Flink DataStream - execute SQL query on a window, do orderBy - apache-flink

so I'm simulating a streaming task using Flink DataStream and I want to execute an SQL query on each window.
Let's say this is the query
SELECT name, age, sum(days), avg(salary)
FROM employees
WHERE age > 25
GROUP BY name, age
ORDER BY name, age
I'm having a hard time to translate it to Flink. From my understanding, to calculate average I need to do it manually using .apply() and WindowFunction. But how do I calculate the sum then? Also manually in the same WindowFunction?
I'm also wondering if it is possible to do order by on the whole window?
Below is the pseudocode of what I thought of so far. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
.filter(new FilterFunction() ....) \\ where clause
.keyby(nameIndex, ageIndex) \\ group by??
.timeWindow(Time.seconds(10), Time.seconds(1))
.apply(new WindowFunction() ....) \\ calculate average (and sum?)
// order by??
I checked the Table API but it seems for streaming not a lot of operations are supported, e.g orderBy.

Ordering in streaming is not trivial. How do you want to sort something that is never ending? In your example you want to calculate an average or a sum, which is just one value per window. You cannot sort one value.
Another possibility is to buffer all values and wait for an indicator of completeness to start sorting. Thanks to event-time and watermarks, it is possible to sort a stream if you know that you have seen all values until a certain time (aka watermarks).
Event-time sort has been introduced recently and will be part of Flink 1.4 Table API. See here for an example.


Best way to handle time consuming queries in InfluxDB

We have an API that queries an Influx database and a report functionality was implemented so the user can query data using a start and end date.
The problem is that when a longer period is chosen(usually more than 8 weeks), we get a timeout from influx, query takes around 13 seconds to run. When the query returns a dataset successfully, we store that in cache.
The most time-consuming part of the query is probably comparison and averages we do, something like this:
SELECT mean("value") AS "mean", min("value") AS "min", max("value") AS "max"
WHERE time >= $startDate AND time < $endDate
AND ("field" = 'myFieldValue' )
GROUP BY "tagname"
What would be the best approach to fix this? I can of course limit the amount of weeks the user can choose, but I guess that's not the ideal fix.
How would you approach this? Increase timeout? Batch query? Any database optimization to be able to run this faster?
In such cases where you allow user to select in days, I would suggest to have another table that stores the result (min, max and avg) of each day as a document. This table can be populated using some job after end of the day.
You can also think changing the document per day to per week or per month, based on how you plot the values. You can also add more fields like in your case, tagname and other fields.
Reason why this is superior to using a cache: When you use a cache, you can store the result of the query, so you have to compute for every different combination in realtime. However, in this case, the cumulative results are already available with much smaller dataset to compute.
Based on your query, I assume you are using InfluxDB v1.X. You could try Continuous Queries which are InfluxQL queries that run automatically and periodically on realtime data and store query results in a specified measurement.
In your case, for each report, you could generate a CQ and let your users to query it.
Step 1: create a CQ
SELECT mean("value") AS "mean", min("value") AS "min", max("value") AS "max"
INTO "mean_min_max"
WHERE "field" = 'myFieldValue' // note that the time filter is not here
GROUP BY time(1h), "tagname" // here you can define the job interval
Step 2: Query against that CQ
SELECT * FROM "mean_min_max"
WHERE time >= $startDate AND time < $endDate // here you can pass the user's time filter
Since you already ask InfluxDB to run these aggregates continuously based on the specified interval, you should be able to trade space for time.

Flink CEP sql restrict output

I have a use case where I have 2 input topics in kafka.
Topic schema:
eventName, ingestion_time(will be used as watermark), orderType, orderCountry
Data for first topic:
{"eventName": "orderCreated", "userId":123, "ingestionTime": "1665042169543", "orderType":"ecommerce","orderCountry": "UK"}
Data for second topic:
{"eventName": "orderSucess", "userId":123, "ingestionTime": "1665042189543", "orderType":"ecommerce","orderCountry": "USA"}
I want to get all the userid for orderType,orderCountry where user does first event but not the second one in a window of 5 minutes for a maximum of 2 events per user for a orderType and orderCountry (i.e. upto 10 mins only).
I have union both topics data and created a view on top of it and trying to use flink cep sql to get my output, but somehow not able to figure it out.
FROM union_event_table
PARTITION BY orderType,orderCountry
ORDER BY ingestion_time
A.userId as userId
A.orderType as orderType
A.orderCountry AS orderCountry
A As A.eventName = 'orderCreated'
B AS B.eventName = 'orderSucess'
First thing is not able to figure it out what to use in place of A not followed B in sql, another thing is how can I restrict the output for a userid to maximum of 2 events per orderType and orderCountry, i.e. if a user doesn't perform 2nd event after 1st event in 2 consecutive windows for 5 minutes, the state of that user should be removed, so that I will not get output of that user for same orderType and orderCountry again.
I don't believe this is possible using MATCH_RECOGNIZE. This could, however, be implemented with the DataStream CEP library by using its capability to send timed out patterns to a side output.
This could also be solved at a lower level by using a KeyedProcessFunction. The long ride alerts exercise from the Apache Flink Training repo is an example of that -- you can jump straight away to the solution if you want.

