Linking fftw-3.3.6-pl2 while compiling my file using gcc - c

I'm trying to run a simple code that includes the fftw library. I know the code is right as it is provided as a test code by the authors. This is what I typed during compilation:
gcc my file.c -L/home/ankit/Desktop/fftw-3.3.6-pl2/lib/
-I/home/ankit/Desktop/fftw-3.3.6-pl2/include/ -lfftw -lm
I get the errors:
myfile.c: (.Text+0x2c):. undefined reference to 'fftw_plan_dft_2d'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

It wasn't a linking problem, installation was faulty and I had to use 'sudo make install' to get the permission for the installation to be successful. I could link it with 'gcc test.c -lfftw3 -lm' after. Thanks for your suggestions!


(Windows) GCC linker cannot find -lcheck and -lsubunit (But all headers are fine)

I am trying to compile C code that uses check.h with this command on Windows 11:
gcc new_test.c s21_decimal.a -lcheck -lm -lpthread -lsubunit -o new_test
But then i get this error:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-msys/11.3.0/../../../../x86_64-pc-msys/bin/ld: cannot find -lcheck: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-msys/11.3.0/../../../../x86_64-pc-msys/bin/ld: cannot find -lsubunit: No such file or directory
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
So, GCC cannot find check and subunit, but it sure finds check.h header and all the other headers.
What is the most common way to fix this?
Can I download check and subunit (are those .lib?) manually and give these to GCC? If I can - how do I do this?
GCC version: gcc (GCC) 11.3.0

DSO missing from command line although it is available

I am working with c++ code for a physics simulation, which uses a lot of external libraries (like GSL and cern`s ROOT). Trying to recompile project I encountered problems with linking. When running compilation of final file via:
g++ -fno-inline -O2 -fpic -o main.out ${ROOTINCS} main.o ext.o ${ROOTLIBS} $(objects2)
with :
objects2= many .o files made by us
ROOTLIBS=-L/usr/local/lib/root -lTree -lRIO -lNet -lHist -lMathCore -lCore -lGraf -lGraf3d -lGpad -lMatrix -lThread -lCint -lPhysics -lPostscript -lRint -lSpectrum -lg
ROOTINCS=-pthread -m64
I get annoying error:
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/root/ undefined reference to symbol 'gRandom'
/usr/local/lib/root/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
The problem is nm -C run on libMathCore states 'gRandom' is declared there. Also -lMathCore is present in my command line.
When I run ld to check if it understands the flag:
ld -L/usr/local/lib/root -lMathCore --verbose 2>/dev/null
it does not complain and tries to link properly.
According to order of libraries is correct in my linking (libHist uses libMathCOre and therefore is stated first).
Compilation runs under g++ 4.8.2 on ubuntu 14.04, 64 bit
Converting comment to answer:
Have you tried moving $(objects2) before ${ROOTLIBS}? I think the issue may be that you have libraries specified before the object files that use them.

Error occurs when compiling with GCC

I am attempting to compile a C program with multiple files on window platform. However, when I make it, errors are occurred. I have already tried to modify command in makefile but still could not fix it.
This is my GCC command:
gcc -o "SYSMONTR" $(OBJPATH)/chkdsksp ../chkdsksp.c -g -I"$(DB2PATH)/include" -I"$(MYLIBDIR)" $(MYIQDIR)/iqclilib.a $(OBJPATH)/icrou.a -lc -ldb2 -lnsl -L"$(DB2PATH)/lib"
This is result:
gcc -o "SYSMONTR" ../../iLINKOBJ/chkdsksp ../chkdsksp.c -g -I"C:/Program Files/IBM/SQLLIB/include" -I"../../iLINKCLIB" ../../iLINKIQOBJ/iqclilib.a ../../iLINKOBJ/icrou.a -lc -ldb2 -lnsl -L"C:/Program Files/IBM/SQLLIB/lib"
../../iLINKOBJ/chkdsksp: file not recognized: File format not recognized
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
makefile:49: recipe for target `SYSMONTR' failed
make: *** [SYSMONTR] Error 1
What could cause such error and what should I do with it? Using cygwin on Window (IDE: Eclipse).
Any supports will be appreciated.
If chkdsksp is an object file built by another team to run on AIX, you cannot expect it to function -- or even be recognized by your compiler -- on Cygwin. You must contact that team and get a) the source code or b) a version of the object file compiled for your platform (and tested).

undefined reference error CUDA, GPUJPEG Library

I have successfully installed this library. My code compiles without issue but I'm getting this error, which I believe is during linking:
suvamsh#vai:~/gpujpeg-lib/src$ nvcc
/tmp/tmpxft_00002869_00000000-13_test.o: In function 'encoder()':
tmpxft_00002869_00000000-1_test.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x23d): undefined reference to `gpujpeg_set_default_parameters(gpujpeg_parameters*)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I have even set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to location of the library .so file.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
As indicated by #talonmies,
You will have to explicitly specify the library to the compiler and supply the path where you installed it, if it is in a "non-standard" place.
Try the following command
$ nvcc -o test -L"path/to/GPUJPEGLibrary" -l"name_of_GPUJPEGLibrary"
Note that if the name of the .so file is, the "name_of_GPUJPEGLibrary" should be "xyz".
For example, if your .so file is /usr/local/lib/, the cmdline should be
$ nvcc -o test -L"/usr/local/lib" -l"gpujpeg"

program links properly on school machine, but not on personal one: undefined reference to log

I can ssh to my schools Ubuntu 11.04 server where I have to submit my code and this links fine:
ME#SCHOOL:~/309/project2$ make
gcc -lm treesort.c -o treesort
My local machine is running Ubuntu 12.04 and here is the compiler output for the same code, but using the NetBeans makefile:
gcc -lm -o dist/Release/GNU-Linux-x86/treesort build/Release/GNU-Linux-x86/sortFns.o build/Release/GNU-Linux-x86/treesort.o
build/Release/GNU-Linux-x86/treesort.o: In function `processargs':
treesort.c:(.text+0x144): undefined reference to `log'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Using the command line on my local machine with the same code and makefile from the first example:
ME#MYCOMPUTER:~/Documents/CSCI/309/project2$ make
gcc -lm treesort.c -o treesort
/tmp/ccY5GqF1.o: In function `processargs':
treesort.c:(.text+0x2b5): undefined reference to `log'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Error 1
This is really quite irritating, and I can't figure out why it works on the server and not on my local machine. I found this question, but it didn't help.
Put -lm at the end of the link line. The order of sources,objects and (archive) libraries on the link line matters, and yours is wrong.
If putting -lm at the end of the link line doesn't help, you have some bogus library called libm.{a,so} somewhere on your system, and you should figure out where it came from, and get rid of it.
You cam find out which libm your linker is finding with gcc -Wl,-t ...
