Is there a recommended way to parameterise Gatling simulations? - gatling

I'd like to be able to run Gatling via SBT and parameterize the number of constant users per second and the total duration of the simulation.
Something like:
setUp(testScenario.inject(constantUsersPerSec(<parameter>) during(<number> <seconds|minutes|hours>))
What would be the best way to pass arguments to SBT and read them in the Simulation class?

You can try pass them as environment parameters
val variable = Option(System.getProperty("variable")) getOrElse """default_value"""
and set them in the command : -Dvariable=yourValue


How to implement get_tensor_by_name and predict in tensorflow.js

I want to use Faster rcnn inception v2 to do object detection in tensorflow.js. But i can't find some method in tfjs like get_tensor_by_name and session run for prediction.
In tensorflow (python), the code as the following:
Define input and output node:
# Definite input Tensors for detection_graph
self.image_tensor = self.detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('image_tensor:0')
# Definite output Tensors for detection_graph
self.detection_boxes = self.detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_boxes:0')
self.detection_scores = self.detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_scores:0')
self.detection_classes = self.detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_classes:0')
self.num_detections = self.detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('num_detections:0')
(boxes, scores, classes, num) =
[self.detection_boxes, self.detection_scores, self.detection_classes, self.num_detections],
feed_dict={self.image_tensor: image_np_expanded})
Do anyone know how to implement those two part of code in tfjs?
Please help. Thank you!
You don't have a function in tensorflow.Js as there is in Python. In python, you start defining a graph and in the run function, you execute the graph. Tensors and Variables are assigned values in the graph, but the graph defines only the flow of computation, it does not hold any values. The real computation occurs when you run the session. One can create many session where each session can assign different values to the variable, that is why the graph has a get_by_tensor_name which outputs the tensor whose name is given as parameter.
You don't have the same mechanism in Js. You can use the variable as soon as you define them. It means that whenever you define a new tensor or variable, you can print it in the following line whereas in python, you can only print the tensor or variable only during a session. The get_by_tensor_name does not really have a sense in Js.
As for the predict function, you do have one in Js as well. if you create a model using tf.model or tf.sequential, you can invoke predict to make a prediction.

Jmeter Property with array of values

Requirement: Need to store 50+ values to a Jmeter property and use with idx
In the case of normal variable we can use Country_1 or Country_2.
Do we have any function to set an array of values to jmeter Property and how to get value using index?
Note: In this case,value has to be used in different thread group.
Your ArrayList initialization is not correct, you should be doing something like:
List myList = Arrays.asList('India', 'USA', 'UK')
There is no putObject method in props shorthand (which is basically an instance of java.util.Properties class so you will need to amend your code like:
props.put('Middle', myList)
Once done you will be able to access individual list members using __groovy() function like:
${__groovy(props.get('Middle').get(0),)} - for first member
${__groovy(props.get('Middle').get(1),)} - for second member
${__groovy(props.get('Middle').get(2),)} - for third member
See Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It article for more details on using Groovy scripting in JMeter tests.

UVM TB and DUT parameter control

Please help to resolve one issue that I am facing with planning my TB.
Let’s assume my DUT has some input port which is parameter, something like:
module Multiplier #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (
input [WIDTH-1:0] addr,
Now I want my test to control this WIDTH parameter.
I want the test to randomize the WIDTH parameter, then apply that parameter to DUT. And based on that parameter value my whole testbench will be changed the transaction signals, driver, monitor and so on.
What is the best way to implement this parametric test?
I am thinking to have the WIDTH parameter in test class, and randomize it there. Then assign it to the DUT during instantiation. And for TB, put the randomize value in config_db and in agent get it and assign it to config class appropriate parameter.
I would generate a random variable in my Makefile (or whatever build/compilation system you are using). Then depending on your simulator, set the parameter from the simulation run command.
The Parameters value can be passed with ‘vsim’ command in the ModelSim simulator. Assuming we want to supply a parameter value globally to all the modules:
All simulators have an equivalent.

