How to make an if statement if your pointer is getting garbage - c

Hi everyone I have a problem taking care of a malfunction, I'm building a dynamic linked list which connects structures with *next and *previous,
now if the structures are unable to connect (long story) I need to print "the way does not exist" now I've made an if statement
temp = point_start; // point_start is the head of the list
condition = 2;
for(i=0;i<gagnum;i++) //gagnum is the number of structures
temp=point_start->previous; // previous is the pointer of the previous structure.
if (temp != 0xcdcdcdcd) // ------> is this legal?
condition = 1;
printf("no route found ")
condition = 2;
I have an if statement which says "if (temp != 0xcdcdcdcd)" so when it gets garbage I put out the message and stop the program, is this legal to use? is there a better way to do this? thank you so much for your help!

Instead of using 0xcdcdcdcd, you should be using 0x0 to indicate a NULL pointer.
Here's a function which does what I think you're trying to do:
// checks to see if the given list is the "first" structure
bool is_first_structure(void* head)
return head->previous != NULL;
And here's how to use it:
printf("no route found");

Hi the answer to the problem is just to NULL all your pointers when you're building the linked list. then check if the pointer is NULL instead of garbage, hope it helps!

Wikipedia writes for 0xcdcdcdcd
Used by Microsoft's C/C++ debug malloc() function to mark uninitialized heap memory, usually returned from HeapAlloc()
So I guess you malloc a node and not initializing the pointers.


Singly Linked List EXC_BAD_ACCESS

I'm trying to write a remove function for a singly linked list and got this error message:
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_I386_GPFLT)
What does this message mean and how shall I fix it?
void fifoqueue_remove(Fifoqueue_Ptr queue_ptr, void * this_call){
Queue_Container_Ptr position = queue_ptr->front_ptr; //make position head
while (position->next_ptr != NULL){
if (position->next_ptr->content_ptr == this_call){
Queue_Container_Ptr next = position->next_ptr;
position->next_ptr = next->next_ptr;
free((char*) position); //remove position
position = position->next_ptr;
Your loop is doing bad things with position which, if not the actual issue, is definitely undesirable.
As currently written, if you find the value to remove, you are calling free(position); and then continuing the loop. The very next thing that will happen is you access position->next_ptr, dereferencing a memory address that you returned to the system only moments ago.
This is likely to result in a crash if you're lucky. Possibly you're compiling in non-optimized mode where the memory manager is writing a byte pattern over any freed memory, so that attempts to use it are far more likely to result in bad pointer access.
I see you have actually prepared for the "correct approach" here but forgotten to do it:
// You remembered to save position->next_ptr
Queue_Container_Ptr next = position->next_ptr;
// ...
// But you forgot to do this:
position = next;
It should also be mentioned that you are not handling the very last element in the list. Or perhaps that's not necessary because your list has a dummy tail node or something. It's hard to be sure, given what you've shown. But you should make sure that you test removal of a value that is the last position. You might discover a bug there.

BOOLEAN allocate_items(struct item * items, size_t howmany) function for allocate an array of struct item

