Storing and using type information in C - c

I'm coming from Java and I'm trying to implement a doubly linked list in C as an exercise. I wanted to do something like the Java generics where I would pass a pointer type to the list initialization and this pointer type would be use to cast the list void pointer but I'm not sure if this is possible?
What I'm looking for is something that can be stored in a list struct and used to cast *data to the correct type from a node. I was thinking of using a double pointer but then I'd need to declare that as a void pointer and I'd have the same problem.
typedef struct node {
void *data;
struct node *next;
struct node *previous;
} node;
typedef struct list {
node *head;
node *tail;
//??? is there any way to store the data type of *data?
} list;

Typically, the use of specific functions like the following are used.
void List_Put_int(list *L, int *i);
void List_Put_double(list *L, double *d);
int * List_Get_int(list *L);
double *List_Get_double(list *L);
A not so easy for learner approach uses _Generic. C11 offers _Generic which allows for code, at compile time, to be steered as desired based on type.
The below offers basic code to save/fetch to 3 types of pointers. The macros would need expansion for each new types. _Generic does not allow 2 types listed that may be the same like unsigned * and size_t *. So there are are limitations.
The type_id(X) macros creates an enumeration for the 3 types which may be use to check for run-time problems as with LIST_POP(L, &d); below.
typedef struct node {
void *data;
int type;
} node;
typedef struct list {
node *head;
node *tail;
} list;
node node_var;
void List_Push(list *l, void *p, int type) {
// tbd code - simplistic use of global for illustration only = p;
node_var.type = type;
void *List_Pop(list *l, int type) {
// tbd code
assert(node_var.type == type);
#define cast(X,ptr) _Generic((X), \
double *: (double *) (ptr), \
unsigned *: (unsigned *) (ptr), \
int *: (int *) (ptr) \
#define type_id(X) _Generic((X), \
double *: 1, \
unsigned *: 2, \
int *: 3 \
#define LIST_PUSH(L, data) { List_Push((L),(data), type_id(data)); }
#define LIST_POP(L, dataptr) (*(dataptr)=cast(*dataptr, List_Pop((L), type_id(*dataptr))) )
Usage example and output
int main() {
list *L = 0; // tbd initialization
int i = 42;
printf("%p %d\n", (void*) &i, i);
int *j;
LIST_POP(L, &j);
printf("%p %d\n", (void*) j, *j);
double *d;
LIST_POP(L, &d);
assertion error

There is no way to do what you want in C. There is no way to store a type in a variable and C doesn't have a template system like C++ that would allow you to fake it in the preprocessor.
You could define your own template-like macros that could quickly define your node and list structs for whatever type you need, but I think that sort of hackery is generally frowned upon unless you really need a whole bunch of linked lists that only differ in the type they store.

C doesn't have any runtime type information and doesn't have a type "Type". Types are meaningless once the code was compiled. So, there's no solution to what you ask provided by the language.
One common reason you would want to have a type available at runtime is that you have some code that might see different instances of your container and must do different things for different types stored in the container. You can easily solve such a situation using an enum, e.g.
enum ElementType
ET_INT; // int
ET_DOUBLE; // double
ET_CAR; // struct Car
// ...
and enumerate any type here that should ever go into your container. Another reason is if your container should take ownership of the objects stored in it and therefore must know how to destroy them (and sometimes how to clone them). For such cases, I recommend the use of function pointers:
typedef void (*ElementDeleter)(void *element);
typedef void *(*ElementCloner)(const void *element);
Then extend your struct to contain these:
typedef struct list {
node *head;
node *tail;
ElementDeleter deleter;
ElementCloner cloner;
} list;
Make sure they are set to a function that actually deletes resp. clones an element of the type to be stored in your container and then use them where needed, e.g. in a remove function, you could do something like
// delete the contained element without knowing its type

create enum type, that will store data type and alloc memory according to this enum. This could be done in switch/case construction.

