Use package shadowing symbols - package

For instance I have this package definition which shadows COMMON-LISP:LISTEN :
(defpackage :shadows
(:use :common-lisp)
(:shadow #:listen)
(:export #:listen))
And then I want to use this package from another package, say
(defpackage :light
(:use :common-lisp
What is the purpose of shadow if I cannot actually override Common Lisp symbols when using the package ?

The :shadow argument to defpackage
affects the definition of the package shadows,
not the later use of shadows in light.
You need to use shadowing-import:
(defpackage #:shadows
(:use #:common-lisp)
(:shadow #:listen)
(:export #:listen))
(defpackage #:light
(:shadowing-import-from #:shadows #:listen)
(:use #:common-lisp #:shadows))
(eq 'light::listen 'shadows:listen)
==> T
(describe 'light::listen)
is accessible in 2 packages LIGHT, SHADOWS.
#<PACKAGE SHADOWS> is the package named SHADOWS.
It imports the external symbols of 1 package COMMON-LISP and
exports 1 symbol to 1 package LIGHT.
If you need to do bulk shadowing, you would need to use individual functions
(defparameter *my-shadow-list* '(#:car #:cdr))
(make-package '#:my-package :use nil)
(import *my-shadow-list* '#:my-package)
(export *my-shadow-list* '#:my-package)
(shadow *my-shadow-list* '#:my-package)
(use-package '#:cl '#:my-package)
(make-package '#:my-user)
(shadowing-import *my-shadow-list* '#:my-user)
(use-package '(#:cl #:my-package) '#:my-user)
(describe 'my-user::car)
is accessible in 2 packages MY-PACKAGE, MY-USER.
#<PACKAGE MY-PACKAGE> is the package named MY-PACKAGE.
It imports the external symbols of 1 package COMMON-LISP and
exports 2 symbols to 1 package MY-USER.
You might find macroexpand-1 useful in decising how get where you need to go:
(macroexpand-1 '(defpackage #:light
(:shadowing-import-from #:shadows #:listen)
(:use #:common-lisp #:shadows)))
PS. Shadowing ANSI CL standard names is not a very good idea for your code readability.

OK so there actually is a handy way to do this.
In my many-shadows package I export a shadowing-import-from function. It looks like this :
(defun shadowing-import-from ()
`(:shadowing-import-from :many-shadows
,#(package-shadowing-symbols :many-shadows)))
And then, in the light defpackage I just READ-EVAL it :
(defpackage :light
(:use :common-lisp
So it is explicit that something was shadowed and that I want to use the symbols from many-shadows in priority. And it is short enough to be documented and used pragmatically.
Thank you #sds for pointing me to :shadowing-import-from.

What is the purpose of shadow if I cannot actually override Common Lisp symbols when using the package?
The purpose of a package having a list of shadowing symbols is to resolve conflicts arising from package use by that package. Shadowing has no effect on anything exported.
When a package uses others, conflicts can arise when two or more used packages export a symbol by the same name. Similarly, conflicts can also arise between a used package and symbols in the local package. These conflicts are treated as errors. On a symbol-by-symbol basis, shadowing squelches these conflicts. A symbol, which is present in the package, is added to its list of shadowing symbols. Any conflict is then silently resolved in favor of that symbol.
Being a shadowing symbol doesn't bestow any special powers on a symbol when it is regarded from outside the package where it has that status.
For each package, we have to separately arrange the "visibility stack", including its own shadowing symbols, if necessary.


How to Shadow an Entire Package in Common Lisp

Common Lisp provides the :shadow clause to disable inheritance of package names you don't want to use. But how to shadow an entire package of names?
Here's my basic setup:
#-cl-ppcre (ql:quickload :cl-ppcre)
#-iterate (progn (ql:quickload :iterate) (push :iterate *features*))
#-rutilsx (progn (ql:quickload :rutilsx) (push :rutilsx *features*))
(defpackage :concepts
(:use :cl :cl-ppcre :iterate :rutilsx)
(:shadow :iter) ;error
(:nicknames :con))
but this generates name conflicts.
The problem is that :rutilsx includes the :iter package, which I'd like to disable, so I can use :iterate instead. Thanks for any assistance.
Resolve the conflict in favour of iterate by doing a :shadowing-import-from of the relevant symbols from there, which should be a manageable number.
Another option is to :use the only the specific rutils packages that you need.
Finally, you could use package prefixes for most things (maybe with package-local-nicknames) and only explicitly import those symbols that would be unwieldy without package prefix. This also makes it easier to see where a symbol comes from.

