AngularJS - Validate a part of a form - angularjs

I'm using Angular 1.5.9
I have a big form, which I scattered through different Bootstrap Accordion.
When there is an error in the form, I want to be able to change the class of my accordions to show in which accordions the error is located.
To check for errors in a whole form, I can check
And to check errors for an element, I can simply do
But I don't know if there is a way to do this for multiple element at once, without having to check each element individually.
My first thought was to change the name of my inputs like so:
<input name="accordion1.fieldName">
But this didn't give me the expected result: I don't have myFormName.accordion1.$error, actually, I don't even have myFormName.accordion1.fieldName, since my data is actually stored in myFormName['accordion1.fieldName'] which is pretty much useless.
Has anyone found an answer to this problem? I think I'll have to check each field, which is kinda ugly, and a mess to maintain whenever we add / remove fields...
Maybe there is a directive out there that could do that for me, but as a non-native English speaker, I can't find which key words to use for my search in this situation.

One approach is to nest with the ng-form directive:
<form name=form1>
<div ng-form=set1>
<input name=input1 />
<input name=input2 />

You could name the fields with a prefix such as 'accordion1_' then add a controller function that will filter your fields.
ctrl.fieldGroup = function(form, fieldPrefix) {
var fieldGroup = {};
angular.forEach(form, function(value, key) {
if (key.indexOf(prefix) === 0) {
fieldGroup[key] = value;
return fieldGroup;
Then ctrl.fieldGroup('accordion1') will return an object with the appriopriate fields on it. You could extend the function further to add an aggregate $error property to the resulting fieldGroup object.


Render fields for Redux Form from values in an array

I'm creating a filter for a graph which contains several fields. Most of them are known fields, but one part is dynamically and that is which of the houses the user want to be included in the graph. The houses are contained in my state and is different for each user (basically, the user chooses what they are named). It's the houses part here I want to render dynamically based on the props.
The only example of this that I've found is this, but I haven't found a solution on how I can transition that to my problem. I thought I could just do something like this where every house field is placed in a array (like in that example):
renderHouseFields() {
const { fields: { houseArray } } = this.props;
return => {
const houseField = (
className="col-xs-9 control-label"
<input type="checkbox" />
return (
<div key={}>
className="col-xs-3 control-label"
but then I simply get this error message:
Warning: setState(...): Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as within render). Render methods should be a pure function of props and state.
This is my first project in React so I'm quite sure I'm just overlooking something here, but I can't find the solution and would be grateful if someone could help me here.
(I'm also aware that I can upgrade to redux form 6 and use FieldArray, but I don't really want to do that in the middle of the project.)
Judging by your code I reckon you're getting the error, because you are adding to your houseArray directly in the render method. This will trigger an update to the props of your component, which should not occur in the render method, hence the error.
If you look at the Deep Form link you supplied, you'll notice that the only place modifications to fields are occurring, is within button event handlers.
In your case I think what you want to do is link the entries in your house array, to the actual checkboxes. Right now you're only adding the checkboxes, but it has no reference to a house field:
<input type="checkbox" name={house} />
Or maybe this, depending on the properties of house:
<input type="checkbox" name={`${house}.id`} />
On a side note, I really would recommend to upgrade to version 6, since the API makes a lot more sense and it contains a lot of improvements over the previous version. There's a migration guide:

Is there any way I can direct focus to a specific input field on a form?

I have a large form and I would like when the user clicks a "new" button for the focus to be placed in a specific input field. There's a grid on the form and every field has a known id. Note it might not be the first field so not easy to use the tab.
Would appreciate some advice if this is possible. Would save having to manually have the user move the cursor over and click in the input field.
Update: Changed "move cursor" to "change focus"
Here is one solution -
Angular js gives you an advantage of using some of the extra features so that you dont have to use the jquery.
Here is one way to implement the autofocus feature.
<div class="button" input-focus>{{element.idORname}}</div>
and the directive to be defined here.
return {
link : function(element,attributes){
element/*.parent() or.child()*/.find('type of the field you want to select')[0].focus();
Here you can use the javascript or jquery methods for the dom traversal if there are nested fields in your code.
$timeout is necessary to call for the focus after the browser renders when user has finished clicking the event
As you can see the find('')[0] is a replacement for find('').focus as the latter requires jquery to be used.
Place "autofocus" attribute on the element that you want to focus.
Name: <input type="text" name="name" autofocus />
If all the input ids are known, just use that.
$("#NewButton").on('click', function(){
//Other code.
Custom data attribute can be used with jQuery like this
<input data-field="special" />
And then that specific field can be called like this

