaration into the array name, if that makes sense.
I've tried the following with hash tables, and it gets closer:
$list2 = ipcsv .\TSE_Contact_List.csv | sort-object BU
$arraylist =#{}
foreach ($vitem in $list2){$arraylist[$vitem.bu] = #()}
foreach ($record in $list2)
$arraylist[$vitem.bu] += ($record.SCOMID,$record.Name,$record.BU)
Write-host "Array: "
write-host ""
The output on this shows no errors, but it just keeps showing the added fields for all of the records for each iteration of the list, so I don't think that it's actually assigning each unique BU to the array name.
I like the hashtable-approach, but I would finetune it a little. Try:
$list2 = ipcsv .\TSE_Contact_List.csv | sort-object BU
$arraylist = #{}
foreach ($vitem in $list2){
if($arraylist.ContainsKey($vitem.BU)) {
#Array exists, add item
$arraylist[($vitem.BU)] += $vitem
} else {
#Array not found, creating it
$arraylist[($vitem.BU)] = #($vitem)
#TEST: List arrays and number of entries
$arraylist.GetEnumerator() | % {
"Array '$($_.Key)' has $($_.Value.Count) items"
You could also use Group-Object like:
$list2 = ipcsv .\TSE_Contact_List.csv | Group-Object BU
#TEST: List groups(regions) and number of entries
$list2 | % {
"Region '$($_.Name)' has $(#($_.Group).Count) items"