Unlike Java or C++, C does not provide any type safety. To answer your question succinctly, by rearranging your node type this way:
struct node {
node* prev; /* put these at front */
node* next;
/* no data here */
You could then separately declare nodes carrying any data
struct data_node {.
data_node *prev; // keep these two data members at the front
data_node *next; // and in the same order as in struct list.
// you can add more data members here.
/* OR... */
enter code here
struct data_node2 {
node node_data; /* WANING: this may look a bit safer, but is _only_ if placed at the front.
/* more data ... */
You can then create a library that operates on data-less lists of nodes.
void list_add(list* l, node* n);
void list_remove(list* l, node* n);
/* etc... */
And by casting, use this 'generic lists' api to do operation on your list
You can have some sort of type information in your list declaration, for what it's worth, since C does not provide meaningful type protection.
struct data_list
data_node* head; /* this makes intent clear. */
data_node* tail;
struct data2_list
data_node2* head;
data_node2* tail;
/* ... */
data_node* my_data_node = malloc(sizeof(data_node));
data_node2* my_data_node2 = malloc(sizeof(data_node2));
/* ... */
list_add((list*)&my_list, (node*)my_data_node);
list_add((list*)&my_list2, &(my_data_node2->node_data));
/* warning above is because one could write this */
list_add((list*)&my_list2, (node*)my_data_node2);
/* etc... */
These two techniques generate the same object code, so which one you choose is up to you, really.
As an aside, avoid the typedef struct notation if your compiler allows, most compilers do, these days. It increases readability in the long run, IMHO. You can be certain some won't and some will agree with me on this subject though.


Generic data structure search in c

I'm trying to code a fully generic data structure library in c.
Is there any way or technique in c programming that allows searching data without knowing its type?
Here I have to define my compare function again upon my data type.
typedef struct _node
void *data;
struct _node *next;
typedef struct _list
NODE *head;
NODE *tail;
NODE *current;
int search(GLIST *list,void *data,int (*COMPARE)(void*,void*));
int search(GLIST *list,void *data,int(*COMPARE)(void*,void*))
int cIndex=1;
printf("data found at position %i.\n",cIndex);
return 1;
printf("NO DATA FOUND.\n");
return 0;
int compare(void *list,void *data);
typedef struct _student
int studentNumber;
char name[64];
int main()
GLIST list;
//initializing list......
//code .....
search(&list,&stud,compare) // I want an alternative of using compare here
search(&list,&stud); // want the function be like this and also be generic !
return 0;
int compare(void *list,void *data)
// I do not wanna have to declare this function even
return !strcmp(((STUDENT*)list)->name,((STUDENT*)data)->name);
I'm wondering if there is A COMMON thing to compare elements "structures,unions,arrays" upon it in c or any technique else.
There is no way of comparing two objects without knowing their data type.
A first attempt would probably be to use something like memcmp, but this fails for at least three reasons:
Without knowing the type, you do not know the size of the object.
Even if you somehow could derive some size, comparing objects of type struct or union could lead to wrong result due to padding.
A comparison based on the memory layout could at most achieve a "shallow" comparison, which may not represent "equality" in terms of the respective data type.
So the only way (and this is used by generic libraries) is to define functions that accept user-defined comparison functions as parameters.

