Email sql query results of multiple email addresses daily - sql-server

I am fairly green at SQL and have reached a road block. I have a Job that already runs a query and sends an email to our purchasing department agents via the agent.
Here is my sample data they receive as a text attachment:
po_num vend_num qty_needed external_email_addr
318 1 200
318 1 910
703 2 250
993 3 3600
993 3 3600
676 4 1 NULL
884 5 10000
118 5 2500
My goal is to automatically send each vendor one email of the qty_needed using the email address in external_email_addr field. Also, if the email address is NULL it would send me an email that this needs to be fixed.
I am not sure how complicated or simple this is but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Since the po_num is unique you will generate several mails per email address per day based on the example data you provided.
I dont have access to SQL at the moment so the syntax might need some sprucing up.
SELECT po_num,
CASE WHEN external_email_addr ='' THEN COALESCE(external_email_addr,'') ELSE external_email_ddr END AS email_address
FROM table_name


SQL recursive get BOM from PSP

I am having a MS SQL Server (2016) and a database which contains i.a. table like this : (it´s a view created in an Autodesk PSP Database - please don´t ask why ... :-) )
The "children" can contain other "children" and in that case they would be their "parents".
So it´s a standard structured BOM table from a CAD PDM System.
If I do the following "Select Statement" I get all the children of the top level parent:
SELECT [CHILD_AIMKEY] , [POSITION], [QUANTITY] ,[PARENT_AIMKEY],[StatusOfParent],[StatusChild] FROM database_table where Parent_aimkey = '5664344'
(as shown in the table above)
My first question is : How to recursivly process all children of each parent from that table ? (Could be an other table or direct output)
The format should be: Parent_Aimkey, Child_Aimkey, Quantity
The second question is a bit more complicated:
I try it with some "pseudo code":
If Tree_Level_of_DIRECT_Parent < 3 then show CHILD_AIMKEY,QUANTITY in queryresult_above
If Tree_Level_of_DIRECT_Parent > 2 and StatusOf_DIRECT_Parent = 103 and StatusOf_DIRECT_Child = 103 then show CHILD_AIMKEY,QUANTITY in queryresult_above
Is that in some way possible ? (If there is a need to extend the database view of an other field or another table, that´s no problem)
I know this looks a bit confusing, but what I need is the Autodesk Inventor structured BOM in an SQL Statement or stored procedure.
Any would be really much appreciated

SQL query duplicates, self-join, and calculated field

I'm putting together a report to track latency in a SQL Availability Group. I need to find the difference between two times. I have server1, database1 and time1. I need to compare it to server2, database1, and time2. The data is stored in a table, and new data will be appended to the table. The query I'm trying to create will get these new entries (the field Hardened_time_MS_Diff will be NULL) and I need to get the difference between the times returned for the Primary and Secondary servers. Here's an example of the data:
Server_name Database_name Last_Hardened_Time
Server1 ABC 2015-10-08 10:10:05.180
Server2 ABC 2015-10-08 10:10:05.643
My query to get the Hardened_time_MS_Diff values looks like this:
Select a1.server_name, a1.database_name,
Case when a1.Last_Hardened_Time >= a2.Last_Hardened_Time
DATEDIFF (MS, a2.Last_Hardened_Time, a1.Last_Hardened_Time)
DATEDIFF (MS, a1.Last_Hardened_Time, a2.Last_Hardened_Time)
End as Hardened
FROM [database].[dbo].[ag_latency] a1
JOIN ag_latency a2
ON a1.database_name = a2.database_name
AND a1.server_name <> a2.server_name
where a1.Hardened_time_MS_Diff is NULL
Right now it's returning some crazy numbers, and duplicates. The first run it'll work fine. The second run my data will look correct only for the servers whose Last_Hardened_time hasn't changed. If it changed I'll get an absolutely huge number for the second batch like this:
Server_name Database_name Last_Hardened_Time Hardened_time_MS_Diff
Server1 ABC 2015-10-09 12:00:05.013 26
Server2 ABC 2015-10-09 12:00:05.040 26
Server1 ABC 2015-10-09 12:15:07.843 -902803
Server2 ABC 2015-10-09 12:15:07.877 -902863
How can I get this to do what I want it to do?
Also, the part to get the data is in Powershell, so if there's an easier way to manipulate the data table in PoSH and then push that data down let me know.
Thanks in advance!
Simply answer your question, your join clause won't work when you have multiple pair of timestamps - it will join not only the row1-row2 and row3-row4, but also join row1-row4 and row2-row3, which the later two doesn't make sense to your report.
One possible solution would be eliminate any time difference greater than a threshold (say 1000 MilliSec, according to your sample data). So your where clause would look like
where a1.Hardened_time_MS_Diff is NULL AND (DATEDIFF (MS, a2.Last_Hardened_Time, a1.Last_Hardened_Time) < 1000 AND DATEDIFF (MS, a2.Last_Hardened_Time, a1.Last_Hardened_Time) > -1000)
Another solution would be more robust, but requires you to change your table schema. You need to add a column to the table, indicate which 2 rows are paired. For example, assign 1 to first two rows and 2 to last two rows, and then join table a1 and a2 by this column.
Key Server_name Database_name Last_Hardened_Time Hardened_time_MS_Diff
1 Server1 ABC 2015-10-09 12:00:05.013 26
1 Server2 ABC 2015-10-09 12:00:05.040 26
2 Server1 ABC 2015-10-09 12:15:07.843 -902803
2 Server2 ABC 2015-10-09 12:15:07.877 -902863
For the powershell part, can you please elaborate what you need more specifically?