Angularjs : creating dynamic form

I'm developing a friend invitation feature for a website.
Only requirements are : by email and has a max number of invitations at a time.
My idea is the following :
At the start, user only sees one email field. When he enters an email adress in the only field, angularjs validates it (email format check) and creates an additional email field.
Now, I come from a jquery background and I think it's bad practice to manipulate DOM with angular.
How would one do it with angularjs ?
Is it a good idea to create a factory that "produces" (from a template file) fields ?
Can a library like bootstrap ui help me write simpler code for form validation and error management
This Plunker might fulfill your need at its closest:
The key point in this technique is letting the user directly edit a dynamic list of models. Indeed in the example, $scope.invites contains your values. The trick here is referring to them as models:
<input type="email" class="invite" name="invite{{ $index }}" ng-model="invites[$index].mail" ng-change="checkInvite($index)" />
$index being the index of the current ng-repeat iteration. checkInvite function will take care of watching changes in your invites fields.
invites is an array of objects, this way we're sure not to mess with ng-repeat, iterating over the reference that we handle (vs models that would be handled by angular)
The field's name is useful to manually check the field's validity: in the controller we can check a field's validity accessing $scope.formName.fieldName.$valid
I also added an extra test that checks if the user clears a non-last filled-in field. In this case, we remove the field.
Have fun using angular!
Personally, I would find the design confusing, since I wouldn't know I could have more email addresses. At the minimum, I would want a + to indicate to the user that s/he can add more addresses. Think of how airlines do "multiple destinations" searches on their Websites.
However, if you are set at this, use an array in the scope. I am using a table for this, but anything will do.
<input ng-model="newemailaddress"></input><button ng-click="addEmail">Add</button>
<tr ng-repeat="addr in addresses"><td>{{addr}}</td></tr>
And your controller something like:
.controller('MyCtrl',function($scope) {
$scope.addresses = [];;
$scope.newemailaddress = "";
$scope.addEmail = function() {
// do validation
if (valid) {
$scope.newemailaddress = "";

How to add dynamic text fields with AngularJS

My question is more about what would be the best practice in this scenario:
I have a form that has to allow a user to input n number of ideas, each idea in an independent text field. Ideally there would be a couple of buttons next to the last text input to allow the user to create a new text input or to erase the latest one.
I know DOM manipulation is not the way to go with Angular but due to requirements, I have to do something that requires creating elements dynamically. Is there a best practice, service or directive in Angular that could allow me to do this or I should just inject the elements with jQuery?
The only thing you need is proper use of ng-repeat. No DOM manipulation with jQuery is necessary. Nor would it be good practice. Behold, the power of ng-repeat.
Working plunker here.
Something like this?
<div ng-repeat="idea in ideas">
<input ng-model="idea">
<button ng-click="AddNew()">Add New Idea</button>
<button ng-click="DeleteLast()">Delete Last Idea</button>
In controller:
$scope.AddNew = function() {
$scope.DeleteLast= function() {
$scope.ideas.splice($scope.ideas.length-1, 1);

AngularJs .$setPristine to reset form

I been struggling to reset form once form is submitted. Someone posted this Here which I want to make it work but no success. Here is my My Code Example.
$scope.form.$setPristine(); is not setting Pristine: {{user_form.$pristine}} to true. See example above.
$setPristine() was introduced in the 1.1.x branch of angularjs. You need to use that version rather than 1.0.7 in order for it to work.
Had a similar problem, where I had to set the form back to pristine, but also to untouched, since $invalid and $error were both used to show error messages. Only using setPristine() was not enough to clear the error messages.
I solved it by using setPristine() and setUntouched().
(See Angular's documentation:
So, in my controller, I used:
These two functions reset the complete form to $pristine and back to $untouched, so that all error messages were cleared.
Just for those who want to get $setPristine without having to upgrade to v1.1.x, here is the function I used to simulate the $setPristine function. I was reluctant to use the v1.1.5 because one of the AngularUI components I used is no compatible.
var setPristine = function(form) {
if (form.$setPristine) {//only supported from v1.1.x
} else {
*Underscore looping form properties, you can use for loop too like:
*for(var i in form){
* var input = form[i]; ...
_.each(form, function (input) {
if (input.$dirty) {
input.$dirty = false;
Note that it ONLY makes $dirty fields clean and help changing the 'show error' condition like $scope.myForm.myField.$dirty && $scope.myForm.myField.$invalid.
Other parts of the form object (like the css classes) still need to consider, but this solve my problem: hide error messages.
There is another way to pristine form that is by sending form into the controller. For example:-
In view:-
<form name="myForm" ng-submit="addUser(myForm)" novalidate>
<input type="text" ng-mode=""/>
<span style="color:red" ng-show="$dirty &&$invalid">
<span ng-show="$error.required">Name is required.</span>
<button ng-disabled="myForm.$invalid">Add User</button>
In Controller:-
$scope.addUser = function(myForm) {
DavidLn's answer has worked well for me in the past. But it doesn't capture all of setPristine's functionality, which tripped me up this time. Here is a fuller shim:
var form_set_pristine = function(form){
// 2013-12-20 DF TODO: remove this function on Angular 1.1.x+ upgrade
// function is included natively
} else {
form.$pristine = true;
form.$dirty = false;
angular.forEach(form, function (input, key) {
if (input.$pristine)
input.$pristine = true;
if (input.$dirty) {
input.$dirty = false;
I solved the same problem of having to reset a form at its pristine state in Angular version 1.0.7 (no $setPristine method)
In my use case, the form, after being filled and submitted must disappear until it is again necessary for filling another record. So I made the show/hide effect by using ng-switch instead of ng-show. As I suspected, with ng-switch, the form DOM sub-tree is completely removed and later recreated. So the pristine state is automatically restored.
I like it because it is simple and clean but it may not be a fit for anybody's use case.
it may also imply some performance issues for big forms (?) In my situation I did not face this problem yet.