Simulate a Java generic interface and abstract data type in C

I am trying to port a library written in Java into C programming language. For Java interface, I intend to use a struct of function-pointers to replace, for instance:
// Java code
public interface ActionsFunction {
Set<Action> actions(Object s);
/* C code */
typedef struct ActionsFunction {
List* (*actions)(void* s);
void (*clear_actions)(struct List **list); /* Since C doesn't have garbage collector */
} ActionsFunction;
My question is: whether it is a suitable solution or not, and how can I simulate a generic interface such as:
public interface List <E> {
void add(E x);
Iterator<E> iterator();
I also have to face with another problem: implementing generic abstract data structure like List, Queue, Stack, etc since the C standard library lacks of those implementation. My approach is client code should pass the pointer of its data accompanying with its size, thus allowing library to hold that one without specifying its type. One more time, it just my idea. I need your advices for the design as well as implementing technique.
My initial porting code can be found at:
generic abstract data structure can be found in utility sub folder.
Here's a very brief example using macros to accomplish something like this. This can get hairy pretty quick, but if done correctly, you can maintain complete static type safety.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define list_type(type) struct __list_##type
/* A generic list node that keeps 'type' by value. */
#define define_list_val(type) \
list_type(type) { \
list_type(type) *next; \
type value; \
#define list_add(plist, node) \
do \
{ \
typeof(plist) p; \
for (p = plist; *p != NULL; p = &(*p)->next) ; \
*p = node; \
node->next = NULL; \
} while(0)
#define list_foreach(plist, p) \
for (p = *plist; p != NULL; p = p->next)
define_list_val(int) *g_list_ints;
define_list_val(float) *g_list_floats;
int main(void)
list_type(int) *node;
node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
node->value = 42;
list_add(&g_list_ints, node);
node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
node->value = 66;
list_add(&g_list_ints, node);
list_foreach(&g_list_ints, node) {
printf("Node: %d\n", node->value);
return 0;
There are a few common ways to do generic-ish programming in C. I would expect to use one or more of the following methods in trying to accomplish the task you've described.
MACROS: One is to use macros. In this example, MAX looks like a function, but operate on anything that can be compared with the ">" operator:
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
int i;
float f;
unsigned char b;
f = MAX(7.4, 2.5)
i = MAX(3, 4)
b = MAX(10, 20)
VOID *: Another method is to use void * pointers for representing generic data, and then pass function pointers into your algorithms to operate on the data. Look up the <stdlib.h> function qsort for a classic example of this technique.
UNIONS: Yet another, though probably seen less often, technique is to use unions to hold data of multiple different types. This makes your algorithms that operate on the data kinda ugly though and might not save much coding:
/* Declare a generic container struct for any type of data you want to operate on */
struct VarType
int type;
union data
double d;
int i;
char * sptr;
int main(){
VarType x; = 1.75;
x.type = VAR_DOUBLE;
/* call some function that sorts out what to do based on value of x.type */
my_function( x );
CLEVER CASTING & POINTER MATH It's a pretty common idiom to see data structures with functions that operate on a specific kind of struct and then require that the struct by included in your struct to do anything useful.
The easy way to do this, is the force the struct that allows insertion into the data structure to be the first member of your derived type. Then you can seamless cast back & forth between the two. The more versatile way is to use 'offsetof'. Here's a simple example.
For example:
/* Simple types */
struct listNode { struct listNode * next; struct listNode * prev };
struct list { struct listNode dummy; }
/* Functions that operate on those types */
int append( struct list * theList, struct listNode * theNode );
listNode * first( struct list *theList );
/* To use, you must do something like this: */
/* Define your own type that includes a list node */
typedef struct {
int x;
double y;
char name[16];
struct listNode node;
} MyCoolType;
int main() {
struct list myList;
MyCoolType coolObject;
MyCoolType * ptr;
/* Add the 'coolObject's 'listNode' member to the list */
appendList( &myList, &coolObject.node );
/* Use ugly casting & pointer math to get back you your original type
You may want to google 'offsetof' here. */
ptr = (MyCoolType *) ( (char*) first( &myList )
- offsetof(MyCoolType,node);
The libev documentation has some more good examples of this last technique:

generic data structure in C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Simulation of templates in C (for a queue data type)
(10 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Is there any way to create generic data structure in C and use functions in accordance with the stored data type, a structure that has various types of data and for example can be printed according to the stored data.
For example,
Suppose I wish to make a binary search tree that has just float's, int's stored. The natural approach to do would be to create an enumeration with int's and float's. it would look something like this:
Typedef enum {INT, FLOAT} DataType;
Typedef struct node
void *data;
DataType t;
struct node *left,
if i want print it out:
void printTree(Node *n)
if (n != NULL)
if (n->t == INT)
int *a = (int *) n->data;
printf("%d ", *a);
float *a = (float *) n->data;
printf("%f ", *a);
That's ok but i want to store another data type as a stack, query or something else. So that's why I created a tree that does not depends on a specific data type, such as:
Typedef struct node
void *data;
struct node *left,
If i want to print it out i use callback functions, such as:
Node *printTree(Node *n, void (*print)(const void *))
if (n != NULL)
But it falls down when i try to insert a integer and a float and print it out. My question is, Is there a way of creating a generic data structure that a routine depends on a specific data type in one situation but another situation it doesn't , for mixed data type? In this situation i should create a structure that stores int's and float's stores it and use a print function like in the first print code for that in the callback function?
observation: I just declared a node in the structure and did everything on it trying to simplify, but the idea is to use the structure with .h and .c and all this abstraction involving data structures.
I would suggest trying something like the following. You'll noticed that Node contains a tagged union that allows for either a pointer type, an integer, or a floating point number. When Node is a pointer type, the custom print function is called, and in the other cases, the appropriate printf format is used.
typedef enum {POINTER, INT, FLOAT} DataType;
typedef struct node
DataType t;
union {
void *pointer;
int integer;
float floating;
} data;
struct node *left,
} Node;
void printTree(Node *n, void (*print)(const void *))
if (n != NULL) {
switch (n->t) {
case INT:
printf("%d ", n->data.integer);
case FLOAT:
printf("%f ", n->data.floating);
printTree(a->left, print);
printTree(a->right, print);
C doesn't support this kind of generic data types/structures. You have a few options you can go with:
If you have the opportunity to use Clang as the compiler, there's a language extension to overload functions in C. But you have to cast the argument to the specific type, so the compiler knows which function to call.
Use C++
although you still have to cast the argument, so the compiler knows which of the available functions called print he has to call.
use templates
Create a function called print which takes something like
struct data_info {
void *data;
enum_describing_type type;
print does a switch and calls the appropriate printInt, printFloat etc.
uthash is a collection of header files that provide typed hash table, linked list, etc. implementations, all using C preprocessor macros.

C Generic ADT with function pointers

I'm writing a generic list adt and this is what I have in the header so far. From what I know this is usually how it's done.
typedef struct _node {
void *data;
struct _node *next;
} Node;
typedef struct {
Node *dummy;
int (*comparePtr) (void *d1, void *d2);
void (*destroyPtr) (void *data);
} List;
List *ListCreate (int (*comparePtr) (void *d1, void *d2), void (*destroyPtr) (void *data));
void ListDestroy (List *node);
void ListAddToTail (List *list, void *data);
int ListContains (List *list, void *data);
void *ListGetFromIndex (List *list, int index);
It works fine on the implementation side. What I noticed is that in order to use this adt to store integers I have to make calls in this fashion
int a = 5;
ListAddToTail (list, &a);
whereas in a perfect world I'd be able to do this
ListAddToTail (list, 55);
So the question is is it possible to modify this to allow me to pass in any type of data, pointer or non-pointer, non-pointer being mainly primitive types like integers and characters?
There's no clean, completely nice way to solve this. You have a few options:
On most platforms you can simply get away with stuffing an integer in a void *. It's messy but it works pretty well, especially if you silence the warnings
Define your own boxing functions / macros that allocate the required space and give you back a pointer. You can probably make a really nice macro using typeof tricks. But then you have to remember to free that space
The main issue should be uniformity. Your list lets people store pointers. You should let them deal with questions like "how do I get a pointer to my data".
I just made a primitive "box" macro:
#define box(value) \
({ \
typeof(value) *ptr = malloc(sizeof *ptr); \
*ptr = value; \
ptr; \

Is there something in C like C++ templates? If not, how to re-use structures and functions for different data types?

