How to bind a part of a variable already binded - angularjs

I have a loop ng-repeat that displays sevral icons.
<div class="box">
<div class="box-body">
<div class="row" >
<div class="col-sm-6" style="margin-bottom: 5px;" ng-repeat="record in newlayout.display" align="center">
<a class="btn btn-app" ng-href="#newlayout/{{newlayout.url}}{{newlayout.itemValue}}" >
<span class="badge bg-yellow" style="font-size:22px;">{{record.numberOfSamples}}</span>
<i class="fa fa-{{newlayout.labStyle}}"></i> {{record.lab}}
My issue is that the second part of the binded variable itemValue should be dynamic
In my Js, I have this
newLayout.url = 'sublabs/?labName=';
newLayout.itemValue = 'record.lab';
The URL is dynamic.
When I click on the first displayed Icon, the url should look like this :
But it didn't work as I had a compilation error..
Does someone have an idea how to fix this:
http://localhost:8181/#/newlayout/sublabs?labName=PIA/C1 - Shiftlabo
Where the record value "PIA/C1 - Shiftlabo" change.
So basically here if I change
<a class="btn btn-app" ng-href="#newlayout/{{newlayout.url}}{{newlayout.itemValue}}" >
{{newlayout.itemValue}} by {{record.lab}} it would work..but the {{record.**lab**}} should be dynamic as it will have another value when I click on the icon. It will change to {{record.subLab}}

Use property acccessor bracket notation inside the binding:
var isSublab = false;
$scope.labOrSublab = "lab";
$scope.clickHandler = function() {
isSublab = !isSublab;
$scope.labOrSublab = isSublab ? 'subLab' : 'lab';


Protractor Locating elements by by.repeater contained within a specific div

In protractor, I am trying to access the buttons repeated withina specific div with id 'CreateRFQID'. These buttons are defined a directive 'gps-button-bar'. I am trying to access them by.repeater. Because these buttons also appear else where in the page, I can not just access them through
element(by.repeater('aBtn in buttonBarController.config.buttonConfigs track by $index')).
But I am trying without success to get those buttons that are sub element of the div with id 'CreateRFQID'.
Protractor code I am trying:
var parent = element(by.css('#CreateRFQID'));
var first= parent.element(by.repeater('aBtn in buttonBarController.config.buttonConfigs track by $index')).row(0);
first.getText().then(function (text) {
Any help how to get it?
View / html Fragment
<div ng-controller="CreateRFQController as createRFQCntrl" id="CreateRFQID" class="ng-scope">
<gps-button-bar config="createRFQCntrl.buttonBarConfig" class="ng-isolate-scope"><div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row row-buttonBar">
<label><h1 class="panel-title ng-binding">RFQ Create </h1></label>
<span class="pull-right">
<span ng-repeat="aBtn in buttonBarController.config.buttonConfigs track by $index" style="padding-right: 2px" class="ng-scope">
<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs ng-binding" id=""myButton"+$index" ng-click="buttonBarController.clickHandler($index);" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Create" ng-show="buttonBarController.gpsShownButtons[$index]" ng-disabled="buttonBarController.gpsDisabledButtons[$index]">
<span class="fa fa-floppy-o"></span> Create
</span><!-- end ngRepeat: aBtn in buttonBarController.config.buttonConfigs track by $index -->
You have a problem in the selector, you don't do .row on the result of element but on the by
var parent = element('CreateRFQID'));
var first = parent.element(by.repeater('aBtn in buttonBarController.config.buttonConfigs track by $index').row(0));
first.getText().then(function (text) {

In what scope is ng-repeat "as alias" available

I'm using angular 1.4.8. I want to save filtered result from ng-repeat and use it to determine whether to enable a "load more" button at the bottom of the list. I have looked at this question:
AngularJS - how to get an ngRepeat filtered result reference
And many others, they suggest to use "as alias" from ng-repeat, here's what my code looks like:
<ul class="media-list tab-pane fade in active">
<li class="media">
<div ng-repeat-start="item in items | limitTo: totalDisplayed as filteredResult">
<div class="panel panel-default" ng-repeat-end>
<button ng-click="loadMore()" ng-show="totalDisplayed <= filteredResult.length">
However, I found filteredResult.length is displayed fine right after ng-repeat, but the button is never shown. If I try to display filteredResult.length in where the button is, it will show null.
So is there a rule for "as alias" scope? I've seen plenty of examples work but mine doesn't, what am I missing here?
The accepted answer uses controllerAs which indeed will resolve the problem. However, charlietfl's comment using ng-init to save filteredResult to parent scope is also very neat and that's the solution I use in my code eventually.
Probably some of classes in your <ul class="media-list tab-pane fade in active"> or <li class="media"> is selector for a directive that would have its own scope. So you store filteredResult in e.g. tab-pane's scope and then try to have access out of it's scope in outside of ul tag.
Try to use Controller as instead of scope:
.module('plunker', [])
.controller('MainCtrl', function() {
vm = this;
// make an array from 1 to 10
var arr = [];
while (arr.length < 10) {
arr.push(arr.length + 1)
vm.items = arr;
vm.totalDisplayed = 5;
vm.filteredResult = [];
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl as main">
<ul class="media-list tab-pane fade in active">
<li class="media">
<div ng-repeat-start="item in main.items | limitTo: main.totalDisplayed as filteredResult">
<div class="panel panel-default" ng-repeat-end>
filteredResult = {{main.filteredResult = filteredResult}}
<button ng-click="loadMore()" ng-show="main.totalDisplayed <= main.filteredResult.length">