Apache Flink Is Windowing dependent on Timestamp assignment of EventTime Events

I am new to apache flink and am trying to understand how the concept of EventTime and Windowing is handled by flink.
So here's my scenario :
I have a program that runs as a thread and creates a files with 3
fields every second of which the 3rd field is the timestamp.
There is a little tweak though every 5 seconds I enter an older timestamp (t-5 you could say) into the new file created.
Now I run the stream processing job which reads the 3 fields above
into a tuple.
Now I have defined the following code for watermarking and timestamp generation:
.<Tuple3<String, Integer, Long>>forBoundedOutOfOrderness(Duration.ofSeconds(4))
.withTimestampAssigner((event, timestamp) -> event.f2);
And then I use the following code for windowing the above and trying to get the aggregation :
.reduce((x,y) -> new Tuple3<String, Integer, Long>(x.f0, x.f1 + y.f1,y.f2))
It is clear that I am trying to aggregate the numbers within each field.(a little more context, the field(f2) that I am trying to aggregate are all 1s)
Hence I have the following questions :
That is the window is just 4 seconds wide, and every fifth entry is
an older timestamp, so I am expecting that the next window to have
lesser counts. Is my understanding wrong here ?
If my understanding is right - I do not see any aggregation when running both programs in parallel, Is there something wrong with my code ?
Another one that is bothering me is on what fields or on what parameters do the windows start time and end time really dependent ? Is it on the timestamp extracted from Events or is it from processing time
You have to configure the allowed lateness: https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.2/dev/windows.html#allowed-lateness. If not configured, Flink will drop the late message. So for the next window, there will be less elements than previous window.
Window is assigned by the following calculation:
return timestamp - (timestamp - offset + windowSize) % windowSize
In your case, offset is 0(default). For event time window, the timestamp is the event time. For processing time window, the timestamp is the processing time from Flink operator. E.g. if windowSize=3, timestamp=122, then the element will be assigned to the window [120, 123).

Tableau – Using Nested Aggregations to Establish a Weekday/Hour Baseline

Background Information: We have an incident time tracker that tracks how long each user spends with a representative before the issue can be closed. We want to determine the average volume of incidents that are being handled for each hour. To say this in another way: We want to get an hourly baseline for each day of the week that will show us the average total call length within the specific time period. Eg: We want to average the total length of every call on Monday from 9AM-10AM for all the weeks in the database, and the same for other hourly intervals.
The simplest way to think of this is that I want AVG(SUM) for the specific time periods, but Tableau does not allow me to do this.
Tableau Output:
This is the desired, target visualization that I am looking for from Tableau.
SQL Query:
I have written a SQL query that returns the answer:
We are looking at two columns: start_time (time stamp) and interval_seconds(float)
In the inner query I use the hour_start function which truncates the date/time value to the hour start, so I can group by the hour and day of the week in the outer query.
SQL Results:
Is there a way to solve this problem ENTIRELY in Tableau that would get me the result that I am looking for without having to write any SQL code?
Files Stored on Drive
CSV File:
Tableau Worksheet:
You can use Level of Detail expressions to compute the SUM(interval_seconds) at the hour level and then use AVG to calculate the number you are looking for.
I created a couple of calculations:
hour which is defined as: DATETRUNC('hour',[start_time])
this should be equivalent to your hour_start(start_time).
and interval_hours which is defined as {FIXED [hour] : SUM([interval_seconds])/3600 }
This calculates the aggregate for each start_time truncated to the hour.
After this, you simply calculate AVG(interval_hours) and use it in your view.
I put a workbook in dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hfvz8w529g9f46/Interval%20Time%20Baseline.twbx?dl=0
Although the chart looks similar to yours, the numbers I came up with are somewhat different from the "SQL Results" you show. Was the data you provided slightly different?

Creating custom rollups with SSAS

I am currently working on a requirement as follows and would appreciate some help in figuring out a way to configure the aggregation of my measure:
I have a fact table that contains the following Item ID, DateID,StoreID, ReceivedComments. The way received comments work is that on a daily basis a new record is created that adds to the value of received comments (for example if Item 5 in Store 5 on 1 Jan had 23 Received Comments and it received 5 comments the following day, the row for Jan 2 would be Item 5, Store 5, Jan 2, 28)
We created a measure using MAX and it works fine whenever Item ID is used in the query. When we start moving to a higher level the max produces wrong results. Our requirement is to setup the measure to be as follows:
If the member selected is on the Item Level then MAX, if it's on any other level (Date or Store) then the measure should aggregate the Max of all Items under this date or store.
Due to the business rules and structure of the database Store and Item are different dimensions so I can not include them in 1 Hierarchy.
We have been playing around with Custom RollUps but so far haven't been able to get it to work.
I would solve this by using a more traditional approach to your fact table. Instead of keeping a cumulative count in the ReceivedComments column, I would keep only the number of comments received THAT DAY.
That way, instead of using MAX, you can create your measure using SUM, and it will automatically rollup when you go to higher levels.
The only disadvantage I can see to this approach is that you will need to use a range of dates, instead of only the most recent date, to get a full total of all the comments for a given item/store/date. But that's a very small change to your MDX.
Someone suggested using ISLEAF to determine the level, Instead of using ISLeaf i went with AS CASE WHEN [Item].[ItemID].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL IS [Item].[ItemID].[(All)] so I don't have to account for other dimensions such as Date, Store, etc as I have several other dimensions that all behave the same way.
And then I went with this formula to determine the Sum of the Max of the items in a particular store like this:
SUM({[Item].[Item ID].children},[Measures].[ReceivedComments]), Now I expect some performance issues with this measure but we are currently running some tests to see if it's gonna be reliable to work with it on actual data.