changing variables in loop in Jmeter

I have web request like this
Loop Controller(3)
While Controller(${__javaScript(${moreSamples}==true)})
SOAP/XML-RPC Request(index=${startIndex})
Regular Expression Extractor(startIndex=newIndex,moreSamples=samples)
Now problem is I am not able to initialize moreSamples and startIndex in loop.
I tried two options:
Make moreSamples and startIndex as user defined variables. Now I am able to change their values using Regular Expression Extractor but not able to reinitialize them in outer loop using BeanShell PostProcessor like this:
Make moreSamples and startIndex as User Parameters in preprocessor of of while loop but then I am not able to assign them values using Regular Expression Extractor.
Please suggest the mistakes or some new construct which can fit in.
Can you do following things:
Add UserDefinedVariables on top of your Test Plan with two defined variables:
moreSamples, startIndex (like #ant suggested already)
Under the Download - PersistentSyncScope Sampler, you have two regular expression extractors in which I assume you want to extract some values and place it in these two variables from the above. Add BeanShellPostProcessor under the Download - PersistentSyncScope Sampler.
In BeanShellPostProcessor add following code:
These two (moreSamples, startIndex) are global variables and changes on them should be visible outside of the loop.
Do you have to initialize them from the loop? How about adding those to User Defined Variables?
Or you can do it from your loop as well, the reason why it doesn't work for you is either the fact that you forgot to put the semi-colon ; after your expression(s) :
vars.put("moreSamples","false"); // ; <- was missing
vars.put("startIndex","0"); // ; <- was missing
I used BSF Sampler and it worked for me (don't forget to choose the language -> beanshell if you use this one). Here is my debug sampler (relevant part) :
You need not to use both BSF Sampler and user defined variables. You can use either, and I see you have more user defined variables, no need for that. Have one of those at the start of your test. I'm still not clear what your problem is and what you're trying to achieve.
Actually problem here is I am using 2 loops and all answers don't take this properly into account.
Since pre/post processors are applied only to samplers not to loops there is no way to reinitialize the variables before while loop. Thus if I add initialize statements in preprocessor, loop run infinitely and if in postprocessor, it never executes. Only way to initialize is adding BSF sampler before while loop but that will spoil the reports as this sampler will also be recorded by listeners.
So only solution I found is run Download - PersistentSyncScope Sampler once and add BSF preprocessor with following scripts
Now add while loop and add Download - PersistentSyncScope Sampler as its child.
That is the only solution till now. Thanks everyone to help me understand the problem.

Jmeter how to loop through a list of different properties in a single thread group or controller?

How to do a basic loop through different properties for a fixed set of controllers? Loop controller runs a set group a certain number of times, does not use properties though.
I can do modules, and set the values to properties for multi thread group usage, but how to pass the next iteration of the property, and run the loop again?
property x
do module (points to controllers)
next property
Say I have a list of 44 characters, and I want to loop through those characters in a ${name} while I'm doing a test. I'd very much not like to build 44 sets of controllers for one character change.
Please Note I cannot add extra files to my computer. It has to work via the stock available controllers. I'm using Jmeter 2.4 r961953
I will elaborate slightly more about the BeanShell method. My assumption is that you'd like to do it within one User Thread, if so my proposal would be:
Create a Loop Controller.
Logic Controller->Loop Controller
Inside Loop Controller add following entries:
Config Element -> Counter
Preprocessors -> BeanShell preprocessor
Sampler -> yourSampler
The Counter element will be used as an index that will be used to choose valid value from our array, hence we need to specify a Reference Name for the Counter - let's say that it will be loopCounter.
Now we have to switch to BeanShell preprocessor and define the array of values. A great thing is that we have vars variable available and it gives us CRUD access to variables used in the scenario:
String[] varArray = {"Value1", "Value2"};
idx = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("loopCounter"))-1;
vars.put("myVariable", varArray[idx]);
And for the final step, inside mySampler we can use a variable in a regular JMeter way : ${myVariable}
JMeter API can be very helpfull if you want a more sophisticated solution.
There are a handful of different ways to loop through different values without adding external files:
Use beanshell controller, and write javascript to set your variable
Use a counter to increment by one
Use User Parameters
You can set it up so each loop gets a different value.
Check out the various configuration controllers to find one that works best for you.
I meant user parameters, not user define variables.
User Parameter
You'd need one row per variable with 44 columns. Sorry for the confusion.
User Parameter Structure
test plan
- Thread Group looped 44 times
-- User parameter
-- Request
Beanshell Method
Alternately, you could do an array in javascript in connection with a counter. The Beanshell samplers have access to Jmeter variables and properties, allowing the beanshell sampler to read the counter value. This may be a faster, cleaner way then using User Parameters.
Beanshell structure
test plan
- Thread Group looped 44 times
-- Counter
-- Request
---- Beanshell pre-processor
Beanshell Pseudo code would be
def counter = value of Jmeter Counter
def array = array of values
declare the variable "sampler_value" to be used by sampler
def sampler_value = array # counter
Counter with CharAt function
If you only need to generate characters, you could use the javascript function to utilize the function charAt, using the value from the Counter. Basic structure would be:
test plan
- Thread Group looped 44 times
-- Counter
-- Request
with the request using something like ${__javaScript(charAt(${counter})) as the parameter value. You may have to use JEXL instead of javaScript or evalVar/V/eval inside the charAt function.
