Wagtail MultiSite - Cross posting content - wagtail

I am currently building two sites out of a single Wagtail installation. The sites are for a company and it's sister company and there is some overlap in content. Ideally we don't want to have to post the same content twice. In particular we have an Events page on both sites and there may be events that are relevant to both companies.
The problem is that a Wagtail page can only exist in one place in the tree at once. I have considered creating a "MirroredEventPage" model with only one foreign key field to the original EventPage model, although this approach has it's problems when it comes to writing the EventIndex page and reusing templates.
I've also considered creating Events as a vanilla Django model which isn't ideal either.
Has anyone had a similar issue and found a good solution?

An idea would be to use a mix of using Wagtail Snippets and the RoutablePageMixin on your Events Index Pages.
1. Make an Events Snippet
Make the shared content of your Events page into a Wagtail Snippet. You will loose the ability to access versions of changes but gain the ability to share across sites.
2. Update your Events Index page model to use the RoutablePageMixin
You can then hook into the URL calls for any of the Events Index pages if they have something like mydomain.com/events/123-event-name-as-slug. This can load a custom template (which can be shared or not, depending on the site), with the events index and the event snippet sent via the context.
These URLs will be their own unique URL but not actually have a page behind them. Remember to consider your SEO implications, ensure that the admin editors can manage things like meta description on the snippet (or work through how that will propagate automatically).
You can also hook into the Wagtail button (called Wagtail Userbar) so that when editors click the front end Wagtail button and click 'edit Event' it can take them directly to the Snippet editing page in admin.
3. Update Events Index Listing
If there are some events you do not want on both sites, you could add checkboxes (both ticked by default) for the two sites you operate. This means the Events Index page will only show the events relevant to that site.
You can do this by overriding the serve method on the page model.
Note: In this example you are not explicitly linking each and every event to each site's event index page. You are simply loading a query of relevant events and passing it to the events index template.
4. More Complex Integration
If you really want an individual page for each 'Event' under each site, you could create a custom signal on Snippet create/edit/delete.
Intro to Wagtail Signals:
You would want to ensure that the fields are non-editable on the Page edit, but would be editable under snippets. Then you just keep things in sync with your signals, bit messy but gives you an actual 'Page' in the Admin.


How do I find out where a Visualforce page is being used in my Salesforce org?

I am fixing soql injection errors in my Salesforce org. How do I find out where that page is being called from in Salesforce? I tried looking at the 'Where is this used?" button under setup/Visualforce page/edit/ and it just shows me the test that it is being called from. I checked the show dependencies and it shows me the controller that it is associated with. I can't seem to figure how I can access the page in Salesforce so I can do a manual test on it.
Create a sandbox and try to delete it in there. If page is "properly" used - dependency should block the delete. Can be custom VF tab, button, link, embed on page layout as iframe... Can even be in community or Site as a login page for example.
If you have the project in git or sfdx you could try searching for page's API name.
But pages can be also accessed freestyle, in classic UI you used to just /apex/vfpagename in the address bar. In lightning it's bit more complex but doable for a determined user.
If you want to block access while you fix it - remove right to use the page from profiles / permission sets.
https://lightning-configuration.salesforce.com used to give some info about VF pages usage (count of hits I think) and there's whole Event Monitoring module paid extra (standalone or as part of Salesforce Shield) too

How do I modify Drupal's Admin Screens?

I'm looking to edit Drupal's admin pages.
Some of the things I'm trying to achieve:
Remove is the the filter setting on the Content page/node/view. In other words, if I go to to the Content page and I filter by a certain type of node, then I leave that page, then come back, the filter setting is saved, I'd like it to reset each time I visit the Content page.
I would like to modify some of links associated with these pages, as an example on that Same Content page, the titles of the pages are linked to their 'front-end' views, I'd rather have them link to their 'edit' screens.
While I have been successful in modifying the front-end theme of Drupal, by editing the actual php files. I can't find the the same php files for the Admin theme. In our case we are using Seven (7.21). I've read something about views, and thought maybe the entire Admin theme is built as views, aka there no php files involved like the front-end theme has, but under the Views section I did not find any either. I'm still pretty new at this and coming from the Wordpress world, this is a Drupal is a lot different.
The logic for that section of the admin area is at (from the public root):
Specifically "node.admin.inc"
That being said, I don't recommend editing core scripts, as they will be overwritten when you update the core.
You could explore making your own module to supplement that page, or your own view or explore some pre-made modules, such as "Admin Views"
Find de view displayed and go to its configuration :
1 - Edit configuration view like suggested here : https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/44440/how-to-remember-exposed-filter-choices
2 - Rewrite output views to rewrite link : field https://www.drupal.org/node/1578524
Another option is to create and use your own dashboard/views to achive like you want http://definitivedrupal.org/suggestions/creating-custom-administrator-view-content
also you can see contrib module : https://www.drupal.org/project/admin_views
You don't have to use that default content overview page at all. Make your own instead:
Make a page view (you have to install views module if you already did not: https://www.drupal.org/project/views) and use table layout. Make sure that page paths starts with "admin" so it will use admin theme. Also pay attention about permissions, so only specific set of users (admins) can use it.
For that view you can freely select what columns you what to show. You can also allow ordering by any column and action if you click on some field.
Use exposed filters to add filtering form, again add any filters you need. You can even set the form to use AJAX, to do auto-submit when some filter field is changed, include reset button and more. Also for every exposed filed you can select (at fields settings) should it remember it's value or not.
At end, edit admin menu and add your new page to it so it will look and act as default one but will offer much more functionality. You can even totally remove default one from the admin menu.
Views module is very powerful, not only for front-end but also for back-end content handling.