I want to write a linked list that can have the data field store any build-in or user-define types. In C++ I would just use a template, but how do I accomplish this in C?
Do I have to re-write the linked list struct and a bunch of operations of it for each data type I want it to store? Unions wouldn't work because what type can it store is predefined.
There's a reason people use languages other than C.... :-)
In C, you'd have your data structure operate with void* members, and you'd cast wherever you used them to the correct types. Macros can help with some of that noise.
There are different approaches to this problem:
using datatype void*: these means, you have pointers to memory locations whose type is not further specified. If you retrieve such a pointer, you can explicitly state what is inside it: *(int*)(mystruct->voidptr) tells the compiler: look at the memory location mystruct->voidptr and interpret the contents as int.
another thing can be tricky preprocessor directives. However, this is usually a very non-trivial issue:
I also found
Edit: For the preprocessor trick:
#include <stdio.h>
#define mytype(t) struct { t val; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
mytype(int) myint;
printf ("%d\n", myint.val);
return 0;
This would be a simple wrapper for types, but I think it can become quite complicated.
It's less comfortable in C (there's a reason C++ is called C incremented), but it can be done with generic pointers (void *) and the applocation handles the type management itself.
A very nice implementation of generic data structures in C can be found in ubiqx modules, the sources are definitely worth reading.
With some care, you can do this using macros that build and manipulate structs. One of the most well-tested examples of this is the BSD "queue" library. It works on every platform I've tried (Unix, Windows, VMS) and consists of a single header file (no C file).
It has the unfortunate downside of being a bit hard to use, but it preserves as much type-safety as it can in C.
The header file is here:;content-type=text%2Fplain, and the documentation on how to use it is here:
Beyond that, no, you're stuck with losing type-safety (using (void *) all over the place) or moving to the STL.
Here's an option that's very flexible but requires a lot of work.
In your list node, store a pointer to the data as a void *:
struct node {
void *data;
struct node *next;
Then you'd create a suite of functions for each type that handle tasks like comparison, assignment, duplication, etc.:
// create a new instance of the data item and copy the value
// of the parameter to it.
void *copyInt(void *src)
int *p = malloc(sizeof *p);
if (p) *p = *(int *)src;
return p;
void assignInt(void *target, void *src)
// we create a new instance for the assignment
*(int *)target = copyInt(src);
// returns -1 if lhs < rhs, 0 if lhs == rhs, 1 if lhs > rhs
int testInt(void *lhs, void *rhs)
if (*(int *)lhs < *(int *)rhs) return -1;
else if (*(int *)lhs == *(int *)rhs) return 0;
else return 1;
char *intToString(void *data)
size_t digits = however_many_digits_in_an_int();
char *s = malloc(digits + 2); // sign + digits + terminator
sprintf(s, "%d", *(int *)data);
return s;
Then you could create a list type that has pointers to these functions, such as
struct list {
struct node *head;
void *(*cpy)(void *); // copy operation
int (*test)(void *, void *); // test operation
void (*asgn)(void *, void *); // assign operation
char *(*toStr)(void *); // get string representation
struct list myIntList;
struct list myDoubleList;
myIntList.cpy = copyInt;
myIntList.test = testInt;
myIntList.asgn = assignInt;
myIntList.toStr = intToString;
myDoubleList.cpy = copyDouble;
myDoubleList.test = testDouble;
myDoubleList.asgn = assignDouble;
myDoubleList.toStr = doubleToString;
Then, when you pass the list to an insert or search operation, you'd call the functions from the list object:
void addToList(struct list *l, void *value)
struct node *new, *cur = l->head;
while (cur->next != NULL && l->test(cur->data, value) <= 0)
cur = cur->next;
new = malloc(sizeof *new);
if (!new)
// handle error here
new->data = l->cpy(value);
new->next = cur->next;
cur->next = new;
if (logging)
char *s = l->toStr(new->data);
fprintf(log, "Added value %s to list\n", s);
i = 1;
addToList(&myIntList, &i);
f = 3.4;
addToList(&myDoubleList, &f);
By delegating the type-aware operations to separate functions called through function pointers, you now have a list structure that can store values of any type. To add support for new types, you only need to implement new copy, assign, toString, etc., functions for that new type.
