ng-if not working when nested table iteration using ng-repeat - angularjs

when table inside table repeating dynamically in that time ng-if is not working.when am adding one row in child table in that time taking wrong parent using like that but in input filed working fine but buttons are not working when ng-if condition taking wrong parent index
<div id="parentdivId" ng-repeat="parent in listOfParentTables">
<table >
<thead class="evlhead ingpopuphead">
<th >A</th>
<th >B</th>
<th >C</th>
<tbody >
<tr ng-repeat="child in parent.childMaster" ng-if="child.status!=2">
<td >
<select id="a10" ng-model="child.a10">
<option ng-repeat="list in listMaster" value={{list.ID}}>{{list.NAME}}</option>
<td ><div class="addrembtn" ><input class="btnadd" type="button" value="+" id="addbutton10" ng-click="addNewChildRow($parent.$index,$index)"><input class="btnrem" type="button" value="-" id="deletebutton10" ng-click="removechildRow($parent.$index,$index)"></div></td>
<div style="float:left;">
<button class="parentbtn" style="margin:37px 0px 0px 17px !important;width: 75px;" value="AddTable" id="basebutton" ng-click="addNewParenttable($index)">+ Gasto</button>
<div style="float:left;">
<button class="parentbtn" style="margin: 12px 0px 0px 17px !important;width: 75px;" value="AddTable" id="basebutton" ng-click="removeParenttable($index)">- Eliminar</button>

In a nested ng-repeat, the $index does not give the index of element in the array being iterated. Use something like,
indexOf always returns the original index in an ng-repeat
Hope it helps!


angularjs smart table (st-table) issue with ngInclude

I had a page working fine with st-table in angularjs (1.8.x).
Ref: Smart Table Website or on Git Hub.
Because the page was becoming too big (HTML), as a quick fix I put the sections into diff HTML files and then used ng-include on main page. But since then the st-search stopped working.
Check the code:
<table class="table table-condense table-striped table-bordered" ng-hide="vmModelMg.currentModel.exclusionParts.length==0" st-safe-src="vmModelMg.currentModel.exclusionParts" st-table="dispExclPartsList">
<thead style="overflow-y:scroll;">
<th colspan="2" style="width: 30%; padding-right: 10px;border-right:none;">
<a class="btn btn-primary pull-left" ng-click="vmModelMg.refreshExclusionPartsManual()">Refresh</a>
<th colspan="3" style="width: 35%;border-right:none;border-left:none;">
Show only Active? :
<input type="checkbox" st-search="isActive" value="{{vmModelMg.isActiveModelFilterExPt}}" ng-model="vmModelMg.isActiveModelFilterExPt" ng-true-value="true" ng-false-value="" />
<th style="width: 35%;border-left:none;">
<a class="btn btn-primary pull-right" ng-click="vmModelMg.addNewExclusionPart()">Add new Exclusion Part</a>
<th style="width: 10%;"></th>
<th st-sort="partCode" style="width: 15%;">Part Code</th>
<th style="width: 15%;">Transmission Type</th>
<th st-sort="isActive" style="width: 15%;">Is Active?</th>
<th style="width: 45%;">Notes</th>
<tbody style="overflow-y:scroll;max-height:300px;">
<tr ng-show="dispExclPartsList.length==0">
<td colspan="5" style="width:100%;">
<div class="alert alert-info">
No Exclusion Parts found.
<tr ng-repeat="exclPartRec in dispExclPartsList">
... td values here ...
I included this using code below:
<ng-include src="'/Scripts/app/Views/manageModels.exclusionParts.html'"></ng-include>
Can someone please advise why if I paste this code in main page it works & if in the ngInclude it doesn't. Now, when I say it doesn't it doesn't show records when tab is loaded. If I click on "Show Active only" checkbox, the filter starts working. But, if same code is on single page, it shows records as soon as I load the tab.

How to change table cell background color based on cell value in using directive in Angularjs

I have a table that displays data for health insurance allocation to a beneficiary. I need to add a condition that checks for values whose usage by a a member is more than 70% of the initial allocation and in such a scenario, the cell displaying that value background changes on mouse hover.
So far, I have only been able to fetch all data from my back-end service and render it on the table.
My code implementation is as follows:
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="form-group col-sm-12" style="max-height: 400px; overflow-y: auto;">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-responsive input-sm">
<div class="th"><b>HEALTH BASKET</b></div>
<th >
<div class="th"><b>ALLOCATION</b></div>
<th >
<div class="th"><b>USAGE</b></div>
<th >
<div class="th"><b>BALANCE</b></div>
<tr data-ng-repeat="voucher in vouchers">
<td >{{voucher.used}}</td>
Any idea of how this can be implemented using the Angular directives?
You need to make use of the directives ng-mouseover, ng-mouseleave and ng-class
In your <tbody>:
<tr data-ng-repeat="voucher in vouchers" ng-class="{'usage-exceeded': usageExceeded}" ng-mouseover="checkUsage(voucher)" ng-mouseleave="usageExceeded = false">
<td >{{voucher.used}}</td>
And inside the controller function:
$scope.checkUsage = function (voucher) {
// add the logic to set the $scope.usageExceeded as true, change this logic as per
// your condition
if ((voucher.used / voucher.value) * 100 > 70) {
$scope.usageExceeded = true;
Now, add the css class usage-exceeded inside your css which will change the background color.
.usage-exceeded {
background-color: red;

