AngularJs forEach logic, not so academic but working - angularjs

I've got this code working, but i don't think it is the right way to do. I think i need to use $q, but it is difficult to understand for me .
I receive correctly this nice array of json ( from my angularJs factory, from my php server-mysql backend . It is some rendez-vous with a start date:
[{"id":"1","title":"Loi Travail","infos":null,
"adresse":"12 avenue des lis 78013 paris",
The problem is that angular-material-datetimepicker doesn't recognise the start date, because it is a string, so i need to do a loop to add new Date(), for converting each of my "start" elements.
So, i've done this short code, that is working :
$ =;
value.start = new Date(value.start);
It is working, meaning that i can see all of the rendez vous appearing inside angular-material-datetimepicker, but i don't think it is the right way to do, because I'm changing several time the scope(2 way binding) each iterations of angular.forEach, i suppose it is very consuming.
I think i should do a foreach on for converting the dates, and after it is finished, i should set up $ only after that .
I don't know if you see what i mean, but it is difficult to work with $q, i would appreciate if somebody could explain me $q a little more because even with the examples given on stackoverflow, i t is really difficult to understand the syntax.
Question : Do you think it is better to add a second .then like this ?
$ =;
value.start = new Date(value.start);
In this last example, do you think the second.then really wait for $ to get populated ? I'm not sure ... It is working but it is the right way to do to avoid performances problems ?
Have a nice day

Nick - you are right, changing a $scope variable is costly and would generate unnecessary digest cycles. I would suggest you do this instead -
var tempData =; // A temp local variable
angular.forEach(tempData ,function(value,index){
value.start = new Date(value.start);
$ = tempData; // assign the final JSON to scope variable.
With regards to $q, its used mainly to combine two or more AJAX responses and then perform the operation. For example -
If there is an AJAX call to fetch User Details (based on ID) & another call to fetch User access rights (based on ID), then we may want to fire them together as both needs to be success for a user to login.
Incorrect flow -
Fetch User details.on success then(
//fetch user access right // on success of user details call fire user access rights.
Instead, you queue both the calls in an array and wait for both of them to pass or fail together.
$q = [call1, call2]
$q.then (
//on success, we know that user is correct and has right user access.


AngularFire - Get a firebaseObject for each item in a firebaseArray ng-repeat

I have an ng-repeat which is connected to a firebaseArray which is an index of a user's doc Ids.
I want to display a list of their docs with additional info for each one, e.g. it's title and description.
My firebase structure is:
- userId1
-docId1: true
-docId2: true
- tile
- description
- url
- etc etc
I've tried everything and still can't get this to work, it seems a pretty common use case. I've tried using a function that calls a firebaseObject each time. I've tried using a separate controller. I've tried a directive, I've even tried using firebase.utils library (I think out of date now).
Can anyone recommend the best way to do this using AngularFire? Thanks in advance!
It would be better to see a code snippet as to fully understand what you've tried first of all, as it's difficult to determine where the issues lie. That being said, as long as your rules are not preventing this, you may need to wait for the data to download using $loaded function beforehand.
This example is clearly available by following this link, yet here is an example for further clarity:
var yourFirebaseReference = firebase.database().ref("REPLACE WITH YOUR FIREBASE BRANCH HERE");
var data = $firebaseArray(yourFirebaseReference);
data.$loaded().then(function(x) {
console.log(data) // Example, you can do what you want with your 'data' now as the data has loaded
x === data; // true
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error:", error);

Why calling different subscription on the same collection cause error in meteor?