meaning of the values of sent_status on msdb.dbo.sysmail_mailitems

I am sending emails from SQL Server, and need to map the values of the sent_status column on the msdb.dbo.sysmail_mailitems table to something more descriptive.
So far I have identified two values:
1 = 'Sent'
2 = 'Failed'
Are there any more possible values, and if so what do they represent?
sent_status, --0 new, not sent, 1 sent, 2 failure or 3 retry.
On the MSDN page for the related msdb.dbo.sysmail_allitems table, the description for sent_status says:
The status of the mail. Possible values are:
sent - The mail was sent.
unsent - Database mail is still attempting to send the message.
retrying - Database Mail failed to send the message but is
attempting to send it again.
failed - Database mail was unable to send the message.
Connecting the two views together as follows:
SELECT DISTINCT mi.sent_status, ai.sent_status
msdb.dbo.sysmail_allitems ai
msdb.dbo.sysmail_mailitems mi ON
ai.mailitem_id = mi.mailitem_id
Will yield a relationship, which can be expressed with the following CASE statement:
CASE sent_status
WHEN 0 THEN 'Unsent'
WHEN 1 THEN 'Sent'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Failed'
WHEN 3 THEN 'Retrying'
END AS sent_status_desc
FROM msdb..sysmail_mailitems

why does "SELECT 1 from <table>" cause a LCK_M_IX on another process doing a DELETE

I have a table listing patient_clinic_visits. I have SQLSERVER 2005 backend. Access2010 frontend.
Each morning this table needed refreshing from a data dump from the hospital mainframe.
this data dump includes information on the day before (who attended, didn't, cancelled) and forward appointments for next 6 weeks.
I therefore do a "DELETE * from Patient_clinic_visits where Visit_Date > (a day) and < (a day + 1) to clean out the table for each day in turn before uploading the new data after some processing.
On most days there will be only about 100-150 records in each day. Their is one foreign key to Pat_ID in Master_Patient_Table which has NO_ACTION chain on it.
At the moment this Delete query is timing-out in the Access frontend after processing a couple of days of data (ie it works okay for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...)
I run sp_whoisactive and get:
00 01:53:01.926 52 [[query SELECT 1 FROM "dbo"."Patient_Clinic_Visits" ]] RAHCC_User (265ms)ASYNC_NETWORK_IO 0 0 0 NULL 51 0 0 2 suspended 0 NULL SAH0020663 RAHCC_DB Microsoft MDB RAHCC 2013-04-02 09:08:33.027 0 2013-04-02 11:01:35.033
00 00:00:27.610 53 [[query --
DELETE from Patient_Clinic_Visits WHERE clinic_date >= '26-Mar-2013' AND clinic_date < '27-Mar-2013' AND Clinic_location = 'MONC' ]] HAD\jhogan05 (27596ms)LCK_M_IX 16 0 0 52 1,074 0 0 130 suspended 2 NULL SAH0048645 RAHCC_DB Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express - Query 2013-04-02 11:01:07.343 0 2013-04-02 11:01:35.033
This indicates my client front end is waiting on a "SELECT 1 from Patient_Clinic_Vists" and this is blocking the procedure. Apparently this is due to an ASYNC_NETWORK_IO on the client (which can happen with Access front ends doing a table request and then not processing the data).
a) However a "SELECT 1 from Patient_Clinic_Visits" should really only return TRUE or FALSE ?? which is unlikely to fill up anything, and unclear why it would cause a block situation??
b) I can't find "SELECT 1..." in my Access frontend anywhere.. Is this perhaps part of a sequence of sub-selects made by SQLSERVER in response to a more complext select? If so how do I find the true select causing this situation in that process history?
a) The query "SELECT 1 from Patient_Clinic_Visits" will return either an empty result set (if the Patient_Clinic_Visits table is empty) or a result set with as many rows as the Patient_Clinic_Visits table, each row having a 1 in it. To do this, SQL Server will have to issue a query against the whole Patient_Clinic_Visits table, which (assuming default locking behavior) will cause shared (read) locks to be issues against the rows in that table.
b) (NOTE: the OP addressed this point in the comments) I might be missing something, but I don't see where you come up with the "SELECT 1 from Patient_Clinic_Vists" query based on sp_whosactive. The best way to understand the SQL being sent from your application to the database server might be to use SQL Profiler with an appropriate filter (perhaps filtering only for connections from the host running your application).

Send an email from SQL using the emails that result from a query

I have a table that contains the order status and email address , If I do a select * statement this is my output
Name. Email Adress Approval code Order states. Qty tickets.
Juan Rivera. Juan Null. 1 50
Maria Rosales Maria 5567657. 1. 25 Jose Almonte. Null. 1. 10
What I would like to do is run a stored procedure everynight and send an email to every user that has a null in the approval code, for example :
Dear : Jose ,
We noticed that your order does not contain an approval code , this order is scheduled to be canceled unless an approval code is entered in the next 72 hours.
Thanks you
Is this possible ?
Please refer SQL SERVER – 2008 – Configure Database Mail – Send Email From SQL Database
