Preserving <pre> tag whitespace when displaying content from Firebase with dangerouslySetInnerHtml - reactjs

Here's the background:
I want to be able to save rich text blog posts to Firebase to then display them, including code snippets, on a Posts page.
Right now, I'm simply saving a single string of html to Firebase, retrieving that per post, and setting it with dangerouslySetInnerHtml. I'm the only one adding posts.
However, this means that I lose tabbing information when displaying code snippets in blocks. I don't think I can use solution since I'm using dangerouslySetInnerHtml: Formatting code with <pre> tag in React and JSX
Any tips on how to store, retrieve, and display rich text using React and Firebase? Thank you for your help.

I was able to use the following to convert rich text to html, and then minify it:


React-Quill, videos are not displayed at all. Only other tags/images, I can't understand why

I have a couple objects created using the React-Quill editor and some contain images while others contain videos. The ones containing images are rendered back in my app without issue but the ones with videos end up rendering while ignoring all video tags.
For example this is one set of data:
<p>Some text</p><video class="quill-upload-video" src="" controls="true" controlslist="nodownload" width="100%"></video><p>Some more text</p>
Quill renders both paragraph tags and absolutely ignores the video tag as though it isn't there. This is not an issue for images.
Is there an explanation for this? How can I troubleshoot the problem?

React with tinyMCE - how to output HTML without seeing balises in front-end?

I'm a new user of TinyMCE, and i'm trying to incorporate it in my React App. But i'ma actually getting an output problem. When try "format:text" in the tiny component, and try to create a post in my blog using bold and italic options, when the post is posted, the displayed text is just normal, without bold or italic properties. So, I've tried the "format:html" but in this case, I get my text without any styles at all, AND we see the <p> balises.
So, it can looks like a stupid question but, how do we output the posted text correctly ?
As always, thx in advance !
This happened to me as well. If you do not want to see the attributes on your output then go to the React Component which is responsible for output and in your React component when you use the return() keyword you should create a div use the
dangerouslySetInnerHTML attribute inside.
Here's [a link] (

AFC Repeater and wp-rest api in React.js

Need to render ACF repeater in react. I am able to display ACF text Fields but not repeater fields. Need to find out if anyone has an example of how to map through a repeater field.
Repeater field group Is called Skills.
Im also new in this stuff, but I will try to help you.
So, the first thing that you need is to download and install ACF to REST API plugin so you can use ACF with Wordpress API. I assume, that you already have it, because as you said before - you can display text fields.
Once you can send data through Wordpress API, you need to preview of JSON sent by Wordpress (in this case), so you can display necessary data. Mine is called React Developer Tools and I installed it as Chrome extension.
Link to Chrome store
It should look like this:
As you can see, my component is called Home.js, yours may be called differently. Chose component that is fetching all the data that you need.
Now, you just need to use your repeater. It would be much easier if you showed us your code. I don't really know what kind of data you are calling through api, so I guess these are pages.
{ pages[0] ( (field, index) => (
<div key={index} className="single-field">
{ field.nazwa_technologii }
) ) }
Let's break it down.
1 - My project contains two pages. I have chosen the first one, because only this one has needed ACF fields. technologie_lista is acf field name.
2 - You need to use map function to list all posts. You need to assign key to each element.
nazwa_technologii is just a repeater sub field name.
And that's all. I might make some rookie mistakes, but it work's for me. I hope that i helped. Cheers!

Can the `linky` filter be used with text containing html tags?

From the linky docs it seems it should work with ng-bind-html. However, if the text contains html tags, then linky overrides the actual html interpretation to transform URLs into links.
This can be seen by for instance writing
Pretty text with some links:<br/><img src="">,,,
and one more:
in the example at the bottom of the linky docs page.
Is there a way to firstly sanitise and interpret html using ng-bind-html and only later parse the resulting text to add clickable links?

Why is my Angular JS ng-show empty list div shows up for a split second while API is being called?

<div ng-show="!activities.length">No items in feed</div>
I use the above code to show a message when a user has no items in their feed. On that same page I have a radio button to show different types of feeds (e.g. just yours, or all your friends, etc.). When the user selects a different option, it makes a post back to my API which takes a second, but while the api is grabbing the data the empty list message displays for a second.
Is there an easy way to resolve this?
Use the ngCloack directive for this:
The other option is to use ng-bind as many people recommend it over ng-cloak:
I personally have had issues where even using ng-cloak there is a slight markup flash.