Recently, I'm learning C. I found a question on the internet. The question is:
What is the problem with this function in terms of memory allocation?
What is a good solution? You may assume that a struct item type has
been declared. The purpose of this function is to allocate an array of
struct item, which you may assume has been declared prior to this
BOOLEAN allocate_items(struct item * items, size_t howmany)
size_t count;
items = malloc(sizeof(struct item) * howmany);
if(!items) {
perror("failed to allocate memory");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
So, I think that the 4th line is wrong. It should be like:
items = malloc(sizeof(struct item));
And also the 6th line is wrong. It should be like:
if(items == NULL){
Is it correct?
First of all, both line 4 and 6, as you mentioned seems to be OK.
That said, the basic problem with this function is, you're allocating memory to a local scope of variable. This way
as you don't return the pointer to allocated memory, after the function returns, there would be no way to access the allocated memory.
by not freeing up the allocated memory, you will face memory leak.
If you have to allocate memory to a pointer, you need to pass the address of that pointer to the function and allocate memory. You can also return the pointer but then you need to change the function signature.
Finally, arrays are not pointers and vice-versa. They may appear or beahave similar sometimes, but they are not the same.
The 4th line is not wrong as they are trying to declare an array of the structs.
You should add a line inside the function that declares a new pointer, temp, to hold the current value of items, then after allocating the memory,
the 6th line should be
if(items == temp)
to check whether the value has changed(because that is the closest we can get to checking whether malloc worked)
this is because the ! operator is used to check if a condition is true or not(at least at a basic level in most languages) and as a pointer isn't a condition or an int that can be used as true or false, the operator won't work.
Here a fixed version, as it would probably be written in the "industry".
bool allocate_items(struct item ** pitems, size_t howmany)
// argument validation
assert(NULL != pitems); // some also add release version checks...
if(NULL == pitems ) return false;
// We can also spot memory leak sources here.
// If *pItems != NULL - does that mean we have to free first to prevent
// a leak? What if it is just some random value and not something we can
// free? So contract usually is: *pitems has to be NULL...
assert(NULL == *pitems);
if(NULL != *pitems) return false;
// implementation
*pitems = malloc(sizeof(struct item) * howmany);
if(NULL == *pitems) {
perror("failed to allocate memory");
return NULL != *pitems;
While the bool defined in stdbool.h sometimes causes trouble with C++ interop (same symbols on both sides, but sometimes sizeof(bool) differs), it is still the better option compared to inventing yet another bool type.
The pitems is a pointer to the location where the pointer to the new chunk of memory shall be written to. A caller of this function might have written:
int main(int argc, const char*[] argv) {
struct item *myBunchOfStuff = NULL;
if(false != allocate_items( &myBunchOfStuff, 20) ) {
// ...
myBunchOfStuff = NULL;
return 0;
Defensive programming states: Your function cannot claim "Heh - my function only crashed because I was given a bad value!". Instead, it has to verify itself. It is responsible not to crash. The pointer could still be != NULL but otherwise bad. That is impossible for the function to catch, usually.
In C, everyone is proud of not requiring the cast of malloc()'s return value. You can be proud of that until you compile your code with a C++ compiler. Then you have to change your code and fix that. Well, I guess it is a matter of preference...
While parameter checking is often seen as a separate part of the functions implementation, after that, you should try to stick to "single point of exit". Main reason for that is maintainability. With multiple exit points, if the function gets bigger later on, it gets harder to spot if some early exit forgets to free some memory or cleanup other forms of state.

my program just crushes, using realloc() in recursive function

I have a problem with this code, I tried to understand what's going on, but I cannot understand why it just crushes. the functions works like I expect for the node->left.
But when the last call of the function ends in the case node->left; the function just crushes, I think because of the reallocated array, I don't know if I'm trying to access a forbidden memory.
I'll explain a little more where I think the problem comes from:we are in the last call of helper(node->left,table,len) before printing the array : consider len = N and node->left!=NULL ==> reallocating table len = N+1, assigning node->data to table[len] and everything is fine, node->left == NULL ==> printing the table and we are done with the helper(node->left,table,N) case; now we are in the helper(node->right,table,N) case; in this case the program just crushes ; it's supposed to reallocate table; and assign node->data to table[N]; and so one ...
By the way : this function tries to print all the Root-leaf paths in a binary tree.
struct node {
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
void helper(struct node* node,int *table,int len)
if(node == NULL){
table = realloc(table,(len+1)*sizeof(int));
len = len +1;
if(node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL)
int cmt=0;
for(cmt = 0; cmt < len ; cmt++ ){
printf("%d ->",table[cmt]);
void print_rtl(struct node* node) {
if(NULL == node) return;
int *t=malloc(sizeof(int));
int lenght = 1;
Here is the thing about realloc: it has the freedom to change not just the size of the allocated memory block, but also its location. In general, realloc can break any pointers you have that are pointing to objects in the block of memory that was realloced. When you try to use those pointers later, you will get undefined behavior.
You should either allocate enough memory at the beginning of your program that you won't need to call realloc, or you should redesign your program so you don't need to allocate that memory block in the first place, or you should make your table pointer be a global variable so that when you change its value, it gets updated for every function that is using the table.
Right now the problem with your code is that when you call helper, it might call realloc and change the location of your table, but it doesn't communicate that change to the caller in any way, so the caller doesn't know where the table is located.
There might be other problems with your code. If you continue to have trouble, I strongly urge you to produce an MCVE and post that in your next question. Doing that makes it much easier for someone else to reproduce your problem and find a solution to it that actually works.
It's hard to tell exactly what going on because it quite a big mess, but generally... The first thing helper() does (after validating node!=NULL) is reallocate table. That means when you get to the recursion point, helper(node->left.. will reallocate, and then immediately after helper(node->right.. will also try to do so, but on an invalid pointer. From there on, it's a wild ride to exceptions...