Angularjs-probelm dont work $compile after get response of ajax

i created directive for making print page.this directive have template page that included button and print template(this have ngRepeat on Result object).print button was clicked fire "click" funciton in Controller of directive then ajax request send to server for get array of object that fill print tamplate.
<div ng-class="{'btn':true,'btn-warning':true,'disabled':disableBtn}" data-toggle="modal"
ng-click="getdetail=true;" data-target="#detailModal">order detail</div>
<print-order disable-btn="disableBtn" order="selectedItem"></print-order>
<a ng-click="" ng-class="{'btn':true,'btn-info':true,'disabled':ctrl.disableBtn}" >
<i class="fa fa-print"></i>
<div id="printSection">
<table style="width: 100%;font:13px tahoma;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<th style="border-bottom: 3px solid black;">
<p>number: </p>
<img src="/images/receipt-logo.png" alt="">
<th style="border-bottom: 3px solid black;">
<p>code :</p>
<p> {{ctrl.order.customer.fldMobilePhone}}
<br> {{ctrl.order.fldAtFA.split("-")[0]}}
<tr style="border-bottom: 3px solid black;">
<td colspan="3" style="padding: 10px;line-height: 20px;">
cutomer : {{ctrl.order.customerAddress.fldContactName }}
<br /> address: {{ctrl.order.customerAddress.fldAddress }}
<br/>mobile : {{ctrl.order.customerAddress.fldMobilePhone}}
<br/> phone : {{ctrl.order.customerAddress.fldTelephone}} </td>
<table dir="rtl" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="margin-top:20px;border-top:2px solid #000000;;border-bottom:2px solid #000000;border-color: #000000">
<td width="40%" style="padding-right:10px;font-size: 10px" align="right">name</td>
<td width="20%" style="font-size: 10px" align="center">number</td>
<td width="20%" style="font-size: 10px" align="center">price</td>
<td width="25%" style="font-size: 10px" align="right">price</td>
<tr ng-repeat="item in ctrl.Components track by $index">
<td style="padding-right:10px;font-size: 9px">
<td style="font-size: 12px" align="center">{{item.fldQty}}</td>
<td style="font-size: 10px" align="center">{{item.fldUnitPrice}}</td>
<td style="font-size: 10px;padding: 5px">{{item.fldTotalPrice}}</td>
transclude: true,
var popupWinindow =$"", '_blank', 'width=300,height=500');
var el=angular.element("#printSection")
// console.log(el.html());
<body style="direction: rtl;">`+el.html()+` </body>
when i clicked on print button .id of order send to directive then detail of order request of server with ajax that this should fill "#printSection" of template by $compile but this dont binding and Components property is empty.
but this dont binding and Components property is empty.
You cannot call $compile with this, in your case $compile(el)(this);
this != scope
Small Demo
Is it typo? var el=angular.element("#printSection")
Did you mean something like:
var warapper = document.querySelector('#printSection');
angular.element(warapper); //...

Assign value after ng-if

I'm trying to do a table with ng-repeat. This is my code
<table class="tab2" >
<th>Currency: USD '000s</th>
<th ng-repeat="s in periodosCF">{{s.periodo | date:"yyyy"}}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="n in nombreFilasCF" class="{{n.fondo}}">
<td style="width: 32%;"><div class="bordeTab">
<div class="{{n.color}}First" >
</div> <br>
<td ng-repeat="dato in datosCF" ng-if="n.nombre == dato.nombre">
<div class="{{n.color}}" >
Once it enter to this ng-repeat="dato in datosCF", I do and if to print a value, but if the if returns me false I need to print this "-".
It sounds like you want to include all rows, but the content of the row is different based on some condition. If that's the case, you can try moving the conditional logic into the body of your <td> element, and having two divs with contradictory ng-if expressions:
<table class="tab2" >
<th>Currency: USD '000s</th>
<th ng-repeat="s in periodosCF">{{s.periodo | date:"yyyy"}}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="n in nombreFilasCF" ng-class="n.fondo">
<td style="width: 32%;"><div class="bordeTab">
<div ng-class="n.color + 'First'">
</div> <br>
<td ng-repeat="dato in datosCF">
<div ng-if="n.nombre === dato.nombre" ng-class="n.color">
<div ng-if="n.nombre !== dato.nombre">
I also changed your interpolated class attributes to ng-class.

Trigger ngInfiniteScroll correctly when using a scrolling table

I have a table inside a bootstrap-modal which has overflow set to auto so that it scrollable. However I need to load a lot of data so I would like to implement lazy-loading using ngInfiniteScroll. I have tried using the infinite-scroll-container attribute but it's still triggering constantly. Here is a code-snippet:
<div class="modal-body">
<table class="table" id="msds-table" ng-show="vm.modalViewLoaded" infinite-scroll="vm.log()" infinite-scroll-container='"#msds-table"'
<tr ng-repeat="sheet in vm.datasheets | filter:onboardQuery | filter: (notOnBoardOnly ? {onboard:false} : {onboard:any})">
<span class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="sheet.onboard" data-ng-value="sheet.onboard">
<span data-ng-show="!sheet.onboard">Click to select</span>
<us-list-select ng-model="sheet.located"
<div ng-show="!vm.modalViewLoaded" style="text-align:center;padding-top:20px;">
<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif">
Any ideas?