I working on this angular-meteor tutorial step 12
an I have a question in
Stopping a subscription Topic
you can use ctrl+f using "meteorSubscribe"
then the key sentence on that topic is
The reason is that we are calling a different subscription on the same collection inside the partyDetails controller.
the code before correction is
$ = $meteor.object(Parties, $stateParams.partyId).subscribe('parties');
$scope.users = $meteor.collection(Meteor.users, false).subscribe('users');
then after correction
$ = $meteor.object(Parties, $stateParams.partyId);
$scope.users = $meteor.collection(Meteor.users, false).subscribe('users');
I try to run before correction code and nothing(error) show in cmd but it just cause the wrong result as tutorial say
if you navigate to the party details page and then go back, pagination and search will stop working.
Then i got two question
Why no error show on cmd?
Why error from partyDetails controller affect to partiesList controller search and pagination? What is their relation?
EDIT: If you don't cancel a subscription, then if you navigate away and back again you will end up trying to subscribe twice to the same publication, resulting in the error, because subscriptions in meteor last until you end them.
There are two ways to get rid of a subscription with angular-meteor. One you can assign a handle variable to the subscription and then on navigating away from the page you can stop it. Two (the recommended way) is to use $scope.$meteorSubscribe instead of $meteor.subscribe() because it is set up to automatically remove the subscription when the scope is destroyed.
I can't see all of your code to know for sure why you are or are not getting the errors you think you should, hopefully this sheds some light on what is going on in the tutorial.
The very end result would be something like:
$meteor.autorun($scope, function() {
$meteor.subscribe('parties', {
limit: parseInt($scope.perPage),
skip: parseInt(($ - 1) * $scope.perPage),
sort: $scope.sort
}).then(function() {
$scope.partiesCount = $meteor.object(Counts, 'numberOfParties', false);
$scope.parties = $meteor.collcetion(function() {
return Parties.find({}, {
sort: $scope.getReactively('sort');
Notice that he's also changing the publish function on the server. It helps to understand if you click the links to show the git diffs.

Cannot access scope variable set using Mongoose query within controller

In my MEANJS app. I am setting the value of a scope variable to a query result, from my controller function
$scope.myVar = User.query();
console.dir($scope.myVar); //Returns all the documents from the DB correctly
console.log('User's name is : ' + $scope.myVar[0].name); //This comes as undefined
Somehow, in the very next line when I am trying to open the name field within the same controller function, it comes as undefined. Also, the entire result is being read absolutely correctly in my view file. So when I call
within my view file it outputs the name correctly. I cannot understand this behavior at all. This is my first time working with Angularjs, and I could have missed something basic, but I appreciate any help at this point.
Edit - Also the length of $scope.myVar is always 0 within the controller
Basically User.query() returns a promise object, so you need to update you $scope object inside promise success.
//you will get response here in data obj
$scope.myVar = res;
console.dir($scope.myVar);//Returns all the documents from the DB correctly
console.log('User's name is : ' + $scope.myVar[0].name); //This comes as undefined
EDIT: Found the answer. The callback functions in meanjs are in this format:
var myObj= User.query(function(response) {
console.log('Inside success response');
//Can access myObj values here easily
}, function(errResponse) {
console.log('Inside error response ' + errResponse);
I wasn't able to figure out how to access my $scope.myVar within the controller, but I completed a workaround by creating my own factory method to retrieve data the way I wanted it sorted. The problem of not being able to access these query results is really posing a problem in other parts as well. So if anyone has an answer, please do let me know.
For now posting the link I used to figure out how the MEAN.JS factory method needs to be plugged in. Hope this helps someone.!searchin/meanjs/query()/meanjs/4R7rIolH9bs/P1R4YlKgowUJ

How to use $resource in AngularJS properly for building a client app?