Angularjs: how change icon when item is clicked

I know that this question has already some answers/solutions but none of them works for me most probably because this is the first time when I'm trying to implement something using Angularjs.
I have a div (title) that expands some info when it's clicked and I want to change the icon inside of it when that info is visible...
This is my code:
<div class="title" ng-click="view_variables(request)">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></i>
And this is what I tried to do, but not working because the div will not show the expanded info anymore:
<div class="title" ng-click="view_variables(request) = !view_variables(request)">
<i ng-class="{'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right':!view_variables(request), 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left': view_variables(request)}"></i>
Controller code:
$scope.view_variables = function(req){
if (!req.enabled_variables && !req.disabled_variables) {
$http.get('/api/files/' + $scope.file_id + '/requests/' + + '/variables')
variables =;
req.enabled_variables = [];
req.disabled_variables = [];
for (i=0; i<variables.length; i++) {
if (variables[i].disabled == true) {
} else {
req.show_variables = !req.show_variables;
The view_variables function doesn't return anything, so it will always be treated as false.
You want something like this:
<div class="title" ng-click="view_variables(request)">
<i ng-class="{'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right':!request.show_variables, 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left': request.show_variables}"></i>
I think the problem is what you have going on in the ng-click attribute. By using "view_variables(request) = !view_variables(request)" are you not calling the view_variables function twice? Also, it seems strange to be assigning a value to a function call.
I would just keep ng-click="view_variables(request)" as you had in the first line of code, then have the view_variables function set a boolean somewhere in scope ($ and have that determine ng-class for your i element.
Good luck!
--EDIT: Now that you've put up your controller, req.show_variables looks like a useful candidate
Calling a function inside ng-class is a bad idea. Why don't you use a flag for it.
inside controller-
$scope.view_variables = function(request){
//your code
$scope.isExpanded = !$scope.isExpanded;
and in html
<div class="title" ng-click="view_variables(request)">
<i class="glyphicon" ng-class="{'glyphicon-chevron-right':!isExpanded, 'glyphicon-chevron-left':isExpanded}"></i>
May be Better this way using ng-show directive:
<div class="title" ng-click="view_variables(request)">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" ng-show="!view_variables(request)"></i>
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left" ng-show="view_variables(request)"></i>
You could use ng-if directive like so:
<div class="title" ng-click="view_variables(request)">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" ng-if="!view_variables(request)"></i>
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left" ng-if="view_variables(request)"></i>
assuming view_variables(request) returns true or false... maybe could replace it for req.show_variables.

How to set active class on ng-click?

I have this:
<div class="account-item">
<div class="account-heading" ng-class="active">
<h4 class="account-title">
<a href="#/Messages" onclick="SetActiveAccountHeading(this);">
7. #Translate("SYSTEM_MESSAGES")</a>
<div class="account-item">
<div class="account-heading" ng-class="active">
<h4 class="account-title">
<a href="#/Info" onclick="SetActiveAccountHeading(this);">
7. #Translate("SYSTEM_INFO")</a>
In angular i have this:
$ = "active";
but how can i change this on click so if user click on menu once it would be active if again click it would be NOT active?
Ok say you have multiple menu items and you want to toggle the class according to click,
you can create a array in the controller which represents the menu items as,
$scope.menuItems = ['Home', 'Contact', 'About', 'Other'];
assign the default selected ,menu item
$scope.activeMenu = $scope.menuItems[0];
create a function to assign the selected Menu value, this function will assign the $scope.activeMenu a last selected menu item.
$scope.setActive = function(menuItem) {
$scope.activeMenu = menuItem
loop through the menuItems array and create the menu.
in the ng-class check last clicked menu item is equal to item in the repeat.
if click on the menu then call setActive() function in the controller and pass the menu item name as an argument.
<div class="account-item" ng-repeat='item in menuItems'>
<div class="account-heading" ng-class="{active : activeMenu === item}">
<h4 class="account-title">
{{ item }}
here is the DEMO
here is a DEMO without ng-repeat
This is what you need.
<div class="account-item" ng-init="active = true">
<div class="account-heading" ng-class="{'active': active === true}" ng-click="active = !active">
<h4 class="account-title">
7. #Translate("SYSTEM_MESSAGES")
No other scripting. +1 if it helps.
<a routerLink="/user/bob" routerLinkActive="active-link">Bob</a>
<a [routerLink]="['calendar']" routerLinkActive="active">
If you are using [ui-router] you not need to write anything just you have add this ui-sref-active="active-menu" property in your tag which you want to active after click/navigate.
For cleaner code try this:
<div class="account-item" ng-init="active = true">
<div class="account-heading" ng-class="{'active': active}">
<h4 class="account-title">
7. #Translate("SYSTEM_MESSAGES")
You can remove the onclick event SetActiveAccountHeading(this);.
Here's the JsFiddle link.
You can view the result in the developer's console.
Hope it helps.

$scope is only visible in function and thats why is not working

My layout page looks like this:
<li class="dropdown">
<ul class="submenu">
In layout page i have : #RenderBody()where i have Index page.In index page im using <div ng-view></div>. What im trying to do is when user click on a href to redirect him on that page and set class to this menu that is render in ng-view:
<div class="account-item">
<div class="account-heading" ng-class="{active : activeMenu === 'Settings'}">
<h4 class=" account-title has-sub">
<a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#settings" ng-click="activeMenu='Settings'">5. #Translate("SETTINGS")</a></h4>
<div id="settings" class="account-collapse collapse in">
<div class="account-body">
When i try this nothing happens:
$scope.SetActiveMenuForPersonalInfo = function () {
$scope.activeMenu = 'Settings';
$scope.activeLink = "PersonalInfo";
$scope.activeMenu and $scope.activeLink are visible only in function and thats why i cant set class on menu. When i put it out of function it works
Try changing the tripple equality sign in ng-class="{'active-link' : activeLink==='PersonalInfo'}" to double ==
PS: I do not understand the last paragraph