How do you pass a struct Pointer in C?

I am a little confused by how pointers are passed in functions by reference?
For instance, here's some code that I have written
(I didn't copy the entire function, just the part of it that is relevant)
metadata * removeBlock(metadata *first)
metadata *temp = first;
if(first == NULL || first -> prev == NULL)
first -> in_use = 1;
first = NULL;
return temp;
What I want is that when the function returns, the original value passed in should be set to NULL.
Here is how I call the function, (this line of code will pull a metadata structure from a region in heap, it works correctly, I have debugged and made sure that after this, struct really points to a valid metadata struct)
metadata *strct = ((metadata *)ptr - sizeof(metadata));
However, after this method returns, strct is still the same value it was before I had passed it in the function. I tried passing in &strct, but that just threw an invalid cast exception. What is the best way to pass in the struct as an argument?
I don't think what you want is a good design - if the user of your function wants the pointer set to null (why?) it would make sense to reset the value using the return value from your function.
Anyway, you'll want a pointer-to-a-pointer, like so:
metadata* removeBlock(metadata** first) {
metadata* temp = *first;
if( temp == NULL ) return temp;
if( temp->prev == NULL ) {
temp->in_use = true;
*first = NULL;
return temp;
metadata* strct = ((metadata*)ptr - sizeof(metadata));
As #SheerFish said, all we have in C is pass-by-value. However, one can simulate pass-by-reference with a pointer.
void func(struct foo **fooptr) { *fooptr = 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct foo *fooptr; func(&fooptr); }
This is passing a pointer ptr to the variable's value (never mind if that value was a pointer), allowing the function to play with the original value with *ptr. This technique is sometimes called pass-by-address, and is the closest C has to pass-by-reference.
If you pass by 'reference in C', you're going to need to keep in mind referencing and de referencing via ->/** and *. This bit of code I wrote may help you a bit
int delete_node(struct node** head, int target)
if(*head == NULL)
return 0;
if((*head)->data == target)
temp = *head;
*head = (*head)->next;
return 1;
Function call:
delete_node(&head, data)
You're working with direct memory pointer manipulation. You're tossing the location of the struct in memory, de referencing it, then changing the value at that memory location.
I didn't read all of the details, but this part jumped out as incorrect:
(metadata *)ptr - sizeof(metadata)
Pointer arithmetic is done in the units of the type, whereas sizeof gives you measurements in bytes.
So I suspect what you're trying to say is:
(metadata *)(((char*)ptr) - sizeof(metadata))
This is also making some assumptions about the machine you're running on, i.e. metadata may need to be padded to ensure that the fields are properly aligned for this use. If sizeof(metadata) is not a multiple of the word size, this will fail on a lot of architectures. (But x86 will let it slide, albeit with performance costs and some implications like atomic ops not working on the fields.)
pointers are passed by value. anything in c is passed by value. so in order to change the pointer passed to the function, it should receive metadata **first.
besides, you should use
metadata *strct = ((metadata *)ptr - 1);
as pointer arithmetic is done with multiples of sizeof(*p). so this is equivalent to
metadata *strct = ((metadata *)((char*)ptr - sizeof(metadata)));

If-else problem

I'm learning queues and I came across this piece of code. It's from a book, so I can't post the whole code here but what I'm posting will be sufficient. More than a problem, I just want to confirm that whether my understanding of this code is correct or not.
In the function, delete_ap(), the 'if' statement calls qretrieve() function and stores its return value in pointer 'p'.
My problem is: If the value returned is not NULL, then too the 'if' statement is executed, isn't it?
So a value is still stored in 'p' and we can just print this value without using an 'else' statement as used in this example.
/* Delete an appointment from the queue. */
void delete_ap(void)
char *p;
if((p=qretrieve()) ==NULL) return;
printf("%s\n", p); <--Problem is in this line and the one above it.
/* Retrieve an appointment. */
char *qretrieve(void)
if(rpos==spos) /* spos:holds the index of the next free storage location.
rpos:holds the index of the next item to retrieve.*/
printf("No more appointments.\n");
return NULL;
return p[rpos-1];
This is the same as:
char *p = qretreive(); // <-- will always execute
return; // <-- will not execute the next line if p is invalid
printf("%s\n", p);
The return statement is used instead of putting the rest of the function in an else block.
That is, the execution will only reach printf if p != NULL.
Note: Many people argue that returns in the middle of the code makes the code hard to read and prone to bugs due too missing cleanup that is usually done at the end of the method.