How to include Javascript on every Salesforce Page(for tracking/analytics) Home page component vs. Custom Button vs. Controller vs

To run analytics javascript on every salesforce page I want to insert Javascript in every page.
So far I read about a couple of different methods:
home page component
a HTML Home page component (need to customize UI to show the components on every page)
limitations: does not work for Chatter, Reports and Setup
possible issue: these comments indicate problems with 'winter 13'
Custom Button with Javascript
(don't know much about this yet) sound like one has to create/assign the buttons to object-types)
Custom APEX controller?
How would this work?
Visualforce page ??
How would this work?
To my understanding it would be possible to replace everything with visualforce pages, but this is obviously not very elegant/maintainable.
I'm curious to see what other methods there are, in partciular by modifying the controller?
What other things to consider (downsides, risks) with the presented methods?
Sidebar component sounds best suited for that to be honest.
Any button/link you'll add to object detail pages will both require clicking on it(!) and won't work on "tab view", "new record" or "edit" pages. You could override most of them with VF pages but that's A LOT of work and there's no way you'll be able to customize UI of these special places: Chatter, Console tab, Reports,Dashboard.
I'm not sure what do you mean by "modifying the controller", there's no such global thing you'd have access to.
There's option of embedding a small VF page into page layout of every detail page but it's equally limited in terms of maintenance and not being present on the new/edit pages.
There are better analytics options for Force.com Sites (not the least of them being the <site:googleAnalyticsTracking/> tag). You should also receive a monthly newsletter (typically with 2-3 month's delay) summarizing usage of your Salesforce instance, user adoption, areas to explore etc. If you don't - check your User's "receive salesforce newsletter" etc settings.

Navigation application - Forces a page at startup

I have a silverlight navigation application where I load and initialize a lot of things in the MainPage.aspx loading.
All the Pages (views) are dependent on the loading of that data.
But really often my users add an internet shortcut on their desktop for my application. but the link often points to a specific page like that :
I want to force the users to go to the "Default" view (and ignore the #/view parameter) when the application Starts up.
Whats the best way I can do that?
I don't think it's a good idea to 'avoid' links. You should construct the application in a way when it's not a problem.
For example you can send a message from your main logic when everything loaded, and until that message you can disable the appropriate UI (while waiting for data). Messenger (or EventAggregator in Prism) is a publisher-subscriber pattern to achive communication between components without reference to each other. If you don't know it yet, take a look at MVVMLight Messenger or Prism EventAggregator
But if the first option is not okay for you, you can play with the Frame control's JournalOwnership property:
OwnsJournal is your value, because it does not integrate with the browser journal and the url stays the original so your users can't bookmark a 'sub page'.
You can also implement your own journal mechanism.
Another :), but pretty ugly option would be if you track the first page load (in OnNavigatedTo Page events for example), and at the very first request you manually navigate to the main page. Or in the App.xaml.cs, when application starts up you forward the page request.
But I recommend the first one.

dotnetnuke: can we create a master page?

Can we create a content managed master page in dotnetnuke?
eg. I want the right pane and bottom pane to be content managed, but to show the same thing across all pages.
What you are describing is essentially what DNN calls a Skin.
A DNN skin is actually just an ASP.NET user control (ascx) that dictates page-wide or site-wide look and feel, which offers developers the same functionality as a Master page, except that it ties into DNN-specific elements and uses some DNN-specific user controls, such as menu/navigation, logo, breadcrumbs, login/user account links, etc.
Now, in order to add the ability to provide content management capabilities site-wide, you specify an area in your skin to place a module (let's say, a Text/HTML module). This area is called a pane. Once you add a module to this pane, in its settings you can tell it to appear on every page. This way, the module can be edited on any page, and its changes will be reflected on all pages automatically.
Check out DNN's site, as it contains a TON of documentation on how to do many common tasks: http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Support/Documentation/DownloadableFiles/tabid/478/Default.aspx. Under the Technical Documentation section, you'll want to grab the Skinning document (I believe it's a PDF).
DNN Modules can be set to appear on all pages by checking a checkbox in the module settings. However DNN does not use the concept of a Master Page. It injects modules (user controls) in containers on a single aspx page at runtime.
A Master Page would be a great addition to DotNetNuke you cannot replace content in a single area of the page. The whole page refreshes. For example if you have a menu and you only want the content of what you select to appear in a specific content area without refreshing the rest of the page you have to resort to third party modules that attempt to do that but usually fail. There are 'module wrappers' but all the ones I've tested have issues with modules that allow the user to edit content. Edit screens are usualy different user control files (ascx) that are launched when you edit the module content. Since the page refreshes with the new page you have lost your place. Those module wrappers work fine for static content and some other controls but not for all controls.
IFrames can be used (DNN has one) to trade out content but that doesn't get rid of the probelms mentione above. I'm heavily invested in DNN, running the UCanUse.com web site so this isn't a slam on DNN. I just thought I'd try to answer the quesiton with detail.