:EXPORT from Package in Common Lisp

I have defined a package like the following:
(defpackage :thehilariouspackageofamirteymuri
(:nicknames ampack amir teymuri)
(:use common-lisp)
(:export say-hi-to))
(in-package :amir)
(defun say-hi ()
(defun say-hi-to (who)
(concatenate 'string (say-hi) " " who " from " (package-name *package*) "!"))
Now changing to the package also the #'say-hi is accessible:
(in-package :amir)
(say-hi) ; -> "Hello"
(say-hi-to "World") ; -> "Hello World from THEHILARIOUSPACKAGEOFAMIRTEYMURI!"
Isn't the export keyword telling to make things external for the package? Why is the non-external #'say-hi also exported?
Since you are using again (in-package :amir) the following forms are evaluated in that package, so that you can use all the function defined in it. To check which definitions are exported, you should switch to a different package.
Let’s try the standard package CL-USER:
AMIR> (in-package :cl-user)
CL-USER> (say-hi)
Undefined function SAY-HI called with arguments ("world") ; as expected, but...
CL-USER> (say-hi-to "world")
Undefined function SAY-HI-TO called with arguments ("world") ; ops!!
CL-USER> (amir:say-hi-to "world)
"Hello world from COMMON-LISP-USER!"
CL-USER> (amir:say-hi)
Reader error: No external symbol named "SAY-HI" in package #<Package "THEHILARIOUSPACKAGEOFAMIRTEYMURI"> .
The reason is that exporting a symbol does not mean that we can use it without qualiyfing its package. As you can see, however, only symbols exported from a packgage can be used with “:”. If you want to use the symbol without the package name as prefix, you must import it before.
So, let’s start again.
CL-USER> (defpackage :another-package (:use :amir))
CL-USER> (in-package :another-package)
ANOTHER-PACKAGE> (say-hi-to "world")
"Hello world from ANOTHER-PACKAGE!"
Undefined function SAY-HI called with arguments ()
Inside ANOTHER-PACKAGE you can now use the exported symbol without qualifications.
In general, exporting and importing symbols in packages in Common Lisp is not so intuitive, and a good description of all the intricacies of packages can be found at the link cited in the other answer.
Check the difference without changing the current package. You will find more information e.g. here

Suppressing Symbol Package Prefixes (Common Lisp)

When printing out object names which are interned in one package, but referenced from another package, the print name will include the full package name. For example, the following interaction interns the symbol X in PKG1, and prints its value from CL-USER:
* *package*
* (defpackage :pkg1 (:use :cl))
* (in-package :pkg1)
* (defvar x '(a b c))
* (in-package :cl-user)
* pkg1::x
(PKG1::A PKG1::B PKG1::C)
Sometimes for diagnostic/debugging reasons, I would like to printout external symbols without their package prefixes. In this case the printout would then look like (A B C). For complicated or nested objects where you know what the names mean, the package prefixes can make the printout hard to read, especially if there are multiple packages. Can the prefixes be temporarily suppressed for printout?
No, but you can elide the prefixes of one package by temporarily binding *package* to it for the printout.
(let ((*package* (find-package :pkg1)))
(print pkg1:*x*))
Since *package* is globally dynamic, this affects everything called inside (i. e. in the dynamic extent of its invocation) this let form but doesn't affect anything outside.

External vs Internal Symbols in Common Lisp Package

What is the difference between them in the context of a Common Lisp package? I am reading through SLIME documentation and some commands mention that extensively.
What is the syntax ? The symbols you export are external.
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage str
(:use :cl)
(in-package :str)
;; exported: can be accessed with `str:trim-left`.
(defun trim-left (s)
"Remove whitespaces at the beginning of s. "
(string-left-trim *whitespaces* s))
;; forgot to export: can still access it with `str::trim-right`.
(defun trim-right (s)
"Remove whitespaces at the end of s."
(string-right-trim *whitespaces* s))
The author of a Common Lisp package can export a symbol for the user of the package. Then the symbol is an external symbol and you can access it with package-name:external-symbol-name.
Internal symbols are not meant for the user but can be accessed with package-name::symbol-name
More explanations are in Peter Seibel's book and Common Lisp the Language

CLisp: "use-package" resolving conflicts non-interactively

I'm trying to use parenscript in GNU common lisp to compile a lisp file into a javascript one.
I find that using the PS symbol macro "#" doesn't work if I try to use its prefix ("ps:#"). However, if I use the REPL and run (use-package :ps) before I try compiling the lisp file, everything works as expected (and I don't have to use the prefixes).
The problem is that the PS package contains clashing symbols, e.g:
Which symbol with name "CHAIN" should be accessible in #<PACKAGE COMMON-LISP-USER>?
The following restarts are available:
ABORT :R3 Abort main loop
I can resolve this interactively by choosing :r1, but when I try to put this step in my script it just bails (since it's non-interactive, it doesn't give me a choice of what restart to use)
I'd love to say (in my script) "just use the PS version of all clashing symbols", but I can't figure out how to do so.
It would also be okay if I could say (as one might in python), "from PS import chain, #, (etc)" - specifying each symbol I want to import manually.
Instead of working in the COMMON-LISP-USER package, make your own with DEFPACKAGE:
(defpackage #:my-awesome-program
(:use #:cl #:parenscript))
(in-package #:my-awesome-program)
; your code here
COMMON-LISP-USER might include all sorts of implementation-specific symbols.
You can also use SHADOWING-IMPORT to get individual symbols, overriding what might already be currently visible in the package, e.g.
(shadowing-import 'ps:*)