I've been following this tutorial I implemented a Grails backend with it instead of the Java one in the tutorial.
I've got the data coming back and forth, with one issue. If I create/update/delete a user, I don't see the changes reflected on my user list when I am redirected back. I have to refresh the page to see the updates.
Looking at the network traffic for an edit, it looks like it does a PUT and fires off the GET before the PUT is complete. Assuming this is because $resource returns a promise so things can be done asynchronously. So how do I handle this so that when $location redirects me, my list is up to date?
I'm guessing the options are to wait for the PUT to complete before redirecting/querying for the list, or to somehow manually manage the $scope.users to match the request?
Or maybe this tutorial is just a bad example? Maybe there is a better way to do it (still using $resource)?
Note: I've seen Restangular out there, and I've seen $http with success callbacks, but I would like to understand the situation above.
One way to overcome this issue would be to not redirect to the list page, till you get a callback, and then do a redirect. You can show some busy indicator till that time. The resource call looks like this.
resource.update(config,data,function() { //gets called on success},
function(error) { //gets called on failure});
In real life scenario waiting for the response of update makes sense as you want to handle the error and success scenarios on the same page.
I don't see your code anywhere so i'm just assuming (based on what you wrote and your current problem)
You are probably doing a full (or partial) get each time you changed a user and (re)binding the result to your scope. Doing this in the callback of the resource should actually start the digest cycle angular does to update modified objects. If you had been doing the fetching outside $resource - for example with custom/jquery ajax you would need to execute $scope.$apply()
What i really don't understand you would need to wait for the callback. You already know you added/modified a user. Instead of 'detaching' that user from your scope, modify it, post it to your rest server, then wait for callback, and reinserting it into the scope - why not modify it directly in the list/array you put on your scope?
var users = Users.get(function () {
$scope.users = users.record; // bind the resulting records to the scope
$scope.updateUser = function (user) {
resource.update(...); //pseudo
Then in your html, you will keep a reference to the currentUser and the div-list will update automaticly.
<div ng-repeat="user in users" ng-click="currentUser=user">{{user.Name}}</div>
<input ng-model="currentUser.Name">
<button ng-click="updateUser(currentUser);">Update</button>
If you don't want to see the update in the list while you type, but only once your callback fires or when you hit the button, would would instead use another ng-model for your input like this:
<input ng-model="tempUser.Name">
And you would then copy the value other in either the updateUser method or in the resource callback like this:
$scope.updateUser = function (user) {
user.Name = $scope.tempUser.Name; // should update automaticly
resource.update(...) // pseudo
Hope it helped!

How to clear a model when my AngularFire app loads initially?

I am new to AngularFire and am trying to understand a simple concept. If you go through the AngularFire tutorial located at the following url: there is a rudimentary example of using AngularFire to build a primitive "chat" application.
The tutorial is very clear and concise but I do not understand one primary point with it:
function MyCtrl($scope, angularFire){
$scope.messages = [];
var ref = new Firebase("https://<xxxxxx>");
angularFire(ref, $scope, 'messages');
$scope.messages = []; //shouldn't this clear the data locally and remotely?
The issue is that a model is first created, and then the binding magic with AngularFire is setup such that there is now a 3-way binding to the model. If there is an array of data already stored in Firebase, that data is fetched and synced and your model will now have this data locally.
What I simply do not understand is, when the controller code runs, suppose I set the model to an empty array AFTER the angularFire binding is wired up, why doesn't the Firebase data get cleared out? Never mind the fact, that refreshing the page would basically keep wiping out the data (the behavior I want).
Now, I can get this behavior to work, if I wire up an ng-click event to a button, that calls a method named clear defined on my $scope object. If within, that method, I simply call: $scope.messages = [];, then my model is cleared locally, and remotely.
But why doesn't this work on initialization?
Help is always appreciated.
I think I may have found an answer to my own problem. It looks like, you must wait until the promise returns to actually start modifying the model like so. Now whenever I refresh my page, when my .then() runs, it will clear out my data.
I suppose this is how it should be done. Can anyone confirm?
$scope.messages = [];
var ref = new Firebase("https://<xxxxxx>");
var prom = angularFire(ref, $scope, 'messages');
console.log("data loaded");
$scope.messages = [];
I'm guessing the remote data hasn't returned yet and is populated after your second call to $scope.messages =[]
Why not just explicitly remove your data from FB before binding it to a local list.
var ref = new Firebase("https://<xxxxxx>");