There are drawbacks. For one thing, you can't use constants as function parameters (e.g., you can't do something simple like addToList(&myIntList, 1);) -- you have to assign everything to a variable first, and pass the address of the variable (which is why you need to create new instances of the data member when you add it to the list; if you just assigned the address of the variable, every element in the list would wind up pointing to the same object, which may no longer exist depending on the context).
Secondly, you wind up doing a lot of memory management; you don't just create a new instance of the list node, but you also must create a new instance of the data member. You must remember to free the data member before freeing the node. Then you're creating a new string instance every time you want to display the data, and you have to remember to free that string when you're done with it.
Finally, this solution throws type safety right out the window and into oncoming traffic (after lighting it on fire). The delegate functions are counting on you to keep the types straight; there's nothing preventing you from passing the address of a double variable to one of the int handling functions.
Between the memory management and the fact that you must make a function call for just about every operation, performance is going to suffer. This isn't a fast solution.
Of course, this assumes that every element in the list is the same type; if you're wanting to store elements of different types in the same list, then you're going to have to do something different, such as associate the functions with each node, rather than the list overall.
I wrote a generic linked list "template" in C using the preprocessor, but it's pretty horrible to look at, and heavily pre-processed code is not easy to debug.
These days I think you'd be better off using some other code generation tool such as Python / Cog:
I agree with JonathanPatschke's answer that you should look at sys/queue.h, although I've never tried it myself, as it is not on some of the platforms I work with. I also agree with Vicki's answer to use Python.
But I've found that five or six very simple C macros meet most of my garden-variety needs. These macros help clean up ugly, bug-prone code, without littering it with hidden void *'s, which destroy type-safety. Some of these macros are:
#define ADD_LINK_TO_END_OF_LIST(add, head, tail) \
if (!(head)) \
(tail) = (head) = (add); \
else \
(tail) = (tail)->next = (add)
#define ADD_DOUBLE_LINK_TO_END_OF_LIST(add, head, tail) \
if (!(head)) \
(tail) = (head) = (add); \
else \
(tail) = ((add)->prev = (tail), (tail)->next = (add))
#define FREE_LINK_IN_LIST(p, dtor) do { /* singly-linked */ \
void *myLocalTemporaryPtr = (p)->next; \
dtor(p); \
(p) = myLocalTemporaryPtr;} while (0)
#define FREE_LINKED_LIST(p, dtor) do { \
while (p) \
FREE_LINK_IN_LIST(p, dtor);} while (0)
// copy "ctor" (shallow)
#define NEW_COPY(p) memcpy(myMalloc(sizeof *(p)), p, sizeof *(p))
// iterator
#define NEXT_IN_LIST(p, list) ((p) ? (p)->next : (list))
So, for example:
struct MyContact {
char *name;
char *address;
char *telephone;
struct MyContact *next;
} *myContactList = 0, *myContactTail; // the tail doesn't need to be init'd
struct MyContact newEntry = {};
ADD_LINK_TO_END_OF_LIST(NEW_COPY(newEntry), myContactList, myContactTail);
struct MyContact *i = 0;
while ((i = NEXT_IN_LIST(i, myContactList))) // iterate through list
// ...
The next and prev members have hard-coded names. They don't need to be void *, which avoids problems with strict anti-aliasing. They do need to be zeroed when the data item is created.
The dtor argument for FREE_LINK_IN_LIST would typically be a function like free, or (void) to do nothing, or another macro such as:
do { if (p) { \
free((p)->name); \
free((p)->address); \
free((p)->telephone); \
free(p); \
}} while (0)
So for example, FREE_LINKED_LIST(myContactList, MY_CONTACT_ENTRY_DTOR) would free all the members of the (duck-typed) list headed by myContactList.
There is one void * here, but perhaps it could be removed via gcc's typeof.
If you need a list that can hold elements of different types simultaneously, e.g. an int followed by three char * followed by a struct tm, then using void * for the data is the solution. But if you only need multiple list types with identical methods, the best solution depends on if you want to avoid generating many instances of almost identical machine code, or just avoid typing source code.
A struct declaration doesn't generate any machine code...
struct int_node {
void *next;
int data;
struct long_node {
void *next;
long data;
...and one single function which uses a void * parameter and/or return value, can handle them all.
struct generic_node {
void *next;
void *insert(void *before_this, void *element, size_t element_sizes);
